View Full Version : Crooked biker cop in Wellington - lane splitting

30th October 2014, 07:53
I haven't been on here in years. However this has really grinded my gears.

I ride every day from Newlands to Wellington CBD.

Yesterday I got done lane splitting on the section between where SH2 joins SH1 and Thorndon. The cop was very angry and insisted any form of lane splitting was completely illegal unless the traffic was stationary. In the end I think he would have let me off if I had been going slower. He obviously didn't get a speed lock. He ticketed me for 'passing on the left' $150, no demerits. I wasn't indicating as I think that just confuses people.

Today he moved from his location between the joins of SH2 and SH1 onto the corner where SH2 passes over SH1. Obviously moved closer to my house to try get me again, even though the traffic is barely moving at this point so I would assume according to him it is near enough to stationary and therefore legit. I was tailing two others between the cars at a sensible speed when I saw him and pulled into the left lane (so I couldn't be done for passing on the left) and the other two pulled into the right lane. I expected him to have seen me pull in and pull me over but he didn't, I thought he was being reasonable. Then the guy at the front pulled out of the right lane and began to split again (this is at like 20kph traffic) and the cop put his lights on and went after him immediately.

Guess what bike he was riding? One that was almost identical to mine so much that I bet the cop thought it was me.

This is criminal. What is the bet he will be there tomorrow? I have been riding this route 9 months and never seen him before, but now he will surprise me on a regular basis. I feel like I should sell the bike and resort to a scooter ride along the Kaiwharawhara road. Depressing. There is nothing unsafe about lane splitting at slow speeds.

What can we do about this? Anyone else seen this?

If I lane split with an indicator on could I get out of the whole passing on the left thing?

Oh yeah - in Auckland I came up behind motorbike cops lane splitting on the motorway who waved me on through!

30th October 2014, 07:59
This is criminal.


30th October 2014, 08:24

James Deuce
30th October 2014, 08:30
I'll let my mate with the black VTR know that he's not being watched any more.

30th October 2014, 08:51
I haven't been on here in years. However this has really grinded my gears.

I ride every day from Newlands to Wellington CBD.

Yesterday I got done lane splitting on the section between where SH2 joins SH1 and Thorndon. I was 'probably' exceeding the posted speed limit anyway so fair enough. The cop was very angry and insisted any form of lane splitting was completely illegal unless the traffic was stationary. In the end I think he would have let me off if I had been going slower. He obviously didn't get a speed lock. He ticketed me for 'passing on the left' $150, no demerits. I wasn't indicating as I think that just confuses people.

Today he moved from his location between the joins of SH2 and SH1 onto the corner where SH2 passes over SH1. Obviously moved closer to my house to try get me again, even though the traffic is barely moving at this point so I would assume according to him it is near enough to stationary and therefore legit. I was tailing two others between the cars at a sensible speed when I saw him and pulled into the left lane (so I couldn't be done for passing on the left) and the other two pulled into the right lane. I expected him to have seen me pull in and pull me over but he didn't, I thought he was being reasonable. Then the guy at the front pulled out of the right lane and began to split again (this is at like 20kph traffic) and the cop put his lights on and went after him immediately.

Guess what bike he was riding? A big red v-twin, which the cop I am sure would have thought was me even though I ride a VTR1000 and this guy was on a Duke.

This is criminal. What is the bet he will be there tomorrow? I have been riding this route 9 months and never seen him before, but now he will surprise me on a regular basis. I feel like I should sell the bike and resort to a scooter ride along the Kaiwharawhara road. Depressing. There is nothing unsafe about lane splitting at slow speeds.

What can we do about this? Anyone else seen this?

If I lane split with an indicator on could I get out of the whole passing on the left thing?

Oh yeah - in Auckland I came up behind motorbike cops lane splitting on the motorway who waved me on through!

So yeah can you keep up the good work of keeping him away from me. Thank you, that is all :)

30th October 2014, 08:52
This guy has been making a name for himself for a wee while now. All reports suggest he has a hard on for ticketing bikes. The law on this point seems to be a crock of shit, in so far as we as road users are at the mercy of the whims of such officers. :mad: It isn't to hard to find another traffic cop who does not see sensible filtering as a problem or a priority. :brick:
If the filtering issue does not present an opportunity for the various motorcycling organisations to lobby for a fix, I do not know what does. :wacko:

30th October 2014, 09:00
The law-

Passing on the left You can only pass on the left when:

there are two or more lanes on your side of the centre line and you are able to pass safely by using the left-hand lane
you are directed to by a police officer
the vehicle you are passing:

has stopped, or
is signalling a right turn, or
is turning right.

At all other times, when you are passing, you must pass on the right.

"Filtering" through slow or stationary traffic is legal (moving up to the lights while all others are stopped)
"Lane splitting" through moving traffic however is a grey area in NZ transport law...you can argue it in court, say that you are legally passing the vehicle in the left lane legally, AND you are passing the vehicle in the right lane legally as there are two lanes on your side of the centre line...but the odds are against you as most see "lane splitting" as dangerous

End of the day tho...lane splitting is simply not advised by the police and they DO take action (As you have found out)...only got two options

1- Change your habits and stop lane splitting, and just rely on legal filtering at the lights to make up time

2- Strap on a HD camera (to keep BOTH parties honest and civil), print out the road code, and go have a talk with the guy about the law and his view point....you may just both agree to disagree, or you may see his point of view or vice-versa...if he gets shirty, just calmly remind him that he's dealing with a minor traffic offence!, not a murder!, and your just seeking clarification of the law as you intend to challenge the ticket

...just cos he's a cop dosn't mean you can't talk to the guy about the issue....after all, the guy rides bikes just like the rest of us*:D

note* if he proves to be a "fake"...cock punch him!...IMMEDIATELY!!! :laugh:

James Deuce
30th October 2014, 09:08
Willy, you can't talk to this guy. The fact that he rides a bike is irrelevant, it's just a work tool to him. As far as he is concerned, bikes should be banned.

30th October 2014, 09:11
Probably the same guy referred to in post 13 of this thread


30th October 2014, 09:30
Yep. That will be the guy absolutely.

The guy who got done this morning (who the cop hoped was me again) was not doing anything unsafe. The traffic was barely moving.
He must be on a spree as I have been commuting this route for 9 months and never seen him before.

Not worth expressing my opinion any more as clearly a lot of people down in Wellington agree with this same problem. I expect anyone who disagrees does not commute daily in Wellington. Motorbike cops in Auckland are clearly a different breed. Police in cars have also never cared.

I guess the other option is to start work at either 8 or 9 instead of 830 and hopefully miss him? What time do people usually see him? The last two days it has been 815-820.

30th October 2014, 09:32
This arsehole needs something productive to do, maybe sought out the traffic chaos from motorcyclists now traveling by car breaking down in close proximity to his whereabouts and blocking the motorway( placing your helmet on the passenger seat may give him a clue to yournormal mode of transport)<_<

30th October 2014, 10:25
Yep. That will be the guy absolutely. The ticket yesterday I deserved, I admit that.

But the guy who got done this morning (who the cop hoped was me again) was not doing anything unsafe. The traffic was barely moving.
He must be on a spree as I have been commuting this route for 9 months and never seen him before.

Knowing that is his usual spot I will merge in down the gorge... typical he sits at the most clogged part of the ride...

Not worth expressing my opinion any more as clearly a lot of people down in Wellington agree with this same problem. I expect anyone who disagrees does not commute daily in Wellington. Motorbike cops in Auckland are clearly a different breed. Police in cars have also never cared.

I guess the other option is to start work at either 8 or 9 instead of 830 and hopefully miss him? What time do people usually see him? The last two days it has been 815-820.

how cute, you think you have your own Cop eh!

30th October 2014, 10:49
how cute, you think you have your own Cop eh!

On topic comment. Bad Cop.

30th October 2014, 10:55
how cute, you think you have your own Cop eh!

I'd believe it. I had some cop in a Holden wagon set himself up to ping me a bunch of times when I was heading North out of Wellington 3 weeks ago. Never seen anything like it.

I wanted to pull up and hand him a my 'autograph' but chickened out incase he pinged me for something random.

30th October 2014, 10:57
haha you can't blame me when I haven't seen this guy in the 9 months I have ridden this route at the same time, I get a ticket and he moves closer to my address at the same time on the next day after we have a reasonably heated discussion on lane splitting/filtering?
But it clearly is not an isolated incident...
Obviously great for the quota though.
If he has only started this recently I expect some cagers have complained to the cops about how they are stuck in traffic and we can pass through. The govt should be motivating people to get out of their cars, not back into them.

30th October 2014, 11:17
Obviously great for the quota though.

Ahhh...they don't have quotas.....apparently :shutup::tugger:

30th October 2014, 11:35
Willy, you can't talk to this guy. The fact that he rides a bike is irrelevant, it's just a work tool to him. As far as he is concerned, bikes should be banned.

Oh..one of "those":blink:...Cock Punching it is then :yes:

...instructions for you non-honda riders.



seriously tho...if the guy is that much of a fucking dickhead and abusing his position within the force...and there enough of you facing this issue....then you should ALL use the police complaints process:niceone:

If enough of you keep laying complaints...you can make his OWN actions work against him ;)

Ride Safe KBers :love:

ps...COCK PUNCH!...its a "honda thing" :killingme

30th October 2014, 12:19
I bet he wouldn't care if a bunch of lycra clad cyclists lane splitted 4 abreast...

30th October 2014, 12:25
I get a ticket and he moves closer to my address at the same time on the next day after we have a reasonably heated discussion on lane splitting/filtering?

He's probably sitting at the end of your driveway as I type this. Evil cunt.

30th October 2014, 12:29
Properly closing the fuel tank after filling will decrease the fumes, and hopefully decrease the paranoia.

James Deuce
30th October 2014, 12:55
Properly closing the fuel tank after filling will decrease the fumes, and hopefully decrease the paranoia.

This guy actually does single out individuals. He's faintly psychotic and literally foams at the mouth when he delivers his "safety lecture". He's been around for a number of years and never stopped me on the Zed, but used to stop me once a week on the Katana to the point where i decided to cash up my "investment".

30th October 2014, 13:15
So, did i read correctly that contesting a ticket doesn't cost anything extra apart from time to attend the court appearance? If so, contest, and as i understand it he is obliged to turn up to the hearing. Everyone he tickets does that and he's off the road?

Apparantly the police force are stretched thin at the moment. IMO that's because half of the traffic cops are a waste of time and they should be doing more useful police work instead.

I did read something a while back saying EVERY ticket should be contested, clog up the courts, get the cops in the courts wasting their time and they'll soon learn. Sounded reasonable to me. Traffic cops should be targetting the real bad drivers not your average joe just getting from A-B without commiting major driving offences.


30th October 2014, 13:18
Motorbike cops in Auckland are clearly a different breed. Police in cars have also never cared.

I totally agree with you mate and feel for you having to deal with such a raging arsehole! The cops up here (in Auckland) really are, on the whole, pretty cool.

I got pulled over for speeding a few weeks back by a cop with a speed gun, so behaved like a good citizen and pulled over (hindsight is a wonderful thing and I definitely shouldn't have, but ah well). We were halfway through proceedings, him issuing me a ticket and so on, when a biker cop pulled up and started asking me all sorts of questions about my "awesome bike" and how I enjoy it etc, then tells me his cop bike is brand new and he just picked it up this week. Such a lovely guy, he ended up sitting on my bike to see how the riding position is etc, then offered me a sit on his bike - only to be told off by the cop issuing the ticket :nono::nono:for being 'too nice because she's been naughty' haha!

What a cool dude - though it might cheer you up to know this douchebag isn't a majority :banana: hope your plan of merging later on works!

30th October 2014, 13:20
When I lived in Maungaraki and worked in the Welly CBD it was 20 minutes by motorbike and an hour by car. Service lane on the motorway and splitting the rest.

James Deuce
30th October 2014, 13:21
When I lived in Maungaraki and worked in the Welly CBD it was 20 minutes by motorbike and an hour by car. Service lane on the motorway and splitting the rest.
Same. But had to stop using the service lane. They (he) got really nasty about that.

30th October 2014, 13:28
Only way to keep this prick off the road is to keep him in court especially if there is some grey area in the law.
Call in sick on court day, fuck him up like he likes to fuck you up !!

Here http://news.epicinter.net/how-and-why-you-should-fight-all-traffic-fines-by-an-ex-police-sergeant/

Little man with lots of power syndrome from the constant consistent reports I'm reading.

We had one on SH16 called the Ginga never been pulled up by him but I saw him do the most dangerous passing move, on a blind corner, in a mufti car I have ever witnessed.

30th October 2014, 14:30
Yeah I would love to contest it but interesting there are no reports of people successfully doing so.

However, his actions this morning which resulted in another guy getting a fine, and from the stories I hear on this thread and that other one, he really has it in even for people doing it sensibly (yes and I still do bet he thought it was me he pulled over today).

Lessons can be learnt but we don't buy motorbikes to sit in traffic. I am one of the few that ride regardless of the weather or season down here and don't want to have to change transport mode (or sit in traffic).

I will also note every day I see him there. Its Friday tomorrow so might have to resort to a method of transport that allows alcohol consumption but wouldn't surprise me if he is there again tomorrow.

30th October 2014, 14:45
Yeah I would love to contest it. But seeing as I was probably speeding in my case I was therefore probably in the wrong so would not contest.

However, his actions this morning which resulted in another guy getting a fine, and from the stories I hear on this thread and that other one, he really has it in even for people doing it sensibly (yes and I still do bet he thought it was me he pulled over today).

Yes I was in the wrong yesterday arguably but he shouldn't then be taking it out on other people for some people who should be pulled over.

Lessons can be learnt but we don't buy motorbikes to sit in traffic. I am one of the few that ride regardless of the weather or season down here and don't want to have to change transport mode (or sit in traffic).

If I get done again I will contest it assuming I was not potentially speeding at the time - which will be the case from now on.

I will also note every day I see him there. Its Friday tomorrow so might have to resort to a method of transport that allows alcohol consumption but wouldn't surprise me if he is there again tomorrow.

The whole point of the article is to contest everything right or wrong. I don't think you got it?
Secondly he's NOT after you hes after every bloody ticket he can write. I don't think you got the sarcasm in some of the posts.
Did he charge you with speeding or careless use?? If he didn't speed doesn't matter squat in court.
Quote: "wrong yesterday arguably" your words arguably?? fight it often if it means court time they'll let you off. If more did it his Sargent would be vetting the cases more and only going for the big ticket offences. And telling him to get his arse out on the highway as the lane splitting tickets are taking up to much time in court for the end result.

I'd lay money the prick is banking on people just rolling over!

Write in even if it means you keep your money in your pocket for a few weeks. It has to go to central processing, then his desk, then letter to you, just for writing in one letter. Then there's court :)

Fight it just to piss him off

My 2c

30th October 2014, 14:46
Knowing that is his usual spot I will merge in down the gorge... typical he sits at the most clogged part of the ride...

lol that will fool him........ wonder what the chances are of him not reading this

and admitting you were speeding on a public forum :no:

30th October 2014, 14:58
Well first of all, stop admitting to anything you didn't do, or have been accused of (shouldn't admit regardless, but anyway).

As said, if you don't agree with it, contest it. If everyone thinks his tickets are bullshit and contests, and they all start winning, his bosses will notice. He'll also be spending all his time at court, 1, not out writing more bullshit tickets, 2, he has to attend, even if he was rostered for a day off. Defending a ticket costs the police as well, so if he's writing rubbish and it's getting thrown out and it keeps happening, it's definitely going to get him pulled up.

If you're collecting bullshit tickets and winning them, that's when you contact the IPCA, lay a complaint, all the evidence of tickets being thrown out, mention he's clearly harassing you etc.

However, on your side, make sure you're obeying the law. If you are in the right lane and passing on the left of the car, yes, you're breaking the law and $150 stands. However, if you're in the middle/left lane, and passing a car on the right hand side, then this is legal. Ignore the road code, it's not law, but look up legislation.govt.nz, I forget which statute, might be Road User rules 2004 or something. You can word search for what you want. Know the law, comply with the law and he doesn't have a leg to stand on. You can also write in re the ticket, rather than sending them all to court.

Technically actually, they'd need proof you were overtaking on left of car, not just his word for it (if your word is you were in the left lane and he's saying right lane). So unless he's videoing, it's not going to have much to stand on. If he insists that you're wrong regardless of lane, then he's wrong under law... easy win...

James Deuce
30th October 2014, 15:38
The whole point of the article is to contest everything right or wrong. I don't think you got it?
Secondly he's NOT after you hes after every bloody ticket he can write. I don't think you got the sarcasm in some of the posts.
Did he charge you with speeding or careless use?? If he didn't speed doesn't matter squat in court.
Quote: "wrong yesterday arguably" your words arguably?? fight it often if it means court time they'll let you off. If more did it his Sargent would be vetting the cases more and only going for the big ticket offences. And telling him to get his arse out on the highway as the lane splitting tickets are taking up to much time in court for the end result.

I'd lay money the prick is banking on people just rolling over!

Write in even if it means you keep your money in your pocket for a few weeks. It has to go to central processing, then his desk, then letter to you, just for writing in one letter. Then there's court :)

Fight it just to piss him off

My 2c

Actually this guy is after him. No sarcasm. When he was stopping me on the Katana he promised he would ticket me for something, some day, he knew where I lived and when I went to and from work.He never did, but it got to the point where I may as well have been using the car, which was actually the point, I believe. For some reason the Zed was invisible to him. He does pick on particular people that he thinks need a safety lecture and a fine and some points. My mate with the black VTR for instance has had this dick periodically stopping and abusing him on a regualr basis for some of time. Usually for a couple of weeks of concerted effort every three months or so.

30th October 2014, 16:31
It would be interesting to know the license status of the complainants here. I find it hard to believe a cop would be like this in the day and age of people recording everything.
Sounds like a case of smart alec remarks being made and the cop having all the best comebacks till it escalates to see you tomorrow...

30th October 2014, 16:36
is it a bike cop?

James Deuce
30th October 2014, 16:36
It would be interesting to know the license status of the complainants here. I find it hard to believe a cop would be like this in the day and age of people recording everything.
Sounds like a case of smart alec remarks being made and the cop having all the best comebacks till it escalates to see you tomorrow...

Yes, of course. The cop can't possibly be a dick. I've had one ticket, in a car, in 32 years of license holding, and that was for failing to give way to a cop that wasn't indicating on a roundabout who swung across my bows at the last second. I challenged it and won.

I'm always polite. I always park, take my helmet off and put it on the ground and take my gloves off and put them on the seat and get my wallet out and have my license ready while the cop does his rego checks. This guy really is nasty. The more polite you are the more he goads. He picks on particular models and makes of bikes and has a proper hard-on for V-twins.

James Deuce
30th October 2014, 16:37
is it a bike cop?

Yes. Yes it is.

30th October 2014, 16:39
Yes. Yes it is.

Race him then.

James Deuce
30th October 2014, 16:40
Race him then.

They won't let me drive the train anymore.

30th October 2014, 17:51
It happened to me today.
I came down the gorge reducing to 50 for the road works. When I reached the 100 zone I gunned it to 103 quick shifting into 2nd gear.

I had attracted the attention of the Gorge Bully and I could see him cut the distance from 400meteres to 100 dodging in behind cars to try avoid me seeing him.
I kept my cool and my nerve ready to boost up 300 clicks if I needed to.
He turned off at the first off-ramp and I felt truly free again.

That was close. True Story. Ok maybe not the 300 clicks bit. That was dramatization for effect.

30th October 2014, 17:55
does this guy just terrorise the gorge Mon - Fri or does he do weekends too?

30th October 2014, 18:28
lol that will fool him........ wonder what the chances are of him not reading this

and admitting you were speeding on a public forum :no:
Where did the OP admit to speeding?

30th October 2014, 21:59
Sadly I don't think there is anything we can do about this prick but keep our eyes open. I used the car today for a change and sure enough on the flyover he had two black bikes pulled over busy writing tickets. There but for the grace of God go I.

Surely his bosses will eventually wonder why 90% of his ticket writing is to bikes lane splitting at the expense of all other infringements. That can't be a valid way to spend most of his energies? I'm hoping questions will eventually be raised within the establishment as to why he is the sole Cop on this unusual crusade against what most cops see as a minor matter, more of a cheeky way to pass slow congested traffic than the crime of the century.

30th October 2014, 22:22
Where did the OP admit to speeding?

Earlier, prior to editing posts.

30th October 2014, 22:29
Earlier, prior to editing posts.

Shirley not!

30th October 2014, 22:49
Where did the OP admit to speeding?
The quote function is a wonderful thing.

Yesterday I got done lane splitting on the section between where SH2 joins SH1 and Thorndon. I was doing just over 140 anyway so fair enough. The cop was very angry and insisted any form of lane splitting was completely illegal unless the traffic was stationary. In the end I think he would have let me off if I had been going slower. He obviously didn't get a speed lock.

And I was on the back wheel while texting mofo.

The Baron
31st October 2014, 06:23
OK. We need someone to take one for the team.

A Go Pro on the back of the bike.

Lets see this guy in action.

31st October 2014, 06:24
There must be about several hundred bikes that would pass that location during the morning rushhour. Given it takes about 15-20 mins these days to issue a ticket that means at most he could persecute 2-3 people an hour by the time he returns to his perch. Even when the Waikato highway patrol bragged about ticketing x amount of bad motorists in a one month campaign it only worked out to about 2 tickets per hour.

31st October 2014, 07:15
Interesting point is that when a motorcycle does it that's classed as lane splitting and apparently illegal but when push bikes do it (which they do all the time) it is completely overlooked and nothing done about it. Discrimination???

31st October 2014, 08:22
Sadly I don't think there is anything we can do about this prick but keep our eyes open.

Formal complaints. Few of those may bring some attention to him. Might as well make the most of them.

31st October 2014, 08:46
Formal complaints. Few of those so bring some attention to him. Might as well make the most of them.

Yeah but there's no point making a complaint if we are technically in the wrong. He will always win the argument that we are passing on the left and/or lane splitting and in his opinion he could say it looked dangerous or likely to annoy the public. I know of a rider given a ticket for 'riding in a manner likely to annoy other road users' Actually the cop in that case was being super kind going for this lesser offence and the rider welcomed the amusing charge (instant fine no demerits).

Back on subject, this prick has the law on his side, end of story. Sure we know in tens of thousands of trips by bikes every year over decades into Wgtn no rider that I am aware of has come to serious harm while splitting. Exclude cyclist where two have died that I know of in this wgtn vicinity. We know most drivers don't mind us doing it and appreciate that we are reducing congestion by not opting for our cars. We know there are more serious matters he could be focusing on (cell phones, failing to indicate etc). We know that we are only endangering ourselves. None of this matters jack shit when he can state that we have made a road code infringement, however minor and unwarranted we may feel it is.

I don't know what I will say to him when we eventually meet, it's inevitable my turn will come as I can't see me sitting on my bike in a queue day after day. Worse case is he will drive me to take the car, slightly more time and petrol cost for me. Not so bad for me as I have a company car park provided anyway.

For now splitting the gorge is off the menu unless I have clear visibility way ahead. Irony thing there is I am now focussed on trying to spot Prick Dick, instead of my immediate surroundings where I should be focussing for safety. Prick Dick is actually increasing our chances of coming to grief.

31st October 2014, 08:59
Yeah but there's no point making a complaint if we are technically in the wrong. He will always win the argument that we are passing on the left and/or lane splitting and in his opinion he could say it looked dangerous or likely to annoy the public. I know of a rider given a ticket for 'riding in a manner likely to annoy other road users' Actually the cop in that case was being super kind going for this lesser offence and the rider welcomed the amusing charge (instant fine no demerits).

You're complaining about his performance/stalker tactics etc. Ticket is irrelevant. If he is truly being an absolute cunt, point it out to his superiors and he might get moved onto something that involves less public interaction. Wishful thinking, I know, but it has the potential for more action than just talking about him.

Interesting point on the cyclists lane splitting too above. I have never thought of that.

31st October 2014, 09:01
So, did i read correctly that contesting a ticket doesn't cost anything extra apart from time to attend the court appearance? If so, contest, and as i understand it he is obliged to turn up to the hearing. Everyone he tickets does that and he's off the road?

To clarify. You can either:
- Write to the cops disputing the ticket. You do not necessarily have to admit or deny liability for the offence. (This is option '4(a)' on your ticket). This is free and without any drawbacks, really. You'll get a reply in the mail. You can often write back to their reply a couple times, eventually they may simply state the decision that the ticket will stand is final, if you want to dispute further go to court.
- Request a court hearing. (option 4(b) on your ticket). This is the actual 'day in court' with the ossifer concerned. If you lose you'll be charged court costs ($$$).

Can't hurt writing to them, but don't beat around the bush, write in sooner rather than later.

31st October 2014, 09:06
Hire the A-Team.

31st October 2014, 10:12
Back on subject, this prick has the law on his side, end of story.


...could someone please!, show me said LAW that "CLEARLY" states that lane splitting, and filitering at low speeds is illegal and a chargable traffic offense! (Its a pritty grey area that is open to "interpritation"...so its not a law that is set in stone and can be defended)

...Cos it sounds like the cop is just a power tripping ARSEHOLE!...thats end of story!


31st October 2014, 11:19
You're complaining about his performance/stalker tactics etc. Ticket is irrelevant. If he is truly being an absolute cunt, point it out to his superiors and he might get moved onto something that involves less public interaction. Wishful thinking, I know, but it has the potential for more action than just talking about him.

Interesting point on the cyclists lane splitting too above. I have never thought of that.

Quite right there are two issues at play here.
1. He is issuing tickets that are unjustified (arguably)
and more importantly,
2. He is being a mean arsed prick stalking and repeatedly targetting the same people just for the buzz he gets from the power trip
I do not believe he is doing this to 'keep us all safe'. His intentions are anything but fair and righteous and that's what's most frustrating. As Spiderman's Uncle Ben said, with great power comes great responsibility. Clearly he was worried Peter Parker could turn into someone like this wanker Prick Dick with a badge. Discretion, common sense and fairness were clearly leatures he was absent from at Police College.

31st October 2014, 11:25
If he is truly being an absolute cunt, point it out to his superiors and he might get moved on...

...we have ended up with one of them in our area...thanks everybody who brought it to the attention of TPTB...

31st October 2014, 11:29
Please tell me if "passing on the left" is illegal in New Zealand, the world's elephant-racing Mecca. A place where motorists religiously hog the right-hand lane, particularly those Silverstream residents who think that being in that lane all the way from Petone is their legal right. A place where right-hand lane occupants believe that 100kmh is the legal limit and that being out there allows them to safely overtake those doing 98kmh in the left-hand lane.

Is overtaking Right-Hand Lane Meanderers(TM) by way of a lesser-populated and faster-moving left-hand lane illegal here? "Undertaking", as it is known in some other jurisdictions, is illegal there. Is that the case here and, if so, why isn't this law universally enforced?

31st October 2014, 11:50
My guess is he is aware of this thread and having a sneaky tug over it daily.:tugger: He will be loving he is pissing people off.

If you guys seeing him pulling people over every day were to print a bunch of small fliers with this thread address (maybe even pointing to a definitive, cohesive point of action such as "contesting the ticket" post) and stop to give them to the riders getting tickets. (I'm assuming stopping on the side of the motorway is legal? If not place fliers on all the bikes parked in the city, hell do that anyways!).
Obviously you would all need squeaky clean legal bikes and riding.

A well coordinated focused effort putting this prick in the cross hairs for a change should bring about him either backing off or better yet being :spanking:by his bosses and reassigned. Believe me, small minded egotistical twats like this would spend many a anguished sleepless night raging against those "bloody" bikers that got the better of him. Result.

31st October 2014, 11:57
Please tell me if "passing on the left" is illegal in New Zealand, the world's elephant-racing Mecca. A place where motorists religiously hog the right-hand lane, particularly those Silverstream residents who think that being in that lane all the way from Petone is their legal right. A place where right-hand lane occupants believe that 100kmh is the legal limit and that being out there allows them to safely overtake those doing 98kmh in the left-hand lane.

Is overtaking Right-Hand Lane Meanderers(TM) by way of a lesser-populated and faster-moving left-hand lane illegal here? "Undertaking", as it is known in some other jurisdictions, is illegal there. Is that the case here and, if so, why isn't this law universally enforced?

I'm sure you know this, but I can be bad at picking up sarcasm, so perhaps redundantly ...

1. Passing on the left, in a separate lane, is legal in NZ. (British drivers are surprised by this when they visit).

2. Passing moving traffic on the left, in the same lane, is illegal.

So, 1., you can pass slow cars in the right lane, if you have a left lane to do it in. (Some people get a bit angry when you do this. Dunno why).

So, 2., since it's actually very hard to always be left of the lane divider when lane splitting, that arsehole cop can be pretty guaranteed that any lane splitter he sees can be ticketed.

31st October 2014, 12:18
Haha. I never admitted to speeding and I love the edit that someone made saying 140kph :) He thought I was (maybe I was?) but never ticketed me for it.

Gorge Bully was not there this morning but Friday's are always pretty free running traffic anyway.

This is the law:

Section of importance:
Anyone speak legal here to clarify?
1) Doesn't appear to mean anything which seems to be typical of law.
2) Sounds all good - the 2 vehicles must be in different lanes; (note all clauses are OR)
3) Makes part 2) a bit more complicated

In summary how I read it, if you indicate right and keep in the LEFT lane without crossing the lane dividers, and ride at a sensible speed (I would suggest sensible means something like stop splitting at >40-50kph traffic and maintain >20kph speed above traffic speed) you cant be done for shit.
Hard in places where lanes are thin obviously.

While on topic of the Gorge, ill have a note about the replacement speed camera which of course has been placed in a high crash area that it is (nothing due to the fact that people might not want to ride the brakes the entire hill and happen to drift over the speed limit). Also note that it can get you on both sides of the road as per any of these new ones including Thorndon and Petone, but only Thorndon and Petone are at such an angle I think they could photo your rear on the other side of the road.
I also doubt the business case passed unless they are in tune with the speed signs which change with traffic, so when the speed sign says 60 instead of 80 it pay to slow down as I have no doubt they adjust the camera limit. Note how all 3 of these new cameras are in areas that they can change the rate as they wish to maximize revenue.

I doubt there are many bike cops in Wellington. A mate saw a bike cop splitting in central CBD with moving traffic (slow moving) yesterday. It was probably him.
Gorge Bully's home is probably the dog squad /semi unmarked cop shop up the road to the left (towards the quarry) if you take the exit at the bottom of the gorge when heading down. So he probably is a local as far as work is concerned.

Gorge Bully admitted it was fine if traffic was stopped (when he pulled me over). I guess he means here he doesn't mind if you pass on the left i.e. cross lane dividers, if traffic is stopped. Really this should be if traffic is <30-40 kph IMO to find a fair middle ground. Trying to balance a 200kg bike at <20kph is pretty stupid, not to mention defeats the point of riding a bike instead of sitting in a cage in the traffic.

Cunts doing 80kph on the motorway in the right lane is illegal as it also states that not keeping as left as possible is illegal, so arguably passing the slow cunts by going into the left lane could be considered self defense in a way . Australians seem to be very good at keeping left. Their cops obviously ticket for driving slowly in the fast lane which ours need to catch up on.
It could also be argued that all our lane splitting would be legal if people kept as far to the left as possible in their lanes (unless they are very skinny lanes obviously or very wide vehicles/trucks) and then we would never have to technically be in the right lane.
If you do have to go into the right lane to get past, make sure there are gaps in the traffic and then indicate each direction as you move through. This makes what you are doing simply normal lane changing which you cannot get done for as it is legal.

Is also of high importance to us. 100m does not apply on multi lane roads.

Arm yourself with the law and try and abide by it. I am now more enlightened on the topic. A go-pro might also be useful. I have seen a guy regularly on a crotch rocket with one on the same route. If I get pulled again I will be asking for proof he is a police officer before he gets my license.
I also love how he told me not to ride in the left shoulder (I never would, I leave that for faggy scooter riders who cant split), but he did this when he chased the guy yesterday. Pulling people over for lane splitting lets you break all the rules. Important stuff clearly.
Not to mention he slows the traffic simply with his presence as all cops do. The economic wastage by him slowing down traffic is probably much more than the revenue the police get.

Also note that Gorge Bully likes to sit with his laser gun at:
1) Thorndon overpass heading into town
2) Ngauranga - Hutt on ramp. This is a good one for him as it is long and has a bend in it so you can't see him until it is too late. (weekends I know he goes there)
No I haven't been done by him at either point but seen him a few times. Did get done at 1) by a patrol car once a few years back, but he was a nice guy not an angry desperate and pathetic piece of shit.

And yes. I will now spend all my time looking for this faggot on the side of the road rather than watching where I am going.
Just like the 4kph holiday tolerance.
Cops want you to do everything you can to avoid concentrating on the actual driving conditions and driving to them.

31st October 2014, 13:20
Trying to balance a 200kg bike at <20kph is pretty stupid,
Mate, you need some lessons. I routinely balance my 200kg bike at a damn site less than 20kph at "give ways" while waiting for the road ahead to be clear.

not to mention defeats the point of riding a bike instead of sitting in a cage in the traffic.
Now this, on the other hand, I totally agree with.

And yes. I will now spend all my time looking for this faggot on the side of the road rather than watching where I am going.
I take it you'd rather get squashed than get a ticket?

Cops want you to do everything you can to avoid concentrating on the actual driving conditions and driving to them.
I very much doubt that this is their intent but it certainly ends up this way.

31st October 2014, 13:21
So, 2., since it's actually very hard to always be left of the lane divider when lane splitting, that arsehole cop can be pretty guaranteed that any lane splitter he sees can be ticketed.

So take it to court insist you never crossed the lane divider and when if you did it was to change lanes.

Then question his positioning/View etc etc etc

Then let the judge decide! Reasonable Doubt and all that?
Yes your honor when I was in the left lane on the correct side of the white line while the traffic was moving. I didnt cross to the other lane until it was stationary?
Therefore in my opinion my lane splitting was legal as per the law.
You might be very surprised how pissed off judges get at this petty shit taking up all the courts time!

I say again at this time he's depending on everyone rolling over and paying!
The flier thing is a very good idea!

Just as an aside
I know quite a few cops, I'd be surprised if his associates didn't think he was a wanker too given his attitude that is coming through?
MAYBE a nice quiet visit by 5 or 6 bikers to his senior Sargent might be worth a try??
Its a pretty closed shop you wont get any direct result but you might find he's not there quite so often??

31st October 2014, 13:42
Mate, you need some lessons. I routinely balance my 200kg bike at a damn site less than 20kph at "give ways" while waiting for the road ahead to be clear.

Yeah its not a problem at all - just annoying. You know what I meant - mostly just the statement after really.

31st October 2014, 13:47
Yeah its not a problem at all - just annoying. You know what I meant - mostly just the statement after really.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Maintaining it for any length of time in traffic can get pretty frustrating. (steps down off high horse...)

31st October 2014, 13:48
...could someone please!, show me said LAW that "CLEARLY" states that lane splitting, and filitering at low speeds is illegal and a chargable traffic offense! (Its a pritty grey area that is open to "interpritation"...so its not a law that is set in stone and can be defended)

...Cos it sounds like the cop is just a power tripping ARSEHOLE!...thats end of story!
The law doesn't exist, and nor do you want it to. Could go either way.

octanepwr has a subsequent post to yours that outlines a lot of the relevant legislation. Through understanding this, it is legal to do it, but you need to understand how, and that's where most people cock it up.

31st October 2014, 14:26
There are other law violations our pedantic police friend could go after. My pet ones involve vehicles with cycle racks on the rear, laden with cycles that obscure the vehicle's registration (illegal), stop lights (illegal) and turning indicators (illegal). Often the bikes are merely balanced on the rack, rather than being secured (illegal). But hey, why prosecute people who are saving the planet?

31st October 2014, 14:31
The law doesn't exist, and nor do you want it to. Could go either way.

octanepwr has a subsequent post to yours that outlines a lot of the relevant legislation. Through understanding this, it is legal to do it, but you need to understand how, and that's where most people cock it up.

Sadly my interpretration of 2.8 (2) (a) is that lane splitting is illegal. The legislation seems to me to assume there is only ever two vehicles involved in any passing manouevre; the one doing the overtake and the vehicle being overtaken. HOWEVER, when splitting there are 3 vehicles; the bike and a car on each side of bike. Irrespective of your position to the cats eyes you are always going to be left of a vehicle. The Act makes no mention of the lane dividers/cats eyes.

Most impotantly, 2.8 (3) "If the roadway is marked in lanes, the driver may make the movement referrred to in subclause (1)[passing on the left] only if the driver's vehicle does not encroach on a lane that is unavailable to the driver"
Whichever way you look at it when splitting you must be a lane [i.e. left or right of cats eyes] that is currently occupied - and therefore technically UNAVAILABLE to you to use.

31st October 2014, 14:36
There are other law violations our pedantic police friend could go after. My pet ones involve vehicles with cycle racks on the rear, laden with cycles that obscure the vehicle's registration (illegal), stop lights (illegal) and turning indicators (illegal). Often the bikes are merely balanced on the rack, rather than being secured (illegal). But hey, why prosecute people who are saving the planet?

:wings: someone that share my pet hate. This is sad :lol:

I see Gizmag has done a good article on the benefits of splitting if done right. Speeds up all traffic, reduces carbon emissions by reducing queues, most crashes are rear enders which may be minor for cages but serious for us and splitting avoids these for us. All we need is to be able to share the gap between traffic regardless if we are to the left or right of the vehicle we are sharing with at the moment.

31st October 2014, 14:54
Sadly my interpretration of 2.8 (2) (a) is that lane splitting is illegal. The legislation seems to me to assume there is only ever two vehicles involved in any passing manouevre; the one doing the overtake and the vehicle being overtaken. HOWEVER, when splitting there are 3 vehicles; the bike and a car on each side of bike. Irrespective of your position to the cats eyes you are always going to be left of a vehicle. The Act makes no mention of the lane dividers/cats eyes.
Each lane is seen and classified as an individual road, if you like. ie, in the UK, 3 lanes is seen collectively as a road, hence their rules about overtaking on left (aka undertaking) in a separate lane.

When overtaking a vehicle within the same lane as it and you're on the right, it's an overtake. The vehicle in the right lane, and the right lane as a whole, plays no part in your overtake. When you do enter that lane on the right, now you are on the left of the vehicle in that lane... and passing that vehicle is undertaking, passing on the left fine etc.

31st October 2014, 14:59
Each lane is seen and classified as an individual road, if you like. ie, in the UK, 3 lanes is seen collectively as a road, hence their rules about overtaking on left (aka undertaking) in a separate lane.

When overtaking a vehicle within the same lane as it and you're on the right, it's an overtake. The vehicle in the right lane, and the right lane as a whole, plays no part in your overtake. When you do enter that lane on the right, now you are on the left of the vehicle in that lane... and passing that vehicle is undertaking, passing on the left fine etc.

Yep. I'm as keen as mustard to believe that, always have taken that view. Officer Dick Prick doesn't see it that way by the sounds of it.

31st October 2014, 15:09
Yep. I'm as keen as mustard to believe that, always have taken that view. Officer Dick Prick doesn't see it that way by the sounds of it.
Sure. He wouldn't be the first cop to get the law wrong, and I'm sure he won't be the last. I would know a fraction of law at best because there is a shitload, but I'll read up on sections to know exactly what I can and can't do. My responsibility as a driver/rider anyway.

Last notable point was ticketing of bikes using the Transit lanes onto the motorway. Several got tickets, BRONZ had to write to the police, police promised to update the knowledge of staff etc. Just because a cop says something doesn't automatically make him correct nor can he contradict law, or enforce law that doesn't exist.

31st October 2014, 15:18
The law doesn't exist, and nor do you want it to. Could go either way.

The law went the right way in NSW and other states are looking at it. I think having the debate here in NZ would not only be a good thing but it would also help educate drivers on why this is also good for them.

Passing on the left

You can only pass on the left when:

there are two or more lanes on your side of the centre line and you are able to pass safely by using the left-hand lane
you are directed to by a police officer
the vehicle you are passing:
has stopped, or
is signalling a right turn, or
is turning right.

At all other times, when you are passing, you must pass on the right.

When filtering and/or splitting my priority is safety during the maneuver. I only filter and/or split while in first (<30km/hr) and if the drivers are making progress I fall back in line. I select whatever maximizes the clearance either side of me (l pass on the left or right depending on what offers the most clarences). I always identify a gap I'm going to fall back into and I don't filter between two trucks/buses. I avoid filtering between the right most lane and the central divide (I will occasionally make exceptions....). Never had any issue with the police doing this.

Trying to balance a 200kg bike at <20kph is pretty stupid, not to mention defeats the point of riding a bike instead of sitting in a cage in the traffic.

Drag the rear brake in order to stabilize the bike if you have to - Pads are cheap. I filter and/or split lanes on my busa which weights well over 200kg.

I did 670K on the bike yesterday mainly in traffic and on slower roads. Adding a couple of hours going down the southern motorway during peek time (Auckland -> Hamilton) was not going to happen. I was tied enough by the time I hit the motorway going south.

Riding the clutch & front brake for hours at a time is physically demanding and just adding to the congestion.

31st October 2014, 15:30
Lane splitting good for everyone


"Where many drivers get it wrong is that they see lane splitting as "queue jumping" that will cause each car to go one further spot back in the queue. In truth, a filtering bike disappears from the queue altogether, the only time a motorcycle holds a car up is when it sits in traffic and acts like another car.

Filtering bikes work their way to the front of stopped traffic at red lights, and accelerate away much quicker than the cars around them. When they reach the next stoppage, they disappear again between the lanes and no car is held up."

31st October 2014, 15:45
I avoid filtering between the right most lane and the central divide (I will occasionally make exceptions....). Never had any issue with the police doing this.
Stay out of that area unless you love punctures...

31st October 2014, 17:01
Lane splitting good for everyone

Ho-Hum, but this comment was gold:
Lane splitting is not only safer and faster, it is also sometimes necessary, and I'm amazed no one has mentioned this fact.

A car has 4 wheels, it can go really slowly without falling over (And in the USA they mostly drive Automatic, lazy lot!)... ok, you all got that?

A motorcycle only has 2 wheels, so when going too slow, it wobbles and can fall over... still with me?

When standing still, we (the Bikers) have to put our feet on the ground in order to keep our transport up-right.

But in stop-start traffic, this becomes a bit tricky. The moment you move your feet off your foot-pegs your balance is affected, especially at very slow speeds, and quite often as you put your feet down, the traffic moves a meter (sorry folks, I don't do miles and feet and shit like that), and then you have to move forward again, the feet have to come out and the feet go back on the pegs and so forth, unless you do like some clowns I've seen, they ride with the legs flapping by the side of the Bike... not a good idea though, as you should have your one foot ready for the rear brake.

Anyway, picture the scenario now, this Biker wobbling behind the slow moving cars... I've watched them with amazement... then I ride past, lane splitting and have a good giggle at them. But admittedly it does take some practice and you have to observe the flow of traffic. Eventually you do get to read it pretty accurately.

And there is another thing to educate the Car drivers about:

A motorbike's clutch is the lever on the left side of the handle bars, the gears are the left foot and the brakes are on the right, foot & hand brakes. Now when doing really slow traffic where I cannot lane split for whatever reason, like narrow roads or other obstacles, my left hand actually cramps up from pulling the clutch in an out constantly and of course its not good from a maintenance point of view either! It really is much easier to pass the cars slowly.

And to Morons like Wiseguy, it is people like you who create accidents, just because you can't stand the idea of the Biker getting to his destination first! And don't be surprised if one day, when you do your moving over trick, a big hairy dude knocks your friggin' mirror right off, and maybe even plants his big fist in your face...

Yes, the Bike may get there first, but the Car Drivers get to eat, drink, smoke and even text (Yes I see you all doing it!), while we have to concentrate like hell, wait to get to the next stop to have a puff and a drink and we get wet when it rains and cold in winter!

So come on, give us a break and in return we will endeavour not to touch your mirrors, we will wave at your kids in the car and we will thank you for not getting us killed or injured today.

PS: I disagree with the chap who said youngsters should drive cars first... actually they should ride dirt bikes first, then scooters and small bikes and only then should they get into a car... cars are lethal in the hands of the inexperienced and young! And then they drive all their friends around, chatting in the car, music blaring.... oh no, first they should learn to respect the road and its users on 2 wheels. My kids had bikes from their early teens and at 17y my youngest son and my stepson were allowed to occasionally ride my 750 to School. But I knew they could, because they had learned at an early age. And even in the car I used to teach them about what goes on in the traffic, getting them ready for when it's their turn.

31st October 2014, 18:01
No it is not. Each lane is technically it's own road

31st October 2014, 18:21
No it is not. Each lane is technically it's own road

The bit between two yellow lines is still a motorbike lane?

31st October 2014, 19:06
The bit between two yellow lines is still a motorbike lane?
Actually you're not allowed to cross that yellow line.

However, I am wondering about the places where they have "expanded" the centre line into 2 sets of lines, primarily to separate traffic. Is that a motorbike lane? Which way has right of way?

31st October 2014, 19:09
Actually you're not allowed to cross that yellow line.

So as long as you enter at the start (entry point) and stay in the bike lane until it finishes your ok.

31st October 2014, 19:46
So as long as you enter at the start (entry point) and stay in the bike lane until it finishes your ok.

Burt to Gremlin's point "Which way has right of way?" needs to be resolved first.

31st October 2014, 19:53
Wow...somewhat bored so read this thread through:wacko:complicated business this motorcycling thing you guys do.

31st October 2014, 20:56
Wow...somewhat bored so read this thread through:wacko:complicated business this motorcycling thing you guys do.

Lol, don't you have that problem in your rush hour - err rush 2 minutes - in your town?

31st October 2014, 20:58
Wow...somewhat bored so read this thread through:wacko:complicated business this motorcycling thing you guys do.

Its only complicated because some hitler prick with a small dick is using the law in a fashion that defies common sense and practicality to make $450 dollars an hour for the Tax collectors.

Imagine if we all carried on in life in this fashion using something that's generally been ignored as stupid to bash our fellow human beings. If we all had this attitude we'd never, get a plan through council, there would never be any good will in business, and what little respect the organisation you represented in this fashion would be forever destroyed because of your vindictive uncompromising behavior.

If all that is reported is true this man has got to be a sad screwed up individual.

"Little man lot of power?"

And yes I am sober LMAO :motu:

31st October 2014, 23:13
Fuck it - hit him with an iron bar!

31st October 2014, 23:40
...nuthin's illegal if you dont get caught...

1st November 2014, 05:19
Got to be possible to get his name....?
that would be a start.......

1st November 2014, 05:45
Its only complicated because some hitler prick with a small dick is using the law in a fashion that defies common sense and practicality to make $450 dollars an hour for the Tax collectors.

Imagine if we all carried on in life in this fashion using something that's generally been ignored as stupid to bash our fellow human beings. If we all had this attitude we'd never, get a plan through council, there would never be any good will in business, and what little respect the organisation you represented in this fashion would be forever destroyed because of your vindictive uncompromising behavior.

If all that is reported is true this man has got to be a sad screwed up individual.

"Little man lot of power?"

And yes I am sober LMAO :motu:

Got to be possible to get his name....?
that would be a start.......

sounds like a bad apple this squirt. Might be one of those that wears his uniform to bed at night.
(MD ,maybe lance could help here ?)

1st November 2014, 09:40
You got caught lane splitting and got a ticket, get over it.You assume the cop is targeting YOU, a bit paranoid are we?.

1st November 2014, 15:45
You got caught lane splitting and got a ticket, get over it.You assume the cop is targeting YOU, a bit paranoid are we?.

Easy keyboard warrior. You clearly miss the point. I am not so concerned about my ticket but more the officers actions and the guy that I saw get ticketed the day after me who a lay person would consider was splitting more safely than I probably was.
Also if you read this is not an isolated incident.

For anyone interested I did not get his name but his number is LVBA75

1st November 2014, 16:46
Willy, you can't talk to this guy. The fact that he rides a bike is irrelevant, it's just a work tool to him. As far as he is concerned, bikes should be banned.

ah HA .... so, a tool on a tool, eh? :laugh:

1st November 2014, 16:48
You got caught lane splitting and got a ticket, get over it.You assume the cop is targeting YOU, a bit paranoid are we?.

Just because he's paranoid doesn't mean the bastard isn't out to get him?

1st November 2014, 17:08
Easy keyboard warrior. You clearly miss the point. I am not so concerned about my ticket but more the officers actions and the guy that I saw get ticketed the day after me who a lay person would consider was splitting more safely than I probably was.
Also if you read this is not an isolated incident.

For anyone interested I did not get his name but his number is LVBA75

Sounds like a newbiee...:shifty:

1st November 2014, 17:47
Filtering, not splitting could be legal in Qsld by Feb.


1st November 2014, 18:20
Waaay back when I was a teenager there was an MoT cop that got his jollies by ticketing motorcyclists, a lot of what he was doing was rubbish - I won't bore you. He was very fond of his well rehearsed safety lecture. "I was a Sereant Major in the South African Army and I had to look after the soldiers because they behaved like children. You guys (motorcyclists) are the same."

He was issuing tickets for all sorts of dodgy shit and the Magistrates tended to take his word against the alleged miscreant.

This went on for a year or two but eventually he pissed the wrong people off and he was hit by a truck. He survived, but he wasn't seen round here again. A motorcycle cop is vulnerable and their training should point that out. This guy might have forgotten. The motorcyclist he is ticketing might be on his way to work - as a truck driver.

1st November 2014, 18:49

1st November 2014, 19:18
You got caught lane splitting and got a ticket, get over it.You assume the cop is targeting YOU, a bit paranoid are we?.

read the whole thread before you become a tosser

I suggest you read post #31 - this guy actually is pretty honest and right

2nd November 2014, 06:21
Easy keyboard warrior. You clearly miss the point. I am not so concerned about my ticket but more the officers actions and the guy that I saw get ticketed the day after me who a lay person would consider was splitting more safely than I probably was.
Also if you read this is not an isolated incident.

For anyone interested I did not get his name but his number is LVBA75

There is no point to be missed, you are just pissed you got caught, you think you got hard done by, that's why you are on here you keyboard warrior you:oi-grr:. heres a thought, instead of trying to get back at him by posting up badge numbers etc and stewing over it, take the whole incident as something positive to improve the way you ride.

2nd November 2014, 07:01
There is no point to be missed, you are just pissed you got caught, you think you got hard done by, that's why you are on here you keyboard warrior you:oi-grr:. heres a thought, instead of trying to get back at him by posting up badge numbers etc and stewing over it, take the whole incident as something positive to improve the way you ride.

Cop your cousin ?

either that or you cant read.....

You not only missed the point, but you sound like you don't even know what a point looks like......

2nd November 2014, 07:17
Cop your cousin ?

either that or you cant read.....

You not only missed the point, but you sound like you don't even know what a point looks like......

I bet your've got a short haircut to stuff can go over your head more easily.

I hate the popo just as much as the next person to come on here and whine about them, If you really want to show him up, video him doing what he does, they always end up doing something dangerous to nab their next victim.

2nd November 2014, 07:34
...wow...who's the warrior?...

2nd November 2014, 08:56
There is no point to be missed, you are just pissed you got caught, you think you got hard done by, that's why you are on here you keyboard warrior you:oi-grr:. heres a thought, instead of trying to get back at him by posting up badge numbers etc and stewing over it, take the whole incident as something positive to improve the way you ride.

I am not really pissed that I got caught (any ticket makes you somewhat pissed). I have learnt from my actions and studied the law and will now do my utmost best to abide by it going forward.
I am certainly pissed at the Gorge Bully's actions the next day (even his attitude towards me was not professional at all) and the guy who he pulled over who was certainly doing it at a lower speed than I was.
I have come on here to highlight the Gorge Bully's actions and attitude and warn other local bikers and just generally to discuss the issue. If I hadn't seen the Gorge Bully the next day ticketing other people I would never have come on here.

Remember that doing 101kph in a 100kph zone is ILLEGAL. However the cops choose to use discretion and only ticket you within a margin so you can actually concentrate on the conditions rather than your speedo.
The Gorge Bully is doing to bikers what any other cop would be doing if he stopped you every time you exceeded the posted limit by 1kph (which I am sure you do all the time).
That is what it comes down to.
You shouldn't be ticketed for lane splitting if done in a safe manner and following the law absoutely where at all possible - just like the speed limit.
The guy who got done the day after me only pulled into the next lane to get around a truck. You cant tell me sitting behind a truck not being able to see anything is safe and riding to the conditions and when you are going that slow you cant leave a huge gap or a lane jumping cage would just fill it anyway (as you would know if you ever ride on motorways).
Most bikers aren't on this forum. People who drive to my work even commented how they saw bikers being pulled over all of last week in the same spot by the Gorge Bully.

2nd November 2014, 22:13
I am certainly pissed at the Gorge Bully's actions the next day (even his attitude towards me was not professional at all) and the guy who he pulled over who was certainly doing it at a lower speed than I was.

I have come on here to highlight the Gorge Bully's actions and attitude and warn other local bikers and just generally to discuss the issue. If I hadn't seen the Gorge Bully the next day ticketing other people I would never have come on here.
I have been following this thread but still can't connect the bloke pulled over the day after you were with your ticket. I know it is Wellington, but why do you care about some unknown dude?

We know most drivers don't mind us doing it and appreciate that we are reducing congestion by not opting for our cars.
Ha ha, I would like to see the results in to a study in to that one. "Blimming heck Doris, did you see the speed that scallywag went past?" You have got to be joking if you think car drivers are supportive of anything motorcyclists do other than suck up the ACC tax.

3rd November 2014, 05:23
There are lots of things happening on the road that are annoying, irritating and dangerous.......
Bike filtering ? Would barely even register ( if done with common sense of course )

3rd November 2014, 07:55
Ha ha, I would like to see the results in to a study in to that one. "Blimming heck Doris, did you see the speed that scallywag went past?" You have got to be joking if you think car drivers are supportive of anything motorcyclists do other than suck up the ACC tax.

One cage out of thousands I have a problem with when crawling though heavy traffic. Mostly they seem indifferent, sometime they actually make a little extra space.

3rd November 2014, 09:41
You have got to be joking if you think car drivers are supportive of anything motorcyclists do other than suck up the ACC tax.
Then how come so many drivers, trucks included, give me room when I come up behind them (slowly) and wait for the gap to emerge? Every time I split on my daily commute I get literally dozens of them.

3rd November 2014, 09:57
Then how come so many drivers, trucks included, give me room when I come up behind them (slowly) and wait for the gap to emerge? Every time I split on my daily commute I get literally dozens of them.

Why ? ?..
because the world is a mirror.....

Act like a dick, and you will get treated accordingly.....
Act respectfull of others, and you will also get treated accordingly......
(There are of course some disproportionate large naturally spawned arseholes about as well......whom karma usually deals with.....with or without a little help)

3rd November 2014, 11:22
Why ? ?..
because the world is a mirror.....

Act like a dick, and you will get treated accordingly.....
Act respectfull of others, and you will also get treated accordingly......
(There are of course some disproportionate large naturally spawned arseholes about as well......whom karma usually deals with.....with or without a little help)

Reading between the lines this means that car drivers etc. will be supportive of any motorcycle doing things in a considerate manner.

3rd November 2014, 11:43
I totally agree with you mate and feel for you having to deal with such a raging arsehole! The cops up here (in Auckland) really are, on the whole, pretty cool.

I got pulled over for speeding a few weeks back by a cop with a speed gun, so behaved like a good citizen and pulled over (hindsight is a wonderful thing and I definitely shouldn't have, but ah well). We were halfway through proceedings, him issuing me a ticket and so on, when a biker cop pulled up and started asking me all sorts of questions about my "awesome bike" and how I enjoy it etc, then tells me his cop bike is brand new and he just picked it up this week. Such a lovely guy, he ended up sitting on my bike to see how the riding position is etc, then offered me a sit on his bike - only to be told off by the cop issuing the ticket :nono::nono:for being 'too nice because she's been naughty' haha!

What a cool dude - though it might cheer you up to know this douchebag isn't a majority :banana: hope your plan of merging later on works!

Yeh you were lucky you didnt meet THIS guy


3rd November 2014, 15:45
That was worth watching, bit of humour, nice bint on bike and she went in his little RED Book.

3rd November 2014, 18:09
Interesting to note that Cop was possibly doing more for law enforcement than Ginger Gorge could do in his lifetime

4th November 2014, 15:30
Yeh you were lucky you didnt meet THIS guy


Haha! That is brilliant :2thumbsup

4th November 2014, 20:31
Try this on for typical harrasement over the ditch....


And if you trained and uniformed apes wish to make my trip to the island and back a shit-fight flavoured with pointless “intelligence gathering”, dumb arrogance and retarded lectures about “road safety”, then that’s fine too. You may also go and fuck yourselves.

10th November 2014, 18:19
Another close call for me. He struck again. Our best chance now is to all get caught so his pen runs out of ink. One flaw in that plan is he may have...

a back up pen.

There I was splitting. Oops, I mean overtaking carefully this morning trying to stay left of the cats eyes down the Gorge when I let a bike behind me through (Cannon fodder approach for me). We gave each other a friendly wave. Five minutes later and there's the poor Rider getting served from Officer Prick Dick. Stopped him by the Aotea Off ramp near the cement silos.

Lucky for me I need the car at work for the rest of this week.

21st November 2014, 07:21

A few of us riders politely slipped passed 2 Cop cars who didn't bat an eyelid. Minutes later, there he is. Officer Prick Dick writing up another Rider near the Aotea offramp again. Same place as last Friday peps, take note.

21st November 2014, 07:48

A few of us riders politely slipped passed 2 Cop cars who didn't bat an eyelid. Minutes later, there he is. Officer Prick Dick writing up another Rider near the Aotea offramp again. Same place as last Friday peps, take note.
maybe he's "Cruisin" MD ??
Make a complaint, say he patted your arse !

21st November 2014, 07:55
You'll find it's an easy way to fill up his quota of tickets for the day as the riders come to him in a nice ready to ticket stream, the local traffic cops up here always do blitz's on stop sign roll on's and orange light runners when they need to submit the quarterly quotas on job performance indicators to central command.
I quite often have a check point outside my house and been chased up my drive way by the same type of newby over zealous dickprick , one was doing hz nanana at me is this ur drive way etc told him he watched me drive out of it an hour earlier so yes it is[28yrs] . got sick of this so turned the garden hose on him and his car pity he had the window down clown and got a little wet.

21st November 2014, 08:21
You'll find it's an easy way to fill up his quota of tickets for the day as the riders come to him in a nice ready to ticket stream, the local traffic cops up here always do blitz's on stop sign roll on's and orange light runners when they need to submit the quarterly quotas on job performance indicators to central command.
I quite often have a check point outside my house and been chased up my drive way by the same type of newby over zealous dickprick , one was doing hz nanana at me is this ur drive way etc told him he watched me drive out of it an hour earlier so yes it is[28yrs] . got sick of this so turned the garden hose on him and his car pity he had the window down clown and got a little wet.

Thats some Dukes of Hazard shit right there.

21st November 2014, 08:57
Thats some Dukes of Hazard shit right there.

Show us ya tits daisy....

21st November 2014, 09:56
maybe he's "Cruisin" MD ??

Make a complaint, say he patted your arse !

He called me sweety and gave me an unwanted hug.

21st November 2014, 10:01
Show us ya tits daisy....

Uncle Jessie?

21st November 2014, 10:25
You'll find it's an easy way to fill up his quota of tickets for the day as the riders come to him in a nice ready to ticket stream, the local traffic cops up here always do blitz's on stop sign roll on's and orange light runners when they need to submit the quarterly quotas on job performance indicators to central command.
I quite often have a check point outside my house and been chased up my drive way by the same type of newby over zealous dickprick , one was doing hz nanana at me is this ur drive way etc told him he watched me drive out of it an hour earlier so yes it is[28yrs] . got sick of this so turned the garden hose on him and his car pity he had the window down clown and got a little wet.
I'd have paid money to have seen that

21st November 2014, 13:00
What is it in all this that makes the cop crooked? I don't necessarily agree with what's happening but does it make him crooked?

Maybe it makes him a knob, but crooked?

21st November 2014, 13:10
Maybe it makes him a knob, but crooked?

Following rules to the letter of the law without any semblance of discretion of interpretation,
Letting prejudices consciously influence what they write tickets for and what they don't,

Hmm, I suppose his actions don't demonstrate crookedness in terms of illegality, but IMHO where there's smoke there's fire.

21st November 2014, 13:23
What is it in all this that makes the cop crooked? I don't necessarily agree with what's happening but does it make him crooked?

Maybe it makes him a knob, but crooked?

"Obnoxious"might be a better fit :spanking:

22nd November 2014, 19:06
Always have a poke at the Cops on check eg they ask u to count to 10 so I do it in Japanese, Address I give them my nans in Westport etc, if they stop me outside my house I just point to my house and ask them to move the cones and police cars blocking my drive way so I can go up my drive, Yes they're just doing a job but some think they're Dirty Harry.
In the olden days the young dicks were sent to the likes of Otahuhu and Otara they soon toned down after a few close calls.

22nd November 2014, 21:57
Always have a poke at the Cops on check eg they ask u to count to 10 so I do it in Japanese, Address I give them my nans in Westport etc, if they stop me outside my house I just point to my house and ask them to move the cones and police cars blocking my drive way so I can go up my drive, Yes they're just doing a job but some think they're Dirty Harry.
In the olden days the young dicks were sent to the likes of Otahuhu and Otara they soon toned down after a few close calls.

Yes they are only doing their job.... most I've come across (there is the odd one who's a dick) are pretty decent to deal with, and as far as roadside checks are concerned? Every drunken arsehole they catch is one less who could wipe me out that ride.