View Full Version : The rain still falls

16th September 2005, 01:13
Alone and solitary in the dark depths of night, with only the stars for company.

The empty sound of the wind blowing.

A dark river of asphalt slitting the earth.

A distant sound of a mechanical beast approaching,

Deep rumble growing louder as the beast nears.

It comes into view with a single blinding eye illuminating all before it.

<o =""></o>

A single rider sits on the beast back, his mind full of chaos.

With a slight flick of his wrist the beast launches to a higher speed.

Rain falls, lightly at first ignored by the rider, beast and road alike.

A series of bends in the river of the road.

The rider rides through seeming to ignore the turns yet the beast nimbly maneuvers,

Stirring up dust into the air, leaning into each turn.

<o =""></o>

The rain falls harder, the rider accelerates the beast again riding faster and faster as the rain falls.

His mind begins to clear, he rides faster and faster.

Thoughts leave the riders mind as he slowly becomes one with machine and road.

Vanishing around another bend. The roar of the machine beast quickly fades.

Silence, the road is alone once more with the stars.

But the rain still falls for the rider.

16th September 2005, 01:19
That yours?? You managed that drunk (I assume this based on the time and randomness). Not bloody bad at all. :clap:

16th September 2005, 07:12
Yep, just another romantic rainy night, riding the GC:devil2:

16th September 2005, 07:21
Not a bad effort at all for an early hours effort. Might want to submit it to bike magazines and get rich and famous

16th September 2005, 12:38
Yes it's mine, no I wasn't drunk, no it's not about the GC and don't really care if it gets published.

And SM as far as I'm concerned... I don't even care anymore. you want to mock me and insult me go right ahead. I don't give a shit.

16th September 2005, 12:48
reminds me of places/people i've been ....


...... thanks for sharing

16th September 2005, 13:18
My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains
My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,
Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains
One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk:
'Tis not through envy of thy happy lot,
But being too happy in thine happiness,--
That thou, light-winged Dryad of the trees,
In some melodious plot
Of beechen green, and shadows numberless,
Singest of summer in full-throated ease.

16th September 2005, 13:24
As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.
As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.
He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.

16th September 2005, 13:24
Take the BLUE pill, Hitcher...

16th September 2005, 14:10
Despair - the soul's dark
Night - seek comfort there, looking
Forward to the dawn.

erm........ obviously not THAT blue pill, mr hitcher sir .....

16th September 2005, 14:55
Despair - the soul's dark
Night - seek comfort there, looking
Forward to the dawn.
Almost a Haiku...

16th September 2005, 14:58
Almost a Haiku...

Almost a haiku?
Not quite. Too broken, too gauche;
Keep practising, miss.

16th September 2005, 16:43
Almost a haiku?
Not quite. Too broken, too gauche;
Keep practising, miss.

thank you
i thought so too
[although the breaks were meant to be --- ambiguous]
*blames it on being left-handed*

22nd September 2005, 05:33
So pure not a single ray of light can find it’s way to me.
How long have I soaked in this darkness?
Though at times I think just a moment.

I feel nothing, as though there were nothing, and I am floating in it.
I have preserved my sanity… have I not?
Or did I lose it somewhere…

And yet, in this darkness and its fantasies,
One thing is still clear in my mind,
<o =""></o>That alone, like lightning splitting through the darkness.
She appears so vividly in my mind.

Over and over again it swells and sinks like the waves of a tsunami,
Hatred, friendship, jealousy, indignation, emptiness, love, sorrow.
They all come together in a single great storm,
Driving a stake through my mind holding my consciousness together.

The one who cast me into this darkness,
She is now my anchor.
This woman who’s life was once, in my hands.
When did I fall under your control?

I see you now, radiating so brilliantly it blinds me.
My Hatred, my friendship, my jealousy and indignation. My emptiness and sorrow and....
All within the single burning consciousness of desire.
Forever to go, unnoticed.

22nd September 2005, 06:55
Some more excellant work. I reckon you might need a couple of long rides to brighten your poetry up a bit eh?

22nd September 2005, 08:05
NIce work Waylander :niceone:

22nd September 2005, 08:13
Pretty words there Jake.
Looks like you poetry has an upswing.

22nd September 2005, 08:29
Upswing? Are you kidding?

22nd September 2005, 08:37
Driving a steak through my mind holding my consciousness together.
Medium rare or well done?

22nd September 2005, 08:44
Medium rare or well done?

I prefer blue

25th September 2005, 13:53
Here's my take on Long Way To The Top by AC/DC. I was a little hungry at the time so here it is...

Long Way To The Shop

Ridin' down the footpath
Goin' to the store
Stop in all the drive-ways
Want a sausage roll
Gettin' tired
Gettin' hungry
Gettin' beat up
Steal some money
Gettin' had
Gettin' took
I tell you folks
It's harder than it looks

It's a long way to the shop
If you wanna sausage roll
It's a long way to the shop
If you wanna sausage roll
If you think it's easy doin' one night stands
Try buyin' a sausage roll man
It's a long way to the shop
If you wanna sausage roll

Bakery, corner store
Make you wanna eat
Lady do you sell
Pastry with some meat
Gettin' old
Gettin' grey
Gettin' ripped off
Gettin' sold
Second hand
That's how it goes
Buyin' sausage rolls man

It's a long way to the shop
If you wanna sausage roll
It's a long way to the shop
If you wanna sausage roll
If you wanna be fat, and not lean
Look out it's rough and mean
It's a long way to the shop
If you wanna sausage roll

It's a long way to the shop
If you wanna sausage roll [x4]

It's a long way
Such a long way [x2]

25th September 2005, 13:56
A young man, aching on the inside.
Wounds, deeper than ever before.
Conflicting feelings.

The smile he fell in love with,
Her unforgettable act.
He sleeps to ease the pain,
But the pain always returns.

Slowly, time passes.
Hours like days.
He starves to ease the pain,
But the pain always returns.

Dark thoughts. His bike calls,
The only thing he can depend on.

His thoughts stop with the first bend,
a soothing change.
The sun hides, like his sanity.
He rides on, with no destination.

Quickly time passes,
Minutes like seconds
But as he knows,
The pain always returns.

25th September 2005, 13:59
You buggers need a good shag follwed by a long ride and then a night on the piss from the looks of things

IMHO of course

25th September 2005, 14:02
You buggers need a good shag follwed by a long ride and then a night on the piss from the looks of things

IMHO of course
Pretty much summed it up for me :thud:

25th September 2005, 17:36
You buggers need a good shag follwed by a long ride and then a night on the piss from the looks of things

IMHO of course
Just went for a ride, gonna do some drinkin, that first thing though is a bit of a problem.

25th September 2005, 17:39
Think of the cheese ads -" Good things take time"

PS looks like you've done "soe" drinking already :bleh:

25th September 2005, 17:49
PS looks like you've done "soe" drinking already :bleh:
Am I missing something? :spudwhat:

25th September 2005, 18:04
He missed the m in soMe

26th September 2005, 11:55
Yea yea yea. Gotta quit eating over my laptop, it's starting to make a few of the keys go dodgy.

26th September 2005, 17:14
Ahhh, I've been doing that for ages(eating over keys) , and I just take it in to work and use a compressor to blow all the scunge out. :D

26th September 2005, 17:59
Teenage angst. Thank god it's a passing phase...

26th September 2005, 18:08
All right grandpa, back to the rocking chair with you :bleh:

26th September 2005, 18:12
Thats pretty good Waylander. Don't ever give up I was told that and I did give up and now look I can't write a single scrap of poetry.

26th September 2005, 19:25
Teenage angst. Thank god it's a passing phase...
Uh... I'm just about 22 mate no teenage anything left in me.:oi-grr:

26th September 2005, 19:34
Clearly the phase is longer for some than others. Or maybe the onset is delayed...

26th September 2005, 19:41
I've always been told I'm mature for my age though..... Could have been lied to I guess.

26th September 2005, 19:45
Teenage angst. Thank god it's a passing phase...
Teenage angst!!?!
Who the fuck do you think you are, bitch! I'll rip you a new one, mother fucker. You had better fucking believe me. Just ask that fucker over there, I fucked him up last week, and he still can't walk

26th September 2005, 19:54
Nice one Waylander...that poem pretty much sums up what happened to me yesturday.
I sorta hada fight wif d misses, got pissed off, jumped on Sapphire and booted it round the piha loop....in the rain.....on bald tyres....(big sorry to any KB's on that day that got pissed off at a blue ZXR :angry2: )
Good way to let it out, life has been crap for the last month.
Worked everything out in my head on the ride, went home, n told the misses that she's awesome. And she actually said she was sorry!!!!!
Now all i have to do is last 2 more months....

26th September 2005, 20:58
Big gaint Piss Take
Is that anything like a big giant piss take?

26th September 2005, 21:15
Is that anything like a big giant piss take?
Do you make up mistakes to point out to people? :blink:

2nd October 2007, 21:47
Clearly the phase is longer for some than others. Or maybe the onset is delayed...
Over two years ago and all that shit is still there.

Think it's a bit more than a delay....

I need a working bike.

2nd October 2007, 21:55
Sorry to hear the shit's still there, Jake.

Nice poems, though.

How soon before you're likely to be mobile again?

2nd October 2007, 21:58
Sorry to hear the shit's still there, Jake.

Nice poems, though.

How soon before you're likely to be mobile again?
Fuck knows dude, plans are in motion though.
Now's just keeping after them until it all comes together.

2nd October 2007, 22:08
Fuck bro, thats some good stuff you've got here, you got any more?

2nd October 2007, 22:30

Spring is sprung
the grass is ris
I wonder where
the birdies is

Thank you, thank you very much...


2nd October 2007, 22:40

Spring is sprung
the grass is ris
I wonder where
the birdies is

The bird is on the wing...
How absurd
From what I've heard
The wing is on the bird...

2nd October 2007, 22:44
There was a young man called Healing,
Who got on a bus bound for Ealing.
The sign on the door
Said "Do not spit on the floor",
So he stood up and spat on the ceiling.

3rd October 2007, 08:01
There was a young fellow named Dave
Who kept a dead slut in a cave
He said "I admit
I'm a bit of a shit
But think of the money I save."

3rd October 2007, 08:07
There once was a man from Bightly,
Who ran round in a transparent nighty,
The Vicar said 'Son,'
'It's really not done,'
'It's not wrong, but it's also not righty.'

3rd October 2007, 08:09
A man of the bible once swore,
A martian had come to his door,
It went to his sink,
Where it took a long drink,
Then proceeded to piss on the floor.

3rd October 2007, 11:58
http://bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MemberId=4803148316 - there's all my writing.

Or for those who don't wish to look/can't look, here's a couple.

Collaborate By Silence

I don't want to be coy,
But to say what I'm about to do
Would not be cool.
Let's just leave it at that.

If the world is black, it's black,
Whether you complain
Or collaborate by silence.

Even if people liked me,
I wouldn't like them.
I would just have to watch them
Being mean to people
And not say anything.
Because to say anything
Would not be cool.
Let's just leave it at that.

You're not going to change the world,
Whether you complain
Or collaborate by silence.

I travel often to the frozen heart of the world,
Inland to that Antarctic, rock-strewn desert
With a few dozen warm-blooded penguins wandering around
Lost, dazed, dejected.
That's the way things are deep down under.

I'm never going to change things,
Whether I complain
Or collaborate by silence.

Let's just leave it at that.

Minus Eloquence

I write you in ink,
Stain my hands with your name.
Callous my fingers
With the effort to unburden.

And sometimes
I just sit quietly
Wishing I had the words...

But my muse laughs
And tells me; "It's but a dream."

And my hands begin to shake.

3rd October 2007, 12:13
There was a young fellow named Dave
Who kept a dead slut in a cave
He said "I admit
I'm a bit of a shit
But think of the money I save."

There was a young man called Dave..
Who found a dead whore in a cave.
Said,,isnt it disgusting.
She only needs dusting.
And think of the money i,ll save

3rd October 2007, 12:15
I think that Collaborate is a nicely crafted piece, with good rhythm. It would make a fine lyric.

Eloquence however, seems to be missing something. As a reader I can sort of get what you're trying to do but I was overly distracted by the utterance of your muse.

Nice work, nonetheless.