View Full Version : (Video) Lorry wipes Ducati Monster

21st July 2015, 22:57
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/C1aSvoIpVss" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

SMIDSY! :eek:

21st July 2015, 23:06
I admit I'd have probably been run over and wet myself, but, it did seem like the rider could have "escaped" to the right when he saw what was happening.

He just sort of froze (target fixation?) and let the truck run him over.

21st July 2015, 23:08
Trucks do similar things to Suzuki GSX1250FAs.

21st July 2015, 23:12
Wot a piss off. The rider didn't do much to help himself but that truck driver must be blind.

22nd July 2015, 08:31
From the footage you can't see Lorry in the drivers seat, it's the old saying ''if you cant see me then I cant see you'' though Lorry (once realizing his mistake) did seem helpful enough.

22nd July 2015, 10:09
Well I guess it was lucky it was the bike there instead of woman and child.

Still, you'd think after the first 43 episodes he might have learnt to move out the fucking way.

22nd July 2015, 10:09
it is easy to imagine the feeling of disbelief that would have stopped the guy from doing anything, there is a mind set that if your bike is stationery you are safe, this should not happen. Always easy to pick things apart after the fact and suggest what he might have done.
I do wonder what the truck driver was thinking pulling in to street like that as he clearly had a blind spot but it didnt seem to affect his turn speed or anything like that.

The guy was lucky, only replaceable plastic and metal got hurt.

22nd July 2015, 10:22
it is easy to imagine the feeling of disbelief that would have stopped the guy from doing anything, there is a mind set that if your bike is stationery you are safe, this should not happen.
The guy was lucky, only replaceable plastic and metal got hurt.

Aint that the truth. If you're sitting at STOP! sign, keep an eye on what's happening behind you as they don't always stop!!

22nd July 2015, 10:38
Well I guess it was lucky it was the bike there instead of woman and child.

True. Funny how the lorry driver nonchalantly plows through without a moment of hesitation. Even once the lorry is held to stop he didn't know what was going on.

Wonder if he'd think "oop speed bump!" if the Ducati was a dog or a small person.

22nd July 2015, 11:55
Reckon he could have taken that a bit wider.

22nd July 2015, 16:22
Nice to see the truck driver doesn't ask if the rider is all right. Simply more concerned about the bike under his wheel.

22nd July 2015, 16:50
From the footage you can't see Lorry in the drivers seat, it's the old saying ''if you cant see me then I cant see you'' though Lorry (once realizing his mistake) did seem helpful enough.

There was a stage during the turn when he should have seen the bike so really the problem is that he didn't bloody look.

Somebody commented on the "feeling of disbelief". That's not a good feeling to have. I remember looking at a woman driver thinking, "She's not going to do that."
Oh yes she was - crunch. Now I tend to assume the worst; it's safer that way.

23rd July 2015, 06:30
Have watched vid full screen on HD, bit from both sides here.
The bike had a full SIX seconds before impact to realise a possible incident coming. Truck was indicating left to turn into a narrow street and you know any driver worth is salt is going to be distracted making sure they passed the woman and pram safely. Then at the significant moment when the bike could have started taking evasive action he is looking over his shoulder perving/judging the pedestrian with green bag.
On the truck side he could have made a better turn but looking in the background you can see his oncoming traffic is using the median strip to go around the stopped buses on other side, in the interests of keeping traffic flowing he has taken a slightly different to turn to what is conventional and they are pretty strict over there on this type of stuff. From that angle you'd easily lose a car behind the mirrors, let alone a bike.
As said issues on both sides but really just another Cock with a GoPro judging/filming the rest of the world while not paying full 100% attention to their own actions, six freakin seconds he had to realise something could happen!!!

23rd July 2015, 08:32
As a truck driver myself, totally the trucks fault, he has a very good view of what's in front of him sitting up there, if he cant see what's in front of him or spends too much time looking where he's gone, trucks arn't for him.

Paul in NZ
23rd July 2015, 08:41
As a truck driver myself, totally the trucks fault, he has a very good view of what's in front of him sitting up there, if he cant see what's in front of him or spends too much time looking where he's gone, trucks arn't for him.

I agree. Yeah the bike has time when you are sitting in front of the PC but time to do what? Go around the side and maybe into something worse going around the truck? Reversing is hard on some bikes (I can't paddle the ST backwards worth a shit). He did the sensible thing left the bike to it and got himself out of the way.

Everything else is just insurance forms

23rd July 2015, 10:44
Totally the truck driver's fault.

However, the bike does see the truck coming and stops - he should have gone to the right around the truck ... that would have avoided getting hit.

23rd July 2015, 10:50
he should have kicked his wing mirror off.

23rd July 2015, 11:03
Trucker primarily at fault, but bikers' glacial reaction time doesn't help in this case.

Video should be titled "Two numpties come together" and it'll be closer to being correct.

23rd July 2015, 12:16
Somebody commented on the "feeling of disbelief". That's not a good feeling to have. I remember looking at a woman driver thinking, "She's not going to do that."
Oh yes she was - crunch. Now I tend to assume the worst; it's safer that way.

That's why we're still here pritch !
Thinking ahead and watching for idiots,no use screaming inside your helmet.

23rd July 2015, 14:00
Have watched vid full screen on HD, bit from both sides here.
The bike had a full SIX seconds before impact to realise a possible incident coming. Truck was indicating left to turn into a narrow street and you know any driver worth is salt is going to be distracted making sure they passed the woman and pram safely. Then at the significant moment when the bike could have started taking evasive action he is looking over his shoulder perving/judging the pedestrian with green bag.
On the truck side he could have made a better turn but looking in the background you can see his oncoming traffic is using the median strip to go around the stopped buses on other side, in the interests of keeping traffic flowing he has taken a slightly different to turn to what is conventional and they are pretty strict over there on this type of stuff. From that angle you'd easily lose a car behind the mirrors, let alone a bike.
As said issues on both sides but really just another Cock with a GoPro judging/filming the rest of the world while not paying full 100% attention to their own actions, six freakin seconds he had to realise something could happen!!!

Naa cobblers. The bike had nowhere to go. The trucks turning path was going to nail him no matter what unless the rider could have actually picked up the bike and carried it sideways towards the footpath where the lady was.

25th July 2015, 09:55
What I want to know is how does the .op know the truckies name was lorrie?:rolleyes:

25th July 2015, 10:47
this is when a decent horn is worth its weight in stebels.If you siting there stopped at least you can blast away on the horn to help Lorrie realise something maybe in the way!The bike coulda stopped much earlier then he may have had room to move to the right,but then he may have been at the mercy of blind car drivers following Lorrie

25th July 2015, 17:14
this is when a decent horn is worth its weight in stebels.
Never mind the stebel. I didn't hear a horn of any description.

This guy was like a deer in headlights and definitely needs to ride more defensively.

25th July 2015, 18:30
Agreed,he did NOTHING

26th July 2015, 17:43
Agreed,he did NOTHING

Oh c'mon now, he caught the whole thing on video AND he was in the right...never mind the fact he was almost flattened :woohoo:

Should have spent the Go-Pro money on a riding lesson or two maybe?? :facepalm:

27th July 2015, 21:13
The real question here is why did he not punch the truck driver. After all he just committed attempted manslaughter.

28th July 2015, 15:38
The real question here is why did he not punch the truck driver. After all he just committed attempted manslaughter.

Probably cause the old saying there's the quick and the dead. They'd prob finished exchanging insurance details before he got around to contemplating the possibility of revenge.
Look at the freakin video, Mr GoPro had an entire SIX freakin seconds to do something other than literaly throw his bike under the bus.
It takes five secons for a 44 tonne B-train to safely pull out of a T junction into the other lane safely, its an eternity in reactions times. This tool had 6 seconds to realise a hazard and obey the basic natural selection doctrine of the get the F out of the way of something bigger than you, whose in the right or wrong doesn't matter at this early stage.
Good to see I'm not the only one who can see the other fork in the path through the tress in the forest here....

28th July 2015, 15:52
Trucker primarily at fault, but bikers' glacial reaction time doesn't help in this case.

Video should be titled "Two numpties come together" and it'll be closer to being correct.

Observation skills are only of any value if you do something with the knowledge you gain.