View Full Version : NZ Army

25th September 2005, 10:27
On my way up the southern motorway yesterday I saw heading the other way most of our glourious army heading south. (Half a dozen trucks, a handful of pinzgauers and three bikes.) What I found intriguing was that none of the guys on the bikes appeared to be wearing any protective gear apart from helmets, gloves and boots. It looked like they were wearing good ol standard issue BDM battle dress. Now, that stuff is really good if you want to hide in the bush, but I'm not sure that it would be much chop if you were to hit the tarmac at highway speeds.....Can anyone out there shed any light on what gear the dispatch riders are issued?

White trash
25th September 2005, 10:29
Yup, know an instructor for those guys and that's exactly what he wears. Dangerous stupidity if you ask me, they've no respect for their own lives, gonna kill themselves and a bunch of othere for not wearing the right gear, scum of the earth, giving bikers a bad name.

25th September 2005, 10:32
Make some camo pants, now there's a marketing opportunity!
Though I wonder how many DRs in the army? 10? 12?

25th September 2005, 10:36

When will you guys ever get off your kick of telling other people how to live their lives,telling them what clothes they are allowd to wear!

Go and live your own life,they are living their's,and I hope enjoying it.

White trash
25th September 2005, 10:36
I'm not sure, but they've got a parade group and all. Be a cool job I reckon, fucking around on dirt bikes out off the desert rd and stuff.

25th September 2005, 10:40
If you are talking about the bikes they are KLX250's. Apparently they're quite shite

25th September 2005, 10:42

When will you guys ever get off your kick of telling other people how to live their lives,telling them what clothes they are allowd to wear!

Go and live your own life,they are living their's,and I hope enjoying it.

But I'd have thought that as a responsible employer the army would supply appropriate gear.......

White trash
25th September 2005, 10:43
If you are talking about the bikes they are KLX250's. Apparently they're quite shite

Sez a GN rider :killingme

All bikes are cool mate, no such thing as a bad one.

25th September 2005, 10:44
If you are talking about the bikes they are KLX250's. Apparently they're quite shite

But what make?????

25th September 2005, 10:51
All a show methinks, if they were travelling a fair distance they're stupid to not wear full gears! I reckon there are alot of KBers riding with below-minimal gear all the time too, if it's not a show or parade or summat then you should ride with full gears on. Other exceptions I suppose would be going down the road to the shops, but even Juan found out the hard way that you can get caught out and lose some skin! :bye:

25th September 2005, 10:54
All a show methinks, if they were travelling a fair distance they're stupid to not wear full gears! I reckon there are alot of KBers riding with below-minimal gear all the time too, if it's not a show or parade or summat then you should ride with full gears on. Other exceptions I suppose would be going down the road to the shops, but even Juan found out the hard way that you can get caught out and lose some skin! :bye:

they could have kevlar under their dpm gear....

25th September 2005, 11:05
they could have kevlar under their dpm gear....Yes, there are a whole lot of missing facts here...can't wait to hear what the truth is? :bleh:

25th September 2005, 11:16
Uh, these are *soldiers* ? Job description reads " Get shot at , bayoneted, blown up by shells, missiles, rockets, have people devise interesting and painful ways to kill you" ? And y'reckon their employer ought to be concerned to ensure that they are always safe . :rofl:

Seriously, I suspect these guys are pretty crash resistant . They would be like cops - crash the thing and it's what y'r Sergeant will do to you that y'need to worry about, not what the tarmac will do to you.

It's called primary safety folks. Seems to me this whole protective gear thing has gotten a bit like the Yanks and airbags " I'm a shit driver, but that's OK, I don't need to drive safely , cos when I crash (as of course I will) , my airbag will protect me"

I go with Mr Motu.

25th September 2005, 11:25
It's called primary safety folks. Seems to me this whole protective gear thing has gotten a bit like the Yanks and airbags " I'm a shit driver, but that's OK, I don't need to drive safely , cos when I crash (as of course I will) , my airbag will protect me"

I go with Mr Motu.

Yep, me too. A healthy respect for the road is the best safety item.

25th September 2005, 11:29
Aitch -Kawasaki-if you see an old one, sometimes you can see the neon green showing throught the paint
WT- I'm just passing on what the lads at work tell me. Mines still bigger'n yours so there :bleh:

25th September 2005, 11:35

When will you guys ever get off your kick of telling other people how to live their lives,telling them what clothes they are allowd to wear!

Go and live your own life,they are living their's,and I hope enjoying it.
i'd agree with that.

25th September 2005, 11:40
Uh, these are *soldiers* ? Job description reads " Get shot at , bayoneted, blown up by shells, missiles, rockets, have people devise interesting and painful ways to kill you" ? And y'reckon their employer ought to be concerned to ensure that they are always safe . :rofl:Of course the employer is concerned, he needs the soldier to be in ship shape condition should he get called for duty in a war! You'd think that the government would ensure the safest measures at all times, especially with the public responsability the armed forces hold.

Seriously, I suspect these guys are pretty crash resistant.On the motorway? What happens if a truck runs one over, or maybe a drunken driver comes up from behind and ploughs through them bowling 8 of them over (like in that night vid from France or wherever it was)?? Not on the motorway!

It's called primary safety folks. Seems to me this whole protective gear thing has gotten a bit like the Yanks and airbags " I'm a shit driver, but that's OK, I don't need to drive safely , cos when I crash (as of course I will) , my airbag will protect me"

I go with Mr Motu.Yeah I go with Motu too, but that's on an individual level. This is on a national level which should have higher rules and regulations.

But hey, maybe they were wearing X-men type kevlar suits underneath?? :nya:

25th September 2005, 11:49
They werent. And if they had anything of a protective nature on underneath, it'll be because they are bikers in thier spare time and brought thier own kit

25th September 2005, 12:23
But I'd have thought that as a responsible employer the army would supply appropriate gear.......
And not send their employees in the way of bullets.
Actually they did confine them to barracks when it got dicey in Basra

25th September 2005, 12:36
And not send their employees in the way of bullets.
Actually they did confine them to barracks when it got dicey in Basra

I'm not suggesting that these guys should be wrapped in cotton wool. However it makes no sense to spend lots of dough training a guy (or girl) to be a good soldier, then send him out on the road in what amounts to jeans and a rain coat! Yes these folks are meant to go in harm's way, but the same line of reasoning that suggests kevlar helmets are a good idea in a battle zone surely also suggests that a few hundred bucks worth of safety gear is a good investment if they going to ride from Papakura to Waiberia????????

25th September 2005, 16:55
So as a tax payer you have no problem paying an extra $$$ per week just so soldiers can ride safer?

The Defence budget isn't exactly a bottomless pit so I suspect spending money on luxury items is way down their list. A helmet is more likely to save your life whereas other protective gear will just save some skin. The law says you only have to wear a helmet and if you have a problem with that you should be talking to your MP not targeting those that are just following the law.

25th September 2005, 17:39
[QUOTE=Hoon]So as a tax payer you have no problem paying an extra $$$ per week just so soldiers can ride safer?

The Defence budget isn't exactly a bottomless pit so I suspect spending money on luxury items is way down their list. A helmet is more likely to save your life whereas other protective gear will just save some skin. The law says you only have to wear a helmet and if you have a problem with that you should be talking to your MP not targeting those that are just following the law.

you're right. why do we bother with silly kevlar armour and leather and stuff? After all, skin grows back in time. No-one ever regretted losing most of the skin on their arm or leg if they saved a few bucks on gear did they? And if a soldier has to spend a few weeks off work cos the army couldn't afford 5 or 6 jundred bucks for decent gear, well that's just fine and dandy too.
And with the money the army saves on decent gear for their DRs they can afford to have another LAV sitting in storage cos they don't have the bodies to drive them.......

25th September 2005, 20:34
We still have an army?
Should be put on the endangered spices list instead of given those dangerous machines!
What if one falls of and the other guy has to take him to hospital when Australia attacks? Our army's busy and we have to drink XXXX?
Oh, the humanity!

26th September 2005, 09:42
LOL, I just caught up with this thread.

No-one has learn anything have they? You forget that once you join the army, you are invincible. You don't wear your gear because you don't get issued it. Although, heres the neat part, if you fall off and damage yourself............ you get fined,

26th September 2005, 09:45
Although, I do agree with Motu, just let the guys wear what they want. I wore jeans on a ride to akaroa this weekend and no-one said anything to me. They all realised that I was the stupid one and I even admitted it.

Right Charlie
26th September 2005, 12:46
Seriously, I suspect these guys are pretty crash resistant .

Yeah you know what they say,

No Brain No Pain
No Sense No Feeling...

Right Charlie
26th September 2005, 12:47
...standard issue BDM battle dress.

That would be D P M (Deceptive Pattern Material)

Thats not battle dress either, which is FSMO... They wear DPMs as there uniform 90% of the time.

26th September 2005, 12:49
That would be D P M (Deceptive Pattern Material)

Thats not battle dress either, which is FSMO... They wear DPMs as there uniform 90% of the time.

You mean Disruptive Pattern Material? You are right about the DPM's worn 90% of the time.

Although I wouldn't call us no brainers mate. I had the potential and equipment to save a lot of lives when I was in service :motu:

26th September 2005, 13:09
My main concern is that if they bin and slide off the road, no one will be able to find them in the bushes.... :confused:

26th September 2005, 13:10
My main concern is that if they bin and slide off the road, no one will be able to find them in the bushes.... :confused:

You will be surprised.......... Arterial blood is a good giveaway. :crazy:

Right Charlie
26th September 2005, 16:37
You mean Disruptive Pattern Material? You are right about the DPM's worn 90% of the time.

Gawd dammit, i couldnt remember, i knew it was one or the other lol, you will appreciate us boys in blue dont get to wear it too often.

26th September 2005, 16:57
That would be D P M (Deceptive Pattern Material)

Thats not battle dress either, which is FSMO... They wear DPMs as there uniform 90% of the time.

And only have to roll the sleeves down and throw webbing and pack on to make it FSMO( and a bang stick of course)

26th September 2005, 16:58
And only have to roll the sleeves down and throw webbing and pack on to make it FSMO( and a bang stick of course)

10 points to who can tell me what FSMO means

26th September 2005, 17:11
10 points to who can tell me what FSMO means
Flexible single master operation...I looked it up! Now, gimme points!

26th September 2005, 17:13
10 points to who can tell me what FSMO means

Foreign Military Studies Office

10 more points!

26th September 2005, 17:15
Flexible single master operation...I looked it up! Now, gimme points!

And so indeed it is. But I suspect he meant Field Service Marching Order. Here we are in the 21st century ,and Tommy's still a amrching. Probably cos the LAV's have broken down :devil2:

26th September 2005, 17:15
10 points to who can tell me what FSMO means

Field Service Marching Order

10 more!

James Deuce
26th September 2005, 17:16
WT- ........Mines still bigger'n yours so there :bleh:

It's true. I saw him blow his baffle out.

Don't know what mines have to do with it, though I do know that anti-personnel mines are just to stop those annoying engineers from digging up the anti-tank ones.

26th September 2005, 17:16
Field Service Marching Order

10 more!

Full service marching order????

26th September 2005, 21:53

Like my keys...

26th September 2005, 22:10
Most of the time even if soldiers are given the right protective gear they often dont want to wear it in case they are held responsible if its damaged lost or destroyed. A really good example is the guys on mount ruapehu who had access to full mountain safety suits.

27th September 2005, 08:04
Well done Ixion. Aitch, I should bad rep you for being a smart arse and asking for points, but Im not in the habit of giving out red rep.

Timber, you are right there, as the amount of paperwork required for damaged property is phenominal. Still should not be an excuse for keeping safe.

27th September 2005, 16:38

Soldiers..... :blip:

in uniform.... :eek:

on bikes....... :love:

27th September 2005, 16:45

Soldiers..... :blip:

in uniform.... :eek:

on bikes....... :love:

Yum.......where were they heading????

27th September 2005, 17:26
Oh cibby, the only reason they have helmets on is so there ugly mugs dont scare other motorists and to stop there tongues floping in the wind.

27th September 2005, 17:36
Yum.......where were they heading????

South..probably to waiberia the poor sods!

27th September 2005, 17:39
Oh cibby, the only reason they have helmets on is so there ugly mugs dont scare other motorists and to stop there tongues floping in the wind.

I'll get you for saying that. I'll find a pic of myself in uniform and post it. Should I ladies? :blip:

27th September 2005, 18:12
- -then send him out on the road in what amounts to jeans and a rain coat! - -
I spent 30 yrs riding in basically, jeans and a raincoat - still got all my skin! Didnt have many offs either - only the last few years of old age I got some flash gear.
Sean Harris, of course, wore 2 pairs of jeans - coz he was faster! :2guns:

27th September 2005, 18:17
I'll get you for saying that. I'll find a pic of myself in uniform and post it. Should I ladies? :blip:

yes, please.

27th September 2005, 18:18
Don't know what mines have to do with it, though I do know that anti-personnel mines are just to stop those annoying engineers from digging up the anti-tank ones.

Thats what explosives and specialist equipment is for - or just use Field eggs or grunts, they're expendable :ar15: :thud:

27th September 2005, 18:31
Thats what explosives and specialist equipment is for - or just use Field eggs or grunts, they're expendable :ar15: :thud:

Are you and Jim attempting to rile me up deliberaly???? I'll prove you both wrong I will!

Ms Fish, I will find my graduation photo and scan it.

27th September 2005, 18:47
I'll get you for saying that. I'll find a pic of myself in uniform and post it. Should I ladies? :blip:

Me too..only...I NEED the helmet to hide my ugly mug!

27th September 2005, 18:51

Soldiers..... :blip:

in uniform.... :eek:

on bikes....... :love:

now where are my BDU's?..

27th September 2005, 18:52
I'll get you for saying that. I'll find a pic of myself in uniform and post it. Should I ladies? :blip:

i will if you will man..

27th September 2005, 18:59
Having spent a week at OSB in Welly and having seen first hand how the army "prepares itself" for their various roles, I find it hard to believe they'd be so lax with bike gear. "Safety first" is a very important principle there.

Sure there's a lot of "I'm bulletproof" mentality too, but something doesn't seem straight......

27th September 2005, 19:18
So do I have to find pictures of my carcass in uniform too? :D

27th September 2005, 19:19
So do I have to find pictures of my carcass in uniform too? :D

or out of it...

27th September 2005, 19:25
Something like this ?
PS Dont get rolled over coral- it hurts

27th September 2005, 19:29
Or maybe this?

27th September 2005, 19:30
I'll scratch for it soon, mice injuries Storm.

Why do women always like a man in uniform.

27th September 2005, 19:33
Because they can picture us getting out of it. Geez mate, must I spill ALL the beans? :bleh:

27th September 2005, 19:35
You in admin :bleh:

27th September 2005, 19:45
Wash your F%$king mouth out !!!!


27th September 2005, 19:48
Wash your F%$king mouth out !!!!


Lol, I got the right re-action.

Engineers- Demo :bleh:

27th September 2005, 19:49
I dont smell soap on that breath , you 'orrible little man :D

Blowing stuff up be all good

27th September 2005, 19:53
Not the best pic I know, but the only one I have on my laptop. Im second from the top wondering if we are all going to die.

The second photo is why Im called Sniper.

27th September 2005, 19:53
Also I note a couple of points
a) none of the ladies have said much(do I be happy, or sad? ) and;
b) I'm the only exhibitionist/ guy with the confidence to post photos

27th September 2005, 19:58
Hey, I found my photos after a long search on my laptop. Besides, you arent pretty :nya:

27th September 2005, 20:00
The second photo is why Im called Sniper.

whats that your holding? I cant make it out from the photo.

27th September 2005, 20:09
Come on, hazard a guess.

27th September 2005, 20:15
well its got some wack-ass flash suppressor screwed on teh end and I dont know what the nz army uses for sniping so you got me on that.


no frigging idea.

gimme a clue.

27th September 2005, 20:19
Besides, you arent pretty :nya:

Its a good thing I wasnt asking for the male opinion then isnt it?
You really need a woman. And before the pleading starts, no, I dont know where to find you one

27th September 2005, 20:30
I have one and she claims to like me storm so :nya:

Ms Fish, there is no Surpressor, its a M82

27th September 2005, 20:39
Ms Fish, there is no Surpressor, its a M82

someone shoot me if I'm wrong, but that bulbous crap at the end of the barrel is there to push the gas around after the bullet exits. therefore it will suppress the flash to a greater or lesser extent, even if thats not what its primarily there for.

I should have said muzzle brake.

27th September 2005, 20:46
I have one and she claims to like me storm so :nya:

I've got one who likes me so much she's marrying me. So :nya: :nya: :bleh:

27th September 2005, 20:47
I've got one who likes me so much she's marrying me. So :nya: :nya: :bleh:

oh, no, it's the "my girlfriend's bigger than your girlfriend" contest.

hint: to win, feed her more pies.

27th September 2005, 20:51
someone shoot me if I'm wrong, but that bulbous crap at the end of the barrel is there to push the gas around after the bullet exits. therefore it will suppress the flash to a greater or lesser extent, even if thats not what its primarily there for.

I should have said muzzle brake.

If you meant muzzel break, I would be wrong. Sorry

27th September 2005, 20:52

stop it!



27th September 2005, 20:54
Ok, is there any other words for apologising?

27th September 2005, 20:58
Ok, is there any other words for apologising?


now stop it.

27th September 2005, 20:59
Will do, thanks

27th September 2005, 21:02
Now say sorry to the nice Fish for having to waste her valuable time to sort you out

27th September 2005, 21:26
Say Ms Fish. Say Ms Fish.

27th September 2005, 21:30
Allrighy then. The over obsessed with titular designations, Ms Fish. There, now you may go about your business happily

27th September 2005, 21:53
I have one and she claims to like me storm so :nya:

Ms Fish, there is no Surpressor, its a M82

that's one ugly mother of a muzzle brake. I wasn't even aware the NZ army used M82s. is it the A2?

27th September 2005, 21:54
that's one ugly mother of a muzzle brake. I wasn't even aware the NZ army used M82s. is it the A2?

Jesus, Im the one using it, I think I know what Im talking about.

27th September 2005, 22:20
Are you sure? :nya: :bleh:

27th September 2005, 22:21
Are you sure? :nya: :bleh:

You sure you aren't admin. :nya:


27th September 2005, 22:54
Parker hale rather than the US version of the M82, big difference

28th September 2005, 07:56
Parker hale rather than the US version of the M82, big difference

Bang on, :bleh:

28th September 2005, 09:10
Parker hale rather than the US version of the M82, big difference

I knew it! was just about to suggest that....

edit: spoons are fun!

28th September 2005, 09:22
I knew it! was just about to suggest that....

The P&H M82 was standard NZ issue. You were allowed to have your own though. Only if you were special :cool:

I do indeed, please don't advertise it.

28th September 2005, 13:24
I do indeed, please don't advertise it.

Yeah dont do anything like admit it on a public forum or stuff like that

28th September 2005, 13:27
Yeah dont do anything like admit it on a public forum or stuff like that

Bastard, Im off to edit my posts :sweatdrop :bleh:

30th September 2005, 00:15
Here's one of me from basic this year posing with the C9.

30th September 2005, 08:23
Nice Pic Wonko.

What did you think of the C9?

30th September 2005, 09:18
The P&H M82 was standard NZ issue. You were allowed to have your own though. Only if you were special :cool:

I do indeed, please don't advertise it.
Farking nice weapon. What sights/scope do you have on it?

30th September 2005, 09:30
Farking nice weapon. What sights/scope do you have on it?

On what?? :niceone:

3rd October 2005, 16:45
Fun to actually fire the C9, I was expecting more of a kick to it after the hype that one instructor gave. We only fired 90 or so rounds in total, and about 50 of that were doing the IA's etc for our qualafiy tests. Would love to spend a little bit more time on a range friing one, as we had no set targets to fire at.

As our Corp said, "if your not bleeding at the end of your drills, your not doing them right" I ended up carving a chunk out of a knuckle.

4th October 2005, 07:02
I had that said to me too. You are lucky you didn't get to be the section gunner as well as FE. The kit to carry round was murder but shit it was fun!!