View Full Version : GST and duty on private imports, again

28th October 2015, 12:33
LOL. I think I might have had a win.

Ordered some stuff online for the Triumph, as you do: R & G tail tidy and some of that tank grip tape. Wanted some other stuff but realised it would go over the $400 landed and attract GST. So took some stuff out of the cart. $145GBP hit my card at $349NZD.


Waiting. no parcel.

Then I get a letter from DHL saying "Pay us $122 and you can have your parcel" that comprised of $63 in GST, plus another bunch of bullshit charges that took the total to $122.

I thought when I got it that they proposed changes to the regime (a zero dollar instead of $400 limit) must have come in. But no.

It turns out these turkeys are just making it up. The rules have not (yet) changed.

So cue some testy email correspondence. I have given them a copy of the invoice and a copy of the relevant part of my credit card statement demonstrating they are wrong. I have not yet received my parcel.

They are about to be told that I will lay a complaint of theft if I don't have it in 24 hours.

I actually wouldn't mind (or at least I would be philosophical) if we did have to pay GST on private imports. What really grinds my gears is all the other bullshit they stacked on top of it. Which in this instance had the effect of doubling the invoice. There is nothing right or reasonable about that.

28th October 2015, 12:39
Let us know how you get on. Very interested.

28th October 2015, 12:55
DHL have been doing that shit for ages. Its their way of making some more money by charging some fees for paying customs for you.

28th October 2015, 12:59
set the lawyers on them

28th October 2015, 13:08
Are the rules going to be changing? I know it was proposed, but talking to a mate on the weekend he said it was coming in... what's the latest?

28th October 2015, 15:01
set the lawyers on them

The Jew lawyers???
(as if there is any other sort)

28th October 2015, 15:08
Read the fine print....

GST and/or relevant DUTY has ALWAYS been payable on private imports, its just that for the most part customs doesn't bother if the amount is $60 or less worth of GST as the collection cost makes it a loss making procedure.
However for a variety of reasons your parcel may come to their attention at customs or the importers bonded warehouse.
Some items attract duty regardless of the amount, eg all clothing imports are 5% duty I think to protect the local fashion industry. And as soon as duty is charged they automatically file the GST and other bills like the biosecurity levy for packages they don't even open and inspect.

You have no case to protest here, you are in the system now. If an invoice has been issued for the correct amount of gst and/or duty payable it MUST be paid unless you can successfully protest the valuation. Also bear in mind that if you paid a foreign carrier for the shipping instead of say using youshop then the freight cost makes up part of the gst calculation also.

BTW if you don't pay GST or Duty customs will sieze and destroy the goods as they have technically already entered the country much the same as an illegal carton of ciggies in someones bag. Pay the bill its your only real option right or wrong.....

28th October 2015, 15:38
Read the fine print....

GST and/or relevant DUTY has ALWAYS been payable on private imports, its just that for the most part customs doesn't bother if the amount is $60 or less worth of GST as the collection cost makes it a loss making procedure.
However for a variety of reasons your parcel may come to their attention at customs or the importers bonded warehouse.
Some items attract duty regardless of the amount, eg all clothing imports are 5% duty I think to protect the local fashion industry. And as soon as duty is charged they automatically file the GST and other bills like the biosecurity levy for packages they don't even open and inspect.

You have no case to protest here, you are in the system now. If an invoice has been issued for the correct amount of gst and/or duty payable it MUST be paid unless you can successfully protest the valuation. Also bear in mind that if you paid a foreign carrier for the shipping instead of say using youshop then the freight cost makes up part of the gst calculation also.

BTW if you don't pay GST or Duty customs will sieze and destroy the goods as they have technically already entered the country much the same as an illegal carton of ciggies in someones bag. Pay the bill its your only real option right or wrong.....

Thank you for your input.

I am aware how it works. My point is that they have incorrectly levied GST and thus NO charges are payable.

28th October 2015, 15:58
Thank you for your input.

I am aware how it works. My point is that they have incorrectly levied GST and thus NO charges are payable.

What's this $400 limit? never heard of it.

The limit is $60 on levies+GST. If the combined total goes over $60 they will charge you.

You have presumably calculated the $400 limit based on something that has 0% levies and GST only, and as to whether your parts fall into that basket is another kettle of fish entirely.

28th October 2015, 16:34
Thank you for your input.

I am aware how it works. My point is that they have incorrectly levied GST and thus NO charges are payable.

Please reproduce forthwith the amounts shown on bill of sale invoice, including any freight charges so we can check the maths.
If they have calculated the amount incorrectly they will just recalculate it, you will still have to pay as your goods are now held for gst/duty payable...

28th October 2015, 16:49
Why do you get a letter from DHL? Every time I get stung for GST/bio/gst on bio etc all the correspondence is from NZ customs.

28th October 2015, 16:51
Why do you get a letter from DHL? Every time I get stung for GST/bio/gst on bio etc all the correspondence is from NZ customs.

No idea.

Last time this bit me I paid up but it was for an expensive helmet.

28th October 2015, 17:12
bonded warehouse.

i went to a place like that once...

Leather does nothing for my figure and ball gags give me a sore jaw.

Last time this bit me I paid up

slow learner, huh.

28th October 2015, 17:15
Got some of that shit charged on a similar $ amount a while back, which I just ended up paying, pretty sure it was DHL too.

Then on an entirely different occasion, youshop made me pay some fucking brokerage fee on top of like 8 other fees. Ended up costing a smidge under $250 in import fees for a $640 item, plus 50 bucks in the actual youshop postage fee.

Also, thanks for making me look that up again, just realised I had coded the GST wrong and hadn't claimed it back.

28th October 2015, 18:18
DHL or TNT or FedEx. Doesn't matter, they will all charge GST on imports. I don't know why. If you choose a slower std post option for delivery you will likely not pay anything. Just received a helmet from chromeburner in the Nederlands. Paid $558. Arrived in 10 calendar days std post. No duties paid but looked at the invoice and they had valued the goods at $87 Euro :yes:

I was waiting for the customs notice....maybe DHL etc calculate GST and just pay straight to customs regardless of the rules.

28th October 2015, 19:09
Narry a cent on the tail tidy I received last week (picked it up from NZ Post).

Despite being a reputably brand and given the big tick by the forums it is not set up for the stock turn signals. Little aftermarket ones would fit. MEH serves me right for not making my own like I have previously done but this time I was going to just bolt it on - need to make some turn signal brackets now.

I was on the customs sight recently - they have calculator somewhere where you bung in the purchase and shipping price and it tells you what it will cost if anything. Was looking at pipes - must find it again to check.

Side note - Fastbikegear do R&G - got the radiator guards from there - great service.

28th October 2015, 20:12
Go back to the website and check the shipping setup. Among the options some providers offer to deal with customs on your behalf.
Eg one place I looked at recently had five international options and the DHL one included them dealing with customs for you.
One place even rang me on the phone to pay with credit card when customs grabbed my stuff which is better than waiting for the customs letter to arrive.
We really need an accurate description of goods and price to check this out but I don't think you will get out of it.

28th October 2015, 20:19
No idea.

Last time this bit me I paid up but it was for an expensive helmet.

I thought 'safety equipment' had an exemption? previous rule or am I dreaming?

28th October 2015, 20:21
I thought 'safety equipment' had an exemption? previous rule or am I dreaming?
GST vs duty... very different things.

28th October 2015, 20:24
I thought 'safety equipment' had an exemption? previous rule or am I dreaming?

Exempt from duty. Not exempt from GST. (Unless the GST comes under $60)

28th October 2015, 20:28

its a handy tool to use..

29th October 2015, 22:35
Exempt from duty. Not exempt from GST. (Unless the GST comes under $60)

Thank you. that is exactly my point.

30th October 2015, 16:34
No update so we can assume we were all right, that the taxman owns you and you've paid the bill??????? :)

30th October 2015, 18:06
No update so we can assume we were all right, that the taxman owns you and you've paid the bill??????? :)

I told the DHL person I was unhappy, and that I wanted to speak with their customs broker and customs contact. She gave me some numbers to call but I have been involved with earning a living and other things so haven't followed up. It is JOB 1 on Monday (yes, I have a list) because I want it for next weekend.

30th October 2015, 19:25
I told the DHL person I was unhappy, and that I wanted to speak with their customs broker and customs contact. She gave me some numbers to call but I have been involved with earning a living and other things so haven't followed up. It is JOB 1 on Monday (yes, I have a list) because I want it for next weekend.

I love dogged determination.

You go you.

30th October 2015, 20:13
I love dogged determination.

You go you.

'Never give up. That’s what I always tell my daughter. She tells me to stop telling her, but I tell her I can’t, because that would be giving up.'

31st October 2015, 04:20
I love dogged determination.

You go you.

It's called 'not rolling over and getting it in the bum' just because some cunt on the phone told you to.

Big Dog
31st October 2015, 13:03
When I brought my stator in I got billed based on market value not cost. So $1300 (apparently got by phoning Colemans because their estimate was to the cent that Colemans had quoted me) not the $600 I paid or the us value on the bill of lading.
When they sent the replacement a few weeks later in rang up and explained I had returned the original and this was a replacement not a new purchase.
They sent me a declaration via email for me to fill in, sign, scan and return. They released the goods.

Sent via tapatalk.

31st October 2015, 18:12
I imported some stuff for an electric bike I built last year and customs pulled it up because the dumbass seller put a higher value on the declaration than I paid him :blink:
After about 2-3 weeks of emails/calls/etc and sending a screenshot of my bank statement I FINALLY got my package.

Turns out the customs people's work emails block attachments, so they couldn't see the statements I was sending and thought I was bullshitting.
Safe to say I now have a bitter opinion on NZ customs..

1st November 2015, 14:44
Never heard of this $400 limit - well, 15% GST of a maximum total value per parcel of $400 is...$60 :woohoo:

"If the amount to be paid to Customs is under $60, this will be waived, but if it’s $60 or more, you’ll have to pay any duty and GST plus an Import Entry Transaction Fee and MPI levy."

"I thought I could bring in up to $400 worth of goods tax-free?
There is a common misconception that goods purchased online from overseas websites for less than NZ$400 can come into the country (be imported) without incurring any duty, GST, or charges. This ‘rule of thumb’ does not apply to goods that attract both duty and GST, such as clothing, shoes, and accessories. Customs charges maybe payable when the value of these goods exceeds approximately NZ$225."
"What is the Import Entry Transaction Fee?
Depending on the circumstances, imported items may attract a Customs Import Entry Transaction Fee (IETF) of NZ$29.26 (GST inclusive). A Ministry for Primary Industries biosecurity system entry levy of $19.98 (GST inclusive) is also payable when an IETF is charged, making the total fees payable of $49.24 (GST inclusive)."

1st November 2015, 15:08
Never heard of this $400 limit - well, 15% GST of a maximum total value per parcel of $400 is...$60 :woohoo:

"If the amount to be paid to Customs is under $60, this will be waived, but if it’s $60 or more, you’ll have to pay any duty and GST plus an Import Entry Transaction Fee and MPI levy."

"I thought I could bring in up to $400 worth of goods tax-free?
There is a common misconception that goods purchased online from overseas websites for less than NZ$400 can come into the country (be imported) without incurring any duty, GST, or charges. This ‘rule of thumb’ does not apply to goods that attract both duty and GST, such as clothing, shoes, and accessories. Customs charges maybe payable when the value of these goods exceeds approximately NZ$225."
"What is the Import Entry Transaction Fee?
Depending on the circumstances, imported items may attract a Customs Import Entry Transaction Fee (IETF) of NZ$29.26 (GST inclusive). A Ministry for Primary Industries biosecurity system entry levy of $19.98 (GST inclusive) is also payable when an IETF is charged, making the total fees payable of $49.24 (GST inclusive)."

So really then the only bullshit charge is the $10 bringing it from $112 to 122?

Or is what's quoted part of new regulations that haven't been brought in yet, but are due soon? I've always understood it as mentioned earlier where they usually won't collect under $60 in GST, but can if it tickles their little scrotums.

1st November 2015, 15:16
So really then the only bullshit charge is the $10 bringing it from $112 to 122?

Or is what's quoted part of new regulations that haven't been brought in yet, but are due soon? I've always understood it as mentioned earlier where they usually won't collect under $60 in GST, but can if it tickles their little scrotums.

Well, honestly I got a couple of mixed parcels with bike parts, tools, clothes etc and always under the $400 limit and never get any GST or duty invoice.

That's the actual regulation - nothing mentioned from removing this $400 limit. Would be interesting if you import stuff for $50....do they planning to charge you another $50 for handling and other levies??? Hopefully nothing will change since the administration will be enornous and in the end it costs NZ custom more labour than your extra payment duty is worth it :motu:

5th November 2015, 10:22

Not sure if XXXXX has made contact with you, but the shipment has cleared customs with 0 GST payable

I haven't gotten the parcel yet but.

I was quite looking forward to a stoush and involving the po po, the Ministers of Revenue and Customs, and a Disputes Tribunal.

But I would rather have my tail tidy.....

5th November 2015, 12:42