View Full Version : *drumroll* -It's CSL's birthday...!

26th September 2005, 00:40
Happy birthday wifie- hope you are getting spoiled rotten today. :first:
And tomorrow.
And the next day.
And the day after that...
(Etc, etc)

26th September 2005, 01:31
Woohoo!!!!! Happy birthday Cathy. Hope they're luverly to ya at work today and that your bike stays upright in this nasty wind for once!

:hbd: :hbd: :hbd:

26th September 2005, 01:53
:wavey: :wavey: :wavey: have a great day!! [we REALLY need a cake-with-candles smiley!] :hbd:

26th September 2005, 02:36
BIG hug from your good old friend Indy :spudbn:
No, wait, you're running the other way?!

come back so I can give you the hug!


26th September 2005, 04:07
Hope you have a GREAT day CSL.

26th September 2005, 06:14
Happy Birthday CSL. Hope you have a great day!

26th September 2005, 06:55
Have a great day mate, :D

Ms Piggy
26th September 2005, 07:04
So far so great! :2thumbsup

I do have to go to work for a while but I'm gonna skive off early and cash the 50 pounds my Mum sent me and buy some new clothes! Luxury!! Then tonight MrCSL is taking me out for dinner.

26th September 2005, 07:11
Hope you get one of these for your Birthday CSLhttp://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/images/customavatars/avatar698_10.gif or at least the owner lets you borrow it for the day.

Hip hip hurray:drinknsin
Is Sea Lily's Birthday:hbd:
May she forever stay:spudguita
Youny of heart we say:Punk:

Riff Raff
26th September 2005, 07:18
Happy birthday Cathy. Hope you have an awesome day.

:hug: xx

26th September 2005, 07:22
Hippy Biffday CSL.....

James Deuce
26th September 2005, 07:44
Happy Birthday, and may your run of good results due to good work and an excellent attitude, continue on.

Uncle B
26th September 2005, 07:53
Happy Birthday Cathy

Hope you have a wonderful day and lots of well wishes

26th September 2005, 08:09
Happy birthday CSL. Have a good day!

White trash
26th September 2005, 08:09
Happy birthday luv, hopefully with it comes the wisdom to stay the hell out of mens toilets. :shifty:

26th September 2005, 08:17
Happy Birthday Cathy

26th September 2005, 08:18
Happy birthday Cathy, have a fantastic day!!!

26th September 2005, 08:48
Many happies, Cathie. It's a nice day. Go for a ride...

26th September 2005, 08:51
Happy birthday!

(bursts into song)
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday widdle Caaathieeeeeeeee
(big finale)



Have a fun one hun!

26th September 2005, 08:58
have a good'in, you young whippersnapper!

26th September 2005, 09:05
Have a great day CSL! :scooter:

26th September 2005, 09:13
....and a Happy Birthday from me too, CSL.

Paul in NZ
26th September 2005, 09:14
Happy Birthday Cathy...

You are a bloody good sort of 'uman bean and deserve a damn fine splendid birthday. I hope you get everything you need and some of what you want..

Best Regards

Paul and Vicki

26th September 2005, 09:32
everyone else has said what I want to say so Ill be different and just leave it at that.....

must.... press.... submit....

mmmmmmmmmgah! pant... pant... wheeze.... sigh. I cant

Happy Birthday CSL. many happy returns.

26th September 2005, 09:43
...Pretty Lady :wavey:
Hope your wishes and dreams come true :2thumbsup

26th September 2005, 11:06
Happy Birthday CSL! :hbd:

26th September 2005, 11:36
Happy Birthday :2thumbsup

26th September 2005, 12:52
Happy Biffday CSL.

26th September 2005, 12:53
Hippy Birfday, Cathy. Many happy returns. Piss-up tonite? (Not that we can get down to Wellington in time and we'd just get lost again anyway, and have to rely on Skunk and SC to guide us home...)

26th September 2005, 14:16
Cath, wishing you all the very best on your special day.. hope you have an amazing day annd are spoilt as much as you deserve.

Also wanted to thank you for everything you have done for me as well as Dave over the last few months... your generosity of spirt is amazing and I realise I am lucky to be able to call you my friend...lol, sorry where the violins... :violin:

Have a great one :blip:

26th September 2005, 14:19
Cathy, hope you have a great day, you deserve it!

26th September 2005, 15:14
All these birthdays, must be something in the water! Have a good one and don't forget to buy yourself something nice for your special day - I always do, then at least I get one present I like!

I'll down a glass or two of an impertinent sauvignon blanc tonight in your honour!

26th September 2005, 16:55
Happy birthday wishes from me too CSL! :spudguita :spudflip: :spudwave:

26th September 2005, 16:56
Yeah, and me too! (Hope it's not too late....)

I hope your day has been a good one, and that the rest of it is even betterer. :niceone:

26th September 2005, 16:58
best biffday wishes, CSL.

maybe someone will give you a new bike...

Ms Piggy
26th September 2005, 17:34
Well it's been good so far. No-one at my placement knew it was my b'day and I was (very uncharacteristically) quiet about it. I manged to leave at 1, went and spent money and now I'm all tarted up and ready to go out.

Ooooo oooo! Btw - I texted a few but if any of youse what like the brown stuff happen to be passing Molly Malones around...6ish (cripes better get a move on myself!) then pop in and see me.

Cheers all, 34 and not lookin' a day over 33! (Or so my Aunty says!)

26th September 2005, 18:14

Holy Roller
26th September 2005, 18:24
All the best
Have a great day :first:

26th September 2005, 18:37
happbirf day caff!!!!!!!!!!!

26th September 2005, 18:44
Happy Birthday CSL!

26th September 2005, 19:54
Well it's been good so far. No-one at my placement knew it was my b'day and I was (very uncharacteristically) quiet about it. I manged to leave at 1, went and spent money and now I'm all tarted up and ready to go out.

Ooooo oooo! Btw - I texted a few but if any of youse what like the brown stuff happen to be passing Molly Malones around...6ish (cripes better get a move on myself!) then pop in and see me.

Cheers all, 34 and not lookin' a day over 33! (Or so my Aunty says!)

Looking great girl, hope you have had a great one anyway, I send a drunken salute in your honour

26th September 2005, 21:05
And happy birthday from me too..... :banana:

26th September 2005, 21:11
hey there Cathy have a wonderful day won't ya

Ms Piggy
26th September 2005, 21:51
Well 2 G'n'T's, a couple of sav blancs & a few sips of a magarita later I've had a great birthday. MrCSl took me to 'The Flying Burito Brothers', yummy Mex food. I couldn't drink my magarita tho, too sour :pinch:

I met with a few friends earlier nd generally had another fab b'day.

Thanks (once again) for all your well wishes. :grouphug:

26th September 2005, 22:04
Well, It's been swell (but the swelling's going down.... I'm soooo funny, I know....))
I think CSL had a great day & t'was good to catch up with some mates at the pub.....
I'd better disappear now & go & sing "Happy Birthday".....

26th September 2005, 22:40
Many Happy Returns from C.B and I, 34 huh? nearly 20 years ago I was that age, enjoy your youth young lady!! Best wishes.

27th September 2005, 06:48
:Oops: Dunno how I missed this thread yesterday...

Belated best wishes Cathy