View Full Version : stuff.co.nz sucks ar5e

1st October 2005, 14:05
I have a method for reducing the amount of spam I receive. I have a domain name. Whenever I am required to signup on a website to reap the benefits that the site offers I use an address that starts with the website name and then add '@mysitename.com'. This way, when my POP3 server grabs all the generic emails, I get any emails from the aforementioned sites.

In this case I used 'stuff@mysitename.com' to sign up for stuff's offerings. Little did I know that my email address was going to be distributed to despots so they can inform me of better ways to pleasure my (non existant) lover etc. Now I recieve about 100 emails a day on the topic. Thanks stuff.co.nz...youre shit!

Now the intended (temporary) solution is to place an junkmaill filter on my email client but whats gonna happen when I have to use dial-up? Thats right, Im not going to be able to anything for about 10mins while all the shit spam email is going to be downloaded.

I wouldnt be so pissed if it was spam from signing up with p*rn sites but its not. Its from signing up to find out about jobs etc. Now I find out about the wrong sorts of jobs altogether :|.

My rant is concluded. EOT.

Brian d marge
1st October 2005, 16:10
Me I use hotmail and when ever I sign up for anything on the web I use that addess ..and they delte stuff after a couple of days ,,so its fit an foget ....
and you can open as many hotmail adresses as u want !!!!:whocares: microsoft

I hardly get any spam in the address I use for friends .... actually 1 ...always entitled R14 ...Rfollowed by a number ( and I got that by the wife using that address for something ....)

Microsoft can have its spam back ....:spudwave:


3rd October 2005, 07:27
Sucks mate, but having a domain name to get your emails really doesn't do shit. I suggest you download something like mailwasher as you can set exactly what emails you want to download and see all of them before you download them.

Str8 Jacket
3rd October 2005, 09:12
Now I find out about the wrong sorts of jobs altogether :|.

hehe, I think it's quite funny really . . . :chase: