View Full Version : one small step...

5th October 2005, 22:31
I'm starting to wear my brothers aversion to bikes down little by little.
(honestly though the only thing stoping him from getting his liscence is he hates standard transmissions so if anyone knows where I can find a relatively cheap Hondamatic let me know aye?)

He's gone and bought himself a scooter. Like most peaple lately he bought it to save on gas but I have a feeling it wont be long before he starts to enjoy riding and wants something a little bigger.

It's a little firetruck red 50cc 2-stroke shitter made by Futong but atleast it's got two wheels and an engine.

Anyway here are the pics.
EDIT: ok for some reason it will only let me post the one pic so....

Ignore the messy arse gargre, the only things int there that are mine are the weight set and the red Honda Rebel you see in the background on one of the pictures.

5th October 2005, 22:34
My bro can't wait to get on a bike... looking into getting his learners soon, then a little 250 for commuting and a bit of weekend fun,

Bit offtopic, but anyone got any suggestions of a good Basic Handling Test place in the Auckland area, he's not been on a bike before so he'll need a few hours training as well.

5th October 2005, 22:37
tsk tsk... You should know the search function by now.

Where in Auckland?? There's Doug Swanson, Lee Rusty, John Wright (did it with him)

my little bro is only 14, so nothing yet, but it might be bikes, he thinks bikes and rice cars are cool, but gimme a few years :whistle:

5th October 2005, 23:13
My little sis says she wants to ride bike.....God help us :p


14th October 2005, 16:56
Now my sister has one aswell. Same as my brother's, only blue.

And if she thinks she is borrowing any of my helmets she can get stuffed and buy her own.

15th October 2005, 12:03
Nice to see your family all have the same calibur for picking two wheel vehicles.

15th October 2005, 12:17
Jealous are you?:whocares:

15th October 2005, 12:19
Jealous are you?:whocares:
If I said "yes" I'd be more of a lair than OJ Simpson.

15th October 2005, 12:29
If I said I cared it would be more so.

15th October 2005, 12:29
If I said I cared it would be more so.
You keep responding :niceone: