View Full Version : Karori Weirdos unearthed in flatmatehunt

9th October 2005, 16:15
We have found some wierd people show up when advertising a room. We had 3 italian guys wanting to share a room while they look for work, a couple on sickness benefit trying to get away from the P scene, some guy who had all the charm of charles manson. Been very interesting.

we have done the dom, flatfind, flathunt and had no luck finding someone who suits.
We have a carport with room for a bike or two, I can lend you a couple bike covers. Double room, house with all the mod cons including saturn. with food and everything (we share cooking) you pay 145. One guy, 2 girls, a cat and a well behaved lab puppy.

All the tools, compressor,welder etc for doing work on bikes.
Let me know if you know anyone who might be interested or have any of your own crazy flatmate tales......

9th October 2005, 18:07
he forgot to say he's an alright cunt to!
an his house will never be cold with all that wood!

good luck on finding someone

9th October 2005, 18:17
lol i don't know which is more funny
the p addicts who say they are recovering or the 3 italian guys sharing 1 room

9th October 2005, 19:30
could been 3 italian p addicts! lol.

i tell you what, it sounds very tempting, but too far out of town [not that keen to commute that far! LOL] and too much $$ for me. good luck though!!

9th October 2005, 20:17
2 months to early. Good luck finding someone.

9th October 2005, 21:34
You could always advertise for a Christian vegetarian. That should produce some gems...

10th October 2005, 10:45
Heh - that's great! :laugh:

Good luck mate - sounds like you might be needing it at the mo. Have you tried advertsising online? There's a few sites that Helen and Grange have used to advertise their flats - not sure if it's for individual flatmates or just whole flats but it might be worth a try. Although you might get even weirder sorts if you do that!

10th October 2005, 20:12
Yeah have tried a few sites, unfortunately we dont have room for a bus at our place!

Some time back we had an asian couple come with a interperter to rent a room, no english, I mean none, would have made for fun times. Then there was this guy who turned up drunk, at lunchtime, on a tuesday, and I think he drove.....

11th October 2005, 08:49
It must be something about the area - I used to flat in Northland and my flatmates were so strange I moved out after two months! One was a former fattie who had gone on some weird diet and only ate boiled chicken breasts and cabbage, and she wrecked my non-stick frying pan after using it to toast her muesli in! She'd cook up huge piles of it and stick it in the deepfreeze so there was no room in there for anything else!

The other one was an old friend of hers and they'd spend most of their time in each other's rooms watching tv, and if they invited friends around, I was asked to go out for the night! Once I was ill and they wouldn't even let me stay in my room, I had to go out!

There was a communal block of cheese, tea/coffee, half a dozen eggs a week, and butter, but you had to buy (and cook) your own meat, veges, milk, biscuits, etc. One ran out of potatoes once and asked if she could borrow one of mine! She replaced it the following day, with one I swear was exactly the same size and shape as the one she borrowed!

And they didn't like the toilet being flushed at night because it was noisy, so you can imagine the smell in the morning after the one who ate cabbage had been in there during the night!

11th October 2005, 18:56
Thats funny, you do get some gooduns. I had some dodgy flatmates a while back, man they were trouble. We had problems with the phone bill, at the end of the month there was often toll calls unclaimed so I came up with a brilliant system. What we would do is to look at the most called unclaimed number, wed call it, find out who it belonged to and who had called them, and then that flatmate had to pay ALL the unclaimed calls. Works a treat!

11th October 2005, 19:14
strange flatmates?? one did telephone sex for a living and used to forget
to clear the diverts had a few good phone calls over that one
(1 oclock in the morning!!! is this the abuse hotline,me yes it is fuck off! then the bugger rang back and i will not repeat what i said on that one, strange
thing is he rang again) :sick: