View Full Version : Trepidation

old slider
25th November 2017, 21:09
I approached the town centre as quietly as I could, a large crowd had formed into what looked like a gang of trouble with an even larger number of respectable looking citizens encircling them and many just milling about holding childrens hands. For some reason a group parted allowing me and 2 other riders to enter the mass, inside was a plethora of bikes all in tidy rows, some of these bikes were from the 60s and 70s but mostly appeared to be from the last couple of decades.

I wondered why I was placing myself at such huge risk by going on a group ride with so many unknown characters, I was even paying someone for this extremely risky pastime. I kept telling myself it was for a good cause and many children would be rewarded on Christmas day.

I have to say my fears were unfounded and the organization was brilliant, about 300kms of wonderful riding ended with a smile on the dial.

Thank you Ulysses Wanganui for a wonderful day.

25th November 2017, 21:14
Good onya mate.....

25th November 2017, 21:21
Group rides of the disciplined kind can be fun aye? As long as there's no pressure to keep up, take strange cornering lines, and most importantly no dogs are harmed in the process...

Good to hear you had a pleasant group ride :niceone:

26th November 2017, 13:49
You perhaps got lucky. Some will remember Rastus saying on here some weeks back he no longer goes on them because of how dangerous they are. So if someone with his police and riding school instructor experience is put off them his opinion should be taken notice of over mine where I have only watched them as well as reading about the dangers of them which does not count according to many on here.

More confirmation you're a fuckwit...reams of print about group rides - and you've never been on one!!


26th November 2017, 14:34

More confirmation you're a fuckwit...reams of print about group rides - and you've never been on one!!


Lol. Beat me to it.

26th November 2017, 15:01
There are group rides and there are group rides. The big public rides I gave up, too many people leave their brains at home.

I sometimes ride with a totally informal group, "The Old Cocks". Motto, "No attitude". Organisation is very loose and there is a big range of machinery but y'all go yer own speed.

Ulysses group rides are generally well organised. I'm sure someone will be able to tell us of an exception but I have never seen one.

A few years ago there was a spate of accidents related to group rides in Britain. There was a new phenomenon, people who had never met except on various motorcycle websites were meeting for a rideout. So a group of strangers from the GSXR1000* owners group meet up for a ride. What could possibly go wrong. :rolleyes:

* No disrespect to owners of GSXR1000s that's just an example.

sidecar bob
26th November 2017, 15:30
I rode a borrowed Hornet 600 at the Isle of Man this year to & from various viewing points around the course during practice & race week.
The whole island is one huge disorganised group ride full of all the motorcycling fuckwits of the world.
I have organised a small car for next year on the world sidecar racers vehicle exchange programme, lol, as I don't plan on being a part of it again.

26th November 2017, 15:40
You perhaps got lucky. Some will remember Rastus saying on here some weeks back he no longer goes on them because of how dangerous they are. So if someone with his police and riding school instructor experience is put off them his opinion should be taken notice of over mine where I have only watched them as well as reading about the dangers of them which does not count according to many on here.

You are a retarded cunt.

26th November 2017, 16:42
Rastus, oh Rastus, do your ears Burn feverishly hot?
I hope so, your new found freind is quoting you and if I'm right she's not doing it 100% accurately, even if she is she's Not.
Fuckwittery isn't a prerequisite, but in It's case it must be the only thing that makes It think anyone in KB likes or agress with it at all.

26th November 2017, 17:05
So Rastus is a fuckwit too for saying they are dangerous? He actually went on one to find out.

If you had ANY dignity, you would not post on Kiwibiker anymore.
It's OK tho, I know you will continue posting and getting soundly slapped down, left, right and centre.

26th November 2017, 17:05
I rode a borrowed Hornet 600 at the Isle of Man this year to & from various viewing points around the course during practice & race week.
The whole island is one huge disorganised group ride full of all the motorcycling fuckwits of the world.
I have organised a small car for next year on the world sidecar racers vehicle exchange programme, lol, as I don't plan on being a part of it again.

worse time over there is about two pm, the lunch time lager louts come out to play

26th November 2017, 17:19
worse time over there is about two pm, the lunch time lager louts come out to play

Can't be worse than seeing some poor cunt go feet first into a rock wall. Fuck that place.

26th November 2017, 19:03
You perhaps got lucky. Some will remember Rastus saying on here some weeks back he no longer goes on them because of how dangerous they are. So if someone with his police and riding school instructor experience is put off them his opinion should be taken notice of over mine where I have only watched them as well as reading about the dangers of them which does not count according to many on here.

you're a fuckwit

26th November 2017, 19:06
So Rastus is a fuckwit too

nope. just you. fuckwit.

26th November 2017, 19:45
I can type words that prove that I am a fuckwit.

Please just copy and paste the above every time you get the urge to post. It will save a lot of time.

26th November 2017, 20:15
So I'll admit I went on a small ride today (less than 500 km) as a group of three. No dogs were harmed, no pressure was felt to keep up, the law of the land was obeyed, we all rode to the same standard, and because we managed to ride with sound forward observation at no point did we risk becoming involved in an incident that was not our fault...now I'm not sure if I should be saying my prayers because I came to no harm, or do I just put it down to luck? Nah, just Roadcraft being practised.

As you were :laugh::devil2:

26th November 2017, 20:25
I find if you just go faster than everyone else then pressure to keep up is not an issue!

26th November 2017, 20:27
I find if you just go faster than everyone else then pressure to keep up is not an issue!

Well our rule is the first chap back at the finish point has to buy the coffees. Seems to keep the speed in check...:devil2::eek::banana:

27th November 2017, 03:26
Nasty smell is back. Did someone drop one?

27th November 2017, 04:53
You obviously did not read Rastus's post then about him doing no more group rides fuckwit.

quote it or fuck up.

you're a fuckwit.

27th November 2017, 04:56
Nasty smell is back. Did someone drop one?

i think c*ssina must be only the second or third child, conceived and birthed from an anus.
which is an impressive medical feat, but still just makes it a sack of shit.

27th November 2017, 05:01
This has all turned a bit personal. Is that really necessary?

27th November 2017, 05:38
Group ride yesterday to deliver toys to the Sallies for underprivileged children ( GCTB Toy RUN) , then a 200 k open road ride out West. 30 or so bikes, no issues, lovely day, awesome ride.
Well run with a leader, at turn off second bike stays at turn off to direct and joins to rear as last bike passes, it works a treat. Catering for all with learner riders and even had a scooter on the run, he just left earlier and caught up at designated refreshment stops :scooter: Communication to all at start and at stops of destinations and riding rules is effective.

Cosmik de Bris
27th November 2017, 10:02
This has all turned a bit personal. Is that really necessary?

Yes, I agree. No need.


old slider
27th November 2017, 11:02
Group ride yesterday to deliver toys to the Sallies for underprivileged children ( GCTB Toy RUN) , then a 200 k open road ride out West. 30 or so bikes, no issues, lovely day, awesome ride.
Well run with a leader, at turn off second bike stays at turn off to direct and joins to rear as last bike passes, it works a treat. Catering for all with learner riders and even had a scooter on the run, he just left earlier and caught up at designated refreshment stops :scooter: Communication to all at start and at stops of destinations and riding rules is effective.

This sounds very similar to how they ran this, my first toy run and only my 2nd group ride. I was impressed with the organization and how it ran. No pressure at any stage to try and keep up with faster riders and bikes, probably due to ride leaders and officials who stopped or directed traffic at various points along the route.

The mix of riders and bikes was vast, even some of our well known local identities who have raced bikes for quite some time were amongst the group and I look forward to watching some of them at the cemetery circuit again, especially that engineering chap on his pristine Norton.

27th November 2017, 20:36
Group ride yesterday to deliver toys to the Sallies for underprivileged children ( GCTB Toy RUN) , then a 200 k open road ride out West. 30 or so bikes, no issues, lovely day, awesome ride.
Well run with a leader, at turn off second bike stays at turn off to direct and joins to rear as last bike passes, it works a treat. Catering for all with learner riders and even had a scooter on the run, he just left earlier and caught up at designated refreshment stops :scooter: Communication to all at start and at stops of destinations and riding rules is effective.

yes but do remember it was a whisper jet out front :laugh:

all made it to the final destination, all respected our request to ride sensibly and stay behind the leader, having said that as we left 50km or 70km areas the lead bike just keeps the speed low until all bikes are out on the open road, works a treat and nobody feels the need to harm dogs.

was a cracker day for a ride too

27th November 2017, 20:44
This has all turned a bit personal. Is that really necessary?

wholly crap batman, light bulb has just popped.
I have thought for some time now that Cassina is a troll, and although early on i may have got a bit low, and i see lots of others on here wit the name calling etc

but just sittin here playing keyboard warrior and a thought just jumped in to my mind, has anybody ever seen Rastus and cassina online at the same time :bleh: :Playnice:

old slider
28th November 2017, 14:52
wholly crap batman, light bulb has just popped.
I have thought for some time now that Cassina is a troll, and although early on i may have got a bit low, and i see lots of others on here wit the name calling etc

but just sittin here playing keyboard warrior and a thought just jumped in to my mind, has anybody ever seen Rastus and cassina online at the same time :bleh: :Playnice:

This is Brilliant.

After following the police video thread for awhile I am now starting to see your logic russd7

28th November 2017, 15:21
yes but do remember it was a whisper jet out front :laugh:

all made it to the final destination, all respected our request to ride sensibly and stay behind the leader, having said that as we left 50km or 70km areas the lead bike just keeps the speed low until all bikes are out on the open road, works a treat and nobody feels the need to harm dogs.

was a cracker day for a ride too

Yes. The way a run goes is largely up to the lead rider. They set the pace ...

28th November 2017, 19:57
wholly crap batman, light bulb has just popped.
I have thought for some time now that Cassina is a troll, and although early on i may have got a bit low, and i see lots of others on here wit the name calling etc

but just sittin here playing keyboard warrior and a thought just jumped in to my mind, has anybody ever seen Rastus and cassina online at the same time :bleh: :Playnice:

now, i may be a rude cunt, and have called some people some pretty abhorrent things, but that, is just fucking rude.
even of the worst fuckwits out there, no bastard should ever be called a c*ssina.

28th November 2017, 20:12
You perhaps got lucky. Some will remember Rastus saying on here some weeks back he no longer goes on them because of how dangerous they are. So if someone with his police and riding school instructor experience is put off them his opinion should be taken notice of over mine where I have only watched them as well as reading about the dangers of them which does not count according to many on here.

you just can't help yourself can you?...post 4
any chance you can supply a link to the articles expressing the dangers of group rides

28th November 2017, 20:26
now, i may be a rude cunt, and have called some people some pretty abhorrent things, but that, is just fucking rude.
even of the worst fuckwits out there, no bastard should ever be called a c*ssina.

yes i see your point, twas said in jest but some shit is just not funny, i shall bow at rastus feet :not: and beg forgiveness, but he is correct in that to stoop as low as an idiot brings one down to their level therefor turning one in to the same

28th November 2017, 22:04
yes i see your point, twas said in jest but some shit is just not funny, i shall bow at rastus feet :not: and beg forgiveness, but he is correct in that to stoop as low as an idiot brings one down to their level therefor turning one in to the same

You are forgiven, Citizen.

Cosmik de Bris
29th November 2017, 08:43
yes i see your point, twas said in jest but some shit is just not funny, i shall bow at rastus feet :not: and beg forgiveness, but he is correct in that to stoop as low as an idiot brings one down to their level therefor turning one in to the same

It reminds me of the bullying that went on at school, jeez we are supposed to be grown ups now.


29th November 2017, 16:44
Jeez;we are supposed to be grown ups now.


Not going to happen


Was that bullying :laugh:

Navy Boy
30th November 2017, 07:22
Going back to the OP I'm glad to hear that the ride went well. I too approach group rides with a real sense of trepidation as I've seen too many people put their 'Thinking' heads at home.

Sadly my Ulyssess experiences haven't been as positive. I've not renewed my membership because of that - A shame but life's about choices and a well run and ridden group ride is one of life's pleasures IMHO.

old slider
30th November 2017, 09:31
Going back to the OP I'm glad to hear that the ride went well. I too approach group rides with a real sense of trepidation as I've seen too many people put their 'Thinking' heads at home.

Sadly my Ulyssess experiences haven't been as positive. I've not renewed my membership because of that - A shame but life's about choices and a well run and ridden group ride is one of life's pleasures IMHO.

Bugger about your experience with Ulysses in your area, was it their riding behavior that was negative or something else?

I have to admit that I only spoke to a couple of people out of the 50-60 bikes (many had pillion passengers) that were on this group ride, was probably more my fault than any of the members, they seemed to have their little groups of mates which is understandable and I was reluctant to just wander over and join in as a newbie.

I did speak to a couple of HOG Manawatu riders who just happened to be at our rides destination point, the Café bar at Himitangi, they were certainly very friendly and very approachable, I think my next group ride will be with these people, I will decide after that if I will do more.

Cosmik de Bris
30th November 2017, 09:52
Going back to the OP I'm glad to hear that the ride went well. I too approach group rides with a real sense of trepidation as I've seen too many people put their 'Thinking' heads at home.

Sadly my Ulyssess experiences haven't been as positive. I've not renewed my membership because of that - A shame but life's about choices and a well run and ridden group ride is one of life's pleasures IMHO.

I've been on one Ulysses ride so statistically not very significant. It looked like a mainly family affair which was quite nice, old and young alike. It was quite well managed the guy at the front stuck his cruise on 105, the guy at the back made sure he was at the back. There was quite a range of skills but no craziness. Some shop rides on the other hand have been a bit more hazardous, but most of those have been OK too.


Navy Boy
30th November 2017, 14:50
I've been on one Ulysses ride so statistically not very significant. It looked like a mainly family affair which was quite nice, old and young alike. It was quite well managed the guy at the front stuck his cruise on 105, the guy at the back made sure he was at the back. There was quite a range of skills but no craziness. Some shop rides on the other hand have been a bit more hazardous, but most of those have been OK too.


I went on 4 different Ulyssess rides in my area, with different people and at different times. There was none of the organisation you speak of. No nominted lead bike and no tail end charlie. Whilst that's fine if you know where the destination is located (I didn't on 2 occasions) it isn't clever when you're relatively new to the area. On 2 occasions I found myself at the back of the group with the rider in front of me having gotten out of sight. Both times I ended up stopping at the next decent looking cafe and having a drink on my own instead... I ride at a decent pace, making progress where roads and conditions allow but that wasn't enough to keep up with this lot.

The standard of riding was... Variable I guess is the best word for it.

A real shame as I wanted to really enjoy my experiences with them. Sadly it wasn't to be - I'm happy that I gave it a proper go and I hope others' experiences with Ulyssess are better. :(

old slider
30th November 2017, 16:21
I went on 4 different Ulyssess rides in my area, with different people and at different times. There was none of the organisation you speak of. No nominted lead bike and no tail end charlie. Whilst that's fine if you know where the destination is located (I didn't on 2 occasions) it isn't clever when you're relatively new to the area. On 2 occasions I found myself at the back of the group with the rider in front of me having gotten out of sight. Both times I ended up stopping at the next decent looking cafe and having a drink on my own instead... I ride at a decent pace, making progress where roads and conditions allow but that wasn't enough to keep up with this lot.

The standard of riding was... Variable I guess is the best word for it.

A real shame as I wanted to really enjoy my experiences with them. Sadly it wasn't to be - I'm happy that I gave it a proper go and I hope others' experiences with Ulyssess are better. :(

That's a shame mate, these guys I did this one ride with had a run down of the rules they wanted everyone to follow and explained what was going to happen along the route, then they asked if anyone had any concerns or questions they wanted to ask.

I really enjoyed the experience and hopefully your experience hasn't put you off from looking at maybe other well run and organized group rides.

old slider
30th November 2017, 16:29
Many on here will say though there is no such thing as pressure to keep up on a group ride and well done for not trying as you will likely out live them all.

Your repetitive "Pressure to keep up" reminds me of my dear old Mum, bless her. "if everyone else jumped off a cliff, would you?"

Like all things in life, sooner or later we have to make grown up decisions, or at a minimum, decisions that we have to live with.

30th November 2017, 17:21
Your repetitive "Pressure to keep up" reminds me of my dear old Mum, bless her. "if everyone else jumped off a cliff, would you?"

Like all things in life, sooner or later we have to make grown up decisions, or at a minimum, decisions that we have to live with.

It's an interesting saying that one, because if the answer isn't yes, then your 'everyone' doesn't include people you trust unquestioningly.

30th November 2017, 20:41
Many on here will say though there is no such thing as pressure to keep up on a group ride and well done for not trying as you will likely out live them all.

a) fuck off and die

b) you're a fuckwit.

30th November 2017, 20:46
It's an interesting saying that one, because if the answer isn't yes, then your 'everyone' doesn't include people you trust unquestioningly.

i hope he lets me do this:


30th November 2017, 21:01
In my old army days the company ran 10 km every day before breakfast.
I always made it back in the first 10.....
Just so I could be first in the showers and first at breakfast.

I'm the same at group rides.....

The minute I see one rider having an alcoholic drink however I'm gone...

So basically I am not doing group rides anymore....
To many fuckwits....
Including myself.