View Full Version : Girlies in uniform

11th October 2005, 09:31
Nothing more sexy than a girlie in uniform that knows how to handle a gun.


11th October 2005, 09:38
Spankme, this is why you are God :niceone:

The Stranger
11th October 2005, 09:39
Wahoo, I'm off to Croatia.

11th October 2005, 09:41
Aye. Korumba.

11th October 2005, 10:02
holy cow.. we have chicks to save..
see, that's why chicks are in the army - no one in their right mind would want to shoot any (well most) of them, so they could just walk up, seduce most of the guys on the 'baddie' side, take their weapons, and then the war would be over without firing a single shot (save for those fired in pants). I need to save these girls..
but don't fuck with 'em tho.. they'll break your wiener..

edit - ooo look at my post count..

11th October 2005, 10:05
haha.. classic bugjuice..

11th October 2005, 10:53
Wow... (speachless in amazement)

Lou Girardin
11th October 2005, 11:20
Surprise, surprise, no canines like Lindy England.

Maybe they post the ugly ones to Iraqi jail duty.

11th October 2005, 12:10
I didnt see a section for the NZ forces, might have to take my camera to work for a bit :mellow:

old farts
11th October 2005, 12:13
I didnt see a section for the NZ forces, might have to take my camera to work for a bit :mellow:

Have they got any forces ?????

11th October 2005, 12:42
I hear the Thai female infantry uses ping pong balls instead of bullets.


11th October 2005, 14:05
I hear the Thai female infantry uses ping pong balls instead of bullets.


And don't they have goats in Afghanistan?

Back Fire
11th October 2005, 14:15
And don't they have goats in Afghanistan?

THeir goats could never beat our sheep!! :headbang:

OMG that one yank chick has bigger biceps than me.... :gob:

11th October 2005, 14:17
I feared this might not be work safe.... Now I gota quit this job so I can join the Army!

11th October 2005, 14:38
Don't remember seeing girlies like this when I was in the army.

11th October 2005, 14:44
Have they got any forces ?????

smart arse I should jump in one of our planes and come down there and kick your arse...........hold on dont have any!

Nothing wrong with the army or navy though

11th October 2005, 14:56
Don't remember seeing girlies like this when I was in the army.

Lol at this post...His Mrs must be a suicide bomber....

"Gavriel Regev
NEW Member Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts 1

Where I come from we have the best Woman-Fighters in the world
You can get them in one slice or in many slices
They are bombs
Each and every one of them
Salam aleykom Warahmaat al'laa Wabarakato

11th October 2005, 20:50
It surely is a pity that the only cool jobs in the army navy airforce is stuff like SAS and pilot work. Yeah I'd join, only on the condition that I survive everything just like the movies! Yes im too much of a pussy to ACTUALLY be there for the gore...

11th October 2005, 20:59
i have fought women that big (usa), thier punches HURT!!!!...

but i don't tell them of course

11th October 2005, 21:10
There are some beautiful women in there.
There's some fugly ones too though.

Cheers Spank

11th October 2005, 21:49
Dulce et decorum est, propatria mori...

yip, it is

dont need to be all glory though, still get to do a whole heap of stuff you wouldnt get to do in a normal desk job!

11th October 2005, 22:15
awesome. just awesome

im joining the fources

11th October 2005, 22:19
I also noticed that only a very few have shaved heads, im sure the shaver's got a job to do... Well, Im off to brazil, see ya later! want pics of my new occupation? :lol:

11th October 2005, 22:59
It surely is a pity that the only cool jobs in the army navy airforce is stuff like SAS and pilot work. Yeah I'd join, only on the condition that I survive everything just like the movies! Yes im too much of a pussy to ACTUALLY be there for the gore...

Dulce et decorum est, propatria mori...

If in some smothering dreams, you too could pace
Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin,
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs
Bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,--
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori.

He saw what dying for one's country was really like. Horace wrote fine flannel about dying for his country, but when it came to the crunch at the Battle of Phillipi he turned and ran away. Damn fast. Sensible man.

11th October 2005, 23:15
If in some smothering dreams, you too could pace
Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin,
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs
Bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,--
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori.

He saw what dying for one's country was really like. Horace wrote fine flannel about dying for his country, but when it came to the crunch at the Battle of Phillipi he turned and ran away. Damn fast. Sensible man.

We studied that in 4th form English - I remeber the little bits, and reading it again gives me more shivers than the first time I read it. Awesome poem, but not something I enjoy - along with a few movies like "City of God"

11th October 2005, 23:26
Whats the chick doing with the Special Forces Daggers on her hat??? Since when were females allowed in the SAS?

That looks dodgy to me

and the unifroms all fucked *technical term* looking as well, def a fake that one I say,

not sure on the females in the S.A.S, hardly any guys pass muster so would be a *special* lady that did eventually get in

12th October 2005, 06:33
Whats the chick doing with the Special Forces Daggers on her hat??? Since when were females allowed in the SAS?

That looks dodgy to me

I'd noticed that one.. there are a few more irregularaties in there too... I think some are model-shoots and those girls haven't spent a day enlisted.

12th October 2005, 09:31
The only Special Forces in the world that allow women in are the Forces of PALMACH in Isreal. The women only so tasks such as survaillance and note taking rather than full on Assualt ect.

There are a couple in there that just look like models wearing gear.

12th October 2005, 09:41
Yes I was told there are some "clerical" positions in Special Forces for woman.

Well you imagine how easy it would be for Iraelie women to do survaillance. They wear face veils so you can't see their mouths moving or wires or anything. :niceone:

12th October 2005, 12:06
Spankme, this is why you are God :niceone:

You have forgotten Im on here too havent you........ Just wait till you get home. :Pokey:

12th October 2005, 12:10
You have forgotten Im on here too havent you........ Just wait till you get home. :Pokey:
Whoop tish!

The Stranger
12th October 2005, 12:13
You have forgotten Im on here too havent you........ Just wait till you get home. :Pokey:

Why, you getting the uniform out?
Which one?
Do tell, do tell. Better still photos please.

12th October 2005, 12:31
You have forgotten Im on here too havent you........ Just wait till you get home. :Pokey:

This is why I am so very glad that Mrs Ixion is computer illiterate and technophobic.

12th October 2005, 12:35
Yes Dear..............

Has any CHCH Kb'er got a place I can crash for the next couple of nights please?

The Stranger
12th October 2005, 12:54
Yes Dear..............

Has any CHCH Kb'er got a place I can crash for the next couple of nights please?

Take the beating ya pussy.

12th October 2005, 12:55
right I checked it out, and there are no women even allowe to try out for Special Forces. And your right Alex, the uniform is not that (uniform). Top half doesnt match the bottom and that duty belt looks like she has been to the warehouse. And since when do Special Forces wear lipstick... he he

and that beret is shocking, brand new even and not shaped at all pfftt

and this is what they look like http://students.engr.scu.edu/~jabraham/specwar/specops/uk/sas/sas-insignia.jpg

12th October 2005, 14:10
Russian Nympho Virgin Lesbian Army is recuiting NOW ! :eek5:

12th October 2005, 14:20
May I go there??????

12th October 2005, 23:16
You still alive sniper??

And fart: I'm thinking that she wouldn't have the slighest clue on what to do with that "category" of "weapon"

She might have a use for the barrel though :whistle:

13th October 2005, 07:35
Bleeding and battered but Im here :p

18th May 2006, 23:58
Everyone has their reasons for helping out or trying to destroy israel. Me, Im going to join their military to help with this (http://israelmilitary.net/showthread.php?t=13)

19th May 2006, 00:03
Nice. I hope your circumcised though

19th May 2006, 00:04


HAHAHAHAAHAHA YOU ARE A FAG I HOPE YOU FEEL EMBARRASED AND WHAT TEH FUCK YOU USED TO OWN A CBR YOU MUST BE A CLOSET HOMO :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :woohoo: :Punk: :no: :stupid: :spudflip: :killingme :killingme AND HAHA YOU LOVE JEWS. Sigh. Time for me to go now I think.

19th May 2006, 00:05
Me old man was there 1946-1950 and reckoned the non Isreali buggers were dingbats way back then, didn't take sides with the Isrealis but said they were far more focussed and organised than their Arab counterparts who he said were hysterical fanatical twats who would never get anywhere - but dangerous regardless!!

And who was the twat that posted the previous post????

19th May 2006, 00:17
N4CR, I see most, find me the original post (there is one similar that I posted many moons ago) and I will publicaly call myself a name

19th May 2006, 00:19
N4CR, I see most, find me the original post (there is one similar that I posted many moons ago) and I will publicaly call myself a name
Life has more important tasks than THAT!!

19th May 2006, 00:21
Life has more important tasks than THAT!!
Yeap... trying now though, got a bit of time to kill before cops is on.

It was a post by Biff from memory.. had a whole heap of hot army chicks in it.

19th May 2006, 00:23
Yeap... trying now though, got a bit of time to kill before cops is on.

It was a post by Biff from memory.. had a whole heap of hot army chicks in it.

AHA!!! I know the post you speak of and its not this one, its a different one. I believe Spankme also contributed to the thread

Squeak the Rat
19th May 2006, 08:26
Hot Israeli Women in the IDF??? I've seen better looking women at the Invercargill Hill Farmers Men's Club.

The only reason these girls are hot are because they live in the desert!


19th May 2006, 08:33
Never believe recruitment posters!

19th May 2006, 09:18
Never believe recruitment posters!

I spent a month in Israel when i was 19 (2 years ago) and i've had the privledge of meeting and getting to know more than 2,000 isralies through my mum running a home stay type thing.

They are a stunning race of people. Some became like brothers and sisters, and my mum is known throughout Israel and has been in the Te'aviv newspaper even!

The girls really are gorgeous, but naturally i didnt notice any of the guys at all. :shifty:

In jerusalem and Te'aviv, every 1 in 2 people are soldiers in full uniform carrying M16's.

It is a total culture shock aye!!!!

Paul in NZ
19th May 2006, 09:50
Oh goody... MORE people with guns...

Funnily enough, I don't really feel any safer

19th May 2006, 10:07
I spent a month in Israel when i was 19 (2 years ago) and i've had the privledge of meeting and getting to know more than 2,000 isralies through my mum running a home stay type thing.

They are a stunning race of people. Some became like brothers and sisters, and my mum is known throughout Israel and has been in the Te'aviv newspaper even!

The girls really are gorgeous, but naturally i didnt notice any of the guys at all. :shifty:

In jerusalem and Te'aviv, every 1 in 2 people are soldiers in full uniform carrying M16's.

It is a total culture shock aye!!!!

They are a generally good looking race, I agree. My daughter's fiance was born of an Israelie, (sp?), father and an Armenian mother. He's a good looking young chap, (and before the expected comments, I'm speaking purely objectively!). He has spent most of his life in Germany but went back to Israel to visit his father and brother for three months before coming to NZ. His description of Israel differs from the news reports we see here, somewhat. I'd still be a bit nervous about visiting there, though.

19th May 2006, 10:52
I didnt see a section for the NZ forces, might have to take my camera to work for a bit :mellow:

dude.......your in the navy. Dont take your camera there. To many wrens not enough women

19th May 2006, 11:11
Yup used to fly with a bunch of girls on maritime patrol, some were radar/comms operators and some were pilots.. There is something about the female body and a well fitting flight suit that certainly used to distract me..<_<

19th May 2006, 11:22
dude.......your in the navy. Dont take your camera there. To many wrens not enough women

Get in quick before they get their pussers issue!

19th May 2006, 11:41
You must have been in a different part of Israel Cibby. All the israelies I have met have been arrogant, hard to deal with arseholes and bitches.

19th May 2006, 16:10
No pics of hot mesopotamian chicks killing sand niggers?

19th May 2006, 16:14
You must have been in a different part of Israel Cibby. All the israelies I have met have been arrogant, hard to deal with arseholes and bitches.

Did they have a funny accent? Are you sure they weren't South African?

19th May 2006, 17:07
Did they have a funny accent? Are you sure they weren't South African?

Lol, bling awarded

19th May 2006, 19:30
The Polish chick. Anyone know what that electronic gizzmo is grafted below the rifle barrel. Looks like some kind of range finder. Snipe this is your area of expertise...............any ideas???????????


19th May 2006, 22:07
Hmmfff!! I thought there'd be more of this... (NWS)

20th May 2006, 18:30
The Polish chick. Anyone know what that electronic gizzmo is grafted below the rifle barrel. Looks like some kind of range finder. Snipe this is your area of expertise...............any ideas???????????


This one? I have a funny feeling (not sure actually) that its a laser sighting system not too sure though

20th May 2006, 18:42
any uniforms

21st May 2006, 21:40
Next post schoolgirls please

22nd May 2006, 07:23
MMmmmmmmmmm uniforms how do you spell Yummmmhuminamina? Oh wait I just did.

22nd May 2006, 09:35
any uniforms

Shouldn't that have been posted on the cameltoe thread?/:blip:

22nd May 2006, 10:41
Better better better by far, school girls are, better by far.
That schoolgirly taste yum yum, that school girly taste yum yum

Sung to the 80's bournevita (sp?) jingle.

22nd May 2006, 11:04
did somebody say school girls?.....

22nd May 2006, 12:30
Stick on topic you heathens....... yummy

13th June 2008, 11:48
North Korean army babes

13th June 2008, 12:17
THeir goats could never beat our sheep!! :headbang:

OMG that one yank chick has bigger biceps than me.... :gob:

You should see the goats over there..... They have HUGE JLo butts.
Ohhhh the ISAF females over there are HOT:sweatdrop

alley cat
13th June 2008, 12:49
North Korean army babes

They are one fucked up bunch:crazy:

13th June 2008, 22:17
Did anybody notice that all of those Israeli ones need nose jobs?

13th June 2008, 22:39
Did anybody notice that all of those Israeli ones need nose jobs?
Are you saying they look Jewish? Or is that offensive?

13th June 2008, 22:52
Are you saying they look Jewish? Or is that offensive?

Only if you're a Jew I suppose. :baby:

14th June 2008, 01:04
Don't remember seeing girlies like this when I was in the army.

You didn't, neither did I when I was in.

its all propaganda to attract us dumb dicks to go and die for no reason thinking we will get some "action".

Glad I pulled out early :psst:

p.s. saving the pickies for our next dress up night with the gf :yes:

14th June 2008, 01:10
I SWEAR this is my ex-girlfriend. She was from Poland too...


Before I get an infraction for breaking size limits on the photos, I'd like to say it wasn't me who put IMG tags around it. I just provided a direct link.

14th June 2008, 07:47
I SWEAR this is my ex-girlfriend. She was from Poland too...


Fantasies are allowed

14th June 2008, 08:40
Ah commander SpankMe why yo blood pressure so high?

14th June 2008, 09:18
dont need to be all glory though, still get to do a whole heap of stuff you wouldnt get to do in a normal desk job!

I agree. Some of the best years of my life were spent in the Armed Forces.

Travel was phenomenal and I made many life long friendships.

The "Old Boy Network" is invaluable as well.

14th June 2008, 09:27
and the unifroms all fucked *technical term* looking as well, def a fake that one I say,

not sure on the females in the S.A.S, hardly any guys pass muster so would be a *special* lady that did eventually get in

Yeah, that shot looks like a set up. What's with the make up?

You can also spot the amateur wearer of a beret from a mile away. The wear them like they are strolling down the Avenue de Champs- Elysees in gay Paree.