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7th April 2018, 13:37
Dude wheelies a Harley all the way across the Harbour Bridge. Cool af.

"Police are investigating" - ffs they dont even investigate home robberies, but they'll investigate this victimless act.



7th April 2018, 13:43
Dude wheelies a Harley all the way across the Harbour Bridge. Cool af.

"Police are investigating" - ffs they dont even investigate home robberies, but they'll investigate this victimless act.



yip, and if he went arse of kite and held you up from work while the bridge was closed would it be victimless?

7th April 2018, 13:53
yip, and if he went arse of kite and held you up from work while the bridge was closed would it be victimless?

He didn't though. But every single morning when I listen to the radio, there's some motorway lane closed in Auckland due to a MOTORIST crashing.

7th April 2018, 14:02
yip, and if he went arse of kite and held you up from work while the bridge was closed would it be victimless?

I don't get it!

If I drive my car at 51kph in a 50 zone, that is a victimless crime. But if I ran over a pedestrian while doing that, would it be victimless?
Ummm, what the hell is the point of asking what the case would be if what happened was different?

Sure, if shit went tits up while the guy was riding on the back wheel and others were the victim of his action then it would not be victimless. But the way things actually happened there were no victims of his 'crime'. We don't even know why he was doing the wheelie, maybe he was just trying to get his front tyre to make it to the next WoF?

7th April 2018, 14:03
Have to hand it to him, that was impressive.

7th April 2018, 15:06
He didn't though. But every single morning when I listen to the radio, there's some motorway lane closed in Auckland due to a MOTORIST crashing.

Todays motorway crash stuffed up my day.

as well as the muppets who can’t merge.

vote for 4 lanes each way Penrose to Bombay gates at the Penrose end

went into town on bike, cruised in, watching the cars weaving and some bikers taking unnecessary risks.
there is no way you want to “trust Auckland drivers”

OP this rider must be a legend to get enough room to wheelie all the way across without being cut off by a cager.

No doubt there are more important things to look at Shirley. Triple lane changes without looking or indicators are just a start.

7th April 2018, 15:17
Have to hand it to him, that was impressive.
Yup, absolutely.
Keeping that pig-iron up was a good effort indeed.

Didn't appear to be any other vehicles around him, so no risk to others. Buy that rider a DB.

7th April 2018, 15:47
Not as good as our very own Carver

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/KE9qbYju-lY" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

What ya up to Jonathon

7th April 2018, 16:00
Police are investigating only because they don't believe a Harley could do that. :bleh:

Impressive wheelie, at a decent knot too.

7th April 2018, 16:03
While the wheelie over the harbour bridge or riding the arches of the Fairfield Bridge could be argued to be "victimless" crimes, neither present to the great unwashed motoring public - including the mouth piece lemon guide man - a picture which supports us as responsible riders. Or for those who think we get more than our fair share of the ACC pay outs when we have a crash.

In the last few days there have been reported two crashes on the Auckland motorway system, one was reported as on the bridge, involving vehicles vs motorbikes and one elsewhere this morning involving truck vs motorscooter.

The more crashes there are involving motorbikes or motorscooters including mopeds which appear to the great unwashed as "irresponsible riding" the more ammunition is provided for those who would like to see our bikes and us more controlled than we are at present or, heaven forbid, banned from the public highway. Yes, that does sound extreme. But we are providing the ammunition for those who want that to happen.

It may be a "victimless" crime at present, but if there are repercussions that restrict our use of our bikes then it is no longer a victimless crime - we have become victims of that crime.

Meanwhile, I watched the video and thought, "that takes guts to do, especially on a large bike"...

7th April 2018, 16:58
Yup, absolutely.
Keeping that pig-iron up was a good effort indeed.

Didn't appear to be any other vehicles around him, so no risk to others. Buy that rider a DB.

Yeah exactly. Do it on a GSXR or Yamaha R1, pfft...!!!

7th April 2018, 17:10
Yeah exactly. Do it on a GSXR or Yamaha R1, pfft...!!!

98TLS is quite apt at doing the same sort of thing on the Waitaki River bridge :yes:

7th April 2018, 17:25
yip, and if he went arse of kite and held you up from work while the bridge was closed would it be victimless?


it didnt happen so it isnt relevant.

I found myself doing 150kph on a motorway onramp yesterday.... "if" I had managed to egg myself and be deadified the pleece would have said "speed was a factor".

But it didnt happen because I was perfectly safe and no harm means no foul.

george formby
7th April 2018, 17:31
While the wheelie over the harbour bridge or riding the arches of the Fairfield Bridge could be argued to be "victimless" crimes, neither present to the great unwashed motoring public - including the mouth piece lemon guide man - a picture which supports us as responsible riders. Or for those who think we get more than our fair share of the ACC pay outs when we have a crash.

In the last few days there have been reported two crashes on the Auckland motorway system, one was reported as on the bridge, involving vehicles vs motorbikes and one elsewhere this morning involving truck vs motorscooter.

The more crashes there are involving motorbikes or motorscooters including mopeds which appear to the great unwashed as "irresponsible riding" the more ammunition is provided for those who would like to see our bikes and us more controlled than we are at present or, heaven forbid, banned from the public highway. Yes, that does sound extreme. But we are providing the ammunition for those who want that to happen.

It may be a "victimless" crime at present, but if there are repercussions that restrict our use of our bikes then it is no longer a victimless crime - we have become victims of that crime.

Meanwhile, I watched the video and thought, "that takes guts to do, especially on a large bike"...

You're kinda right. I should imagine almost identical posts pop up on drifting forums and Facebook pages from semi responsible boi racers putting forward the same argument. Yoof with a couple of brain cells will realise that their cultures involvement in road accident statistics could eventually mean being restricted to 1200cc Holden Barina's until they turn 21 or have X years with a full licence.
The great unthinking pillory them as much as they do us.

On a slightly different note..... A couple of groups of my students were asked if they thought it was ok to smoke dope and drive. Nearly 90% said yes. A majority based their opinion on the fact they had been driving stoned prior to even getting a licence without consequence. Regional bias must be assumed here. A common victimless crime

The rider of that Harley did not have much of a gut and no hint of bristle flapping from the helmet, a fledgling. No doubt an advocate of victimless shenanigans and still bounces in an off. That was not his first attempt at popping it up, either..

As you say, we are an easy and obvious target. If the general pubic make enough harrrumphs about our behaviour and road toll contribution, the vote seekers can change everything with the swipe of a pen.

That vid will be popping up everywhere for years.

Pulled off instagram and available in The Herald, oh wait, media?:nono:

I still feel we are not targets for legislation, just another wee slice of the road toll pie. The powers that be must have a pile of reports on those who pose the greatest risk on the road, I doubt ours is the thickest. Hopefully it stays that way or heaven forbid, joins Jenny Craig.

7th April 2018, 18:11
yip, and if he went arse of kite and held you up from work while the bridge was closed would it be victimless?

Who cares? The cunt deserves a medal or at least a round of beers.

sidecar bob
7th April 2018, 18:16
Who cares? The cunt deserves a medal or at least a round of beers.

He's nearly as good as this bloke.:msn-wink:


7th April 2018, 18:27
Not as good as our very own Carver

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/KE9qbYju-lY" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

What ya up to Jonathon

Yip, I immediately thought of that too. The police have to be seen to do something regardless of who the person is and regardless of their talent. If he has his day in court and argues his case, he might get a slap with a wet bus ticket... all publicity being good publicity etc...

7th April 2018, 18:41
He didn't though. But every single morning when I listen to the radio, there's some motorway lane closed in Auckland due to a MOTORIST crashing.

friday it was a bike...

7th April 2018, 19:01
98TLS is quite apt at doing the same sort of thing on the Waitaki River bridge :yes:
Id be mighty impressed to see a video of yourself doing it over the Bealey Bridge (Honeymooners) at speed.

7th April 2018, 19:34
Id be mighty impressed to see a video of yourself doing it over the Bealey Bridge (Honeymooners) at speed.

:shutup: you aren't the only who'd be mighty impressed :yes: I've had a close call there so treat it with respect. I've shortened the length of the Rakaia bridge a few times :innocent: but that's got cameras both ends these days :pinch:

7th April 2018, 21:58
This video is restricted from playing in your current geographic region


8th April 2018, 04:20
He's nearly as good as this bloke.:msn-wink:


Foooo Eh boy!!!!!

8th April 2018, 09:07
Foooo Eh boy!!!!!

It's a hell of a lump of iron to be throwing around like that.

8th April 2018, 09:52
Who cares? The cunt deserves a medal or at least a round of beers.

...fuck yeah...beautiful to watch...

8th April 2018, 14:29
Good skills. They're certainly not an easy big bike to wheelstand. Too much crank inertia for my liking. Feels like a KX500 when you're about to loop it. That big crank just keeps the thing going over backwards. Big multi cyl sports bikes and vee twins are a piece of piss in comparison.

Old Steve
8th April 2018, 17:30
It's a hell of a lump of iron to be throwing around like that.

But it was stated that it was only a 250 kg bike, so what's that, a Street 500? Has that enough power to break traction on the back wheel? Or do the TV people think 250 kg is so heavy that any full size HD must weigh 250 kg - that's only 550 lb. My Suzuki Boulevard M50 is 249 kg.

8th April 2018, 18:23
But it was stated that it was only a 250 kg bike, so what's that, a Street 500? Has that enough power to break traction on the back wheel? Or do the TV people think 250 kg is so heavy that any full size HD must weigh 250 kg - that's only 550 lb. My Suzuki Boulevard M50 is 249 kg.

My big bike is 310 kg. 250 is a lightweight.

8th April 2018, 18:38
My big bike is 310 kg. 250 is a lightweight.

Nearly all big HD's are 300+.

8th April 2018, 18:47
Nearly all big HD's are 300+.

So are most of the owners...

14th June 2018, 00:29
98TLS is quite apt at doing the same sort of thing on the Waitaki River bridge :yes:

Was is more "apt" mate,dragged the garage queen outta the shed for a jaunt awhile back,myself and a couple of mates shot up the valley did a circuit then heading home stopped at the Glenavy pub for a quiet were that subject came up:confused:going over the bridge on the way home had a chuckle but more than content to have both wheels on the ground:laugh:Great thing about getting old is having got there.