View Full Version : Ride Forever ACC

2nd May 2019, 22:58
We are spoilt with these generally free courses and show stands at events. I did my second course ride recently and Kev the notable bike review writer was the instructor who put on a hell of a good day. He immediately sorted out my right hand cornering problems and wised us up on the new theories on what goes on in a bikers mind and body. I've done a lot of track riding and touring but these instructors and ACC open up a lot of I didn't know about.

Fast forward to last weekend when I see a big cruiser group ride passing through Papakura with riders crashed at the back of it. Then same day 5 cruisers down back side Papakura, Hunuia Road. The full monty medical cavalry response, etc, etc

Just cut this nonsense out, do some courses, have some fun before the establishment says " we have had enough of you retards"

3rd May 2019, 10:23
... what???

Jeff Sichoe
3rd May 2019, 11:16
What I took from that was he thinks we, as motorcycle riders, are responsible for the behavior and actions of other motorcycle riders and that if we don't, as a collective unit, fully embrace the nanny state philosophy of '1 person can ruin it for everyone' then we will find our bikes are made illegal. (as has happened recently with other hobbies)

I believe in personal responsibility, and if you are a fuck up who can't ride a bike then maybe you should crash, get off the road and get another pastime.

3rd May 2019, 13:09
I believe in personal responsibility, and if you are a fuck up who can't ride a bike then maybe you should crash, get off the road and get another pastime.

A lot of riders don't know that they're not all that flash :whistle: . I was one of them a few years back. There was an eventual gradual realisation that I ran out of talent way before my bike's capabilities and it was me that was causing near-misses. Got a reputable third party to assess me (IAM) before Ride Forever was introduced. Big initial ego denting, outstanding long term result. Greg Murphy was right in his recent comments. If you don't upskill/re-skill from time to time, there's a pretty good chance that all sorts of extra bad habits are going to creep in.

george formby
3rd May 2019, 13:44
A lot of riders don't know that they're not all that flash :whistle: . I was one of them a few years back. There was an eventual gradual realisation that I ran out of talent way before my bike's capabilities and it was me that was causing near-misses. Got a reputable third party to assess me (IAM) before Ride Forever was introduced. Big initial ego denting, outstanding long term result. Greg Murphy was right in his recent comments. If you don't upskill/re-skill from time to time, there's a pretty good chance that all sorts of bad habits are going to creep in.

Indeed. In my similar experience dented egos buff out better than new.

3rd May 2019, 15:01
Indeed. In my similar experience dented egos buff out better than new.

100% agree in my case. Poacher turned gamekeeper :nya: . Also a good lesson in humility.

3rd May 2019, 15:07
What I took from that was he thinks we, as motorcycle riders, are responsible for the behavior and actions of other motorcycle riders and that if we don't, as a collective unit, fully embrace the nanny state philosophy of '1 person can ruin it for everyone' then we will find our bikes are made illegal. (as has happened recently with other hobbies)

I believe in personal responsibility, and if you are a fuck up who can't ride a bike then maybe you should crash, get off the road and get another pastime.Why does personal responsibility not extend to when it comes to medical bills that tax payer/ACC has to pay?

It's often personal stupidity that I see on display on the road, not responsibility.

Jeff Sichoe
3rd May 2019, 17:31
because we live in a no-fault country. This means people can make mistakes without being made bankrupt (like the U.S)

I don't mind my rego, taxes, w/e going to help people that have made mistakes

what I do mind is being told that if I don't attend a course because some people I don't know are shitty at riding I might loose my chosen mode of transport around these islands.

3rd May 2019, 18:58
Why does personal responsibility not extend to when it comes to medical bills that tax payer/ACC has to pay?

It's often personal stupidity that I see on display on the road, not responsibility.

Personal stupidity usually results in personal pain. Regardless of whom is funding the recuperation ... memories of that pain usually instills intent to not let it happen again.

Darwin had a theory ... :shifty:

3rd May 2019, 19:09
Personal stupidity usually results in personal pain. Regardless of whom is funding the recuperation ... memories of that pain usually instills intent to not let it happen again.

Darwin had a theory ... :shifty:Yes, but Darwin's theory only works for fatality and non-procreation (i.e. not being able to pass on the genes).

I understand people make mistakes, but jumping off a 10-storey high cliff without a safety device is not a mistake. Falling off the first floor roof could be a mistake. It's the intentional aspects of the act that I was questioning.

Jeff Sichoe
3rd May 2019, 19:46
Well it's a circular argument unless you want to tax all contact sport or adventure tourism etc.

3rd May 2019, 19:52
Well it's a circular argument unless you want to tax all contact sport or adventure tourism etc.Not a bad idea. ACC is an insurance afterall. Only few select categories of people make contributions, but everyone benefits equally. Have you tried getting life insurance policy and go sky diving? Most life insurance policies would have an exclusion clause for such high risk voluntary activities, but cover air travel on commercial fare paying arrangements.

3rd May 2019, 22:38
Ha ha. Have made a few ACC claims and all were skydiving related yet the only non work money they get from me is the bullshit amount they get because I ride a bike. Pretty sure with the fucking ridiculous amount they screw out of all of us that I am owed.

ACC sucks arse. I shouldn't have to subsidise either shit riders who don't have a clue or those who buy stupid fucking expensive bikes tht can't go around corners. Shouldn't have to subsidise skydivers either, but then compared to most NZ sports such as netball, horse riding and whatever they get up to in Christchurch at night it is hardly high risk.

what I do mind is being told that if I don't attend a course because some people I don't know are shitty at riding I might loose my chosen mode of transport around these islands.
Right on sista.

4th May 2019, 18:01
I understand people make mistakes, but jumping off a 10-storey high cliff without a safety device is not a mistake. Falling off the first floor roof could be a mistake. It's the intentional aspects of the act that I was questioning.

I make mistakes too ... and I hold MYSELF personally responsible for ALL decisions I make. Only fuck-wits are into intentional personal harm. The old "I never thought that would happen " is no VALID excuse or explanation for the result of ANY decision you make. (Good or BAD).

Actual intent to cause harm is irrelevant. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Your decision means ... your fault. It's not a perfect world yet ... so we all get it wrong occasionally. Getting it wrong often involves personal pain. Misinformed decisions are still your fault as the final decision was yours.

Such is REAL life.

7th May 2019, 07:28
There's a gulf between those who want to improve, and the idiot on the chopped Harley on Newnham St, Rangiora, last weekend.

He'd obviously been polishing his knobs, as the whole town could hear him revving the guts out of his custom tractor.

Then he id a 400 metre sprint up and down the street wearing jeans, a leather sleeveless vest, and no helmet. Noise, noise, noise.

In essence, his bike was a penis extension.

Wonder not why people get pissed with motorcyclists.

7th May 2019, 08:35
Penis extension?
Doing that sort of shit is like waving a huge banner around saying “I have a small dick”.
Unfortunately such weekend warriors appear in droves at the weekend up here in the 09.