View Full Version : Battery type comparison

14th July 2019, 11:41
Looks interesting, sounds about right and uses tests, science and math (!) to back up claims:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ywopGAXP-I&fbclid=IwAR2YP39URWJF39M7gRRBjCvYYl1SFDNxIvls4I_Ts aS5Cpmb3WoGWoPSeYM

george formby
15th July 2019, 17:50
I was gonna post that! I'm amaze Kiwi Battery forum isn't all over this.

I like Fortnine, entertaining and informative.

Still happy with bog standard sealed Yuasa.

16th July 2019, 06:35
Still happy with bog standard sealed Yuasa.

Me too.


F5 Dave
16th July 2019, 20:38
Is that the start of a moustache? It's hard to tell, but Icky.

Real world test of leaving your headlights on.

On a motorcycle.

Okay, . . .

16th July 2019, 20:59
Interesting. I was going to buy a lithium next time, but might rethink that.

Yuasa AGM for me also.