View Full Version : Best place to get a speedo healer?

18th September 2019, 07:58
Just bought a 2011 GSXR 750. Problem is the previous owner has messed with the sprockets. Amazon and eBay want about 170 bucks plus shipping which seems pretty radical for something that probably cost $8. 95 to produce in China. Does anybody know of a local supplier?

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sidecar bob
18th September 2019, 08:12
One of several threads over the years on the topic.

18th September 2019, 09:14
One of several threads over the years on the topic.

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18th September 2019, 10:13
I hope your 750 is easier to install it into than was my 600...:wacko:

18th September 2019, 11:56
SpeedoDRD is small and can be tucked away easily. Bit fiddly to set up but does the job.

Looks like there's a new, even smaller version: http://shop.12oclocklabs.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=59 Google couldn't find a local supplier.

18th September 2019, 20:02
Try Healtech in Australia for Speedohealer

F5 Dave
19th September 2019, 13:11
I've used speedo DRD. I'd buy another. It's like programming a VCR. Screws your head for 15min then makes perfect sence and you can test it with your phone gps and forget about it thereafter.

My Triumph is easy, just plug in a laptop. Wish I could with my van which is 10-12% out depending upon if I'm running commercial tyres (10%) or car tyres (12%).

9th November 2019, 08:52
I hope your 750 is easier to install it into than was my 600...:wacko:Got the Speedo DRD via motomummy. Took them nearly a month to get it in stock and then 3 weeks in the post. Was easy enough to find what to unplug and plug the thing between. A little tight to get to but not impossible. Currently have it set to read a couple of kph slower than GPS speed so I can gradually get back some of the extra 17 percent if milage I piled on while riding around with it out of whack.

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