View Full Version : Doing my full assessment today and I am strangely nervous!

6th November 2020, 08:58
Doing 2 hours of private coaching this afternoon before taking on my CBTA Full.

Any tips?

6th November 2020, 10:58
Don't do it ... :shit:

Pass that FULL ... and you'll be cursed for the rest of your life ... :facepalm:

Thinking about motorcycles ... talking about motorcycles ... thinking about and planning your next ride.

Then ... it gets WORSE. You want ANOTHER motorcycle. The calm and controlled (by the wife/partner/mother usually) ones ... just replace the one they have with different (better ... not always so much) one.

You start seeing them ... EVERYWHERE. Hearing them go past your house ... and rush to the window to see what make it is.

You start to spend less and less time at home. With less and less money.

You start buying road maps for areas you haven't been ... YET.

Finding a new Motorcycle shop seems like discovering a hidden cave. Complete with treasure.

There's still time to change your mind ...

maybe ...

6th November 2020, 13:20
Don't cross solid white lines. They'll take you where the intersection requires you to look at the paint for your turning points... You should be doing that anyway, but they usually include a curly one, like the paint has worn off, or it extends further than normal, for sight reasons.

6th November 2020, 15:07
Right - passed!

6th November 2020, 19:24
You'll be fine.

6th November 2020, 21:06
Right - passed!

Well done.

Now, ride each day like you are doing an exam. Good habits only work if you use them.

7th November 2020, 17:31
Doing 2 hours of private coaching this afternoon before taking on my CBTA Full.

Any tips?Just try relax i always nervous when
I did my car tests esp i can remember that far back .

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7th November 2020, 17:57
when i got my bike licence there was no faffing about with restricted /full, i turned up on my suzuki ts 185, cop says ride around the corner, go up the road turn round, come back and do a emergency stop, that was it.

7th November 2020, 19:53
Doing 2 hours of private coaching this afternoon before taking on my CBTA Full.

Any tips?

Glad you passed brother, wish you put this up earlier always happy to give out advice 🙏

20th November 2020, 17:40
Well done.

Now, ride each day like you are doing an exam. Good habits only work if you use them.

Good habits become default settings when you're tired or distracted. Can save your hide.

24th November 2020, 14:21
Right - passed!

Cool - well done.

Well done.

Now, ride each day like you are doing an exam. Good habits only work if you use them.

Don't mind rastus - he's a recovering enforcement officer ..

24th November 2020, 15:03
Cool - well done.

Don't mind rastus - he's a recovering enforcement officer ..

I've seen a lot of people do well in a test, and then go back to riding like a plonker.

24th November 2020, 15:29
I've seen a lot of people do well in a test, and then go back to riding like a plonker.

I think we've all seen that ... sometimes in the news/death notices ..

24th November 2020, 15:36
when i got my bike license there was no faffing about with restricted /full, i turned up on my suzuki ts 185, cop says ride around the corner, go up the road turn round, come back and do a emergency stop, that was it.

When I got mine (1967), the cop followed me on his bike. We stopped at a red light. He suddenly took off around the corner leaving me in the WTF? place... I sat and waited for quite a while and he did eventually come back.
Funny. I haven't thought of that incident in years. The quote above triggered the memory. Thanks JimO.

25th November 2020, 11:16
When I got mine (1967), the cop followed me on his bike. We stopped at a red light. He suddenly took off around the corner leaving me in the WTF? place... I sat and waited for quite a while and he did eventually come back.
Funny. I haven't thought of that incident in years. The quote above triggered the memory. Thanks JimO.

When I got mine (1976 - been riding and owning bikes for three years) I had to use my father's KTM scooter (it was a dog which had to be push started but I did not want to sit the test on my Triumph)

The cop sat outside for about five minutes telling me the scooter had been his first bike and how good it was (I thought it was a dog). The he asked me to ride up the road to a Stop sign - about half way he signaled me to turn around. We went back to the station where he spent another five minutes raving about that dog of a scooter. By then I'm wondering what the hell is going one. Finally he said we'd better go inside so he could write out my licence.

I was relieved.

I took that dog KTM home - parked it in the shed and headed out on my 650 Thunderbird ...

They'd never do stuff like that now ..

26th November 2020, 13:55
When I got mine (1976 - been riding and owning bikes for three years) I had to use my father's KTM scooter (it was a dog which had to be push started but I did not want to sit the test on my Triumph)

The cop sat outside for about five minutes telling me the scooter had been his first bike and how good it was (I thought it was a dog). The he asked me to ride up the road to a Stop sign - about half way he signaled me to turn around. We went back to the station where he spent another five minutes raving about that dog of a scooter. By then I'm wondering what the hell is going one. Finally he said we'd better go inside so he could write out my licence.

I was relieved.

I took that dog KTM home - parked it in the shed and headed out on my 650 Thunderbird ...

They'd never do stuff like that now ..

And we killed 609 people that year. Perhaps there's a reason why we don't still do it that way.

4th December 2020, 14:20
And we killed 609 people that year. Perhaps there's a reason why we don't still do it that way.

Hey - I never killed anyone ..

David Tarrant did - with a gun he got because the state's enforcement agency stuffed up ..

4th December 2020, 15:40
And we killed 609 people that year. Perhaps there's a reason why we don't still do it that way.

So far for 2020 (January 1– October 29), the number is 262. Five times the number Tarrant killed. How many of those responsible for those 262 deaths are in jail ... with the key thrown away .. ??

What's the real reason people die on the roads ... ???

Poor driving skills ... do we need to make it harder to get a drivers license .. ??? poor risk assessment ... What steps do we take to improve this .. ?? poor roads ... is the road conditions an issue or is it back to risk assessment .. ??? poor enforcement ... speed is the factor in most road death events ... should it still be the priority in enforcement policy .. ??? poor road rules ... do they need changed or re-worded .. ???

Speed kills ... but the majority of the road deaths occur at less than the maximum speed limit on the open road. So ... is speed the really big killer .. ???

5th December 2020, 05:39
What's the real reason people die on the roads ... ???

Poor driving skills ... do we need to make it harder to get a drivers license ..

There's already a whinging forum about how its too hard and expensive to get a licence.

And its counter productive. The harder you make it, the more likely it is that people won't bother. Already around 30% of people riding a bike dont have a licence for the bike they are riding. That includes no licence, no motorcycle licence, disqualified, revoked, or wrong bike for the 6L or 6R they have.

The harder it gets, the greater the non compliance. Its a fine balance.

5th December 2020, 13:16
There's already a whinging forum about how its too hard and expensive to get a licence.

Why not make it free (or at least Government subsidized) ... but with full and comprehensive full time training courses at approved training centers ... by qualified and registered trainers. No more "Mum taught me to drive" situations. In other words ... bad driving habits and opinions don't get passed on.

And its counter productive. The harder you make it, the more likely it is that people won't bother.

The lazy and stupid don't now anyway. Nor will they in the future. What have they got to lose .. ?? their license .. ??

Already around 30% of people riding a bike dont have a licence for the bike they are riding. That includes no license, no motorcycle license, disqualified, revoked, or wrong bike for the 6L or 6R they have.

Just increase the fines for no license ... no point in adding demerits ... if they dont have a license to deduct them from. Although some may have a car license.

The "Wet bus ticket" Court penalty system (for want of a better word) that New Zealand has currently in place ... gives little incentive to obey the road rules.

The harder it gets, the greater the non compliance. Its a fine balance.

Think smarter perhaps ... not harder.

I learned to drive in School time ... with a driving course run by the AA. All done with my schools knowledge and permission. With State funding under the education banner ... this style of training would be at the best time ... and be the best method to properly train new drivers.

10th December 2020, 08:01
Why not make it free (or at least Government subsidized) ...Just increase the fines for no license ... no point in adding demerits ... .

The deterrent arising from enforcement arises from 3 primary areas

The size of the penalty
The chance of getting caught
The swiftness with which the penalty is effectively imposed

In NZ, you could make the fine for having no licence a gazillion dollars. The chances of getting caught are minimal. And the process of enforcing the fine is best described as glacial. Hence the 30%.

The only people fines actually work for are those who respect the system enough to actually pay them. Yet these are the same ones who generally have licenses anyway, arising from that respect.

Sadly, enforcement just isn't a silver bullet to fix this, any more than enforcement can stop cannabis use.

As regards the cost, the system is currently set up top make the end user responsible for the cost of licencing. E.g. to become a qualified instructor, you have to pay to become qualified. To get a licence you have to pay all the costs of doing so.

ACC pays for rider training through the Ride Forever programme. Which is funded from vehicle licence fees (registration).

Thing with Ride Forever, if you are paying for it anyway, why not do it?

10th December 2020, 08:04
"Thing with Ride Forever, if you are paying for it anyway, why not do it?"

Because Rider Forever takes the money from me regardless via its Govt enforcer, but won't provide the service unless I am able to / agree to travel 4 hours north or 2.5 hours south, each way.

10th December 2020, 09:31
"Thing with Ride Forever, if you are paying for it anyway, why not do it?"

Because Rider Forever takes the money from me regardless via its Govt enforcer, but won't provide the service unless I am able to / agree to travel 4 hours north or 2.5 hours south, each way.

I guess that's the problem with living in BongoCongistan.

10th December 2020, 11:21
Yes. And here the nearest police (up in Whangavega) don't bother to attend burglaries either. But I'm not convinced the same does not happen elsewhere in the Peepul's Republic of BongoCongistan. Eff the public, we got ours, sez the bureaucracy.