View Full Version : Scott Morrison

16th February 2021, 17:55
He should be an underarm bowler for australia.

16th February 2021, 18:18
I see he was in the news here. He's also in the news in Australia, a young female parliamentary staff member was raped in the office where she worked. In a startling lack of sympathy the minister she worked for conducted the interview in the office space in which the rape took place. Apparently Morrison has recently announced that his wife has told him he should regard rape victims as if they were his daughter. He'd likely been regarding the victim simply as a problem that could affect his party's popularity.

Scotty does come across as a prize prick. Remember that while Australia was burning he fucked off overseas on holiday.

16th February 2021, 18:51

16th February 2021, 19:10
The guys a legend and the kind of leader we need here.

The Aussies send a clear message obey the laws or get out. Their immigration people at airport, highway cops, booting out 501s shows they don’t pander to PC nonsense.
I don’t agree with their over zealous action against bikers and covid bullshit but they got the rest right including not pandering to climate nonsense.

It’s ironic the prison colony is the only western country with balls to get the broom out....

I think Jacindas forgotten we have an Australian terrorist here that 99.99% of NZ think should be shipped back to Australia....

16th February 2021, 22:11
If that cunt was shipped back to Aus, he would serve a handful of years, find God, get early release and end up on a crap reality TV show.

17th February 2021, 00:33
If that cunt was shipped back to Aus, he would serve a handful of years, find God, get early release and end up on a crap reality TV show.And it would be prime viewing for the KB Knitting Circle Ladys.

17th February 2021, 02:15
Scott Morrison is a prize narcissistic cunt who should have been in jail a long time ago, over his handling of the NZ and Australian Tourist Boards, surrounded by the biggest pack of incompetent, corrupt, sneering imbeciles seen in an Aussie Parliament since Federation
As such, they reflect Australia to a tee......

17th February 2021, 07:58
I came here to bag the fucker too but all you boys are being so mean and nasty.....

he deserves it though

17th February 2021, 11:13


17th February 2021, 18:42
Leave the terrorist bitch in Turkey or shove her back across the border to Syria.
She wanted to go there, so let her stay there.