View Full Version : Well done, lads!

2nd May 2021, 17:06
Well done, lads!


I've done 220 on an unlimted german Autobahn - and I know how far you have to be looking down the road and how fast things happen - can't imagine what that would be like on a kiwi country road.

Plus I wish my bike went that fast

2nd May 2021, 18:10
Well done, lads!


I've done 220 on an unlimted german Autobahn - and I know how far you have to be looking down the road and how fast things happen - can't imagine what that would be like on a kiwi country road.

Plus I wish my bike went that fast

That road used to be “safe” for that kind of antics if you were the type of rider inclined to do that...

However there is now several new mini lifestyle subdivisions overlooking the river valley near the end of best straights just before the Patangata tavern. Lot of those houses are slightly below road level. I suspect there prob getting road debris raining on their rooftops along with the constant barrage of litre sports bikes on full song.
That road is now infested with the Lycra brigrade too and there is frequent MC crashes out that way prob more due to popularity ofvuse and group rides....

3rd May 2021, 04:40
Well done, lads!


I've done 220 on an unlimted german Autobahn - and I know how far you have to be looking down the road and how fast things happen - can't imagine what that would be like on a kiwi country road.

Plus I wish my bike went that fastYeah, over 200 on most roads in NZ is a bit quick.

I bet the cop was pissed off that he couldn't chase them

3rd May 2021, 10:17
Yeah, over 200 on most roads in NZ is a bit quick.

I bet the cop was pissed off that he couldn't chase them

he can't chase them at 60 in a 50 zone now it seems

3rd May 2021, 13:29
The new pursuit policy doesn't stop follow up enquiries though. I reckon they will do their utmost to track the riders down.

Top effort. My bike would probably only go that fast if dropped out of the space shuttle, within the gravitational pull-sphere.

So it wasn't me. Not guilty, M'Lud.

3rd May 2021, 15:53
The new pursuit policy doesn't stop follow up enquiries though. I reckon they will do their utmost to track the riders down.

Top effort. My bike would probably only go that fast if dropped out of the space shuttle, within the gravitational pull-sphere.

So it wasn't me. Not guilty, M'Lud.

If they drop you too high, you will burn up in the atmo. Having said that orbital velocity for geostationary low earth orbit is 28000 kph (at 400km up i.e. at this point we have dropped you from the ISS) so you have a LOT of velocity to shed to only be doing 220kph. I am looking forward to seeing the streak across the sky and the faint shriek of "fuck me, that's hoooooooooooooooot".

Just thinking about these guys and they've seen the po po on the other side of the road (assuming) so they go "fuck, gotta keep going". Their problem is going to be stuff like business CCTV cameras, red light cameras, traffic cams etc. Distinctive clothing or a distinctive motorcycle. The po po know what time they went past, so that gives them a pretty accurate window to start searching for evidence.

6th May 2021, 06:28
There are still roads in my area where you could set up a properly authorised and permitted flying quarter - and only go past two or three properties.
It has been done in the past - and may be done again.

The temptation when riding them is nearly irresistible.
HDC. how would "I was tempted beyond belief by the road design" work as a defence ?

9th May 2021, 16:26
The incident has prompted much discussion in local rag....from bikers... hopefully people will realise Its better to let the story fade


Am I right in thinking it’s just a learner type thing to crash on gravel like this???
Knowing the corner I think his mate might have turned in at a “ legal” speed but perhaps a bit eager shall we say???!

I can’t think off any time in recent years where fresh chip Was an expected risk. Usually multiple warning signs and mental cues...

9th May 2021, 16:42
... The temptation when riding them is nearly irresistible.
HDC. how would "I was tempted beyond belief by the road design" work as a defence ?

Not very well I would think ... :blank:

9th May 2021, 21:26
The incident has prompted much discussion in local rag....from bikers... hopefully people will realise Its better to let the story fade


Am I right in thinking it’s just a learner type thing to crash on gravel like this???
Knowing the corner I think his mate might have turned in at a “ legal” speed but perhaps a bit eager shall we say???!

I can’t think off any time in recent years where fresh chip Was an expected risk. Usually multiple warning signs and mental cues...The link isn't working for me.

9th May 2021, 23:15
The link isn't working for me.
Try this - https://www.nzherald.co.nz/hawkes-bay-today/news/talking-point-mad-mile-loose-chip-a-real-downside-for-motorcycle-riders/24R77FUN622GTTPI4CZYQOAO3Y/

I spend a bit of time in Hastings and know Middle Road quite well. Would rather go for a fang on Tuki Tuki Road to be fair but when I am up there it is rental car city.

The rest of it seems like quite a general moan which could be said for any road in NZ. At least they spelt weary correctly. Clicked on a link in the story 'Beggars belief': Motorcyclist's plea to riders hitting huge speeds on Hawke's Bay's 'mad mile'. Couldn't read it due to a pay wall but, you know, 170 is hardly going for it.

11th May 2021, 12:35
Once upon a time, I may have taken my 'Busa up to a possible 180 Kph.

This may have been done on part of SH1 and may have been when there was no traffic around and I may have only been in 3rd gear and then decided 'Nope, this is fast enough, I've had my fun'

11th May 2021, 15:22
Once upon a time, I may have taken my 'Busa up to a possible 180 Kph.

This may have been done on part of SH1 and may have been when there was no traffic around and I may have only been in 3rd gear and then decided 'Nope, this is fast enough, I've had my fun'

I once made an attempt to get my FJ up to 7000 rpm in top gear (on a closed private road of course).

I made into top gear ... but ran out of road before 7000 rpm.

223 km/hr on the GPS.

11th May 2021, 17:52
I once made an attempt to get my FJ up to 7000 rpm in top gear (on a closed private road of course).

I made into top gear ... but ran out of road before 7000 rpm.

223 km/hr on the GPS.

I started another story but it reminded me of this. A friend of mine back in the day owned a 351GT Ford with full Cleveland running gear.
He was on his way to Auckland one day, full of the joys of spring and doing close to 150mph when his radar detector went off. He hit the brakes hard probably generating a considerable amount of smoke in the process. When the speed dropped to 80mph he spun the car 180 and buried his boot. Probably generating yet more smoke.

If the cop was actually awake his eyes must have been on stalks, but cops are supposed to have better work stories.

The hero of this tale was a nationally known stock car driver so he had the skills. Some of you will have met him through motorcycling.

11th May 2021, 18:42
... If the cop was actually awake his eyes must have been on stalks, but cops are supposed to have better work stories.

I was on a ride heading up the Waitaki valley. The front runner put on an impressive burst of speed. Then his radar detector started ringing in his ear. On came the brakes to slow a bit before the cop got a lock on his speed. Said front runner eased off the brakes a little early. Cop got him at 123 km/hr.

Cop told him had he not stopped braking ... he wouldn't have got a locked speed reading.

15th May 2021, 16:22
I was on a ride heading up the Waitaki valley. The front runner put on an impressive burst of speed. Then his radar detector started ringing in his ear. On came the brakes to slow a bit before the cop got a lock on his speed. Said front runner eased off the brakes a little early. Cop got him at 123 km/hr.

Cop told him had he not stopped braking ... he wouldn't have got a locked speed reading.

Interesting, wonder of any of our learned members of the secret society of speed enforcement will elaborate on device operation....

Would make sense that it would have some kind of logic circuit to do multiple readings to eliminate false readings off stationary objects....

I never got the brake as the big nose dive is a pure admission of guilt... I just roll off throttle on car and bike... wonder if that’s why I’ve evaded a few likely tickets???

15th May 2021, 21:22
Interesting, wonder of any of our learned members of the secret society of speed enforcement will elaborate on device operation....

I was told the fraction of a second ... that the offending vehicle had to be at a constant speed for to get a lock on ... but old age and abuse of alcohol ... blah blah ... I've forgotten.

I have got a few single flashes of the red and blues ... more times than I've received actual paperwork ... so all good for me (mostly) so far.