View Full Version : To Fight the Hordes,Singing and Crying

18th February 2004, 16:18
We haven't done any Asian bashing for awhile - let's get into it!

We have been thinking that my Chinese worker has an eyesight problem lately - when we get him to check brake lights,he has to look at each one individualy...not just stomp on the pedal and,yep they all go,no,he looks at every tail light,then every stop light.On something like a Diamante with 7 brake lights he's completly lost,he can't see if one is out or not.We just have to keep an eye on him.

But last night I was talking with someone not from NZ - their country has done a survey and found that Asians are lacking in periphrial vision....hmmmm.Could this be why they don't seem to know what's going on around them? why they have so much trouble at intersections and roundabouts?

I'm not Asian bashing here - I'm just genuinely interested in finding out why they are such useless fucking drivers.

18th February 2004, 16:59
The crapy asian drivers you see here have never driven cars in their life and/or they have to drive on the other side of the road compaird to back home. These Asians are the new immgrants or newly arrived students with no driving experience on the conditions we have here.

They come here, a bit overwhelming at first but eventually they get used to it. There will be tons of great Asian drivers out there who are brought up in NZ or they have been here for a while and got the hang of driving around in NZ. Why are they great and not just good? Well, for a lot of them, they have to be extra nice or extra careful just so that they don't tick off your types or attract unwanted attention.

As far as them being crappy drivers cause of what the survay says well thats a whole lotta B.S. IMHO

18th February 2004, 19:06
I think I'll keep out of this one.
Have fun, guys... :D

18th February 2004, 20:27
Geez Louise... Just when I thought it was safe to go back in the water!!

18th February 2004, 20:39
So I guess you have to ask the question...you come up to a round about on the bike. You see a gap...cos there is always a gap god dammit!

What would you rather encounter? An asian going at .05km an hour, a 4x4 female with kids on board sign (eeeekkkk - I am invincible),an american on a visitors licence (right or left dammit), a 60+ ole lady in a subaru justi (just got my glasses fixed), or a boy racer.... got me beat!!!!
Sorry may be getting off track but damn there so many hazards to watch for not just the asian folks

18th February 2004, 21:09
We haven't done any Asian bashing for awhile - let's get into it!

We have been thinking that my Chinese worker has an eyesight problem lately - when we get him to check brake lights,he has to look at each one individualy...not just stomp on the pedal and,yep they all go,no,he looks at every tail light,then every stop light.On something like a Diamante with 7 brake lights he's completly lost,he can't see if one is out or not.We just have to keep an eye on him.

But last night I was talking with someone not from NZ - their country has done a survey and found that Asians are lacking in periphrial vision....hmmmm.Could this be why they don't seem to know what's going on around them? why they have so much trouble at intersections and roundabouts?

I'm not Asian bashing here - I'm just genuinely interested in finding out why they are such useless fucking drivers.
I've heard that most of them havn't needed to drive a cage in their country of origin before...apparently they are awesome cyclists & motorcyclists though!? :thud:

If there are any Asian KiwiBikers on this forum maybe you could confirm whether these things are so or not? (I'm sure you'll confirm the part about being awesome bikers!)


18th February 2004, 21:13
So I guess you have to ask the question...you come up to a round about on the bike. You see a gap...cos there is always a gap god dammit!

What would you rather encounter? An asian going at .05km an hour, a 4x4 female with kids on board sign (eeeekkkk - I am invincible),an american on a visitors licence (right or left dammit), a 60+ ole lady in a subaru justi (just got my glasses fixed), or a boy racer.... got me beat!!!!
Sorry may be getting off track but damn there so many hazards to watch for not just the asian folks
So MadDuck dude, you never answered what YOU would rather encounter??

BTW, you left out one other hazard- another biker who takes "your" gap! :Punk:


18th February 2004, 21:21
Simple answer Zed. Another biker has respect for other bikers ...take my gap and I kick your butt :ar15:

PS: I am not a dude !!!! But thanks for asking

18th February 2004, 21:43
Simple answer Zed. Another biker has respect for other bikers ...take my gap and I kick your butt :ar15:

PS: I am not a dude !!!! But thanks for asking
Don't take that biker respect thing for granted...I said that about the bikers because they/we too can be a threat to one another out there.

Um the dude thing...well "dudess" just doesn't have the same ring to it. It's like saying "have a great night guys" meaning both sexes, you know what I mean wo-man? :2thumbsup


18th February 2004, 21:45
My honest opinion.....I would hate to meet a YOUNG biker with shit for brains thinks that faster is better. Faster is not always better - look for me cos I dont suffer fools very well :wavey:

18th February 2004, 21:59
ummm sorry off track :bye:

19th February 2004, 09:53
I lived in Asia for nearly 3 years and the population was 80% Chinese. I would say a VERY large portion of the Chinese wore glasses or had some sight issues. I was watching a doco on it over there and they mentioned that the chinese have a slightly different shape of the skull which can put stress on the optic nerve and this leads to a high percentage of sight problems. The other 20% of the population (Malaysian and Indians) had a much lower rate of people wearing glasses.

19th February 2004, 10:13
What would you rather encounter? An asian going at .05km an hour, a 4x4 female with kids on board sign (eeeekkkk - I am invincible),an american on a visitors licence (right or left dammit), a 60+ ole lady in a subaru justi (just got my glasses fixed), or a boy racer.... got me beat!!!!

I'll take the boy racer, thanks.

Funnily enough, in my experience, BR types are almost *always* courteous to me on the bike, moving over as I come up alongside in traffic, etc. Never had one of them 'accidentally' pull over in front while filtering, either. I do suspect they tend to keep a sharper eye out than other car drivers, if only because of their eyeballs being in continuous PlodScan mode.

btw - Motu - glad you're staying with my lyrical thread title theme... so much more cultured, innit?

19th February 2004, 11:44
yeah, at least the Boyracers are at least looking, Even if it is to scope you out to assess whether they think they can beat you down the road. Most people aren't malicious enough to try and hit us off so you're better up next to someone who knows ya there.

19th February 2004, 16:51
So I guess you have to ask the question...you come up to a round about on the bike. You see a gap...cos there is always a gap god dammit!

What would you rather encounter? An asian going at .05km an hour, a 4x4 female with kids on board sign (eeeekkkk - I am invincible),an american on a visitors licence (right or left dammit), a 60+ ole lady in a subaru justi (just got my glasses fixed), or a boy racer.... got me beat!!!!
Sorry may be getting off track but damn there so many hazards to watch for not just the asian folks

Hitcher's third commandment: "Beware of cagers who wear hats!"

21st February 2004, 13:52
Some of us have the same complaint over here, involving the Mexican immigrants, mostly illegal, who get behind the wheel without license or insurance and have a taste for Bud Light. (our version of a domestic beer) Our government has no balls to stop it so we just watch out and do the best we can, trying to stay alive and enjoy riding....jb :kick:

James Deuce
21st February 2004, 13:58
Some of us have the same complaint over here, involving the Mexican immigrants, mostly illegal, who get behind the wheel without license or insurance and have a taste for Bud Light. (our version of a domestic beer) Our government has no balls to stop it so we just watch out and do the best we can, trying to stay alive and enjoy riding....jb :kick:

I would put money on those unlicensed Mexicans being better, more aware drivers than most of the population in New Zealand who drive.

21st February 2004, 17:45
Hitcher's third commandment: "Beware of cagers who wear hats!"
Hey I wear a hat,Errrrrr I also wear glasses and drive a 4x4,and listen to country music,Don't own a cell phone an I'm not Asia but I'm working on it.
You can look out for my ma inlaw but,she drives a Pajero,a nice red one
Johnnys not dead,he's just gone to pizza hut,,,,,,,,,,Work that out :laugh:

22nd February 2004, 05:09
I would put money on those unlicensed Mexicans being better, more aware drivers than most of the population in New Zealand who drive.

So when I tell you that I found the standard of driving in N.Z. to be a a lot higher to what I`m used to you`ll get some idea of what we have to put up with,and I`ve lost count of the times dorks on bikes have nearly had me off,closest one was on my XT,some guy obviously in a hurry on a sportsbike so I pulled over to let him by only to have the idiot squeeze through the narrowing gap on the inside at god knows what speed!

22nd February 2004, 05:33
Know what i reckon, we should get the police to (in all their spare time) Do an analysis of accidents and the nationality of drivers who cause them/exactly what sort of accident it is/was. I know this has been unofficially done and the guestimated figures are way in favour of motu, that say exactly what your seeing, unfortunatly even simpler tasks like not following too close (i actually thought euro van drivers were worst) seem a little harder, 6 car nose to tail on a wet day over the harbour bridge... all asians and all mates... ohhh wouldnt that suck to be them?

James Deuce
22nd February 2004, 05:56
So when I tell you that I found the standard of driving in N.Z. to be a a lot higher to what I`m used to you`ll get some idea of what we have to put up with,and I`ve lost count of the times dorks on bikes have nearly had me off,closest one was on my XT,some guy obviously in a hurry on a sportsbike so I pulled over to let him by only to have the idiot squeeze through the narrowing gap on the inside at god knows what speed!

I'd say that it was a one off incident. I get car drivers trying to do that here. ;)

22nd February 2004, 07:11
Damn I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I look out for all these poor drivers,I sometimes see the odd fool here in there
but over all I don't find our car drivers all THAT bad.
I'm even starting to think maybe it's not the car drivers that are blind.
Even noticing it's the same people experiencing the same type of thing over and over.Strange that,,,,,VERY strange :no:

22nd February 2004, 19:22
Damn I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I look out for all these poor drivers,I sometimes see the odd fool here in there
but over all I don't find our car drivers all THAT bad.
I'm even starting to think maybe it's not the car drivers that are blind.
Even noticing it's the same people experiencing the same type of thing over and over.Strange that,,,,,VERY strange :no:

I feel the same way as well.

22nd February 2004, 20:01
I'm even starting to think maybe it's not the car drivers that are blind.
Even noticing it's the same people experiencing the same type of thing over and over.Strange that,,,,,VERY strange :no:

Yes, 'tis very strange indeed.

Of course, everyone's experience is unique.

And what we're used to seeing every day in Waiuku is not necessarily what we see in Epsom and Remuera.

Like KK, I'm intrigued by the unofficial police conclusions. But of course they could never be officially reported: that would be seen as provocative. It would be interesting to know the Insurance Council's unofficial statistics...

22nd February 2004, 20:34
Hey I live in Waiuku but I don't speak with a local accent,And I kind'a doubt there is a great difference between Papakura-Howick than any other part of
Auckland.As to the unoffical stat's,,,Well it's really a no brainer but your not supposed to say it aye!!
Just NEVER trust em' an no problem :shifty: :)

Lou Girardin
24th February 2004, 06:09
Motu, at least he's not as bad as the Irish mechanic. When asked to check if the indicators were going; he said, yes they are, no they're not, yes they are, no they're not.
At the start of World War 2, the allies thought that the Japs were no threat. After all, they all wear glasses. They can't see to shoot.
Famous last words.

24th February 2004, 07:47
I'm not trying to find an excuse to blame Asian drivers,but more to see if there was an actual physical reason for their poor performance on our roads.And yes Jackrat,I'm aware that there are other drivers just as bad and that the bottom line is to be one step ahead ourselves.I personaly know Chinese who have very good vision and are very much up to pace on our roads - so maybe it is a cultural thing,we don't know how they were brought up in their own country.
But the Russians took to driving like ducks to water,they had never owned cars, maybe their society was more mechanicaly orientated.No one has mentioned Indians yet,they are just as bad as the Chinese,but some are excelent drivers - we don't know there personal history.

I sit at my desk every day looking out at a very,very busy intersection - anyone who wants to dispute who is driving on our roads and who has difficulty coping is welcome to bring down a chair and spend a day watching - you will hear lots of horns,tyre smoke and at least 3 contacts....before lunch.

24th February 2004, 08:47
The Japs all wearing glasses,Yep heard that one.
I get that same crap thrown at me some times,But what folks don't seem to get is that wearing glasses gives the wearer 20/20 eye sight.Take em' off but
an ya' better watch out,can't see past the end of me nose. :laugh:
Is there a phisical reason for poor Asian driving skills???.
Coz' man, they's to short see,give em' all cushions ta' sit on.Oh hang on I'm no giant an half me mates ain't that huge either,,,,errrrrrr must be summit' else.Maybe it's cause they are so smart,after all most smart people are dumb fucks in the real world,You know build a nuclear bomb but can't tye their laces.Yeah that must be it,,After all I was in Manuku a while back an this real classic was coming around the round about toward me,,little sports car,dangly lantan thing hanging off the rear veiw mirror ,twenty some thing male in a white shirt,He was indercating to turn off but the body language said other wise.I just watched an sure enough he did'nt turn off, just kept coming all the way round an went back the way he'd come from.I hit the horn as he went past an he looked at every thing but me.Fucker had a glazed
look on his face that made it pretty plain to me we were in two different worlds,I'm busy driving an he's buzy planing his countrys world take over useing all the knowlage gained in this dumb fucker honkys school systems.
An then maybe it's summit' else again,buggered if I know.My grand dad had a solution but we're nice now days an don't do that shit no more,, :whistle:

24th February 2004, 09:36
I think Motu is right about the cultural thing in more ways than one. I don't really know how to explain why I think it is that. I might have a sit down and think about it actually and maybe post something if I find the appropriate answer.

24th February 2004, 12:42
I was just standing out by the door - and crash!!!!! ...car and truck collide,the poor chinese girl is looking around all dazed wondering what happened.Like I said,happens all day long around here.

I gotta come clean on ''my'' intersection - 90% of the accidents involve a truck or bus,and 50% of the drivers in this area appear to be Asian,so the odds are stacked against them.The island is too tight for the trucks and buses to get around,so they move over into the left lane as they make their turn,cleaning up any car on the inside.I aportion 50/50 blame here - the cars shouldn't come down the inside,but it's still the truck or bus drivers responsability to check the inside before making the turn,although a B trains cab will be halfway around the island before the trailer clears any cars.They need to move over and block both lanes well before thay get to the intersection - but even that doesn't work - one day we heard a huge crash,we looked out and saw that a pickup had tried to squeeze between a truck and a pole,ripped the tray clean off the pickup,we lifted the tray back on and I welded it into place.

Who designed this magic roundabout - well he's quite famous in this area,he built it,has parks and houses named after himself.He went out one day with some concrete blocks and ''made'' a traffic island....done,

24th February 2004, 13:06
LOL,yeah an then buggered off down south right!!!
I hear he makes a pretty mean water tank that works as well as his round about.Am I right?? :yes:

24th February 2004, 13:22
If there are any Asian KiwiBikers on this forum maybe you could confirm whether these things are so or not? (I'm sure you'll confirm the part about being awesome bikers[/b]

Aye m8, I'm a f**ken Asian
But don't ask me to start with Maori drivers tho....


24th February 2004, 15:20
as a generalisation i always thought maori and PI drivers were good, they make the best truck drivers as apparently they can drive for longer or something more relaxed and not angry and tense. I just remember hearing something like that, never had a problem with em, oh apart from the PI that i swear purposely swirved into me when i was overtaking him. but yeh :)

24th February 2004, 15:57
The only reason of my objection to the original post was because of this grouping of people according to their race and then putting a label of "bad driver" accordingly.

This causes "friendly fire" amongst those who are competent vehicles operators regardless of their race. It doesn't matter if they are Asian, Indian, PI, Maori, European origin or other, a good vehicle operator is a good vehicle operator and a crapy one is a crapy one.

Technically we could generalise and say that certain group or race of people are crapy drivers but when races are concerned, such genrellisations usually falls dangerously close to or is under what is considered as racist comments.

And there is nothing nice about racist comments.

Lou Girardin
25th February 2004, 06:07
Technically we could generalise and say that certain group or race of people are crapy drivers but when races are concerned, such genrellisations usually falls dangerously close to or is under what is considered as racist comments.

And there is nothing nice about racist comments.
Unfortunately, in this PC age, even in the presence of firm evidence we're not supposed to comment on the traits of other races for fear of being branded racist. If you want to find out about real racism, study the integrationist movement in the US south in the 60's. Or Apartheidt. Or Germany's persecution of the Jews.
Rubbishing Asian drivers doesn't quite compare somehow.

25th February 2004, 09:28
Unfortunately, in this PC age, even in the presence of firm evidence we're not supposed to comment on the traits of other races for fear of being branded racist. If you want to find out about real racism, study the integrationist movement in the US south in the 60's. Or Apartheidt. Or Germany's persecution of the Jews.
Rubbishing Asian drivers doesn't quite compare somehow.

All very true except what you say is "real racism" is now history (almost), and the level of tolarence has now come down much further than before. It can be redicules some times these days as some people just use it as an excuse for their own benifit.

In this case, the only thing you would really have to add to your statement is "MOST Asian or Indian (or what ever appropriate race) drivers in New Zealand are not very good drivers" then no one would really raise an eyebrow. Where as if you were to say "Asian or indian etc etc are crap drivers" then you would certainly be getting attention of the wrong kind.

Now both of the above statements are generalisations however one is talking about a group of crapy drivers and the other is talking about a whole race of crapy drivers. Do you know what mean?

25th February 2004, 09:41
There are a couple of hard-wired human attributes at play here:

1. We like to generalise -- it makes life so much simpler...
2. We like to seize on readily discernable differences between "them" and "us" as a way of making us feel better about ourselves -- short people, fat people, bald people, black/yellow/pink/brown/khaki people, bible bangers, wogs, teetotallers, boy racers, scooter owners, the intolerant, GE freaks, dog owners, Pajero owners, Serb taxi drivers, the Gummint and Australians.

James Deuce
25th February 2004, 09:43
There are a couple of hard-wired human attributes at play here:

1. We like to generalise -- it makes life so much simpler...
2. We like to seize on readily discernable differences between "them" and "us" as a way of making us feel better about ourselves -- short people, fat people, bald people, black/yellow/pink/brown/khaki people, bible bangers, wogs, teetotallers, boy racers, scooter owners, the intolerant, GE freaks, dog owners, Pajero owners, Serb taxi drivers, the Gummint and Australians.

Thank Goodness you didn't forget to differentiate Australians!

25th February 2004, 10:09
1. We like to generalise -- it makes life so much simpler...

2. We like to seize on readily discernable differences between "them" and "us"

Absolute PC shyte...

The fact is, the difference between "them" (for example Asian drivers, mothers in SUV's) is that "they" fail to give way and appear to want to run me down and "they" appear to be ignorant of the road code.

So don't be so feckin' patronising, these are not generalisations when they come from bitter and repeated experience....

25th February 2004, 10:29
Absolute PC shyte...

The fact is, the difference between "them" (for example Asian drivers, mothers in SUV's) is that "they" fail to give way and appear to want to run me down and "they" appear to be ignorant of the road code.

So don't be so feckin' patronising, these are not generalisations when they come from bitter and repeated experience....

An observed apparent desire for certain types of drivers to want to exterminate bikers is, I would have though, a "readily discernable difference"...

25th February 2004, 10:49
An observed apparent desire for certain types of drivers to want to exterminate bikers is, I would have though, a "readily discernable difference"...

You are talking about the most basic type of human emotion: the "fight or flight" response - i.e. “…that’s the third time this week some Asian bastard has failed to give way on a roundabout, I’d best avoid the pricks…”.

However by attributing it to “generalisation” (nice word for racism?) you appear to be blaming the victim.

It is not my fault immigrants are allowed to drive on international licences for 12 months.
It is not my fault that inadequate drivers are allowed to buy behemoths that are chosen on the basis that they are so big as to allow the driver to feel impervious to danger. This attitude and simple lack of driving ability, when combined with the fact that these SUVs have the laden weight of a Sherman tank, is very dangerous to other road users.

So, to generalise, you can stick yer generalisations up yer arse…

25th February 2004, 12:36
Shit some days being a Dirty White boy Ancestor of a bunch of land grabing
murdering theives ain't so bad after all.Still not not voting fuckin' National but.
And I reckon Maori drivers are the best because I have never had a problem with a Maori person driving a brand new Range rover while Iv'e been riding around Howick or Remuera, and all my cuzy's up north seem VERY laid back for some reason.It must have some thing to do with being unemployed but still able to afford a new HD at the end of summer every couple of years.
:doobey: :Oops: Not that I'm genralizing or sterotyping or anything :innocent:I mean how could a Maori,Scot,Irish,English,French,Fijian,Kanak,Just another bloody Kiwi possibly be racist anyway, :msn-wink:

25th February 2004, 13:11
On a similar note, I nearly bent my forks, totaled the front and nearly became airborne when a station wagon decided to do a Uie in front of me. This happened 10 mins ago. He got the car into the 90 degree position with out signaling of nothing. I anchor the front and back brakes. The back starts sliding around and the dude looks at me like a possume with blinded eyes from my headlihgts. For about a second or two before near impact I nearly had my life flash before me, then suddenly the guy comes to his sences and floors it. I missed him by mear intiches.

Appearance of the driver seemed to be cocasion (he could have been an American or European toruist or local kiwi guy or what ever, who knows). Trusting no one other than the people who you personaly know can be trusted might just be the best policy.

Lou Girardin
25th February 2004, 14:52
And who gets extra pissed off when the wankers wave after they've nearly killed you.
Who the hell taught them that waving makes it better.

25th February 2004, 16:06
At least they don't say "have a nice day!" Well, not in our hearing anyway.
Then there'd really be an excuse to kill the fuckers!

25th February 2004, 21:08
And who gets extra pissed off when the wankers wave after they've nearly killed you.
Who the hell taught them that waving makes it better.
Yeah that happens aye!
I reckon it's to confuse you even more while they make a get away.
Damn works on me,,,,Like what da' fuck :confused2 :no:

26th February 2004, 10:07
I'd be rich if I get $1 for every posting of this kind of topic........ :mellow:

7th October 2006, 20:44
And who gets extra pissed off when the wankers wave after they've nearly killed you.
Who the hell taught them that waving makes it better.
Hmm, a very good point Lou.

(A large dredge was needed for this thread...)

7th October 2006, 20:57
Hitcher's third commandment: "Beware of cagers who wear hats!"


7th October 2006, 20:58
Them Asians Cant See Cause Their Eyes Are To Squinty.

Btw Motoracer Your Number Plate "wokboy" Is Ready To Be Picked Up

7th October 2006, 21:00
I'd be rich if I get $1 for every posting of this kind of topic........ :mellow:


7th October 2006, 21:18
There are a couple of hard-wired human attributes at play here:

1. We like to generalise -- it makes life so much simpler...
2. We like to seize on readily discernable differences between "them" and "us" as a way of making us feel better about ourselves -- short people, fat people, bald people, black/yellow/pink/brown/khaki people, bible bangers, wogs, teetotallers, boy racers, scooter owners, the intolerant, GE freaks, dog owners, Pajero owners, Serb taxi drivers, the Gummint and Australians.

You left out the Harley riders.:beer: or two.


8th October 2006, 08:37
Argh ARGH!!! ARGH!!!!!!

Thread dredgers

8th October 2006, 09:00
I sit at my desk every day looking out at a very,very busy intersection - anyone who wants to dispute who is driving on our roads and who has difficulty coping is welcome to bring down a chair and spend a day watching - you will hear lots of horns,tyre smoke and at least 3 contacts....before lunch.

In the traditional KB way of going off topic I would like to comment on your signature, haven't heard that song for years!
What was the title etc?? (from memory it's sung by some Cockney geezer)

8th October 2006, 09:26
Was about to post in this thread until I saw the age of it. Sheesh.

8th October 2006, 09:27
My honest opinion.....I would hate to meet a YOUNG biker with shit for brains thinks that faster is better. Faster is not always better - look for me cos I dont suffer fools very well :wavey:you havn't met Mark? lucky.

8th October 2006, 09:33
Was about to post in this thread until I saw the age of it. Sheesh.may be in 10 years time this thread will be still going, if KB is still going or Spankme hasn't sold it to Google for a couple of million.

8th October 2006, 14:24
Argh ARGH!!! ARGH!!!!!!

Thread dredgers
You called?:cool:

I was searching forums to prevent a callout of the QRF, and stumbled upon this little gem.

8th October 2006, 14:28
I was searching forums to prevent a callout of the QRF, and stumbled upon this little gem.

I suppose we could forgive you then