View Full Version : Butt Rocket

8th November 2005, 21:19
It's all in the title.

8th November 2005, 21:50
For some reason that brought tears to my eyes. Looks like a jack ass thing

Goddess of Goof
8th November 2005, 22:13
For some reason that brought tears to my eyes. Looks like a jack ass thing

Good on ya Phenoix, ur sense of humour hasn't been dented at all.... and the bike's looking much more it's old self ..... :yes:

except from the front :lol:

9th November 2005, 08:39
Steve-O does something very similar on one of his videos (Out on Bail 3?) and I suspect that is someone trying to copy him at home.

9th November 2005, 09:55
Very jackass, butt VERY funny.
Big G for that one.

Caused a bit of a stir in the office too!!

9th November 2005, 10:50
Now that is the way to prevent forest fires!!!:shake:

9th November 2005, 11:47
HAHAHAHA classic

9th November 2005, 11:57
Now that is the way to prevent forest fires!!!:shake:

Wow what a dumb ass hehe, that will sure heat treat the logs in the forest:lol:

9th November 2005, 12:03
Fuckin morons.... Any wonder why the firework restrictions are getting tighter and tighter? Even in the states.

9th November 2005, 12:29
Well, that's one bugger who'll be eating his dinner off the mantelpiece for a spell.

Wankers like that are the reason we lost first the "bangers" then the rockets and will eventually lose all fireworks. Hope his stunt rendered him sterile - the thought that he may someday breed is terrifying to me.