View Full Version : Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about New Zealand

17th November 2005, 22:46
New Zealand is situated the same distance eastwards from Australia as London is to Moscow. So if anybody tells you it's right next to Australia, tell them to piss off.

It is bigger than Connecticut, but smaller than Canada.

There are two main islands - The North Island and The South Island. There
is also about a zillion other islands dotted around and about, none of which
should concern you.

The South Island is slightly bigger than the North Island, but South Islanders that refer to themselves as "Mainlanders" are wankers.

The largest city in New Zealand is Auckland, which has a population of
approximately 1,200,000 people, many of whom own Holdens (see below).

The capital is Wellington, which is really boring and windy and don't go there.

The fourth largest New Zealand city is called Bondi, a suburb of Sydney. It
has more New Zealanders in it than Hamilton.

Lake Taupo, situated in the centre of the North Island, is very big, but
smaller than Texas, and has less guns but more trout.

The worst place in New Zealand goes by the tantalising and evocative name of
Bulls, population: two men and a dog. It has achieved it's dubious
distinction by having the bones of stranded hitchhikers scattered
along all points of egress. It is a shithole; if you manage to escape it
within five hours of having entered it, you can count yourself very lucky

All you need know when travelling in New Zealand is:
North Island: beaches
South Island: mountains
and don't go to Dannevirke, you'll hate it.

If you're a Crowded House or Split Enz fan, a pilgrimage to Te Awamutu is
essential. You will see why Split Enz split, and why Neil Finn now lives
in Melbourne.

Hamilton is a strange place - very foggy in winter, and not in Canada (or
Connecticut). If you are hitch hiking in the area and somebody offers you
a lift "as far as Hamilton", you can guarantee you will end up walking from
one side of town to the other, which will:
a) take about two hours, and
b) not endear you to any part of the stinky, boring, flat, green Waikato

Many years ago a bloke called Maui went fishing with his brothers, using
his grandmother's jawbone as a fish hook (apparently his grandmother's jaw
fell off through overuse, an object lesson in verbosity). He caught
a big fish and hauled it to the surface. It was a big fish (man). Like,
really really big. About as big as the North Island. In fact, if the truth
be told, it “was” the North Island. But that's okay, because Maui's canoe
was pretty large as well, as big as The South Island (get the picture?)

Maui's brothers, seeing the size of the fish, became jealous and laid into it with their meres and axes and shit, thus conveniently terraforming it into a fairly rugged bit of heavily forested fish (or land, as geologists prefer to call it).

A bit after that, in a huge migration from Hawaiiki (probably no relation), the Maori people arrived in this new land of Aotearoa, The Land of The Long White Cloud. After spending about 1000 years not inventing the internal combustion engine, nuclear weapons, those horrible guttering systems which get clogged up with leaves and twigs and dead sparrows and need to be cleaned out every six months, or Unix, the country was colonised (invaded) by Europeans, bringing blankets, muskets, whaling ships, God, syphilis, tuberculosis and guttering systems.

The Maoris, overwhelmed by the European's staggering generosity, occasionally went berko and killed some settlers, but to no avail. By 1840, the Treaty of Waitangi - popularly advertised as New Zealand's founding document - was signed by the Governor of New Zealand (representing Queen Vicky of England) and various Maori chiefs, representing each tribe.

After another thirty years of bloodshed, things began to settle down
a little bit and the real business of farming sheep and building towns
like Bulls could begin in earnest. Bulls was built. It still exists today.

The capital was moved from Russell to Auckland to Wellington to London to Washington. There was speculation during the 1940s that the new capital might be Berlin or Tokyo, but such rumours were unfounded in the cold impartial light of military superiority and nuclear weapons.

World War One came, and with it came the battle of Gallipoli, in which heaps of Kiwis and Aussies got dropped on the wrong beach by a Pommie Bastard who was probably marinating his brain in gin at the time. A battle that should have lasted about twelve hours lasted six months.

World War Two rolled around, and thousands more Kiwis died displaying the refreshing lack of self-preservation that Allied High Command was so enamoured with. The score stands at New Zealand two, Germany nil.

Nuclear ships stopped coming in 1984 with the election of The First Labour
Government in a Very Long Time. America loves us slightly less than it did

The French blew up a Greenpeace ship, The Rainbow Warrior, in Auckland in
1985. We like the French slightly less than we did before. However,
due to the fact that we export dairy products and beef and lamb to France, we don't dislike them enough to really do anything about it.

We won the Rugby World Cup in 1987 and nobody really gives a shit, except Westies and their fathers.

We had a sesquicentennial in 1990 (150th anniversary - we note with
interest that the word did not exist prior to 1990). It was crap and lost
lots of money.
Buzzy Bees: A quintessential piece of Kiwiana. It is a small wooden bee that toddlers can drag around on a piece of string. It has wings that rotate (backwards) and it makes a weird clicking sound. They are no longer made, much to the author's remorse (not true).

The Edmond's Cook Book: More copies of this book have been sold in New Zealand than any other book (ever). Produced by Edmonds, makers of fine Baking Powder, Cake Mix and Bournville Cocoa. There are hundreds of recipes, many incorporating Edmond's "Sure to Rise" Baking Powder, Edmond's Cake Mix, Bournville Cocoa, and not to mention their Cheesecake Mix. There is even a whole section on cooking with Oxo.

Holdens: Holden is an Australian car manufacturer, a subsidiary of General Motors (actually now owned by Toyota). Most Australiasians either don't know this, or don't care. The classic New Zealand car is a very old grey Holden station wagon, with shot suspension and dodgy brakes. It is driven by Westies. They are popular because they are cheap (because they are crap) and have big engines, which may or may not be V8s. We don't know, nor care.
We are cyclists, who dislike most cars and hate Holdens.

Swannies: Woollen bush shirts and jackets made by Swanndri NZ Ltd.
Very waterproof, scratchy, rugged, warm and make you look like a mass murderer when hitch hiking.

3 egg whites
1 teaspoon vinegar
3 tablespoons cold water
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 cup castor sugar
3 teaspoons cornflour
Beat egg whites until stiff, add cold water and beat again. Add
castor sugar gradually while still beating. Slow beater and add vinegar,
vanilla and cornflour. Place of greased paper on greased tray and
bake at 150 degrees C (300 F) for 45 minutes, then leave to cool in the
oven. (Courtesy of The Edmond's Cookbook (naturally)).

This recipe never works, nor does any other recipe for pav, except this one:
Carrier bag
Ride bicycle down to supermarket, purchase pavlova with $15, place
in carrier bag. Ride home. Remove pavlova from carrier bag, place in
cold oven. When guests arrive, remove from oven and say "Look at this
pav I just made!" Any Australians, South Africans, Yugoslavians or
Tibetans who tell you that the pav was invented in their country are full of
Shit and are not to be believed.

Pies: North Americans may be unfamiliar with this phenomenon. A pie is a savoury hors d'ouvres pastry thing, but three times the size, filled with meat (from whence we can only guess) and with a lid on. The worst pies in New Zealand can be had for NZ$1.60 a piece at a grimy, smelly, cockroach-infested petrol station by Lake Karapiro. Coming a close second are the infamous Putrid Pies of Panmure (a suburb of Auckland). They seem to be available from all the bakeries - do not touch them, they are the source of all evil.

There are some quite nice pies in Queenstown, but we really hate Queenstown, and this ruins the whole pie eating experience for us.
There are also some quite nice pies in Onehunga (south Auckland). However, it should be noted that pies can never be rated at anything above "good".

17th November 2005, 22:48
Don't come here!

They'll tax the pants off you :D

Cullen is knob cheese........fucknig gimp :banana:


Back Fire
17th November 2005, 23:03
thats more NZ trivia than my foreign brain can handle... self implosion if 5... 4... 3... 2... .....................

Posh Tourer :P
17th November 2005, 23:22
heh... The main Honda dealership in Norwich is Holdens Honda.....

I bet no-one here even understands.....

18th November 2005, 00:51
That's funny because I saw a holden ute the other day with honda signage and stickers plastered all over it.

Well, I guess it doesn't really make it funny. But it gave me an excuse to recall something that was amusing at the time.

Neat FAQ by the way.

Back Fire
18th November 2005, 01:13
That's funny because I saw a holden ute the other day with honda signage and stickers plastered all over it.

Well, I guess it doesn't really make it funny. But it gave me an excuse to recall something that was amusing at the time.

Neat FAQ by the way.

Possibly cyclespots new ute?

18th November 2005, 08:53
We are cyclists, who dislike most cars and hate Holdens.
Infidel Heathen!

Holdens are the closest thing to perfection that cages can acheive.

18th November 2005, 09:34
Infidel Heathen!

Holdens are the closest thing to perfection that cages can acheive.
Always thought the Dodge Charger was myself.

18th November 2005, 09:42
Always thought the Dodge Charger was myself.
Bah, its just an american Mitsubishi!

great FAQ too

18th November 2005, 09:52
lol.. very good, wondered why i had moved here..

18th November 2005, 10:13
A quick footnote;
Swannies: Woollen bush shirts and jackets made by Swanndri NZ Ltd.
Very waterproof, scratchy, rugged, warm and make you look like a mass murderer when hitch hiking and are now made in CHINA!!

Barry Crump once considered and icon of Kiwi masculinity is dead, and incindentally so is Kiwi masculinity save for a few (KBers) who peservere with the notion by riding motorbikes and getting drunk occasionally (refer Westie as well) the rest of NZ males are poofters or poofter wannabes (see metrosexual)

18th November 2005, 10:20
Fuck thats brilliant.

BTW, Pav was invented in South Africa. I have proof.

18th November 2005, 11:08
The standard NZ Kiwi meal on a Friday night is Fish n Chips. In fact, Fish n Chips is part of our staple diet and can be eaten at any occasion. Unfortunately, going on holiday overseas means you often can't find Fish n Chip shops because that country doesn't know about this World Famous in New Zealand phenomenon.

To be a real kiwi you will drown your chips in Watties Tomato Sauce. Europeans, especially Dutch, can be identified very quickly because they use Mayonnaise.

Fish n Chip shops can be found in nearly every town in NZ, and have a much higher density than the local corner dairy, and don't get robbed. There are at least five Fish n Chip shops within 2km from my house and I'm unsure if any dairies exist. The closest Fish n Chip shop doesn't mean it's the best. Kiwis are renowned for travelling long distances to buy the right stuff - I buy my chips from a shop 7km from home because it tastes good and makes the distance worth while to take the bike instead of walking. In winter this means a nice warm belly for the ride back home (bounty is tucked underneath the jacket).

Some Fish n Chip shops accept the plastic fantastic EFTPOS card and some give a candy to each child under 10 years of age present in the shop at time of purchase. If your order is over $10, some will also give a bonus food item such as a crabstick.

Each year there is a national competition to find the best Fish n Chip shop in NZ.

18th November 2005, 11:10
Always thought the Dodge Charger was myself.
You need help. Urgently.

18th November 2005, 11:29
that scungie (scungy?) servo at karapiro is gone now - someone's building a big house there. the nearest ones are the mobil nearer cambridge, and tirau, which has awesome shops and cafe's as well (try alleycats behind the tow yard opposite the border collie for great coffee and carrot cake)

19th November 2005, 20:30
Always thought the Dodge Charger was myself.

Nah,the Valiant charger is.:shifty:

Who bets he won't get it??:blip:

20th November 2005, 10:34
haha! thats a good read. im going to go by a pie now

20th November 2005, 10:52
We have laws in New Zealand as well, but until they become profitable, they usually become ignored.
We also have a strongly developing country, however this is held back by the undeveloping/breeding bludger class.