View Full Version : Cage Fighting

1st March 2004, 10:18
So who would win at cage fighting-Jackrat or Wkid one?

1st March 2004, 10:49
yea definitly the cage those things are pretty strong ya no

1st March 2004, 11:02
it's a tough call. wkid seems to have more youthful enthusiasm, less respect for his personal safety, but he seems well read and knowledgable. would he be able to go at 9/10ths though, as stamina is needed for a cage fight.

jackrat sits in the corner planning his next move - done with calmness and purposefulness. he could go all day at 7/10ths, seeing wkids attempts coming 2 moves prior, and wearing him down until he made a mistake.....


1st March 2004, 11:04
Wkid-did you vote for yourself?

1st March 2004, 11:16
I could see wkid landing on his back then just calling it quits

1st March 2004, 11:43
are they allowed to get their knee down?

1st March 2004, 12:41
LOL,I'll bring the beer,Wikid can bring the Vid's and the cage can keep ya'll out.

1st March 2004, 14:53
nice call its bad not to see the cage winning anymore quite an even match between you(jackrat) and the cage :)

1st March 2004, 15:38
Wkid does have a practiced move though...he could highside himself into the cage and take out the driver in one hit :whistle:

1st March 2004, 18:15
Wkid does have a practiced move though...he could highside himself into the cage and take out the driver in one hit :whistle:
I have done that once - and once is enuf

I am with JR on this one......

It is funny how some take healthy debate and piss taking to mean animosity. I would be the first to crack open a beer with JR.....

1st March 2004, 19:26
well it is still good to see the cage keeping up and id be up for that beer jus about anytime :)

1st March 2004, 20:03
What Vids are each of them bringing??

At a guess the beer will be Stella and HB, and who would bring what?

1st March 2004, 22:33
At the end of the day I think that amusment for everyone outside of the cage will be the winner on the day

Big Dog
3rd March 2004, 17:33
If we wanted the cage to lose we could lock them in with a 72hour coronation st marathon, and Reichs beer. :lol:

7th October 2004, 21:37
Coro st? Arent there laws against that sort of abuse ? Human Rights Act and all that ? :buggerd: