View Full Version : Gulp.

1st March 2004, 13:08
Just got home from a ride up the Awhitu rd.
Went up slowish as I always do,went for a walk on the beach up the top an then headed for home fast,as I also tend to do.
Coming into a corner hard I feathered the rear brake a bit only to have the thing lock up,The bike give a huge jump to the right an then the brake let go along with a real nasty crunching sound.I managed to stay on the road and then drifted onto the gravel on the right side.Well I put her on the main stand an have a look,The bolt has come out of the tension arm,the brake activating rod is wound around the axle and the end of the brake lever on the drum has snaped off.So I go for a short walk,find a bit of baling twine,tie the tension arm back to the drum and ride home VERY carefully.Another brake lever will be no worrys to find but I reckon the bolt for the tension arm will be made of either unobtanium or costabloodylotium.
So who do I blame for this,Damn I think I know huh.
Well that was my morning ride,the bit between when she locked up an then let go again was very interesting but I think I'll pass on doing it again.
Will post a pic' of the damage when the Mrs gets home.
Stay safe people.

1st March 2004, 14:20
Scary huh? lucky you aren't the last of the late brakers or you coulda been dumped mid corner - still coulda anyway.Glad you got something to fix,and the hands to fix it with.

Had a couple of those happen to me - one day a mate and I did a rear tyre change,him on one side me on the other.That afternoon coming down a long steep straight gravel hill the anchor bolt came out! I thought you!....I thought you! silly buggers! Another time my homemade anchor came out of a front brake - as the cable wound up it just ripped the lever clean off the bars! Takes awhile to figure out whats going on,but while that's going on you aren't stopping!

1st March 2004, 17:29
Heres the pic' of the broken bit an the twisted bit.
Don't look much here but it was pretty scary at the time.
The brake rod has of course been straightened a bit,had to to get it off the axle.

1st March 2004, 19:33
Heres the pic' of the broken bit an the twisted bit.
Don't look much here but it was pretty scary at the time.

Looks quite scary enough, Jack.

1st March 2004, 21:15
nasty, good to hear you did what yah needed to do and came out best off :) good work dude, many riders out there may not have been able to deal with the rear wheel lockup like that (inc myself prolly) so i reckon you deserve congrats :) and gl on finding the bolt.

curious george
1st March 2004, 21:31
Jeez! Did you clean your wheel especially for the photo or what!?!!
Bummer about the brake too, onya for staying upright though!

1st March 2004, 21:45
Just got home from a ride up the Awhitu rd.
Went up slowish as I always do,went for a walk on the beach up the top an then headed for home fast,as I also tend to do.
Coming into a corner hard I feathered the rear brake a bit only to have the thing lock up,The bike give a huge jump to the right an then the brake let go along with a real nasty crunching sound.I managed to stay on the road and then drifted onto the gravel on the right side.Well I put her on the main stand an have a look,The bolt has come out of the tension arm,the brake activating rod is wound around the axle and the end of the brake lever on the drum has snaped off.So I go for a short walk,find a bit of baling twine,tie the tension arm back to the drum and ride home VERY carefully.Another brake lever will be no worrys to find but I reckon the bolt for the tension arm will be made of either unobtanium or costabloodylotium.
So who do I blame for this,Damn I think I know huh.
Well that was my morning ride,the bit between when she locked up an then let go again was very interesting but I think I'll pass on doing it again.
Will post a pic' of the damage when the Mrs gets home.
Stay safe people.
Far out, it's so exciting in Waiuku!

1st March 2004, 22:03
Jeez! Did you clean your wheel especially for the photo or what!?!!
Bummer about the brake too, onya for staying upright though!

He didn't have time to give it a clean before the photo,he spent too much time trimming a piece of tea tree he found on the side of the road down to that nice prop with a pocket knife.

1st March 2004, 22:12
Jeez! Did you clean your wheel especially for the photo or what!?!!
Bummer about the brake too, onya for staying upright though!
Hmmm,the photo was taken in front of a white painted tin shed.
An if I ever figure out how I stayed on I'll let ya' know,Don't hold ya' breath but.

2nd March 2004, 12:14
The bolt has come out of the tension arm. So who do I blame for this,Damn I think I know huh.

Are you going to tell us who is to blame for the bolt coming out? Back when I had bikes with arms like that the bolt normally had a nut with a split pin holding it.

2nd March 2004, 13:06
Are you going to tell us who is to blame for the bolt coming out? Back when I had bikes with arms like that the bolt normally had a nut with a split pin holding it.

Yeah it,s me,I had the rear apart a few weeks back to do the bearing.
I,m sure I put the pin back in as I am fussy about that,But the fact it happened says otherwise.