View Full Version : Funniest thing on a bike

7th December 2005, 12:11
Ok, a funny thing happened to me not so long ago on the bike and I thought it would be interesting to hear others stories of funny things that have happened to them. So, anything amusing is welcome.

My story, well, it's been posted before but never mind. I ride through the same intersection every day and it always makes me laugh when I think about it. I was with Cibby Chick and Crashe and we were heading onto the Northwestern Motorway at Te Atatu. The lights were out and a pointsperson was on duty. We lane split to the front of the queue as you do and when the officer signalled for the line of traffic to go he pointed at the three of us and indicated we were to pull over. We wondered what the heck was going on but did as he said. He let the whole line of traffic go before he then indicated that we could now go.

We had been sent to Time Out!!! Classic. :rofl: :rofl:

Str8 Jacket
7th December 2005, 12:26
We had been sent to Time Out!!! Classic. :rofl: :rofl:

LMAO!! I wish I had the power to do stuff like that! Your lucky that he didn't "do" you for anything else though!

7th December 2005, 12:46
Well this one time, at band camp...

Str8 Jacket
7th December 2005, 12:50
Well this one time, at band camp...

Yes, we all know.... Look how its affected you years later!.. :nya:

7th December 2005, 13:48
The only thing thats tickled me so far is run-ins with a scooter that seems to live in my area.

Now, to set the scene, ?she? wears full gear - including a scarf, but as with other scooterists (hehe) looks as if her helmet points downwards, giving the impression of hanging on for dear life/battling to control the scooter.

So, going past her a couple of times so far, I give her a wave :wavey: The look I get back is priceless. She looks out of the top of the visor, with a weird suspicious stare while still gripping the bars for dear life. Once I struggled to concentrate after I found it soo comical.

Probably wonders what on earth is some dangerous biker type doing waving at her :killingme :killingme :killingme and she still hasn't waved back :rofl:

7th December 2005, 13:57
ROFL!! Time out. Always thought you were a "Bad girl" (Oooo tell me I'm naughty!!)

Funniest one I've seen is also a scooter. The guy must have been 5 foot tall and 120kg (rolling fatass). I watched him while stopped at the lights 'riding' up the Terrace, Wgtn, he was going just on walking pace. I know this because there was a woman with a backpack striding along the footpath next to him. I think they were racing! He kept looking at her and almost twisting the grip off the scooter. The poor damn thing looked like it was gonna collapse (the scooter).

7th December 2005, 15:36
Hmmm, tossing up whether the "funniest" is the day I locked up the back wheel of the old TS125, had it break off to the side so I wound up skidding sideways towards the lights, crossed up like a pro... then forgot to put my foot down when I stopped so I toppled unceremoniously onto the road.

or when on the same TS I was following a friend around "the Times track" - a pile of dirt near the Times building on Avalon Drive often frequented by off-roaders - at night time and he led me down a section of track that went vertical for about a bike-length and a half then turned suddenly to the right to avoid a bramble/blackberry covered wall. I didn't wind up in the brambles but I had the shit scared out of me and stalled the bike with my emergency braking. Cheeky prick had stopped a little way along the track and came back to taunt me.