View Full Version : Apology to Spudchucka

James Deuce
8th March 2004, 12:55
I am not anti-police, if anything I am the opposite. I am sorry that I let my comments appear that way, and didn't correct this impression at the time.

I am against lawmakers who act from a position of privilege to provide current and future tools for government now, or in the future who may use them to their advantage. The Police, and Social Services are the government tools that are used to the most impact on the general populace. The people that work for them (and I have said this before in these forums) are people like you and me, with kids, mortgages/rent, and all the worries that go with it. I am sorry if I offended you directly or by implication if you fall into a "no-win" job in a government department or office.

I am sorry that I let the thread descend to name calling.

I am trying to do something about the issues I talk about. I am attempting to improve my qualifications in a bid to acquire a government policy advier role, or to perhaps even become a dreaded politician at some point in the medium future. It may appear pointless to many of you, but a university qualification does make you more attractive to a political environment that is intellectual, almost by definition.

Sorry Spudchucka - I should have shut up instead of baiting you.

8th March 2004, 15:23
Hey, don't apologise. Truth be known I wasn't offended at all, I was just baiting you back. I actually thought you choice of words was rather clever. I've been callled heaps of names before and none really bother me so I respect someone who can come up with an original insult. Good on ya!!! :hug:

8th March 2004, 17:32
so I respect someone who can come up with an original insult. Good on ya!!! :hug:

and by cripes, it was a ripper! worthy of a blackadder script even :done:

8th March 2004, 19:45
come on then let me in on it then, were do I find this thread? I cant be buggered looking for it cos lately theres been that much shit floting around I wouldent know were to look :msn-wink:

8th March 2004, 20:16
Personally - I agree with you Jim. However as the face of the implementation of the Governments policies - the Police etc do need to accept some responsibility for their image in the public eye. Whilst the Government determines the policy and targets - the Police determine the delivery.

The largest problem in NZ - is that we have more policitians in NZ who are interested in feathering their own nest (eg Winston Peters and his free lunchs, Tummy Tucks on State Payers dollars), discrediting everyone else (Winston Peters, the whole National Party), protecting their interests, in fighting, preserving the stability of their party etc - than actually acting in the interests of NZer's.

We therefore end up with ill thought out legislation, knee jerk reactions and policies contrary to the direction of both the government and society.

James Deuce
8th March 2004, 20:21
Hey, don't apologise. Truth be known I wasn't offended at all, I was just baiting you back. I actually thought you choice of words was rather clever. I've been callled heaps of names before and none really bother me so I respect someone who can come up with an original insult. Good on ya!!! :hug:

Cheers bro!

Needed to do that - I believe in the stuff I said, but I was a little bit embarrassed at the delivery. :Oops:

8th March 2004, 22:18
Personally - I agree with you Jim. However as the face of the implementation of the Governments policies - the Police etc do need to accept some responsibility for their image in the public eye. Whilst the Government determines the policy and targets - the Police determine the delivery.

The largest problem in NZ - is that we have more policitians in NZ who are interested in feathering their own nest (eg Winston Peters and his free lunchs, Tummy Tucks on State Payers dollars), discrediting everyone else (Winston Peters, the whole National Party), protecting their interests, in fighting, preserving the stability of their party etc - than actually acting in the interests of NZer's.

We therefore end up with ill thought out legislation, knee jerk reactions and policies contrary to the direction of both the government and society.
The Police are always going to be disrespected and have a bad image in the public eye, not only in this country but all around the world! This is not mainly because of legislation, policy, or delivery tactics, etc, but because they are the authority over people, and man always has and always will have a problem with his authority, such as parents, school teachers, employers, the police/government, and ultimately yes you guessed it- God! :sneaky2:


Lou Girardin
9th March 2004, 06:12
I don't agree Zed, they used to be well respected. But every pedantic ticket for 11km/h over the limit, every unattended burglary, every shonky conviction or rapist cop tends to chip away some more of that respect. They have ahuge job ahead of them.

9th March 2004, 08:11
I don't agree Zed, they used to be well respected. But every pedantic ticket for 11km/h over the limit, every unattended burglary, every shonky conviction or rapist cop tends to chip away some more of that respect. They have ahuge job ahead of them.

i think you'll find the police started losing the respect of the public the day they fell into, and merged with the snake pit (formerly known as the ministry of transport.) they no longer can attend burglaries etc as they're too fucking busy trying to appease the powers that be and make their SAP hours, at the expense of having cops on the general beat.

James Deuce
9th March 2004, 08:30
OI!! Stop stealing my apology thread - start your own! :D

9th March 2004, 10:31
I don't agree Zed, they used to be well respected. But every pedantic ticket for 11km/h over the limit, every unattended burglary, every shonky conviction or rapist cop tends to chip away some more of that respect. They have ahuge job ahead of them.
I agree with that, but my post went a little deeper...they will never gain total respect, there will always be a distain for their authority because the nature of man is to rebel against his authority. :brick:

Sorry to sobotage your thread Jim- over and out!


9th March 2004, 12:11
Oh dear, Oh Dear, Oh dear.

That last point?? You sir are an excreble mound of steaming elephant reflux.

Come on then, can anybody out do Jim2's fine effort???

Lou Girardin
9th March 2004, 20:56
A ruptured pustule on a dysenteric baboons buttocks?

9th March 2004, 21:12
i think you'll find the police started losing the respect of the public the day they fell into, and merged with the snake pit (formerly known as the ministry of transport.) they no longer can attend burglaries etc as they're too fucking busy trying to appease the powers that be and make their SAP hours, at the expense of having cops on the general beat.

I don't think the merger caused the problem, it was when the HP was formed and in effect the MOT has been recreated. When the Police were looking after everything from about 1990 (was it?) until about 4 years (was it? - Labour Govt issue) ago I reckon they had our respect because there was no petty trivial behaviour around driving/riding.