View Full Version : havin a bit of fun.

12th March 2004, 13:06
Read between the lines,what do you think really happened?


12th March 2004, 13:12
Dunno mate :spudwhat:

James Deuce
12th March 2004, 13:22
Sounds like an extreme "hazing" or initiation of some sort, that someone took exception to.

Ms Piggy
12th March 2004, 13:52
"Police inquiries would continue for several days, including as to why the teens had stopped at the side of the road. Mr Pannett said the teens apparently knew some of their alleged attackers."

Yeah I'd be wondering why they were stopped there...maybe it was a dope deal that went a bit wrong, seems odd that they weren't really hurt, just roughed up a bit.

12th March 2004, 14:57
Buncha kids in a car - caps on backwards,doin a few burnouts,BOOM,BOOM,BOOM ,maybe some stuff has gone missing in the area.Anyway,I think some ''older'' guys taught them a lesson.Wonder if they stole some stuff outa my van? that's a nice thought.

12th March 2004, 19:28
Here's a similar story:


Teenagers' stunts led to tall stories
12 March 2004

A Dukes of Hazzard-style stunt went wrong for a pair of Feilding teenagers who face a raft of charges as a result.

On Wednesday morning, police were called to a Makino Road address after a boy had turned up at the house in a bad way, claiming he had been kidnapped and beaten.

"He had facial injuries and was bleeding and vomiting, with severe bruising around his eye and down his cheek," Sergeant Chris Whitmore said.

"His injuries were consistent with an assault and he was taken to Palmerston North Hospital for treatment, where it turned out there was another youth from Feilding with similar injuries."

The pair told police they had been ambushed by a group of youths in Timona Park and beaten up before being driven out into the countryside and dumped. Feilding CIB began investigating, as did the Youth Aid Section, due to the boys' ages.

"What transpired was somewhat different," Mr Whitmore said.

"They stole a three-wheeled farm bike from a Kimbolton Road property and drove it along Reid's Line West. Sadly, where there used to be a bridge over the Makino Stream, there is now a gaping chasm, some six metres wide and of a similar depth. It appears they may have tried to jump across it on the bike."

The pair went over the edge of the hole, which had been left by last month's floods, where they received their injuries. One was knocked unconscious.

Eventually the pair wandered down the stream bank towards Feilding, when their next entertainment opportunity presented itself.

"Not having had enough of farm equipment after their earlier experience, they came across an excavator and drove it around a paddock, destroying fences in the process.

"The excavator was found covered in blood and their original story was that they woke up near an excavator after they were kidnapped."

The pair were fooling nobody, however, and were charged with criminal damage, unlawfully taking a farm bike and an excavator and making false statements to police.

They were being dealt with by the Youth Aid Section.

"It was quite an impressive hole they went into," Mr Whitmore said. "There was a mark halfway down the embankment in the hole where they hit it.

"How they weren't killed, I don't know. They are two incredibly stupid and incredibly lucky boys. They are also two very sore boys."

These sorts of stories are common amongst young-uns who stuff up and then find themselves desperate to cover their tracks.

12th March 2004, 20:10
Antallica you weren't there were you?