View Full Version : Belated Happy Birthday (5/02) For BabyB

6th February 2006, 21:25
Happy Birthday BabyB. Would have started this Thread earlier, but have been away from my PC. Hope you enjoyed your "Ramdom Night Ride" Yesterday.


7th February 2006, 19:36
fugggit gal I phoned to wish ya a happy birthday--then forgot wot i called about

7th February 2006, 20:01
yep sure did thanks

a wonderful knight wisked me away
to the middle of nowhere we rode
into the sunset & into the night
slept under the stars with the rain at bay
a little stiff but what a day

thinks we did bout 550km in & around turangi, national park, taumarunui, tekuiti, arapuni. etc
bullring, tahareokurie trading post, okaroire

many thanks knight was what i needed after a hell of a month:2thumbsup :banana:

7th February 2006, 20:09
fugggit gal I phoned to wish ya a happy birthday--then forgot wot i called about
lmao hay xj well ya know wot happens when bikes are in the convo :msn-wink: was good to hear ya:niceone:

7th February 2006, 21:33
Happy Bday

9th February 2006, 14:33
thinks we did bout 550km in & around turangi, national park, taumarunui, tekuiti, arapuni. etc
bullring, tahareokurie trading post, okaroire:2thumbsup :banana:Here's Ya map Fair Maiden, with ride report attached to it:msn-wink: