View Full Version : Alert: Super14 Rugby Fans

8th February 2006, 09:56
Last year I ran a web-based betting competition for the Super12 and All Blacks games for 2005. I initially had people I knew playing it, but it grew to about 70-80 people playing it eventually. I thought that perhaps some people from this site would like to play for this season.

The comp is based on the 2006 Super14 competition. Unlike similar comps that are run by communications monopolies, the game is based on virtual money and you bet your money with realistic odds that are supplied by the site (a bit dodgy tho). There is a leaderboard and it shows how you are doing against everyone else in the comp.

The competition is free to play. There are no prizes, and theres nothing in it for me. Theres no advertising (yet...offers?), no click-throughs, and its not designed to collect email addresses. I just did it for fun, and to learn HTML, PHP, MySQL. Whats more, I designed and built it in my free time, and it runs out of my room in Ngaio. Local.

Have a look if ya want. People have only just started registering so there should be a few more in a couple of days.


Note: if you want to be identified as a KBer then wack 'KB' in your nickname maybe.

Sean (skelstar)

8th February 2006, 09:58
Neat as. Its almost like the www.telecomvirtualrugby.co.nz but you don't need to pay. I like, cheers :niceone:

8th February 2006, 10:00
Better than that. They run it to make money. I dont....although, I wouldnt mind some money...:whistle:

8th February 2006, 10:08
GO THE WESTERN FORCE...................:motu: :first: (yeah, right)

Deviant Esq
8th February 2006, 10:10
Oo! I'm gonna go register right now, sounds good for a chortle! :wari:

8th February 2006, 10:12
I should mentioin that this comp was resurrected in a hurry last night so might have the occasional bug. The registering party is ok I think. Havent checked on IE yet though.

8th February 2006, 10:14
Well thats one KBer (DEsq)...:niceone:

8th February 2006, 10:19
The About page isnt working properly, but otherwise it looks like a well put together site - good on ya!

Deviant Esq
8th February 2006, 10:29
Well thats one KBer (DEsq)...:niceone:


You should do email prompting a couple of days before a round of rugby is about to kick off. That way, people can click to the site from the email prompt, signed in, and arrange their bets on the round. What do ya think?

8th February 2006, 10:30
Yeah, about to fix that tonight. Its on the list :).
I tell ya, I hadnt hear anyone saying they wanted to sign up again until last Saturday! Panic stations when I got home thats for sure. The site has been re-skinned since last year so should be heaps better.

8th February 2006, 10:30
DevEsq - yup, all part of the service. I generally do that when the odds/games go up on the site.

Deviant Esq
8th February 2006, 10:36
All good webdesign practice for you Skelstar. :niceone:

Remember, always design it as if it were to be a total retard to use the site, someone with no memory, poor eyesight, and poor Engrish (http://www.engrish.com) skills. Make links nice and bold and obvious, and include helpful links in any emails the site automatically sends to people. Keep it simple and easy to use, but with a little thought it can still look classy. Nice work mate!

Yay, I'm the first KBer to register! :spudbooge

8th February 2006, 10:43
Ta DE.
Gotta redo some of the buttons etc. Also like having my sites navigatable with images turned off too. CSS is fun although using those practices raises allsorts of issues with users on the www (ie fixed width pages etc).

Dont even get me started on Flash. I would LOVE to have some flash stuff on there.

8th February 2006, 10:44
Better than that. They run it to make money. I dont....although, I wouldnt mind some money...:whistle:Google Ads.

8th February 2006, 10:46
LBTW - tried that...they reckon its a gambling thing and they dont support that.

8th February 2006, 11:17
Good on ya for setting this up, but really.... rugby...:yawn: :thud: :sleep:

8th February 2006, 11:25
Its actually flexible enough to do almost anything...
MotoGP anyone?

8th February 2006, 14:42
MotoGP sounds good, in fact that's a damn fine idea. Need to do the 125's and 250's as well I reckon - there's some good racing and unprectable results there.

8th February 2006, 16:23
If theres odds on it published somewhere, I could put it up. Even had some NBA games in the comp last year but was unpopular.

Prob with MotoGP is that theres more than two teams (ie entities) playing = lots of data input.

8th February 2006, 16:48
lots of data input.

hell there is a few people on here with the time and ability to keep it updated, if done well a script could do the updating from a file with odd etc could it not??

8th February 2006, 16:54
''go the chiefs''........

8th February 2006, 18:54
Your wont needs an apostrophe...

8th February 2006, 20:54
Bet and Win have odds on the Motogp championship winner (https://www.betandwin.com/betsnew.aspx?SportID=40)

I would suggest that they would have race odds as well when it's closer to the time. IRC they also have a sponsorship deal with motogp?

Centrebet (http://www.centrebet.com/motogp-betting-odds.php) will aslo offer odds on races (closer to the time).

The data will be out there just not sure what format and in what format you require.

8th February 2006, 21:04
I type all the shit in manually boyo. Its a html site and I dont do Java or javascript :)...

8th February 2006, 21:23
Mmmm...that makes things a little more time consuming then doesn't it.

8th February 2006, 21:27
Yes mate...it does. :)
Unless...you could get the data as a .csv and then I might be able to do it.

8th February 2006, 21:36
I'll send you a PM tomorrow and take this conversation offline so you can get your thread back on topic.

9th February 2006, 12:05
So when can we bet?


9th February 2006, 12:07
Well technically from this morning, but there seems to be a bug that I didnt have the opportunity to test last night. It occurs when there are bets from more than one person on one game. I was only testing with one user :). Should be running a bit sweeter either late tonight, or tomorrow morning.

9th February 2006, 12:55
I'm all signed up

9th February 2006, 12:56
Im all-seeing :)

9th February 2006, 12:57
You got a few on there so far and a few KB's

9th February 2006, 12:59
Yeah...cool eh. More people doesnt technically make the comp any better, but it would be good to see lots of people having a good time.

From what I have heard, it tends to make the Super14 rugby a bit more exciting too.

10th February 2006, 08:57
Betting is fixed hopefully. Emails have been sent out but thought you might like to hear through this medium.

Man...about 20 people signed up last night. Getting a new person every 10mins this morning! Hope my DB doesnt get too big :)