View Full Version : Google talk

10th February 2006, 14:09
Just signed up with Google talk. Think I will drop ICQ as sick of the spam.

GTalk name: spankme69

10th February 2006, 14:32
Hmmm, goes off to find out what googletalk is all about.

Edit, nah no good to me. Apparently you need friends.

10th February 2006, 15:05
lol oab

I have google talk but yeah, since I have a considerably large amount of freinds on msn and icq I dont really feel like another IM window.

spankme I use a program called miranda and turn of the (allow people to see if im online) and I never get 'Lucinda' trying to get me to add her dodgy arse to my list.

If I log onto icq2go though. phew I get one every 2 mins or so.

Brian d marge
10th February 2006, 15:27
why not use skype it had a chat feature and web cam and a quality telephone, the only time i use Icq or yahoo , msn is when talking to NZ
and has some really funny ring tones !

10th February 2006, 17:52
why not use skype it had a chat feature and web cam and a quality telephone, the only time i use Icq or yahoo , msn is when talking to NZ
and has some really funny ring tones !

because skype uses your bandwidth when your not looking

basically your 'unused' bandwidth allows billy next door to talk to his secret internet girlfreind in russia at a better quality as you are helping relay the data

10th February 2006, 17:57
one word - iChat.

Brian d marge
10th February 2006, 18:16
because skype uses your bandwidth when your not looking

basically your 'unused' bandwidth allows billy next door to talk to his secret internet girlfreind in russia at a better quality as you are helping relay the data

I have unlimited Bandwidth, It does use a lot of bandwith though , if I am down loading stuff and using the video , the sound can cut out . If I pause the down loads the quality is great , just like using a land line

BTW is Billy Next doors Russian gilfriend cute
, How do we contact her??


Mental Trousers
10th February 2006, 19:43
Miranda is the only way to go - http://www.miranda-im.org/

I'm logged onto MSN, ICQ and Google (Jabber) all at the same time using a single app. pyro is right though, you have to make sure you don't let people who aren't on your list see if you're online.

10th February 2006, 21:18
Sounds like I would have to talk to people.
Think I'll just sit here and gouge my eyes out instead...

11th February 2006, 00:34
one word - iChat.

Two words - Arse Biscuits.


11th February 2006, 08:51
one word - eh?

11th February 2006, 08:57
Two words - Arse Biscuits.


Welcome back matey, and howcome thats moved to 2 words?