View Full Version : Low-life shits...

13th February 2006, 21:32
C4 tonight (Monday) - 22:00 - 22:30 - SWAG

A TV reality show sets up cars, motorbikes, pushbikes, houses etc and rigs them up to fail big time (fall apart, blow up, smoke/water/steam/spray stuff) and then set cameras up to watch their 'moment of temptation' miserably fail.

What fucks me off is that so many little fucks just try it on, with anything. To see that most of them give it a go without a second of thought just rubs me up the wrong way.

The show puts their face on TV for the world to see. They even interview some and ask if they normally do this stuff, have they learnt anything, and would they do it again? it's 50/50 that some just say what they think should be said, and others just say 'yeah, I'd do it again..', then they're let go!!!!!! ffs, get the cops there..

It's probably 'entrapment' or some crap like that, but who gives a shit? they've done it, fuckin do something about it before they do it again!!!!

GAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! :brick:

13th February 2006, 21:38
your becoming as bad as sniper with these sorts of threads... Hmmm :blah:

13th February 2006, 21:46
hahahaha,you need 2 calm down bug?i agree with wot your sayn,but dont get worked up over it already?:mellow: :mellow:

13th February 2006, 22:03
Isn't there a scheme somewhere where the car is rigged to lock the baddies inside?

13th February 2006, 22:35
Ive learnt its not worth getting worked up about [artificial] reality TV. Its cheap programming and thats the only reason broadcasters use it.

Humph - they should have a show called 'So you think you can be a broadcaster'.

13th February 2006, 22:48
I reckon they should do it over here. Instead of humiliating them, beat the living shit out of them. These bastards are stealing motorcycles without a second thought, once one lot are dealt too the rest of them will think twice about stealing.

13th February 2006, 22:55
I reckon they should do it over here. Instead of humiliating them, beat the living shit out of them. These bastards are stealing motorcycles without a second thought, once one lot are dealt too the rest of them will think twice about stealing.
Yeah, they should get the army to take them back to their barracks and kick them in the nuts until they lose consciousness and video the whole thing as a warning.
That'll learn 'em.

13th February 2006, 22:56
BTW Flang, sorry to read your signature - that does suck.

13th February 2006, 23:23
In a past life I 'knew' a certain "somebody" who set-up a 'disabled' old car at the side of SH1 and waited (with some liquor sustainor) and a silenced .22.
When the 'idiots' arrived and proceded to 'investigate' and/or trash said car they found they had anything up to three flat tyres on their own car when they got back to it.
If so much liquor had not been drunk it would have been four tyres - but you know how cold these Otago winter can be (apparently).

Anyhoo, good fun does not come cheap eh?

14th February 2006, 05:37
I don't like any form of reality TV whatsoever, be it Survivor, Amazing race, big brother, or any of those types of shows.... pretty much for one reason... I hate wasting the couple of hours of TV viewing per week that I get, watching whiny little fucks, who think that there are laws of friendship in a race for a million dollars/whatever prize it is, which quite clearly, there are not.
You didn't know those people before you entered the game, you won't know them after the game, so lie, beg, steal, borrow, root your way to the prize, and don't let some whiny little shit start up with the " I thought we had a bond, or an alliance" type bullshit.

If there is no whining in it, I will give a whirl, other than that, its a binner. Personally, watching a show where crims get fucked over, is appealing.

14th February 2006, 06:51
Hey buggy maybe you should start your own one? no cameras though...just set up a bike (or something else) wait for someone to come along to steal it, wait for them to touch it then jump out and open up a big can of whoop ass!.

14th February 2006, 06:56
your becoming as bad as sniper with these sorts of threads... Hmmm :blah:

Bad as me?

I know what you mean Buggy. Its bloody funny to watch when you are in the right sort of mood though.

14th February 2006, 06:58
geeze..it will be Reality KiwiBiker soon.........or has it already started??

14th February 2006, 07:58
And Today we find Sniper lurking in the corners waiting to pounce on unsupsecting naked strippers while Bugjuice attempts to leads his group of virgins from one end of the forum to the other............. (Que cheesy music)

14th February 2006, 08:02
You know.... I have the Jihad that is for sale... we could have a whiup round, to cover costs ($500) and set that up for a decoy...???

14th February 2006, 08:24
Isn't there a scheme somewhere where the car is rigged to lock the baddies inside?


click on the picture of the car with the 'anti theft devices'
a little nsf-leetle kiddies

14th February 2006, 16:46
Lock them inside and fill it with CS gas...
Or a Pit Bull...

14th February 2006, 17:01
You know.... I have the Jihad that is for sale... we could have a whiup round, to cover costs ($500) and set that up for a decoy...???
Orange 636's are better.......