View Full Version : How much for your loved one?

14th February 2006, 09:55
Valentines Day is upon us again and although this has probably been asked before (no doubt);
How much would you/did you spend on your loved one? Is it a measure of how much you love your signifcant (noy bike) other or just another retail generated excuse to spend money?

My thoughts about Valentines Day are the same as the thoughts I have of Christmas. It's an excuse to spend money for the sake of an artificial commercially generated occasion. Now don't get me wrong here folks, I love my wife, but I love her all the year round and don't need any one day to tell her (with a gift) how much I care for her. At $200 a pop for a bunch of flowers when I can get 'em for $40 the day before or the day after - I don't think so. I'd rather spend $300 on taking her out to dinner and then a night in good hotel - there's more chance of there being something in it for me....

14th February 2006, 09:58
About $80 for a new chain.

14th February 2006, 10:04
I don't really do valentines day for pretty much the same reasons you stated. Plus its the day after my birthday, they kind of get combined

14th February 2006, 10:04
About $80 for a new chain.

What sort of chain!!!!

14th February 2006, 10:06
Well....... I am not one of the masses that likes Valentines day.... would rather be given flowers from the garden or be given flowers through the year rather than just one day. Seems like a complete waste of money, the prices go through the roof...!!! Better still...... wash my bike (bitch) :blip:

14th February 2006, 10:07
I'm with you on this Colapop, it's just another "Hallmark" day.


I should say, we'rewith you on this. We'll be going out on the 19th to celebrate the anniversary of getting engaged, no needing to book a restaurant, no inflated prices and it actually means something to us.

14th February 2006, 10:10
American hype - goes in the same bin as halloeen.We never had Valentines day when I was younger....and we're not having it when I'm older either!

14th February 2006, 10:18
I'm all for the anonymous cards to people you fancy, but that sort of stopped in my early teen years. Valentines is just another date on the calendar...don't need people to tell me when to treat my better half. My in-laws however got married on Valentines day so I guess the golden wedding do is gonna cost an arm and a leg in a few years time.

Str8 Jacket
14th February 2006, 10:22
Bah! Both me and my man were "reminded" about valentines only yesterday, it had completey skipped both our minds!

BUT my man gave me some air horns for my bike last night :wari: As far as im concerned that's a good enough V-day gift for me! :love:

14th February 2006, 10:24
Well my man decided he would not do anything today:2guns: - well there is that group thing so that he can hang out with one of the boys... says it's for me, but less painful for him with other people:Pokey::kick: .... Yeah that sounds great!:oi-grr:
You guys don't need to spend money, just do something nice, ideas... a massage, home cooked meal with candels (wine would help but not essential). Why is it always about money, it's about showing your love you appreciate them. :hug: :love:
Have a good day all, and good luck. XOXO

14th February 2006, 10:35
I still need to go out and get a gift. Is that OK if I raid someones garden?

14th February 2006, 10:40
Why the hell is it all about the guy doing something for the girl? Geez...

The only thing that gets spent by me on valentines day is time.

14th February 2006, 10:41
I still need to go out and get a gift. Is that OK if I raid someones garden?

and cut my lawn whilst you are at it...cheers

14th February 2006, 10:47
Theres much more romantic things that people can do without spending a ridiculous amount of money on a bunch of flowers. *puke*

Ok I'm just angry cause no one got me anything, not even a card :oi-grr: - Off to buy myself a $200.00 bunch of roses now. Urgh what a waste.

14th February 2006, 10:48
where's the "I'm a lonely depressed bastard and don't have a 'loved one' "



14th February 2006, 10:49
Theres much more romantic things that people can do without spending a ridiculous amount of money on a bunch of flowers. *puke*

Ok I'm just angry cause no one got me anything, not even a card :oi-grr: - Off to buy myself a $200.00 bunch of roses now. Urgh what a waste.

**HUGZ** and Happy Valentines day Kittie!!!

14th February 2006, 10:51
where's the "I'm a lonely depressed bastard and don't have a 'loved one' "




Is that us Indy? I have chocolate cake :buggerd:

14th February 2006, 10:52
**HUGZ** and Happy Valentines day Kittie!!!

*goeZ* all weak at the knees

Someone was thinking of me :eek5: OMG lol

14th February 2006, 10:53
hell man.. she puts up with my shit .. if i could afford to build her the Taj Mahal i would do it ..

i didnt come 20,000 miles for an AVERAGE woman.....

14th February 2006, 10:54

Should we form a club??? :rofl:

14th February 2006, 10:54
Jeez... just blown away by all the romance here...NOT!
And have to admit I am in agreement. Whats so special about 1 day? You should be making yr loved one feel special EVERYday. :love:

14th February 2006, 10:54
Why the hell is it all about the guy doing something for the girl? Geez...

The only thing that gets spent by me on valentines day is time.

I have always done nice shit for my men, it works both ways. And well said, time is all us girls really want.:)

14th February 2006, 10:57

Is that us Indy? I have chocolate cake :buggerd:

I think that is us Kittie lol :drinknsin

Time to cry myself to sleep tonight with 'crockett's theme' playing


14th February 2006, 10:59
Should we form a club??? :rofl:

SURE!!!! :yeah:

Please sign

.................................................. ..... <------------ here

.................................................. ..... <------------ here

.................................................. ..... <------------ and here

Preferably not with vivid as it marks your computer screen. "Lonely bitch" club details will be mailed out to you within the next few days.

Oh and please don't forget your credit card details :confused:

14th February 2006, 11:00
SURE!!!! :yeah:

Please sign

.................................................. ..... <------------ here

.................................................. ..... <------------ here

.................................................. ..... <------------ and here

Preferably not with vivid as it marks your computer screen. "Lonely bitch" club details will be mailed out to you within the next few days.

Oh and please don't forget your credit card details :confused:


14th February 2006, 11:01


14th February 2006, 11:01
I think that is us Kittie lol :drinknsin

Time to cry myself to sleep tonight with 'crockett's theme' playing


If you play that then no wonder you cry yourself to sleep :brick:

14th February 2006, 11:05
If you play that then no wonder you cry yourself to sleep :brick:

Don't be afraid of the fire Kittie, I won't let you burn! :D


14th February 2006, 11:11
*Ahem* excuse me you two - that's enough of that semi-romantic stuff .....

14th February 2006, 11:17
*Ahem* excuse me you two - that's enough of that semi-romantic stuff .....

Ok ok ok. He's off running me a bubble bath I tell you. I just KNOW that a foot rub is on its way. And if I'm lucky he might even scrape my barnicles for me. :eek:

14th February 2006, 11:26
im not sure why ppl go overboard on this day.....is it to try and make up for forgetting to love the other 364 days of the year?...363, take out ya birthday....

No amount of money or gifts will take tthe place of true love
but the knowing you are held in their hearts
cradled in the depths of their souls
for as long as you wish to be there.
is an every day loveafair.

food for thought; have a look and decide what St Valentines day is


14th February 2006, 11:30
hell man.. she puts up with my shit .. if i could afford to build her the Taj Mahal i would do it ..

i didnt come 20,000 miles for an AVERAGE woman.....

You think we'd give some bloody yank immigrant resource consent for that?

14th February 2006, 12:03
food for thought; have a look and decide what St Valentines day is

I like the bit about fornicating with a teenage girl....

(Older than 17)

14th February 2006, 12:09
Brought her a bunch of roses and a card. Cooked dinner last night and was considering doing it again tonight. All i get is a ecard that I can't even look at at work. I think Im going to undertake a bridging experiemt next year and not bother with anything. Be interesting to see what sort of reaction I get to that:bleh:

14th February 2006, 12:14
Why the hell is it all about the guy doing something for the girl? Geez...

The only thing that gets spent by me on valentines day is time.

i'm probably gonna be hounded for this but i my boy the Hugo Boss- Boss in Motion stuff..

See, girls do spend lots of money on boys! :mad: :eek:

14th February 2006, 12:15
I voted "We have an agreed limit - we both get equal value gifts." 'cause in this case our agreed limit is $0.00. It's an absolute load of bullshit. :done:

14th February 2006, 12:16
i'm probably gonna be hounded for this but i my boy the Hugo Boss- Boss in Motion stuff..

See, girls do spend lots of money on boys! :mad: :eek:

....you love being hounded CBee

Str8 Jacket
14th February 2006, 12:17
i'm probably gonna be hounded for this but i my boy Hugo Boss in Motion...

See, girls do spend money on boys! :mad: :eek:

Hey! No hassles here, I bought my man the same. Well it was Zegna ... something a rather but same kinda thing.

14th February 2006, 12:21
I'm with you on this Colapop, it's just another "Hallmark" day.


I should say, we'rewith you on this. We'll be going out on the 19th to celebrate the anniversary of getting engaged, no needing to book a restaurant, no inflated prices and it actually means something to us.

And will you raise a glass and toast our great leader for establishing the Civil Union?:shake:

14th February 2006, 12:21
As if people in relationships haven't already got enough to think about, along comes Valentines Day. Another naff Americanism.

Unnecessary emotional blackmail to festoon one's significant other with flowers, chocolate, wine and candle-lit dinners.

Lots of insecure men worrying and wondering about the sufficiency of their offering, that can be so conspicuously measured against those of others. The economic penis envy of bigger being better?

Lots of insecure women sitting by their letterboxes or front doors waiting for deliveries of flowers (what, no roses?), or apprehensively wondering whether or not to cook dinner in case Mr Right has a restaurant outing planned. Perhaps a script for Shortland Street?

Hopefully most people in relationships don't need to be driven by commercial pressures to show their love for their partner/spouse for one day a year. But then that may put a few Hindustani rose growers out of business.

Riff Raff
14th February 2006, 12:27
Last year I spent $12,000 on myself for Valentines Day. And so my beast and I went for a nice wee ride today to celebrate her 1st birthday. :love:

14th February 2006, 12:28
Last year I spent $12,000 on myself for Valentines Day. And so my beast and I went for a nice wee ride today to celebrate her 1st birthday. :love:

And a worthy gift it was too.......happy birthday to 'Black Beauty'.

14th February 2006, 12:29
You think we'd give some bloody yank immigrant resource consent for that?

shit man.. you know us yanks .. we'd just take it anyway..

14th February 2006, 12:32
Got to love the time difference between UK and NZ , I got a whole day to sort this out , thanks for the heads up, I'd forgotten about the date.

We're off to see the group "Simple Minds" (showing age) tonight, not sure if that will suffice as a valentines gift. Hopefully will be ok , otherwise, the wife got me a driving voucher to drive a Ferrari around Silverstone on Friday , then off for a valentines ball this weekend http://www.englandtango.com/ (nice couple thing to do) and hopefully will ride a vintage motorcycle as well . Should be a good one this year! , But I ain't going to be spending 80 pounds on roses !

14th February 2006, 12:44
Got to love the time difference between UK and NZ , I got a whole day to sort this out , thanks for the heads up, I'd forgotten about the date.

We're off to see the group "Simple Minds" (showing age) tonight, not sure if that will suffice as a valentines gift. Hopefully will be ok , otherwise, the wife got me a driving voucher to drive a Ferrari around Silverstone on Friday , then off for a valentines ball this weekend http://www.englandtango.com/ (nice couple thing to do) and hopefully will ride a vintage motorcycle as well . Should be a good one this year! , But I ain't going to be spending 80 pounds on roses !

If you don't end up sleeping through most of the day....go to bed Mr Mooch!!

14th February 2006, 12:57
And will you raise a glass and toast our great leader for establishing the Civil Union?:shake:

:finger: There goes your invite to help me celebrate the birth of our first child...

14th February 2006, 13:03
:finger: There goes your invite to help me celebrate the birth of our first child...

Damn! Was the surrogate mother cute?

14th February 2006, 13:07
Damn! Was the surrogate mother cute?

Close Mr Finn.....

14th February 2006, 13:16
Damn! Was the surrogate mother cute?

:rofl: Yeah, good one. Now start running, I'll give you a head start before I tell the wife. Actually, walking is probably good enough at the mo, 37wks 2days and counting....

14th February 2006, 13:21
i may fill her up with petrol if i'm in the mood...i may even give her a wash with a sponge....and turtlewax even.

lol i gotta get out more :whistle:

:love: pittie:love: thats so pityful

really <_< i know

14th February 2006, 13:25
.....one gay says sweetie i'm going to have a shgower... to his boyfriend..... an hour later his boyfriend wonders where hes got to so he goes into the bathroom....he sees him pushing turds under the water in the bath tub....he says what are you doing....teaching our babies to swim of course....

as you were...

14th February 2006, 13:28
Brought her a bunch of roses and a card. Cooked dinner last night and was considering doing it again tonight. All i get is a ecard that I can't even look at at work. I think Im going to undertake a bridging experiemt next year and not bother with anything. Be interesting to see what sort of reaction I get to that:bleh:

you would be a man who is very much single lol...

ahhh chicks... the moment a man understands them he should be shot it is something that must stay a mystery.....:eek:

14th February 2006, 13:29
i may fill her up with petrol if i'm in the mood...i may even give her a wash with a sponge....and turtlewax even.

lol i gotta get out more :whistle:

:love: pittie:love: thats so pityful

really <_< i know

How is your Mum??

14th February 2006, 13:30
you would be a man who is very much single lol...

ahhh chicks... the moment a man understands them he should be shot it is something that must stay a mystery.....:eek:

Oh wise one...........:eek5:

14th February 2006, 13:58
How is your Mum??

depends, have you finished with her yet?

14th February 2006, 14:02
depends, have you finished with her yet?

just give me a minute.......

14th February 2006, 14:19
I haven't spoiled my babe enough lately so I splurged on some diamondy things and gold stuff.

14th February 2006, 14:21
I haven't spoiled my babe enough lately so I splurged on some diamondy things and gold stuff.

Can't see any reaction in the Michael Hill share price as yet....

14th February 2006, 14:21
Diamondy things!! And Gold stuff!! Don't you be getting that knee dirty (at least not unless you're sliding through a corner)

14th February 2006, 14:24
Diamondy things!! And Gold stuff!! Don't you be getting that knee dirty (at least not unless you're sliding through a corner)

too late, that was last year...:doh:

14th February 2006, 14:26
Can't see any reaction in the Michael Hill share price as yet....

mmm, ok a wee splurge, I wasn't trying to obtain the entire North Island quota of diamondy and gold stuff :laugh:

14th February 2006, 14:29
Oh right so you're still feeling guilty about it then!:weep:

14th February 2006, 14:45
ahhh chicks... the moment a man understands them he should be shot it is something that must stay a mystery.....:eek:

If there was ever a chance of figuring them out, I think I'd prefer to be shot first...:wacko:

14th February 2006, 15:18
birthday and valentine day ... got yr wallet ready juzzer?? (no you cant use my visa card!) <_<

14th February 2006, 15:20
All I can say is.... the wine was damn nice, thanks babe! :cool:

14th February 2006, 15:33
birthday and valentine day ... got yr wallet ready juzzer?? (no you cant use my visa card!) <_<

But didn't the vows say something like in sickness and health...and whats mine is yours....etc...etc...

Anyho i think you need a shinie new motorcycle for the combined day and am happy to work down the coal mine under extreme hardship and danger to show my love.....:love:

14th February 2006, 15:33
I'm the hopeless romantic type who just likes to absolutly spoile the significant other in every possible way. It really is the thought that counts, and I try to put the effort into planning something special and putting a lot of thought into it.

My money, my time, my efforts, spending it all on the right person is absolutly justified. After all, what is the most important thing in your life? If it's your partner then live life like you mean it and don't hold back!

So I picked option 1.

14th February 2006, 15:44
can i get a tradein a 'juzzer' for a 'motoracer' :bleh:

14th February 2006, 15:50
can i get a tradein a 'juzzer' for a 'motoracer' :bleh:

LOL I've got my down falls as well hun. No one is perfect, but I do try and improve myself everyday.

Sorry Juzzer, didn't mean to make you look bad. I'm sure you are better than me in a lot of other ways. :p

14th February 2006, 15:55
Good stuff MR. I buy random things and spoil my partner all the time, any day any occassion (sometime no occasion except that I want to). I just love doing it. And he does the same. It blows you away more so when its unexpected - if its $0-$100, it doesnt matter. Its not about the money, its the thought that yes, truely does count.
Although I splurged on gifts today; even though we agree not to - naughty! :msn-wink:

14th February 2006, 15:57
Sorry Juzzer, didn't mean to make you look bad. I'm sure you are better than me in a lot of other ways. :p

No worries mate, i may not be as handsome as you and be able to rider me scooter like the wind, but i'm older and therefore must but wiser :rofl: and cook a mean feed :ride:

14th February 2006, 16:04
No worries mate, i may not be as handsome as you and be able to rider me scooter like the wind, but i'm older and therefore must but wiser :rofl: and cook a mean feed :ride:

true re the 'cooking' but i didnt select option 5 on this poll ;)

dont worry moto i fall under no disillusion ... you just said nicely what all guys know we want to hear and what we imagine is true on their better days :hug:

14th February 2006, 17:10
wrong again :confused:

- thought from the thread title that someone was into the
*enter skin-hue here* [white/tan/honeybrown/anything-but-beige] slave trade :corn:

14th February 2006, 17:24
i got my bitch a breadmaker , shes happy im happy

Str8 Jacket
14th February 2006, 17:26
I'm the hopeless romantic type who just likes to absolutly spoile the significant other in every possible way. It really is the thought that counts, and I try to put the effort into planning something special and putting a lot of thought into it.

My money, my time, my efforts, spending it all on the right person is absolutly justified. After all, what is the most important thing in your life? If it's your partner then live life like you mean it and don't hold back!

So I picked option 1.

Aww what a sweety!

14th February 2006, 17:27
Mine is a coconut but not bought and no-one would buy her so I guess I'm stuck with her!

14th February 2006, 17:31
$0.... as that is what gets spent on me.....
not that i'm a bah-humbug or anything, but i do think it is a lot of propaganda invloved... much like easter and halloween.....
but I am biased as i have only received 3 valentines gifts in my life... :(

14th February 2006, 19:25
Sometimes we do, sometimes we don't. Sometimes one of us does and the other doesn't. We don't take it seriously. Besides .. it's Mrs Oakie's birthday 7 days later and then our wedding anniversary another 6 days after that.

14th February 2006, 20:32
Daughter to Dad. Dad, where's mum's flowers and card.

Me. (dad) She doesn't need any. She's got me.

Daughter (snigger snigger) You? You could have at least picked some flowers out of the garden.

Me. Yes dear I could have but I'm the only flower your mother wants.

Daughter (sniger snigger again)

Me. I'm always in bloom.


14th February 2006, 20:34
Sometimes we do, sometimes we don't. Sometimes one of us does and the other doesn't. We don't take it seriously. Besides .. it's Mrs Oakie's birthday 7 days later and then our wedding anniversary another 6 days after that.
Doesn't sound like you're describing Valentines day.....:love:

14th February 2006, 20:35
What sort of chain!!!!

An o-ring chain... :P

And there is no loved one but the bike :Oops:

14th February 2006, 20:35
Sometimes we do, sometimes we don't. Sometimes one of us does and the other doesn't. We don't take it seriously. Besides .. it's Mrs Oakie's birthday 7 days later and then our wedding anniversary another 6 days after that.

We had our 31st on the 8 Feb. First time I've forgotten. I've put it down to the first stages of dementia.:violin:


14th February 2006, 20:36
About $80 for a new chain.

Same, a new 520 O-ring.

Big Dave
14th February 2006, 21:29
Commercialised American traditions don't even rate a mention with co-pilot and i - we just ignore the crap.

Balding Eagle
14th February 2006, 21:57
Have you noticed how none of the women say what they have done or want to do for their men. So it is obviously a one way street. Sorry!! Love is a two way street and women are always talking about equality. When my wife says that she has bought me something for V Day (even if it is with my money) then I will know that the attitude is right. Until then, forget it.

I still buy her gifts and surprise her, but not when someone tells me it is the right time to do it.:hug:

14th February 2006, 22:18
baaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.. *slapZ* fingers

Goddess of Goof
14th February 2006, 23:50
As if people in relationships haven't already got enough to think about, along comes Valentines Day. Another naff Americanism.

Unnecessary emotional blackmail to festoon one's significant other with flowers, chocolate, wine and candle-lit dinners.

Lots of insecure men worrying and wondering about the sufficiency of their offering, that can be so conspicuously measured against those of others. The economic penis envy of bigger being better?

Lots of insecure women sitting by their letterboxes or front doors waiting for deliveries of flowers (what, no roses?), or apprehensively wondering whether or not to cook dinner in case Mr Right has a restaurant outing planned. Perhaps a script for Shortland Street?

Hopefully most people in relationships don't need to be driven by commercial pressures to show their love for their partner/spouse for one day a year. But then that may put a few Hindustani rose growers out of business.

I'm with you on this one, Hitcher.

Valentine's Day is for the under 35's.
After that, it just looks stupid.
Caring and sharing is for 365 days of the year.

Same goes for Mother's Day.
I absolutely hate the force and pressure to give my Mum cards and gifts, when we both know it's the on-going strength of the love we share all the year that counts.



But then, I AM over 35, so I guess it's sour grapes.....

cos flowers, chocolates, cards, treats, all welcome at ANY TIME


15th February 2006, 00:26
Who says Valentine's is for under 35's only, do we all suddenly go through a mid life crisis and say "I'm too old , mature ,manly, wise for this kind of stuff and start the count down towards our own demises ? .

I think most people appreciate the relationship they are in and will do stuff like sent flowers, buy bike bits or whatever anytime, and valentines is another excuse to show appreciation to your partner.

My wife goes off to work this morning, doesn't say anything. I get up an hour or so later to find the table set with breakfast, a card and a single red rose.
Simple gesture and very nice. I'm stoked!

Big Dave
15th February 2006, 00:33
And while we're at it you can stick that Halloween bullshit back where it came from too.
Trick ot treat - try F*** Off.

Brian d marge
15th February 2006, 00:39
Here in Japan, Valentines day means the women give the Men chocolate, So far today I have done rather well

Some very expensive choco from the wife ( wait till she sees the credit card bill !)
and some chocolate ( nice ones from an Admirer, :shit:) early days yet .....


15th February 2006, 05:31
My wife and I did the whole Valentines thing for the first 3 yrs, but then realised it was a waste of time/effort/money, and we binned it by mutual consent.

I think the effort needed to maintain a relationship should be a daily thing, and can be as simple as unloading the dishwasher even if it's not your turn, or buying a gift for your partner, because you want to, not because the day on the calender says so.

15th February 2006, 06:25
wrong again :confused:

- thought from the thread title that someone was into the
*enter skin-hue here* [white/tan/honeybrown/anything-but-beige] slave trade :corn:

Ha ha, I give you 50 camels!

15th February 2006, 06:49
baaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.. *slapZ* fingers

In English??

15th February 2006, 07:12
Have you noticed how none of the women say what they have done or want to do for their men. So it is obviously a one way street. Sorry!! Love is a two way street and women are always talking about equality. When my wife says that she has bought me something for V Day (even if it is with my money) then I will know that the attitude is right. Until then, forget it.

I'm going to give mine the pleasure of following me around on my motorbike this afternoon, then I'll take him home, pour him a beer and cook him a nice meal...
It's a day late, but it's the thought that counts.

15th February 2006, 07:35
I like getting a card...it's the thought behind it.
Some years he gets me flowers and/or chocolates.(it was a chocolate year this time :-)

Mind you we met on Valentines Day so for us we celebrate our friendship on that day. It's more about cracking open a bottle of bubbles after work and marvelling at how fast it all has gone!

I got him Sky Digital for Valentines this year. He is really excited as he has always wanted it but held back because of the cost.

I like spoiling him it makes both of us feel good...and that is what it is all about.

Having fun together and creating synergy.

15th February 2006, 07:39
Gave her a slap on the arse and told her to get out there and get to work to support my expensive hobbies and lifestyle......oh, and wished her Happy Valentines day.

15th February 2006, 07:41
Have you noticed how none of the women say what they have done or want to do for their men. So it is obviously a one way street. Sorry!! Love is a two way street and women are always talking about equality. When my wife says that she has bought me something for V Day (even if it is with my money) then I will know that the attitude is right. Until then, forget it.

I still buy her gifts and surprise her, but not when someone tells me it is the right time to do it.:hug:

What a load of bollox!

Women tend to be more romantic than men. Love, in my world is a two way street and there is more traffic heading away than there is coming.

Don't even get me started on the your money thing!

Ignorant crap... :angry2:

15th February 2006, 07:42
I still buy her gifts and surprise her, but not when someone tells me it is the right time to do it.:hug:

I do that all the time - it's more of a surprise when they get flowers etc for no apparent reason and without warning.:hug:

15th February 2006, 07:51
I think I already posted on this thread about how commercialised Valentines is BUT from my point of view I have always gone out of my way to make my bloke feel special. He was right into Pirates and Skulls so WHEREVER WHENEVER I saw something I KNEW he would love I'd buy it and give it to him when he was least expecting it. He would find love notes in his Helmet etc etc..( and believe me he definately appreciated it!) AND I didn't wait til Friggin' Valentines day to do it either!

15th February 2006, 10:04
It's an expensive time of the year for us - Valentine's Day, my birthday on March 3 and our wedding anniversary on March 5! I got a new (good as new anyway!) bike jacket as a combined present - but I also got a card and flowers yesterday (not a $200 bunch, but still lovely). He wanted new motocross goggles so I bought him a pair of Scott ones he liked, and also a card and a Kinks CD. I'll no doubt get something small on my birthday, and we may go out for dinner on our anniversary to celebrate - after all, it is our first one!

But we're like most people - we buy each other small things during the year that we know the other will like, we go out for dinner when we feel like it, and we tell each other how we're feeling all the time so we don't really need a special day to do it.

15th February 2006, 11:16
In English??

Sorry I was laughing til my sides hurt and had to control posting a certain something. Ingarish enuf? :spudwhat: (aka kittie was in fits of laughter)

15th February 2006, 11:28
Sorry I was laughing til my sides hurt and had to control posting a certain something. Ingarish enuf? :spudwhat: (aka kittie was in fits of laughter)

I wondered what the rumble was......nice that you were laughing though

15th February 2006, 11:33
I think I already posted on this thread about how commercialised Valentines is BUT from my point of view I have always gone out of my way to make my bloke feel special. He was right into Pirates and Skulls so WHEREVER WHENEVER I saw something I KNEW he would love I'd buy it and give it to him when he was least expecting it. He would find love notes in his Helmet etc etc..( and believe me he definately appreciated it!) AND I didn't wait til Friggin' Valentines day to do it either!

Good on ya....I used to do that to my wife.......write poems sometimes......the rest is another long story ......now I spoil my Daughter :hug: instead and well worth it......just cannot help......that is what having someone special is all about I reckon..

15th February 2006, 11:34
I wondered what the rumble was......nice that you were laughing though

rumble............................. I'm hungry..

15th February 2006, 23:33
Some very expensive choco from the wife ( wait till she sees the credit card bill !)
and some chocolate ( nice ones from an Admirer, :shit:) early days yet .....


And ..... did you find out who it was ? ..... Oh shit your married ..... Your gonna be in trouble .....

James Deuce
16th February 2006, 05:24
Bit of a waste of time for married people.

Valentines's day is all about spotty peach fuzz covered 19 year old blokes with early onset androgenetic alopecia, maybe, just maybe, losing their virginity.

Yet another "holiday" invented by a US greeting card company.

16th February 2006, 16:34
Bit of a waste of time for married people.

Valentines's day is all about spotty peach fuzz covered 19 year old blokes with early onset androgenetic alopecia, maybe, just maybe, losing their virginity.

Yet another "holiday" invented by a US greeting card company.

I am not married and I am not far off from the 19 year old steriotypical male you are refering too... But, once you have been married for a very long time, do you not need special occasions as V day, to keep the spark alive even more? I know there are always the Aniversaries but rather than looking at it as going through another "needless chore", isn't it more like another oppertunity in the year to remind your partner of the love you have for them? You may say you love them, every day and show them every day in various ways but V day maybe another fun occasion to do something extra special together.

Halloween is something very American and yet we do it here as well. At first, we laughed and said "what a bunch of wanabe's" (as my family have lived in the USA for a few years). Then I came to realise that, it really doesn't matter. What matters is that the little kids have another excuse to go and have fun, just like they see on TV.

Which is the main thing, having fun and enjoying your everyday life.

Then again, I am a 21 year old person who is unattached. So my views on this matter are only phillosophical and they may have flaws in them in practice.

16th February 2006, 18:07
But, once you have been married for a very long time.....
You're just resigned to your fate....

Brian d marge
19th February 2006, 13:52
And ..... did you find out who it was ? ..... Oh shit your married ..... Your gonna be in trouble .....

Ended up with a shopping bag full of chokkies, the wife and I made a list , 14 people and she will get them some white chocolate on white day * march 14*
Its going to cost a fortune on white day
Stephen :crybaby: