View Full Version : 2 minute Valentines

15th February 2006, 15:13
My Valentine lasted about 2 minutes when hubby came home from work to pick up something and caught me just in time before I left for work got in a kiss and a BIG hug tho'. We are currently opposite shifts I'm evenings this week. So I spent Valentines with my colleagues and patients. How romantic is that?:blink:

Sometimes it sucks being a nurse....can't spend time with the hubby.:blip:

15th February 2006, 15:20
My valentine lasts all year-I seldom make my own coffee, he cooks, cleans up, hangs out the washing-and brings it in, does the lawns and buys the groceries all year round! He has done for 18 years!! And no, he is not for sale!Definitely a keeper!

15th February 2006, 15:29
At least you got 2 mins........:crybaby:

15th February 2006, 15:58
It's the other 1/2 minute after the first 2 that makes the difference between coming or going.

15th February 2006, 15:59
It's the other 1/2 minute after the first 2 that makes the difference between coming or going.


15th February 2006, 16:04
My valentine lasts all year-I seldom make my own coffee, he cooks, cleans up, hangs out the washing-and brings it in, does the lawns and buys the groceries all year round! He has done for 18 years!! And no, he is not for sale!Definitely a keeper!
Need I say more?

15th February 2006, 16:38
Need I say more?
No .

16th February 2006, 05:56
You are right.

I don't need that one day to know that I am loved. He tells me and shows me everyday. And like you I am also very spoiled excpet I don't let mine near the laundry (he put bleach :no: in all my black clothes when we first started out).

When I got home at midnight last night from work. I had a dinner plate already made with a note of all the ingredients beside it (low cholesterol diet these days) and one of the last ingredients he wrote was "A big hunk of love" Awww! So I went and gave my hard working hubby a nice little kiss while he slept. One in a million, I certainly won the jackpot in the hubby and in-law department.

16th February 2006, 07:46
My valentine lasts all year-I seldom make my own coffee, he cooks, cleans up, hangs out the washing-and brings it in, does the lawns and buys the groceries all year round! He has done for 18 years!! And no, he is not for sale!Definitely a keeper!

Does he have a brother????:eek5:

16th February 2006, 07:54
Yeah - but he's taken, I'm afraid.
I'm fond of saying to Yungatart "You're one in a million, but anyone would think you were won in a raffle". She still loves me:spudwhat:

16th February 2006, 08:00
Yeah - but he's taken, I'm afraid.
I'm fond of saying to Yungatart "You're one in a million, but anyone would think you were won in a raffle". She still loves me:spudwhat:

Ahhhh Bugger, all the good ones are taken (or gay!):weep:

16th February 2006, 08:54
I'm not anywhere close to perfect as these guys are.. but I do the 'odd' 'thing' now and 'again'.... its the little things that count as well.

and boy.. do I know when I'm in trouble for not showing enough! its the dogbox for me (pity we dont have a dog...)

16th February 2006, 13:38
My Valentine lasted about 2 minutes when hubby came home from work to pick up something and caught me just in time before I left for work got in a kiss and a BIG hug tho'. We are currently opposite shifts I'm evenings this week. So I spent Valentines with my colleagues and patients. How romantic is that?:blink:

Sometimes it sucks being a nurse....can't spend time with the hubby.:blip:

We watched Ghost Rider for Valentines. I thought it was an excellent compromise as I like bikes and she is homesick. (the vid is of Stockholm - sort of)

Where in Ontario are you? Our family came from London (that's in Ontario, not England for you kiwi's)

16th February 2006, 13:45
I live just outside of Toronto and London is about an hour away from me.

16th February 2006, 14:03
My v-day wasnt the best. Sumone sent a rose to my work, and i hav no idea who it is! Its signed "From Matt" and the Matt i thought it may hav been has moved to aus...so yeah, im a little confuzed (the bf wasnt impressed wen he seen it tehehe)

16th February 2006, 14:37
A good man is bred by the quality not quantity of women that lived in the household with him, I think.

If he was catered to by even one woman while growing up and needn't lift a finger to help then you are in trouble but if the women that came into his life taught him to take responsibility for his actions and was taught to respect women then you have a winner. He will be that way for the rest of his life.

That is my theory!

16th February 2006, 14:40
I know what you are all thinking after that last post so please let me....

A good man is hard to find but a hard man is good to find!:innocent:

I'm catchin' on!