View Full Version : Crash

Da Bird
22nd February 2006, 12:13
A few crash pics from recent crashes I have been to...

22nd February 2006, 12:18
A few crash pics from recent crashes I have been to...I would love to know how that FTO ended up there. The driver is lucky one of those pole things didn't spear through the window.

22nd February 2006, 12:19
The commodore took the sign too literally :)
FTO's don't stop at the best of times...
Jeez bet that lancer driver wasn't very well?
Wrecked the beautiful freightliner though, i'd be well pissed if I was the truckie.

22nd February 2006, 12:21
A few crash pics from recent crashes I have been to...

damn... good on you for the job you do, but I wouldn't like to work around that sort of stuff :crazy:

With the Truck and the car... who was at fault?

22nd February 2006, 12:24
whats the story with the truck vs car? Its not like he was pulling into that driveway, even though that looks like what he was trying to do :sherlock:

22nd February 2006, 12:35
I hope no-one was seriously injured in any of those, though I fear that I may be too sanguine.

22nd February 2006, 12:36
Trucks eat cars for breakfast

22nd February 2006, 12:38
I don't envy your job one bit mate.

22nd February 2006, 12:40
Maybe we could start a thread of "Cops Pics of Bad crashes" or something - but no, I guess I see enough of my own without looking at other pics.:(

22nd February 2006, 12:46
Cool pics mate. I love crash pics, when they're not my own of course.

22nd February 2006, 13:05
I'm picking that car driver said, 'I DIDN'T SEE THAT FUCKEN HUGE TRUCK, OFFICER..."

Da Bird
22nd February 2006, 13:24
The Commodore driver decided to turn right into a side road at the last minute - going too fast and failed to make the turn. Skidded off the road and over a bank. No injuries.

The FTO driver and his mate ran off after the crash. No injuries. I tracked the driver down a few days later, charged him and now he has failed to turn up to court. I believe he was probably pissed but can't prove it. (and going way too fast).

The car vs truck - I think the car was turning right out of Druces Road onto Kerrs Road in front of the truck travelling along Kerrs. Serious injuries but I wasn't in charge of that one so not sure what the final outcome was.


22nd February 2006, 14:11
Far out, thats pretty hard. appreciate your job even more.

Brian d marge
22nd February 2006, 14:31
The truck and the car , is probably the common one of the truck having to swing wide to turn , Brain cell ( hoodie ) in car ,thinks I car make this , dooor slams shut POW

I saw a mini once on Albert bridge , in London , the truck swung wide to go onto the embankment , mini driver thinks ok I can go ,,,,,door shut the mini was perfectly formed , but half the width... and the look on the old ladys face driving the mini was priceless,,,,( all ok)

And as for the guy who you thought was drunk but couldnt prove it ... you may not get him on d and D ,,,but you can make his life miserable ! the dumb Hoodie !

Btw If I get caught Drinking and driving , please feel free to throw the book ( the big book ) at me , and the chairs ,pens pencils ,,,

22nd February 2006, 17:40
love the pictures but I thought you guys were under some sort of confidentuality thingy?

22nd February 2006, 20:29
Guess you guys see it all! Only got to peruse the Image Browser to see some horrific pics!

22nd February 2006, 23:06
I'm with Brian on the truck vs car thing, truck swings wide to go into driveway and car thinks "Ooh I can undertake through that hole" and WHAMMY!!

Milk was a bad choice.

23rd February 2006, 06:10
I've just had to sign another two so I was just worried.

No that would be us.

23rd February 2006, 06:15
Good photos, great to see that stupid people do have consequences for their actions.

23rd February 2006, 16:08
Public place,public photos...

Deviant Esq
23rd February 2006, 16:13
LOL, FTO = owned by the n00b driving it. What a retard. I LOLed good at that one. :lol: