View Full Version : Ready . . . Steady . . . Jump!

23rd February 2006, 09:14
As I walked from the hotel to the Auckland harbour bridge, I told my wife "Yeah it's going to be easy. I'll Just get up there and go for it!"

So we got there and I paid and got harnessed up. Feeling mighty brave, I kissed my wife and daughter and started the walk under the bridge to the jump point.

As I'm walking up, I'm thinking to myself "Shit, this isn't high, I could step over the side now and I'd be fine"

Wha I failed to remind myself is that I hate the water as I can't swim. Actually, I like pools, just not the sea. Too many nasty creatures in there and man was never meant to go there.

As we got about half way up, I saw a platform with a few ropes and thought "Yes, that's easy, not even going to break a sweat jumping from there"

However, the walk was longer, the steps were higher and the distance to the water became further. 47 metres to be precise, or 154ft for the non-metric among you.

So the music is playing, the camera is on and I'm smiling. Deep down inside I know I can't do it and I have to pull out. I wade out slowley to the edge, seeing the green water far below and thinking that I wish I'd never bothered.

As I stepped towards the edge, I had an overwhekming feeling of "F**k it, I've paid for this and I won't get my money back so I'm doing it"

So I did! - What an awesome experience.
Anyone else done this bungy??

23rd February 2006, 09:18
good on you for jumping... I attempted it once last year when my cousin came over from Aussie, we walked under the bridge to the "pod" and were told we had to walk back and the jumps were cancelled due to the heavy winds (approx 130kph)... never bothered going back...

23rd February 2006, 09:19
Crazy!! Who'd wanna risk doing that?? It's almost as dangerous as motorcycling. You're all mad!!

23rd February 2006, 09:30
i've done it twice now, good fun!

Str8 Jacket
23rd February 2006, 09:52
Havent done the bungy of the harbour bridge, but I have done the bungy in Taupo. Isn't it the most awesome feeling as you fall though the air before the rope snaps you back up, almost surreal!

23rd February 2006, 09:55
Oh bugger that!. I reckon I would shit myself. I so scared of heights I almost shit myself when I stand up and im only 5 foot tall.

23rd February 2006, 10:09
Good on ya! Wouldn't catch me doing a bungy though.

154ft??? where did you get this height from? When I jumped off the bridge on the day of the new millenium, the height was "139ft" on the service platform - which is the same level of the bungy pod. Farking low for base jumping. Canopy open and then turn + splash! :blah:

23rd February 2006, 10:15
Good on ya! Wouldn't catch me doing a bungy though.

154ft??? where did you get this height from? When I jumped off the bridge on the day of the new millenium, the height was "139ft" on the service platform - which is the same level of the bungy pod. Farking low for base jumping. Canopy open and then turn + splash! :blah:

The company said 47 metres and an online calculation (as I'm too lazy to check myself) converted it to 154ft.
My apologies if it's incorrect.

23rd February 2006, 10:29
Madman, you bloody madman

23rd February 2006, 10:31
No worries. I guess the height varies on the tide though:blip:

23rd February 2006, 10:50
Had a tandem skydive for my 50th. Didn't think much of the freefall ( tried to compare it to 200k/hr without helmet but that sinking feeling is so much different to being pushed on a bike. BUT what an awsome feeling of freedom under canopy - look anywhere, arms & legs free & landing was a breeze. Now wait till my brother in law turns 50!

23rd February 2006, 11:04
My eldest daughter has done the 3 AJ Hacket jumps at Queenstown including the Nevis Bluff one that Billy Connolly was shown doing on his NZ tour. She didn't even hesitate at the countdown. Took HOURS for the stupid grin to come off her face after each one.
Mrs Oakie says she could never do a bungy but she loved the parachute jump she did a few years back. Go figure!
(Me? ... I'll keep my feet on the ground thank you very much)

23rd February 2006, 11:11
Bungy, Hang-gliding (solo) and Sky Diving (solo) are things I really want to do before I'm dead.

23rd February 2006, 11:13
Does look kinda cool... mind you I get vertigo at those kinds of heighs so can't see myself doing it really...

Is it just me, but in that first pick it looks like that guys perving at your ass and is about to bend you fully over?

24th February 2006, 22:46
Haven't done the auckland one, but I have done two in Queenstown. Kawarau Bridge (about 43m) and Nevis High wire (134m).

Nevis was extreme, expensive, but a lot of fun. I still reckon it was a pity they stopped running the heli bungy at 300m... that would have been fun.

Worst part of bungy is paying $100 plus for a few seconds...

sky diving is on the list tho, lucky buggers who have done it :weep:

26th February 2006, 16:26
Skydiving pisses all over bungy jumping. Don't waste your money. Call your local dropzone and have proper FUN!!!

far queue
26th February 2006, 17:00
Mrs Oakie says she could never do a bungy but she loved the parachute jump she did a few years back. Go figure!
I really enjoyed the parachute jumps I did a few years ago :niceone: but you couldn't get me to do a bungy jump :shit: Yeah, I know it probably sounds odd, but there you go.

26th February 2006, 17:49
Skydiving pisses all over bungy jumping. Don't waste your money. Call your local dropzone and have proper FUN!!!
How would one go about going skydiving? What's the cost? I hate hights so much, but I just can't stop it! It's an addiction. So I think that skydiving would be up my tree!

26th February 2006, 19:08
I checked it out once it was something like $200! For a tandem jump - I shudder to think how much it cost to get your solo jump ticket.

I still want it though...

26th February 2006, 20:18
No sense in stepping off a perfectly good bridge, or jumping out of a plane for that matter. You have guts, well done.

27th February 2006, 10:18
Anyone else done this bungy??
Haven't done the bungy as they were still setting it up when I did the bridge walk, which is something I'd recommend for all to do at least once (ask for it as a birthday pressie).

27th February 2006, 11:06
Bungy, Hang-gliding (solo) and Sky Diving (solo) are things I really want to do before I'm dead.
Likewise. I did the "Rocket Bungy at Tauranga - start in a ball-shaped cage on the ground and get launched up at around 5 gees, that was fun. I'm terrified of heights so you can well imagine the adrenalin high I was on...

And I agree with Gremiln - the price is the off-putting bit. I can overcome my fear of heights enough to try it, 'tis overcoming the Scottish heritage and paying for it that I find hard...

27th February 2006, 11:34
How would one go about going skydiving? What's the cost? I hate hights so much, but I just can't stop it! It's an addiction. So I think that skydiving would be up my tree!
Tandem varies around $250- less if you get a group together!
Solo jumps. Once you have your licence and own gear they cost $30. Getting your licence requires 25 jumps, and the AFF method of training is best, as you learn more + faster. Cost varies. Stage 1 = $350 (includes ground course and first jump with 2 jumpmasters holding on to you in freefall). Stages 2-3 -$250- (still with 2 jumpmasters with you - doing different stuff in freefall). Stages 4-8 $200 (I think) 1 jumpmaster jumps. Stage 9 is a "hop & pop" 3000ft jump out the door and open immediately. $50-.
After stage 6 you can start doing jumps by yourself if you satisfy an instructor that you are safe to be let loose!

The only sport in which you have to save your life, every time you participate!!!:not:

Give it a go! Heaps of fun and really great people at dz's as well.