View Full Version : Gixxer k6 thou - test ride

4th March 2006, 16:04
Well for starters I havent really ridden anything bigger than 400 not really, So I am a virgin to the speeds that a bike of this caliber produces.

The power? fuck who cares, its the handeling, brakes, stability and balance that got me you just look at a corner and you go around it. the first thing that got me though is how deceptivly fast it is, you just dont realise how fast your going till you look down. And the power... fuck me the tyre comes up when you give the throtle a gentel tap and when your in high revs in thrid you fucking know about it, the 180 plus speeds in second is just bezerk. I was having the time of my life, Where do I sign my soul to get one of these machines?

So I hit the high speeds that this bike allowes you to and after a while I think fuck I have 20 demerit points left and I dont wanna crash dovers 3rd bike, So I slow right dont to a crawling pace I was going SOOO SLOW and not 2seconds later a cop is coming the other way I peep down and fucking im doing 128 grab the anchours and I watch the HP car get smaller in the rear view well there wont be another on this road so I tap the throttle a little scince im almost home to get one more rush, all good I turn off the road in which no. 2 was written off and head home along the main road. thats when I hear the dreaded noise, lots of traffic infront of me and a HP car with its lights on behind me so I pull over thinking I hadnt done anything wrong and wait for him to pass me, But no he pulls up right behind me "oh fuck" I forgot about the dovers I too cool to run a number plate. So the cop gets me for no plate $200 and over a 250cc $400. In allfairness he was a nice guy and didnt do me for no rego/wof which were with the plate. And he also imformed me of numerous complaints about a bike doing way over 100 in a 50 zone. Its black has number 3 on the front and has no plate on it.... no guesses which bike it was.

Any way great bike and for $20k its a bargin I mean fuck you buy it for $20k you will lose what $5k over a 5 year period or something pathetic like that? its fun to ride, comfy, lots of room, easy to ride, fast, reliable and it has chick appeal.

Thanks dover..

4th March 2006, 16:13
hoo damn

edit. no.
<img src="http://www.pyrocam.com/files/images/damn.jpg">

sounds like a good fun little ride though

4th March 2006, 16:16
Any way great bike and for $20k its a bargin I mean fuck you buy it for $20k you will lose what $5k over a 5 year period or something pathetic like that? 5K? Closer to 9K over 5 years me thinks.

But yes, the current GSXRs are extremely cool.

But then, have you had a sit on a current model R6? Feels smaller than my 400. :crazy: I would like a ride on one even more..

Oh to win Lotto..

4th March 2006, 16:18
Meh $9k is nothing I would sell my soul and hole, for one of these babbys. pitty I have lost my licence though...

4th March 2006, 16:19
oh god that's funny....

4th March 2006, 16:30
oh god that's funny....

Lol thats a fucking hoot.... :rofl:

4th March 2006, 16:33
Went past the cop wagging his finger, kind of ironic as after my ride today the constabulary would have been non to impressed at the speed I was traveling...[up to 115kmh at one stage:wait: ]. The cop looked pretty heated Texmo

4th March 2006, 16:36
Haha, I think you missed a hundy or so on that number eh spb ;)

4th March 2006, 16:37
Sorry to hear of your taxation problemos; Glad to hear you had fun though :banana:

Get Dover to invest in a radar.. no more guessing where the buggers are then

4th March 2006, 16:43
I saw you pass me andrew and you didnt stop I know you knew whos bike it was... and enigma just passed me not 1min before. The cop gave me a little leacture he rides bikes and its people like me that give him a bad name. Apparently there was a bike doing over 100 in a 50 before it was black had 3 on the front and no number plate, I am sure it was more like 193 but never mind...

When I pased the cop boomer I wasnt speeding but he keep on going then did a ue because I had no number plate. forgot there wasnt one on there, as im sure a k6 thou is slightly faster than some 2tonne v6 automatic holden.

4th March 2006, 16:47
Was Enigma on his own? he should have been with Murray? We'd gone to Waihi(?) - whanga's(?) and they headed back up SH1 while we did Miranda.

I'm sure the bike is a tad faster.. i was gonna say that you should have plea bargained with teh rozza.. told him u were in 2 minds of doing a runner but cos you stopped you think its worth a 50% discount!!

ps ..wheres Dover.. is he still banned?

Big Chim
4th March 2006, 17:00
good work on getting the photo. did you ask the cop to smile as well. Well Done :Punk:

4th March 2006, 17:02
The power? fuck who cares, its the handeling, brakes, stability and balance that got me you just look at a corner and you go around it. the first thing that got me though is how deceptivly fast it is, you just dont realise how fast your going till you look down. And the power... fuck me the tyre comes up when you give the throtle a gentel tap and when your in high revs in thrid you fucking know about it, the 180 plus speeds in second is just bezerk. I was having the time of my life, Where do I sign my soul to get one of these machines?

Sounds pretty mean! Cant wait to get my full, to get a real bike :crybaby:

4th March 2006, 17:25
Only $200 for no plate? That's a pretty good deal, methinks.

4th March 2006, 17:31
I'm sure the bike is a tad faster.. i was gonna say that you should have plea bargained with teh rozza.. told him u were in 2 minds of doing a runner but cos you stopped you think its worth a 50% discount!!

I tried that, though not being so blatant...only got me a 6km/h reduction...which let me keep my licence...until I realised that the last 50 points I got hadn't expired (12 days short). F.....

4th March 2006, 18:00
least it must have been a good buzz

4th March 2006, 18:09
least it must have been a good buzz
a good buzz? fuck im still buzzing... I think the ride was worth the $600

4th March 2006, 18:14
i still remember the first ride on a 600.. only stopped grinning last week, now it's a smirk, until tomorrow

4th March 2006, 18:26
i still remember the first ride on a 600.. only stopped grinning last week, now it's a smirk, until tomorrow

Damn! if that's how much pleasure you got out of a 600 Buggie then come down here and take the Gixxer for a blat, you'll be having wet dreams for the rest of the year!!!:banana: ........... but no stains on the seat please:laugh:

4th March 2006, 18:34
i still remember the first ride on a 600.. only stopped grinning last week, now it's a smirk, until tomorrow

Yeah I remember the first time I nailed an F4i in first gear...man I was screaming in to my helmet like a little child. Got a 900 now, not quite the same buzz, but great for overtaking...just seamless power all the way :)

4th March 2006, 19:33
i still remember the first ride on a 600.. only stopped grinning last week, now it's a smirk, until tomorrow

ahuh, i know what you are saying. after getting on cbr250 last week i was like wtf... i used to call this powerful :sleep:

guts texmo, i suppose there isnt really a funny side to this but for some reason im laughing. Knew you would love a big bike, now your fucked - you now 'need' to have one.

4th March 2006, 19:35

seriously dude, condolences. but what a way to go...

get a K3 on the cheap and practise those runners!

4th March 2006, 19:46
I said when I first rode a 600..
kinda used to it now ;)

I have ridden a few thous as well, and I've found personally, I can give a 600 more shit and enjoy it, where as I find the thous I can't give as much shit, and half of me is waiting for me to get too cocky..

5th March 2006, 07:01
Bugger mate. So you didn't pull a runner?

5th March 2006, 10:09
if you cant do a runner on that bike with no plate i dont htink there is any hope for you, might as well set up an account with MoJ an pre pay into it every week

5th March 2006, 11:41
So it was you standing next to road yesterday! I was not sure so did not stop

5th March 2006, 16:15
if you cant do a runner on that bike with no plate i dont htink there is any hope for you, might as well set up an account with MoJ an pre pay into it every week
Im not gonna do a runner on a $20k bike when I have no job and no money....
I still managed to give 8people the learn on one corner today when tristan lent me his bike, then hoped on the scooter and still managed to go around the outside of a few so if I suck I cant imagine how bad the average kiwibiker is... Even the cop said he was surprised I didnt do a runner.

5th March 2006, 16:49
Back roads are a good thing mate. On ya for doing the right thing though. Sounds like dover is in for it next eh? They allready have his number.:doh:

5th March 2006, 22:55

seriously dude, condolences. but what a way to go...

get a K3 on the cheap and practise those runners!

Well today I went past a few guys and not just the newbies on the scooter so did tristan...

5th March 2006, 23:00
Well today I went past a few guys and not just the newbies on the scooter so did tristan...


5th March 2006, 23:24
yer I man he must be gay if hes getting an arse-sex

6th March 2006, 07:21
Yeah there pretty exciting bikes to thrash eh Texmo, you should have thrown Dovers fat arse on the back seat and shown him how to ride the fucken thing :apumpin:

6th March 2006, 16:24
Im not gonna do a runner on a $20k bike when I have no job and no money....
bla bla bla, i left my balls in my handbag at dovers...........

6th March 2006, 17:02
bla bla bla, i left my balls in my handbag at dovers...........
Yes, lets go for a ride sometime eh?

6th March 2006, 17:06
what for man you just lost your licence on a new GSXR1000 with no plate on, how much more embarrassed you want to get?

6th March 2006, 17:09
Yes, lets go for a ride sometime eh?
stop thinking with you cock bro :bash:

6th March 2006, 20:57
Not thinking with cock I just like to ride with fast riders thats all, its a nice change from the normal kiwi biker pace...

7th March 2006, 11:43
i aint fast man. im slow. slower than white trash, an jesus over took him on his donkey.....

7th March 2006, 14:09
i aint fast man. im slow. slower than white trash, an jesus over took him on his donkey.....
Jesus donkey has special powers... no way in hell I can keep up with trashy.