View Full Version : My house smells bad

5th March 2006, 18:45
Yesterday, the local oil distributers caught fire. It is on the same block as my house and damn this whole neighborhood reeks of burnt oil!:sick:

During the fire, the neighborhood was evacuated. Next to the oil warehouse on one side is a paint warehouse, that was emptied by fire crew. On the other side is a mobil gas station:gob: They used sepitic tank "shit sucker" trucks to take all the gas out of the underground tanks. Hate to think what that must have ended up costing them.

Now get this for capitalist thinking... On the sign pic, i have circled a Gull service station. It was in this very gas station, just metres from the fire, that my fiancee was working. While the entire neighborhood was getting as far from these flames and toxic smoke as possible, gull stayed open to cater for those who had gotten through bfore the police blocked the roads. There they were, just metres from the a burning oil and racing fuel warehouse, with just another gas station between the fire and them and the stayed open. Stsanding over thousands of litres of petrol! When i asked her why they didnt get out of there she told me "We never thought of it, i mean Gull never closes":scratch:

Anyway, if any of you want to get high on the stench of burnt oil, come see me and have a beer.

5th March 2006, 18:48
Is that out Bayview way?

Jesus - if that'd been my missus I woulda said "get the f*ck outa dodge!"

5th March 2006, 18:54
damn this whole neighborhood reeks of burnt oil!
Two words: class action.

They used sepitic tank "shit sucker" trucks to take all the gas out of the underground tanks.
Doesn't, on the surface, strike me as a particularly good idea. Like, septic tank effluent (or whatever it's called) is probably not one of the most volatile substances in the world. It stinks, sure, and you don't want it escaping anywhere. But it's nowhere near as dangerous as petrol. Knowing what little I do about petrol stations (long story) it strikes me that it would probably have been safer to leave the petrol underground.

Still, WTF do I know? You sure as shit would not have caught me working in a petrol station 50m away. I don't think I'd be all that comfortable filling my bike with a huge fire just down the road either.


5th March 2006, 19:02
The reason for using the crap trucks is they pump using air pressure, no sparks or mechanical parts. If i had know bout the fire earlier i would have gone and gotten her. But being a sunny saturday afternoon, i was out riding of course and only realised there had been anything wrong when i went to pick her up from work...

5th March 2006, 19:07
What the hell! Gull must be stupid. Race fuel and diesel burning = major bloody fire. luckly nobody got killed.Was anybody killed or injured?

5th March 2006, 19:18
Dont quote me on this but as far as i know. Nobody killed and just a few people being treated for smoke inhalation...

5th March 2006, 19:53
The pedestrian block for the fire was pretty much outside gull, if the police/fire men thought that it was a danger for us to be there they would of done several things; move the pedestrian block back to a safer place, tell us to move, and drain the Gull fuel tanks, just to name a few, they didnt do any of that. They just told us to stand near the exits. No one made us stay, I even offered the other guy to leave, but he didnt.

5th March 2006, 20:07
Looked pretty dramatic on the TV News clips. But as you say, they would have moved you if they deemed it necessary.

5th March 2006, 21:37
Yesterday, the local oil distributers caught fire. It is on the same block as my house and damn this whole neighborhood reeks of burnt oil!:sick:Heh..

I changed my air filter in my kitchen on friday evening. Taking the tank off I found out the hard way the fuel tap on my bike doesn't quite switch off.

Opps, a puddle of petrol on my wooden floor.

Upside was, I got to go to sleep smelling petrol. I love that smell.