View Full Version : Chocolate milkshake anyone?

Riff Raff
7th March 2006, 09:47
Couple of pics from a truck rollover I went to last night (driver was fine).

Thought the sign on the front was a bit of humour.

And for some strange reason I couldn't get anyone to accept my challenge to do a road suck of the chocolate milkshake spilling out of the truck.

7th March 2006, 09:49
I really like the first one.......

7th March 2006, 09:51
I really like the first one.......

Nah the second one is better.....
well Im sure it would be better if only we could see the pics.... :whistle:

EDIT: Pics are now there to be seen.... :rofl:
Ok both pics are great.

7th March 2006, 09:51
lol... awwww the truck wants it's belly tickled..

love the 'Please drive safely' shot.. Somehow, I think that'll become world famous before long..

Riff Raff
7th March 2006, 09:53
Nah the second one is better.....
well Im sure it would be better if only we could see the pics.... :whistle:

Yeah sorry about that - I'm not at my best after two very busy night shifts.

7th March 2006, 10:05
Good pics RR, what area was that? Not down by takanini was it?

7th March 2006, 10:07
actually, if there's any left, I wouldn't mind some..
i always thought they mixed it when they got there.. not fussed, show me the milk

7th March 2006, 10:11
Yeah chocolate milk, road tar, tyre rubber and dirt might actually make a good mix eh!.

7th March 2006, 10:19
actually, if there's any left, I wouldn't mind some..
i always thought they mixed it when they got there.. not fussed, show me the milk

Geeze..can you remember that far back BJ.......

Riff Raff
7th March 2006, 10:21
Good pics RR, what area was that? Not down by takanini was it?

7th March 2006, 10:28
Oh I think I may have gone past it heading south after the meet with LB.

Was it on the motorway on ramp heading north?.

7th March 2006, 10:34
Oh I think I may have gone past it heading south after the meet with LB.

Was it on the motorway on ramp heading north?.

been about 6 or 7 large truck/trailer/artic units roll there in the last 18 months.:yeah:

But a fun corner on a bike:wacko:


7th March 2006, 11:06
OOps! Bet he's popular with a few people right now, NOT! Hope he's okay, though.:nono:

Riff Raff
7th March 2006, 11:09
Oh I think I may have gone past it heading south after the meet with LB.

Was it on the motorway on ramp heading north?.
Yes it was.

And for everyone's information, it was caused by the rear axle deciding it didn't want to play the game anymore. You can see me casting my professional and expert (ahem) eye over it in the picture. It was quite munted.

7th March 2006, 11:45
Yes it was.

And for everyone's information, it was caused by the rear axle deciding it didn't want to play the game anymore. You can see me casting my professional and expert (ahem) eye over it in the picture. It was quite munted.
rear axle looks more like it's an active axle - ie, it steers. The truck turned over mid-corner, so the axle is still steering.. Both wheels are at similar angles, and the axle has more things to it (steering components), compared to the other two axles

7th March 2006, 11:56
Plus it was being dragged along the ground, which would help to turn it. They have "passive" steering to help them go round corners, makes turning easier and cuts down on tyre and road wear.

7th March 2006, 12:05
what a waste of chocolate milk... :(

White trash
7th March 2006, 20:38
rear axle looks more like it's an active axle - ie, it steers. The truck turned over mid-corner, so the axle is still steering.. Both wheels are at similar angles, and the axle has more things to it (steering components), compared to the other two axles

What are you, a fuckin truck expert now?

7th March 2006, 20:40
no, just know how to use ma fukin eyes :weird: