View Full Version : Auction for ONE place on Track day 3

15th April 2006, 10:16
Madduck has offered to auction off her place in track day 3.
She will be our admin person so wont get much chance to be on the track.
This is an opertunity to get in on the action if you procrastinated.
Highest bidder wins the place
Auction closes 9.00pm 30.4.2006

16th April 2006, 09:25
Bidding starts at $50.00

16th April 2006, 10:07
why not just put it up at the same price everyone pays....on the reserved riders list??

18th April 2006, 17:27
Is this still goin Frosty? Cause I could be cheeky and say I'll up you to $70

18th April 2006, 20:23
its definitely running--Basicly Madduck wants to make a contribution to team FMR for the national attack next season.

18th April 2006, 20:55
seems odd that your doing this when you hav people on the stand by list for people that pull out....it even seems alittle devious frosty...sorry...but a few people who hav seen this thread hav said the ssame to me...

18th April 2006, 21:58
her call .-Stand by people had a chance to book earlier-this is a chance to get a definite place at this late stage

19th April 2006, 08:57
It was pretty well advertised...

20th April 2006, 20:27
seems odd that your doing this when you hav people on the stand by list for people that pull out....it even seems alittle devious frosty...sorry...but a few people who hav seen this thread hav said the ssame to me...

There is nothing devious about this at all Mr Poos. Basically I bought my space like everyone else did back in ....ummmm lets see! Yes Jan because I wanted to go on the track. I havent missed one yet.

Out of the goodness (foolishness of my heart) I offered to help Frosty when he was stuck for admin people. Asked him to auction off my place as I dont tend to get on line much these days.

Perhaps the people that have expressed concerns with you should have bought a space when I did :doobey: It was not an easy decision as I would love to be out there and felt if I cant be then maybe the team can benefit.

If anyone has an issue feel free to PM me. This was not Frostys call BUT MINE!

20th April 2006, 21:20
fair enuff....it was mainly the perception of the thread that raised eyebrows...

21st April 2006, 01:39
Shit, shit, shit wadthehellamigunnadoonow???
OK, my 'sickle has finally arrived from OZ (it's snoozing in a crate as I write this while I'm stuck at work for the next coupla weeks). It's no problem getting it track ready when I get home but I won't have thrown a leg over for some 3 months. I'm gonna have to get her prettied up for the entry certifiers quick smart, so I can get some miles under my bum.
The $64,000 question (OK, OK $50 question) is this:
Do I bid on the auction or go on the standby list, given that there are at least 4 names on the standby list already?
If I bid and lose I'm gonna be that much further down the standby list by the time I realise I've lost and get on it, but there is a chance I could win and guarantee entry.
Or even if I go on the list now I might still miss out all together.
Or I could go standby now AND bid on the auction in which case I'm adding $50 to the auction price IF I win (non-refundable deposit).
I'm a KB track day virgin so I'm hoping someone can tell me the chances of getting a call for duty while on the standby list. Given reasonable weather do you get many reneged bookings PRIOR to the day?
Aaaaah fuggit, this is too hard....I think I'll just stay ay work.....

21st April 2006, 10:16
Shit, shit, shit wadthehellamigunnadoonow???
OK, my 'sickle has finally arrived from OZ (it's snoozing in a crate as I write this while I'm stuck at work for the next coupla weeks). It's no problem getting it track ready when I get home but I won't have thrown a leg over for some 3 months. I'm gonna have to get her prettied up for the entry certifiers quick smart, so I can get some miles under my bum.
The $64,000 question (OK, OK $50 question) is this:
Do I bid on the auction or go on the standby list, given that there are at least 4 names on the standby list already?
If I bid and lose I'm gonna be that much further down the standby list by the time I realise I've lost and get on it, but there is a chance I could win and guarantee entry.
Or even if I go on the list now I might still miss out all together.
Or I could go standby now AND bid on the auction in which case I'm adding $50 to the auction price IF I win (non-refundable deposit).
I'm a KB track day virgin so I'm hoping someone can tell me the chances of getting a call for duty while on the standby list. Given reasonable weather do you get many reneged bookings PRIOR to the day?
Aaaaah fuggit, this is too hard....I think I'll just stay ay work.....
do both.....some one will buy ya ticket if it becomes surplus!!

Mental Trousers
21st April 2006, 18:32
Is this still goin Frosty? Cause I could be cheeky and say I'll up you to $70

Not sure if that's the leading bid or not. But she's on the reserves list so I'd say that's it.

21st April 2006, 18:35
i bid $100.00.......girlygirl's birthday soonish think she'll like it?

23rd April 2006, 09:36
good onya stiffy

24th April 2006, 01:33
i bid $100.00.......girlygirl's birthday soonish think she'll like it?
Aaaaaaw, c'mon stify, give a bloke who's given up on tryin' to impress his missus a chance! Oh hang, on your profile says "VTR1000, but wants more", maybe I've misunderstood...it's not more BIKE you are after...you are after MORE of something else you sly dog!

24th April 2006, 20:54
highest bidder wins the place

24th April 2006, 20:58
highest bidder wins the place

When is the track day, and what was the original cost of a ticket?

24th April 2006, 21:16
i've got 220 (2*100+1*20) something here in my wallet... not sure what the fuck it is really; although it is legal currency

Are you a gambling man Frosty??? Keen to take a punt.. could be onto a winner :blip: :blip:

Roll up roll up !!!

24th April 2006, 21:28
the price for TD3 was $100 or #$120 depending on how they paid.
Boomer--I've given up bein a gambling man mate --I always eem to be the guy who loses

24th April 2006, 21:30
the price for TD3 was $100 or #$120 depending on how they paid.
and i aint a gambling man Im sorry

and when is it?

24th April 2006, 22:48
may 21 --comeing real soon

25th April 2006, 07:19
Hey Frosty, what are the rules for this here auction? All bids to be filed on this thread? When the hammer drops I'd hate to have a PM or such like pulled out of someones klacker that no-one else can see! Waddayarekun?

25th April 2006, 08:27
thanks dude :-)
all bids are to be in this thread -anyhoo i wont be able to see pm/s cos ill be on my way back from racing
as soon as I get in Ill post up the name of the winner in the first post

26th April 2006, 18:31
roll up roll up

27th April 2006, 11:12
Stify is in the lead for my birfday pressie???

27th April 2006, 22:05
i've got 220 (2*100+1*20) something here in my wallet... not sure what the fuck it is really; although it is legal currency

Are you a gambling man Frosty??? Keen to take a punt.. could be onto a winner :blip: :blip:

Roll up roll up !!!

HA... dont do it, it will be his native Outer Mongolian currency which is worth roughy 5c NZ

That was a close one Frosty :nono:

27th April 2006, 22:11
Stify is in the lead for my birfday pressie???

You have a birthday? ...I didnt think you were born, just suddenly there :gob:

27th April 2006, 22:22
HA... dont do it, it will be his native Outer Mongolian currency which is worth roughy 5c NZ

That was a close one Frosty :nono:

Ya spoil sport; where's the fun in that huh!!! huh !!1 huh!!! just because you got burnt when ya bought the gixxer on the basis others said its a go-er doesn't mean every deals a bad one :blip:

you dirty slut you

27th April 2006, 22:23
Hey Frosty, what are the rules for this here auction? All bids to be filed on this thread? When the hammer drops I'd hate to have a PM or such like pulled out of someones klacker that no-one else can see! Waddayarekun?

No PMs for space will be taken. Best on here gets it and helps out a race team at the same time.

Remember peps I paid for the space as a punter like the rest of you. Do you really want to go to track day?

27th April 2006, 22:38
come to pukekohe with us tomorrow :D

ps.. my offers still on the table; :blip:

27th April 2006, 22:51
come to pukekohe with us tomorrow :D

ps.. my offers still on the table; :blip:

Lol Logan sid hes going whip your sorry bitch ass around Puke tomorrow... mind you got your wet tyres on??

27th April 2006, 22:51
this is last and only chance to get on the track if you havent already paid

28th April 2006, 08:47
You have a birthday? ...I didnt think you were born, just suddenly there :gob:
You know you want me.....:blip:

28th April 2006, 19:31
You know you want me.....:blip:

if girly keeps this up....i'll have to give meself an early xmas pressie instead:blip:

28th April 2006, 19:46
I know stiffy-- I me3an i like Gg and all that but ya know Um not in that way

29th April 2006, 06:18
THUD!...THUD!!...FUCKIN' THUD!!! (Message to self: do not try and break open piggy bank on carpeted floor, end message)
CRASH!! Way hey, there go! Coins and shit everywhere on the kitchen tiles and...BASTARD...a few have gone under the 'fridge...scrabble....scrounge...
OK Frosty, the next bid is...lemmee see...$103...nah...oooh, there's a note...make that $123.57cents. Oh bugger, no more copper allowed eh? Make that officially $123.20, give or take a shite Aussie coin here and there. Actually given the exchange rate that prolly means it's worth more eh? No? Your a hard bastard Frosty.....

29th April 2006, 08:06
Slowpoke- me a hard bastard--never

IM ORF TO WORK THEN TO TAUPO TO GO JETSKING --well to race actually but itll feel like jetsking in this weather

29th April 2006, 16:52
I bid $125.00


30th April 2006, 20:59
$150 from me

30th April 2006, 21:23
'One MILLION dollars!!112!!one!!

30th April 2006, 22:27

30th April 2006, 22:49
i've got 220 (2*100+1*20) something here in my wallet... not sure what the fuck it is really; although it is legal currency

Are you a gambling man Frosty??? Keen to take a punt.. could be onto a winner :blip: :blip:

Roll up roll up !!!
Hey Boomer, can I "borrow" some of those tasty Mongolian spondooliks that you were waving about the place? No? Well, it's off to Vivian Street for me...

OK Frosty, once I've "worked off" my debt where do you want the very hard earned dosh to go?

1st May 2006, 20:50
Hey Boomer, can I "borrow" some of those tasty Mongolian spondooliks that you were waving about the place? No? Well, it's off to Vivian Street for me...

OK Frosty, once I've "worked off" my debt where do you want the very hard earned dosh to go?

Hmmmm. Frosty didnt listen to team orders...crashed the boike...nearly lost the championship.

Send the money direct to me :wait:

This was a PT by the way