View Full Version : Got my New SV

25th June 2006, 11:24
Well it was new on Friday, but we've managed to put on over 400kms since then, and the day is looking dam fine out there again, first service here we come hopefully by mid-week. Sorry to all you TL lovers out there, I listened to the debate for a couple of month about to trade or not to trade on an SV. Yes I do admit they are not the prettiest bike (the SV that is) front on and the TL certainly has more appeal in the looks department, but oh what a beautiful bike to ride. Just a little frustrating with the run in process at this stage as I cant get into the potential of the bike yet but it is definately so much easier to ride. We had the Yoshi pipes fitted at time of purchase too and it sounds like a V-twin should sound. It was great to catch up with some of you jaffa folks yesterday and our usual Paparoa/Baylys beach run put 300kms on it. Friday night was my first ride just down to Waipu, it was dark, cold, late and boring straights but I got the first 100kms on first day owned. Oh, and its black too, so I can accidently hop on the wrong bike and take TL Riders ZX10 out instead.

25th June 2006, 11:28
Oh, and its black too, so I can accidently hop on the wrong bike and take TL Riders ZX10 out instead.

LOL!!!!!!! Do you think he'd notice? Nice bike, need pic! HEard they have hard seat and aren't that comfy on a long ride, but you've been far enough to judge that at least initially. How's it? They do sound and look good, though!:rockon:

25th June 2006, 11:29
Brand new too! what colour?

Great bike, i'm really enjoying mine

In the looks department getting rid of the rear guard is the best thing you can do.

25th June 2006, 11:30
LOL!!!!!!! Do you think he'd notice? Nice bike, need pic! HEard they have hard seat and aren't that comfy on a long ride, but you've been far enough to judge that at least initially.

I had a sheep skin for the brass monkey a few weeks back and the seat was as comfy as any other.

25th June 2006, 11:34
Yeah, those sheepskins seem to be the biz from all reports. Might consider one meself if I get to do longer rides, though my bike is getting more comfortable the more I ride it. :yes:

25th June 2006, 12:04
Oh, and its black too, so I can accidently hop on the wrong bike and take TL Riders ZX10 out instead.

Like fuck woman!! :nono: Don't go there girl friend or I won't allow you to make my coffee's!
Yep got to agree that I reckon the TL's had far more personality BUT this SV rides so much better....as it should.
Yep it's bleck...we're in Norfland ya know :blah: and has a nice set of Yoshi's on it. Set off a couple of car alarms last night blatting past them :innocent:
S'pose I'd best post a couple of pic's then eh...they aren't so good but shall post better ones later on...

25th June 2006, 12:05
though my bike is getting more comfortable the more I ride it.

The jury is seemingly still out as to whether the seat gets softer or yer arse gets harder :whistle:

25th June 2006, 12:10
Don't go there girl friend or I won't allow you to make my coffee's!

LOL!!!!!!! and tip it all over your head!:blip:

That's got to be one of the best looking SV's I've seen! Makes the silver ones look a bit ordinary! Congrats and try not to bin it too soon, eh? Less likely with the SV than the TL, of course...:innocent:

25th June 2006, 12:11
The jury is seemingly still out as to whether the seat gets softer or yer arse gets harder :whistle:

Mmmm! I'll have to ask the Missus...:innocent:

25th June 2006, 12:16
Congrats on the SV. I miss aspects of my old one. Sound bikes and apparently there is a bit of performance to be released with some applied effort and knowledge.

25th June 2006, 12:19
Sound bikes and apparently there is a bit of performance to be released with some applied effort and knowledge.

I've already ordered a -1 tooth front sprocket to get the thing off the line a bit better :blip:
It's no racer but it seems to go pretty well for the time being...1st step is to hacksaw off that SPADE on the back of it! :sick:

25th June 2006, 12:25
I've already ordered a -1 tooth front sprocket to get the thing off the line a bit better :blip:
It's no racer but it seems to go pretty well for the time being...1st step is to hacksaw off that SPADE on the back of it! :sick:
I did the gearing as well and it changes the character of the bike and had it launching out of corners. I would have liked to have tuned pipes and DNA filter with a PCIII but it didn't seem worth throwing that much money at it. Have you heard anything about the timing retard eliminator mod?:scooter:

25th June 2006, 12:27
It's no racer

Well, you are hopping off a ZX10...:wait:

25th June 2006, 12:30
congratulations on bike,nice colour,get rid of snow shovel on the back will make it look so much better,and get a radiator guard pretty soon as the front fenders don't give much protection!!!!!!!

25th June 2006, 12:39
Talk to imdying, he has the same model and disposed of the spade at the rear himself. Didn't need a hacksaw, and made a good job of it.

25th June 2006, 14:33
Congrats on the flash new wheels D-G!! No doubt i'll be hearing it on a norfland road real soon. :niceone:

25th June 2006, 15:23
Congrats on the new ride..and I for one, can vouch that it sounds so friggin cool...

25th June 2006, 15:29
Have you heard anything about the timing retard eliminator mod?:scooter:
If it's the same as the TL's "tre" mod it'll be an easy and cheap (.20c) fix

Well, you are hopping off a ZX10
I do not hop thank you....it's more of a skip :wait:

Congrats on the flash new wheels D-G!! No doubt i'll be hearing it on a norfland road real soon. :niceone:
As long as you don't pull a sicky again you'll certainly hear the thing...Yoshi pipes must have one of the best exhaust notes ever IMO

25th June 2006, 15:39
Like fuck woman!! :nono: Don't go there girl friend or I won't allow you to make my coffee's!

Your'e playing with fire son"

DucGirl, nice ride "las", they are an awesome sounding machine" cant beat the V twins me reckons--

25th June 2006, 16:01
looks stunning and sounds better... just don't let that dodgy TL fella get his grubby mits on it....

Good bike and from what you said yesterday you're really gonna enjoy it.

25th June 2006, 16:27
Congrats... that is one NICE looking bike...:yes: (and no doubt sounds good too!)

25th June 2006, 17:24
looks stunning and sounds better... just don't let that dodgy TL fella get his grubby mits on it....

Good bike and from what you said yesterday you're really gonna enjoy it.
Its too late, he's halfway to the Hokianga on it as we speak, something to do with his bike on service Ks now and another rear tyre pratically toast.
I did go for a ride out to Tutukaka this afternoon before he took off though. The seat is a little harder than the TL, but then the TLs had someones butt sitting on it for the past 7 years so it should be softer. Its wasnt too bad yesterday though. The spade on the back is definately going and I would like one of those indicator intergrated tale lights which will clean up the look of the rear completely. Its on 500ks now and after the Hokianga trip should be closer to 800ks. It is pretty smart in Black but the new Oroc Gray Suzuki have brought out is pretty sharp too.

25th June 2006, 17:35
Congratulations on the new bike Duc-Gurl.. most impressive in black.

25th June 2006, 18:37
And definitely get some of the plastic sticky protection stuff for the bottom fairing thing. Stick it on as soon as you can. A single ride over new seal will make it look like crap.

Mine was already chipped wihen I got it (copper) so the black plastic would be much more visible that yours.

Oh and check out Spankme's SV site - there is a whole bunch of good stuff on there.


25th June 2006, 21:33
Yep we had a blue SV 1000S. Took off the dorky back guard and put on a blue hugger. Scorpion pipes are REALLY good in the carparks. Before I got my bike, I went pillion for some long trips and it wasnt that bad. The position you are sitting at, is good for the back. With the Scorpions, you do need earplugs on a long trip.

Sniff...hubby sold it and bought a Z1000.....:angry:

Well the Z1 is now gone and an SV is back on the cards.:yes:

He just needs to stop falling off the pitbike (we minimotard it) and we
can put the money towards the SV.

The SV really is a top bike.:first:

25th June 2006, 23:58
You're gonna love the SV. Much lighter and more nimble than the TL. I prefered the rounded look of the TL and pre '03 SV650, but the new look SV grows on you and I now think it looks better than my new Gixxer.

Another good SV info site is http://www.suzukisv1000.com/

26th June 2006, 10:34
Congratulations Duc-Girl, it certainly looks good. Pity I couldn't make it this weekend but I'll make my way up there again soon.....

26th June 2006, 10:47
jebus DC.. ANOTHER new bike????

i feel cheated on.. :(

26th June 2006, 11:08
looks nice in black

26th June 2006, 12:21
they are really nice in the black with the black frame. (its like Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy... if only it had black instruments with black lettering and black indicator lights that lit up black when you did something... I digress)

a friend of mine did 5000k's touring on his at Crimble and he didnt complain about the seat at all.

26th June 2006, 18:08
Yep we had a blue SV 1000S. Sniff...hubby sold it and bought a Z1000.....:angry:

Well the Z1 is now gone and an SV is back on the cards.:yes:

He just needs to stop falling off the pitbike (we minimotard it) and we
can put the money towards the SV.

The SV really is a top bike.:first:
Definately look at this years SVs, they are really starting to get them sorted. Aftermarket pipes complusory on V-twins I believe.:yes:

26th June 2006, 18:11
You're gonna love the SV. Much lighter and more nimble than the TL. I prefered the rounded look of the TL and pre '03 SV650, but the new look SV grows on you and I now think it looks better than my new Gixxer.

Another good SV info site is http://www.suzukisv1000.com/
Given they are the same weight they do feel much lighter, I think the weight is sitting lower down on the SV. They are still quite tall and long thought, and agree, definately feels nimble. Not sure I'll ever truly like the headlight look of the SV, I think they could have done that better, but side profile is smart and rear talelight definately very cool especially with the spade gone.

26th June 2006, 18:14
jebus DC.. ANOTHER new bike????

i feel cheated on.. :(
Awrrrrrrrrr, sorry Sarge, just your way down there in Jaffa land and the local shop are treating us well. Jebus? Does that mean you've watched Bad Boy Bubby? mmmmmmm.
Yep, another new bike. Has to be the last for either of us for some time, took us six bikes to get the two sorted out we really will be happy with, some of us are a bit slow on the uptake:zzzz:

26th June 2006, 18:14
These radiator guards look good on the bike. Not sure if they are still available. Will need to check the SV site.

26th June 2006, 18:17
'Bout time time lazy f*cker got that sorted for you Annie...:yes:

Just make sure he stays on his own stubby wee beast!

26th June 2006, 18:19
These radiator guards look good on the bike. Not sure if they are still available. Will need to check the SV site.
They're pretty exposed so it would need to look good, guess that eliminates our Hoki job, but I will blacken the screen (if we can get it off, looks tricky). Nice pic, first time I've seen the rear cowl, which of course mine didnt come with.:angry: but hey, I still got a really good deal.

26th June 2006, 18:21
'Bout time time lazy f*cker got that sorted for you Annie...:yes:

Just make sure he stays on his own stubby wee beast!
I was looking at them side by side yesterday, the ZX definately looks shorted and lower, but havent compared seat height yet. Anyway, he disappeared yesterday with my bike, still out there, somewhere. He just loves to run them in, may there be more sunshine:sunny: and continued valid licence for some time:innocent:

26th June 2006, 18:23
He hasn't been visiting me...

He can go for days on end but not get this far south (I think I scare him...)

26th June 2006, 18:28
He hasn't been visiting me...

He can go for days on end but not get this far south (I think I scare him...)
Yep, we just ride around in little circles up here in our world. Guess we do need to plan a trip, but we have to ride past that snow stuff to get to you at the moment, I have to question that reality:blank:

26th June 2006, 18:41
*Homer Simpson* Whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop....

Possibilty of me getting there - but end of the year-ish perhaps...

26th June 2006, 18:55
*Homer Simpson* Whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop....

Possibilty of me getting there - but end of the year-ish perhaps...
Ya know what letting yourself in for by saying that aye Col????.....
Thats right........ a ride on both the bikes........:blip:
Congrats on the new purchase Annette, i like the look of the SV 1000 from behind, i should know, i get to look at plenty from that angle.....:woohoo:

26th June 2006, 19:29
Ya know what letting yourself in for by saying that aye Col????.....
Thats right........ a ride on both the bikes........:blip:
Ummm YUP!! :yes: :innocent:

26th June 2006, 20:43
congrats ducgirl another sv on the road. all good. By the way chris i heard that you might be out this way to get somebody to tweak the suspension on the ZX

26th June 2006, 21:07
Very happy with my one. Some how I manage to keep up with mates on their R1's etc - on the narly bits - not the straights of course. But it's the narly bits that count!

Re the back end shovel, after quite a bit of research I got a "hamicad" replacement sent over from the UK. Was good value for money in the end - about $140 including shipping from memory. Wasn't too hard to fit either. Means I didn't have to hack the original one and can still put back on it if I go to sell it.

26th June 2006, 21:57
Yep, chop that spade (made a 4.5mm perspex unit with just enough width in the indicator mounts to utilize the factory ones). Definitely put some sort of radiator cover on. I just used a piece of mesh painted satin black, looks stock as a rock in the flesh. Single seat cover, definitely completes the look :yes:

/edit: Oh yeah, and a swanny stand!

28th June 2006, 10:42
Well the bike has done over a 1000kms of which I would've done over half and is currently getting its first service.
I have to say I like it...alot! So easy to ride and handles surprisingly well too.
The ride possition is incredibly comfitable...well compared to mine anyway...good for longish distance cruises
Reckon an intergated brake light is in order though to clean up its rear...maybe a hugger too.
Cheers for those links too y'all...bloody handy!!
Oh well...need to go pick up the SV and have to do a quick ride to Auckland and back...sucks but hey got to make the most of this harsh hand I've been delt :wait:

28th June 2006, 10:46
Reckon an intergated brake light is in order though to clean up its rear...maybe a hugger too.Oh they're tempting. Goodbye insurance though I'm guessing :(

28th June 2006, 10:50
Oh they're tempting. Goodbye insurance though I'm guessing :(

Oh really? Please explain as it would be a shit to find out too late!

28th June 2006, 10:58
congrats mate?thats one less TL on the roads??i hope your not proud of yourself..............:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: only kidding ''ENJOY''go the yoshies''

28th June 2006, 11:01
Oh they're tempting. Goodbye insurance though I'm guessing :(

Surely not? These are not performance mods and aren't anything that would affect you warranty..... are they??

28th June 2006, 11:18
Oh really? Please explain as it would be a shit to find out too late!Well, to get a warrant your indicators must meet the blah blah standards... which include the indicators being a certain distance apart. Now if you're going to use the tail lights to blink the left one for left, right for right, they're not going to far enough apart. Unwarrantable vehicle yada yada, no insurance cause your bikes illegal etc etc gheyness.

Won't affect your warranty though. Performance mods like the loud cans and things like TRE mods don't affect your warranty either.

/edit: Oh yeah. Don't spend $300 buying a taillight assembly that blinks like that... you can convert your own for bugger all in parts :)

28th June 2006, 11:27
Don't spend $300 buying a taillight assembly that blinks like that... you can convert your own for bugger all in parts :)
Good call...any chance you could post a pic of your perspex bracket mate?

congrats mate?thats one less TL on the roads??i hope your not proud of yourself...:cry:only kidding ''ENJOY''go the yoshies
LOL...I do prefer the TL's too!! Far more character and presence,but got to admit that this SV is far easier to ride...and so it bloody should be!

28th June 2006, 11:45
Yep, soon as I've a digital camera handy :) Here's sort of what I did. I've tucked it as tight to the lights as I can.

28th June 2006, 11:53
Legend mate...muchly appreciated.
Just ordered some carbon fibre indicators too...

28th June 2006, 12:25
I'm trying to resist this at the moment. NZD$1500 landed + gst and customs for a front fairing.

28th June 2006, 12:53
Congrats Annette on your new baby.:blip: Cant wait to see it next time we are up there Steve and Dawn:2thumbsup

3rd July 2006, 19:53
Yep, chop that spade (made a 4.5mm perspex unit with just enough width in the indicator mounts to utilize the factory ones). Definitely put some sort of radiator cover on. I just used a piece of mesh painted satin black, looks stock as a rock in the flesh. Single seat cover, definitely completes the look :yes:

/edit: Oh yeah, and a swanny stand!
Now thats a beautiful pic, I didnt like the cowling when I saw it on the silver one but it doesnt look too bad on the black. I must admit I am glad I got the black one, but then its compulsory up this way, being part of the Norfland crew and all:doobey:

4th July 2006, 08:54
Yeah, the cowls (and this removal of that super heavy grab rail) should be compulsory. Much better looking than the weird looking thing fitted to the TLs. In fact, the whole bike looks better than the TLs, no 80s looking headlights, poor thing didn't age well.

4th July 2006, 19:18
FYI I got a WOF with integrated tail light and indicators...........

BTW nice bike, rode a mates 06 SV and was impressed with the throttle response esp and ride position, but I still love my TLS!.....:yes:

4th July 2006, 21:41
FYI I got a WOF with integrated tail light and indicators.Good job, make sure you keep going back there then :yes: