View Full Version : Graziest dumb idiots ever?

25th June 2006, 22:06
did a search and couldn't find http://www.gotcanyons.net/

These guys are not going to get old!

Check out the G.C.Favourites -> Barges

Its a big vid and you'll need b'band

These guys are ott. f'instance, the guy on the TL that keeps running wide and swears - duh!

Had a look at some of the others and same.

Mr. Peanut
26th June 2006, 06:35
I find the mixture of high-tech japanese bike and country music disturbing. :blah:

Try this one :D


Right click, save target as.

It's from here: http://seppes.com/wp/?page_id=71

26th June 2006, 09:38
"Gaz where in france you dizzy fuck, not england"
haha thats the funniest thing i've heard on a biker vid, but were they just bad riders, or did the bike actually have handling issues?

27th June 2006, 17:19
Love their skills but I rekon the one on the VTR was a bit reckless init ? Lol .. or was it the bike issue ? Good wheeelies and nice cornering except at the end .. pooos .. ehehe

28th June 2006, 09:58
On that site, check out the vid title "CrashCollage"...very thought provoking stuff and well done for a slideshow

The Pastor
28th June 2006, 10:26
I dont know, that vid being 67meg was huge and 28min of footage was alot to see, but they didnt really do anything too outrageous, they do look like they cant ride for shit tho (sure they can lean but there all over the place...)

28th June 2006, 10:45
Its the guys from Fast Bikes magazine in the UK, they also released "How to wheelie" (I have the AVI) and I also believe its a repost :bleh: