View Full Version : I'll get sick of rants one day...

28th June 2006, 17:50
Riding back from work today, got on the SH1 onramp from Boulcott St, left lane, obviously...

So I was doing about 100, past a lorry to my right (not a passing move since I was on the left the whole time. So while I was alongside, blind and retarded monkey decides to share the lane with me and starts moving over. So I jump on the norn (which I doubt he'd have heard, in front of me, at about 90kph), switch down and squeeze past after he'd filled about half my lane!! Prick!!

And then there was Miss I-will-talk-on-my-cellphone-while-travelling-at-80-on-the-right-lane-in-a-ridiculous-pink-car.

Bloody mindless peons need some learning!!!

28th June 2006, 17:56
Agree. Fair share of them in Jafaville too. Saw an electricain texting with 2 phones a few weeks back, rang *555 and was told, unless he was weaviung out of his lane or driving dangerously, nothing could be done.


As I was in my cage, I felt like weaving in front of him to wake him up, but then I would have got done??

28th June 2006, 18:09
In most countries I've been to, using a mobile phone, much less bloody txt-ing, while driving is an offence... When's the country gonna wake up and start making sensible legislation??

29th June 2006, 07:33
talking and txting are the least of our worries i think.

think about all the new video phones, but then they might class as a tv, i.e. its illegal if the driver can see it

29th June 2006, 07:55
crows feet, spark plugs and steel toe boots.....do wonders to cars.
however if all that fails ride so that people cant avoid seeing you, unfortuanatly this makes you look like one of those "typical bikers". But fuck em

29th June 2006, 12:49
In most countries I've been to, using a mobile phone, much less bloody txt-ing, while driving is an offence... When's the country gonna wake up and start making sensible legislation??
Only speed and/or alcohol kills

29th June 2006, 13:00
I was in supercheap the other day and saw this laptop stand which can be attached to the steering wheel of a car!!??!??!?!

'coz they don't already get distracted enough with cellphones and kids and makeup... now they can play colin mcrae rally while driving too!

29th June 2006, 13:03
There, here's a pic of a similar one... dickheads!

29th June 2006, 13:12
Hey, it's already been said, so long as she ain't speeding it's all fine. That goes for the chick on the phone, and the chick with the laptop.

It's just occured to me too - with wireless net that means in-car p*rn. Excellent... Time to buy an automatic I think.

29th June 2006, 21:49
Pulled up at the lights next to a bling cage last week and on the dash was a DVD /TV screen and the driver was watching it. Thought I'd tag along and sure enough the driver did best he could to watch the DVD / TV while driving, probably 80% time watching the screen.

It was about then that it occured to me that I was watching the cage driver about 80% of the time rather than the road myself - duh!!!!

29th June 2006, 22:00
There, here's a pic of a similar one... dickheads!

Oh give me strength if Blondes get hold of a notebook in a car. They are bad enough putting the lippie and the mascara on!!! :angry: Then there are the men shaving using the rear-vision mirror in the V8 Holden !!!! :blip: :gob:

29th June 2006, 22:13
im guilty of talking on the blower,while driving man.but i dont txt anymore.thats more dangerous than talking,i think anyway:nono:

30th June 2006, 11:33
Yeah, you don't actually need your eyes to talk on the phone, but you do for txt-ing, which means they aren't on the road!

Paturoa> That's actually illegal, screens cannot be within view of the driver! You should have taken their rego and reported them! That's an accident waiting to happen if there ever was one!

30th June 2006, 15:53
What's the drill on GPS screens?