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30th June 2006, 12:09
You lot aren't very observant, are you?

30th June 2006, 12:10
You lot aren't very observant, are you?

Why do you say that? Sorry to hear of the Steed.

(Edit: Congrats on the new bike)

James Deuce
30th June 2006, 12:10
Miserable old curmudgeon.

Congratulations on the new motormacycle.

Excellent choice.

30th June 2006, 12:10
You lot aren't very observant, are you?

Or interested:blip:

James Deuce
30th June 2006, 12:11
Or interested:blip:

Shuddup, you RD riding goatfucker from Gore.

30th June 2006, 12:12
Fuck, that's amazing Hitler.

You've gone from a real poofs bike to an even bigger poofs bike.

30th June 2006, 12:14
You lot aren't very observant, are you?

Yes we are! (When our lack of observation is pointed out to us...):yes:

Looks like you're going to have to come up with another suitable quip? What could FJR be an anacronym for...? Feijoa...?:blip:

Crisis management
30th June 2006, 12:15
Fuck, that's amazing Hitler.

You've gone from a real poofs bike to an even bigger poofs bike.
I don't think thats very fair Dover, since when have Yamahappy's been motor bikes?

30th June 2006, 12:16
It appears that congratulations best be forthcoming. Happy New Bike Day Mr Hitcher.

30th June 2006, 12:21
What sold you on it over another ST?

Str8 Jacket
30th June 2006, 12:23
SO... will we be seeing you on Sunday then?

30th June 2006, 12:39
Congratulations on the new tourer (as opposed to sprots tourer or even fat sprotsbike):nya:


30th June 2006, 12:48
Yes indeed, happy new bike day! Very nice.

30th June 2006, 12:57
Not sure why you used the frown smilie, but congrats on the new wheels anyway Hitcher! I'm sure you'll be overjoyed to be back on two wheels again. :ride:

30th June 2006, 12:57
Fuck, that's amazing Hitler.

You've gone from a real poofs bike to an even bigger poofs bike.
Does this now qualify me as the KB Uber-poof? (even without correct apostrophication)

30th June 2006, 12:59
What sold you on it over another ST?

30th June 2006, 13:01
FeiJoarrrR. I like that. It will be a useful name for National Talk Like a Pirate Day on 11 September, if nothing else...

30th June 2006, 13:04
FeiJoarrrR. I like that. It will be a useful name for National Talk Like a Pirate Day on 11 September, if nothing else...

ohh arrr that a mighty fine vessel ye has thar me hearty

you go for the silver and blue all paniered *sp* up?

30th June 2006, 13:07
you go for the silver and blue all paniered *sp* up?
Ooh arrrrr, that I did. Keel haul me and call me a barnacle, she be a fine ketch. Avast ye lubbers, away!

(PS: There are two n's in panniers, unless they're really little)

30th June 2006, 13:09
FeiJoarrrR. I like that. It will be a useful name for National Talk Like a Pirate Day on 11 September, if nothing else...
You know TLAPD? Oh man, have you gone up in my eyes :rockon:

30th June 2006, 13:16
(PS: There are two n's in panniers, unless they're really little)

Somehow I doubt panniered is even a word!

30th June 2006, 13:18
Hey hitcher, congrats on the new bike, if your feeling up to it - come on Str8's ride to lake ferry on sunday so that we can all have a good perv eh?

Str8 Jacket
30th June 2006, 13:26
come on Str8's ride to lake ferry on sunday so that we can all have a good perv eh?

Dont be alarmed by this statement Hitcher, we are not all perverts... Just wasp. :blah:

30th June 2006, 13:30
Shuddup, you RD riding goatfucker from Gore.

People from Lower Hutt shouldn't throw stones at Gore.

Okay Hitcher, congrats on the new bike. I still would have choosen the ST but I understand your bduget constraints being on the pension.


30th June 2006, 13:45
Excellent choice Mr H. I am envious. :yes:

I look forward to photos.

30th June 2006, 13:47
Well done and hope it treats you well.

30th June 2006, 14:01
You lot aren't very observant, are you?
should have got the kawasaki my estemmed friend!!

30th June 2006, 14:04
Does this now qualify me as the KB Uber-poof? (even without correct apostrophication)

Why yes, I suppose it does!

I demand you change your custom user title forthwith.:nya:

Str8 Jacket
30th June 2006, 14:11
should have got the kawasaki my estemmed friend!!

Hehe, cowpoos called you a flower Hitcher!

30th June 2006, 14:21
Hehe, cowpoos called you a flower Hitcher!

Well he is riding the piano tuners bike.

30th June 2006, 14:26
Congrats on the new wheels, Hitcher. Great write-up you did on the test ride, too. I'm glad it wasn't long before you got yourself new wheels.

Still reckon you should have gone for an off-roader and "commuted" over the hills along the fire-breaks and through the gorse... No one who owns a RAV would be able to get up there.

30th June 2006, 14:28

Also..... PICTURES please!

30th June 2006, 14:37

Also..... PICTURES please!

And even more pictures.

Now when are you planning your next South Island tour. There's a nice wee spot at Omakau where I could have a good look at your new ride. :yes:

30th June 2006, 14:39
Congrats Hitcher, will we see it on Sunday?

I promise I wont tell everyone about your "rational purchase decision"

30th June 2006, 17:10

30th June 2006, 17:18
Did you get the ABS equipped model? What xtras if any?

Don't you think "Feijoa" has a distinctly Kiwi flavour...?:msn-wink:

Squeak the Rat
30th June 2006, 17:27
FeiJoarrrR. I like that. It will be a useful name for National Talk Like a Pirate Day on 11 September, if nothing else...
Yaaar be confusin that with the towarrrs of twin... 19 September be the day that scoundels be talkin like scallywags. Arrrrrr!

That be a fine Stead Mr H. May the wind always be blowin' at ye back, and may ye avoid confrontations with the sea-monster of metal, with ye white glowin' eyes on it's arrrrrse. Arrrrrr.

30th June 2006, 20:04
is it the one with the auto clutch thingie?

30th June 2006, 20:30
is it the one with the auto clutch thingie?
Plus, congratulations and happy incident free motoring to you. :first: Cheers John.

Big Dave
30th June 2006, 20:32
I had 2 XS1100s all those years ago - they were good bikes way back then - I'm sure they have evolved into a really good package.


30th June 2006, 20:45
Congratulationson the new wheels Mr H. Now you can travel the country on it, dispensing knowledge and wisdom on the topic of TGNZA(and administering severe beatings to those who disregard it)

30th June 2006, 20:52
What does it wheelie like?

30th June 2006, 21:05
A fine choice Mr Hitcher sir...

Is it the blue one?

30th June 2006, 22:15
Well done and good to hear you are not put off two wheelers. I hope it's lighter and more nimble than a ST.

When you collect it make sure it's had it's rav4 vaccination.

30th June 2006, 22:22
Well done and good to hear you are not put off two wheelers. I hope it's lighter and more nimble than a ST.

When you collect it make sure it's had it's rav4 vaccination.

LOL!!! Didn't the ST try to 'vaccinate' the Rav...?:blip:

30th June 2006, 23:55
Congrats Mr. Hitcher! Good to see you enjoying the finer things in life.

1st July 2006, 08:50
Nice choice of bike, a fine machine indeed.

2nd July 2006, 10:14
People from Lower Hutt shouldn't throw stones at Gore.

Now that's a pointless exercise if ever............

Congratulations Hitcher. May your odometer roll over uneventfully.

James Deuce
2nd July 2006, 10:32
Now that's a pointless exercise if ever............

Nah. With a small enough stone, and a big enough trebuchet, I should be able to get a sub-orbital trajectory and hit the bugger right on top of his shiny dome.

2nd July 2006, 12:49
You lot aren't very observant, are you?

Although I was not looking either eh. :nya:

Nice motomarsickle BTW. :)