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1st June 2004, 18:17
Just another day in my boring life - we better start at the begining.....

Going back to sat the 8th of May I recieved a call from a distaught customer - he had his car into another garage for some major work and now it's broken down and they don't want to know - he's been to me before and was happy with how he was treated (??!!!) Don't worry mate,so I have the car towed in.The water pump is stuffed in the Astina and I give him a ring with an idea of how much it will cost to fix.He doesn't want to spend too much because it's a dunger,but he's ok about putting a water pump in but not much more - ''oh,but I'm going to Aussie for 4 days,I'll pick it up when I come back'' That's fine by me cause we are flat out and it gives me time to fit it in.

I give him a week then ring his cell phone,but get a disconnected tone.A couple of days later I hear - ''this phone is not allowed to recieve calls'' uh oh...So now it's been 3 weeks so I rumage in the car today and don't find a hell of a lot - I have his CV,but it doesn't even give a street address,let alone a land line number.Next step will be to find his details from the rego plate.

We have been starting it and parking it out the back every day,but today we are a bit quiet so just leave it in the old lube bay,it's not in the way there.At 3,20pm the boys are having a coffee and I'm talking to a customer - outside school kids are walking past,it's a busy time of day.Then I see the Astina back out of the workshop and drive away!!!! I race out after it,but he's gone up the road - half a dozen different ways he can go,not worth giving chase.So I do a 111 and report it stolen.

I give them the details of the car and the owners name and a description of the offender(he's a fucking little shit faced cunt,but offender will do)A weasily young dude with a black beanie,possibly of Middle Eastern decent.The police say that my customer is not the registered owner,but is something like Rasheed Mohamad - oh,do tell!!!

Soooo - this morning I had a customer who may have done a runner,but I retained possesion of the vehicle,doesn't mean much,but I had something - now I got nothing,the car owes me a $480 bill....maybe the customer will come in to pay,but hey mate,someone stole ya car! Awww man,give me a break!!!!

I've never had a car stolen from my premisses - but the cheek of it...walking into a workshop,jumping in a car and driving away! OK,so the keys were in it - but ALL the cars inside the shop have the keys in,we take them out when we park them outside.Normaly I park 2 cars outside the lube bay,but today was a quiet day....

If you see a beat up black Mazda Astina rego PR 7534 - stand back...there could be a blue Pajero closing in on it at a rapid rate of knots - I'm not stopping,oh no,this guy can go to hell,special discount from me!

Ms Piggy
1st June 2004, 18:38
OMG! That's just staggering! He must have been sussing out when he could do it or something. Stink & piss! :sneaky2:

James Deuce
1st June 2004, 20:53
I believe I speak for all of us when I say (please forgive the obscene language), UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE

1st June 2004, 22:02
And then these prick complain about us being racist. If this guy is Middle Eastern shove some pork fat inside the car. That'll fix the bastard. Better still report him to Zed.


1st June 2004, 22:39
Better still report him to Zed.
:eek: :eek: :eek:

1st June 2004, 22:55
Todays world eh?

1st June 2004, 23:31
And then these prick complain about us being racist. If this guy is Middle Eastern shove some pork fat inside the car. That'll fix the bastard. Better still report him to Zed.

Yeah I'll straighten him out- just like I'd love to do to you Skyrider! :bash: (in Christian love of course)

1st June 2004, 23:31
dude I totally feel for ya. not suprised but I doo feel for ya.
doncha know that as a company owner your a millionaire and can afford to give away money--sheesh

1st June 2004, 23:35
Yeah I'll straighten him out- just like I'd love to do to you Skyrider! :bash: (in Christian love of course)
I wonder what "Jesus" would have to say to that.:innocent:

Ghost Lemur
1st June 2004, 23:46
I wonder what "Jesus" would have to say to that.:innocent:

Dunno, but I'm sure he'll be along soon to let us know. :killingme

White trash
2nd June 2004, 07:39
Don't shoot me but I used to be a used car salesman on a large franchise yard here in Wellington. You would not believe the number of cars that just get driven off the front of a yard annually in NZ.

Everybody thinks someone else has a test drive and thinks nothing more of it. Sometimes it'll take three weeks to realise some thieving prick has nicked a car!

I feel for you, Motu. Get the slimy little bastard with the Pajero. That'll learn 'im!

2nd June 2004, 12:21
It wasn't the real owner stealing it back was it as your "customer" sounded rather suss in your story?

2nd June 2004, 13:01
Actually motu he has a point. -Before you drive over the prick with ya 4wd
make sure its the theiving bastard not the owner recovering his stolen property

2nd June 2004, 13:02
That SUX, Mr Motu. :argh:

2nd June 2004, 13:24
Actually motu he has a point. -Before you drive over the prick with ya 4wd
make sure its the theiving bastard not the owner recovering his stolen property

Well,the prick owes me for the work anyway - I'm judge jury and executioner.No word or visit from the cops yet - any bets if they will,or if they do how many days...or weeks for a response?

2nd June 2004, 13:28
No word or visit from the cops yet - any bets if they will,or if they do how many days...or weeks for a response?

Probably only interested if he sped away from the scene.

2nd June 2004, 13:29
Must be happening everywhere. We haven't lost one from our shop much the same drill as yours keys out of them when they're outside but we received a letter from our local Community Constable last week recommending we lock cars outside the workshop as there have been vehicles stolen or have had stuff stolen out of them.

Hope you manage to catch up with the creep the police appear to be 24 hours behind him already so it doesn't look like they catch up with him anytime soon

Jesus Christ
2nd June 2004, 22:07
Yeah I'll straighten him out- just like I'd love to do to you Skyrider! :bash: (in Christian love of course)

Zed, try not to be such a condescending clown if you can. It sheds a bad light on all the good the rest of the sheep do.

2nd June 2004, 22:37
It sheds a bad light on all the good the rest of the sheep do.
Well I'm glad you recognise that Christianity does some good!! Amen to that- even if it does come from a blasphemous infidel such as yourself.

Mark 13:5 (the teaching of Christ) And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you: 6 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

Jesus Christ
2nd June 2004, 22:41
Well I'm glad you recognise that Christianity does some good!!

I think you may have misunderstood the reference made to sheep

2nd June 2004, 22:48
I think you may have misunderstood the reference made to sheep
Not at all:

John 10:11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.

John 10:14 I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.

1 Peter 2:21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: 22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: 23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: 24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. 25 For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.

Jesus Christ
2nd June 2004, 23:28
Not at all:

John 10:11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.

John 10:14 I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.

1 Peter 2:21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: 22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: 23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: 24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. 25 For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.

Yes, I can see you truely understood the sheep comment.

3rd June 2004, 01:52
go on zed -take it back to your thread

3rd June 2004, 09:16

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

3rd June 2004, 09:45
Now take it easy. Motu. :calm:

Just take a few deep breaths.

Now,pick up a fookin big hammer and beat the crap outta summat!! :laugh:

3rd June 2004, 10:16
I'm not taking all the blame!

I wonder what "Jesus" would have to say to that.:innocent:

Skyrider started the ball rolling- it's him who should tame his mouth. :wacko:

That'll fix the bastard. Better still report him to Zed.
I'm done on this thread Motu.


3rd June 2004, 10:40

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


3rd June 2004, 10:57
Hope you manage to catch up with the creep the police appear to be 24 hours behind him already so it doesn't look like they catch up with him anytime soon

You'd be surprised. Some arsehole broke into one of my cars last year and destroyed the dash while trying to hotwire it; they settled for nicking stuff out of it.

Police caught them the same weekend. They pulled them over at a roadside WOF check and the dumb bastards still had stolen stuff in the back of their van.

Big Dog
4th June 2004, 18:02
I used to not lock my cages that were under $1500 as any damage done breaking in was likely to be more than the cost or replacing the car. Never had an unlocked one stolen.
Locked ones.....
The same coon 3x..... each time it was returned a few days later with a full tank of gas. Once with a new warrant as that had expired. No damage but it unlocked off any Ford key.

1 x motorbike xs250. Damage :$350 fucked ignition, loom and steering lock.

Holden Camira dumped two blocks away with a hand written note (fix your brakes). Damage none... brake pads $45 experience priceless. Seems they broke ito the house while I was at work and took the keys off the bedside. Brake pads were sitting on the coffee table waiting for some sunshine so I could do them.

Holden Gemini found with a seized motor at end of drive. None but the dash needed re assembly. The engine was fine when I tried it a few days later, but it seized again when I sold it 10 days later.

Another 'Coon found at end of street in the middle of road with blown head gasket. Damage: steering collumn dissassmbled head gasket (that was already blown, I had the parts in the shed just haddn't done it yet cos of the rain)

Another 'coon found on front lawn with blown diff, roughly where I left it. Dicks tried to spin it up without lettin of the h/brake. Damage one diff and by now the dis assembled steering column is no prob.

Moral 1. Don't own anything worth stealing if you want a good nights sleep.

Moral 2. If you are going to steal from me bring some overalls and plenty of tools or wait until after a few days of sunshine.

Big Dog
4th June 2004, 18:06
Oh and then there was the honda. Purchase price $9 change of ownership, hadn't got around to that yet.

was found blocking a driveway the following day after being driven at speed down bethells beach (we followed the tracks that far) Damage: couldn't be fucked fixing it threw it away. Cost: $3k worth of tools and power tools.

Lou Girardin
5th June 2004, 15:24
Well,the prick owes me for the work anyway - I'm judge jury and executioner.No word or visit from the cops yet - any bets if they will,or if they do how many days...or weeks for a response?

They'll be right along.
As soon as everybody stops speeding.

5th June 2004, 16:44
They'll be right along.
As soon as everybody stops speeding.

Gee, now that was the least likely response I thought we would have got from Lou - q'ell surprise and all that, so unlike him, who would have thought, one out of the blue, could have knocked me over with a feather, well I never, the unpredictability of the man scares me :blah:

5th June 2004, 17:29
here's a question lou - how many MOT officers were there on the beat in the early 90's - pre-merger

13th July 2004, 12:30
Well,the cops ring me a couple of weeks ago and say the cars been found and I can pick it up from Southern Districts Towing the next day after finger printing.So I dicked around with Southern Districts for over a week till they said - no,we don't have the vehicle.Yesterday I got incontact with the cop who reported it recovered,he rings SDT while I'm on the phone - no,they didn't pick it up - it has been restolen !!.I give up,they can keep the bloody thing,by the time I get it back I will never be able to recover the costs,better to just write off what it owes me now. :brick:

13th July 2004, 13:05
That's one popular car - you musta fixed it too good and they all want it and it must drive reliably.

F5 Dave
13th July 2004, 16:22
Yeah that’s a problem, they never have much control over recovered goods, nobody seems to know the full story & seemingly the crooks think it is good sport to resteal them from the police grounds, presumably to remove the evidence.

14th July 2004, 10:52
Well,the cops ring me a couple of weeks ago and say the cars been found and I can pick it up from Southern Districts Towing the next day after finger printing.So I dicked around with Southern Districts for over a week till they said - no,we don't have the vehicle.Yesterday I got incontact with the cop who reported it recovered,he rings SDT while I'm on the phone - no,they didn't pick it up - it has been restolen !!.I give up,they can keep the bloody thing,by the time I get it back I will never be able to recover the costs,better to just write off what it owes me now. :brick:

Moral of the story is get your gear back asap I suppose?

14th July 2004, 15:06
Well,the cops ring me a couple of weeks ago and say the cars been found and I can pick it up from Southern Districts Towing the next day after finger printing.So I dicked around with Southern Districts for over a week till they said - no,we don't have the vehicle.Yesterday I got incontact with the cop who reported it recovered,he rings SDT while I'm on the phone - no,they didn't pick it up - it has been restolen !!.I give up,they can keep the bloody thing,by the time I get it back I will never be able to recover the costs,better to just write off what it owes me now. :brick:

It's probably being stolen by members of the same ( large eastern family) I really feel for you Motu there's some really mongrel @#%$%'s about your neighbourhood, I think you could do with having some technology, such as, an electrified fence, a security camera and a large hungry dog!

14th July 2004, 16:49
It's Southern Districs Towing who are responsable for it going a second time - the cops find it then give SDT a ring for a pick up,but after 8hrs when they come to pick it up...it's gone - duh!

Big Dog
19th July 2004, 16:05
and their not hard to nick when someone has already jacked the column.

19th July 2004, 16:57
and their not hard to nick when someone has already jacked the column.

Or so you have heard anyway :whistle:

Big Dog
19th July 2004, 18:17
Or so you have heard anyway :whistle:
Or so I found out when my cage got stolen daily for the three weeks it took to get the barrel repaired. See other threads.

But as you mention it when my old xe lost its key all by itself it took under 2 mins, two screw drivers and a butter knife to break into and start, in the dark.:bleh: