View Full Version : See It From A Car

1st August 2006, 10:34
Checkout this video, some very impatient and fucking stoopid HD riders, once again cruiser riders getting a bad name.

But there is an important lesson to be learnt here for everyone - patience! Take it easy and don't get frustrated, the roads in the video are very similar to our roads.


1st August 2006, 10:42
Well... Firstly... HD/Crusier riders should (A) know the roads they are riding on and (B) know the limits of their respective vehicle...

And whats with the car? Cage driver doesn't even stop, he/she is in the best position to get out and help first while other bikers are trying to park thier bikes... fucking cagers...

The Stranger
1st August 2006, 10:45
You see sprot bike riders overtaking in dip shit places too. Have you never been on a KB ride?

1st August 2006, 10:46
You see sprot bike riders overtaking in dip shit places too. Have you never been on a KB ride?

lol indeed I have... but I havn't seen anyone overtake and bin it...

1st August 2006, 10:51
so in the USA, does double yellow lines mean "overtake at any time"?

Paul in NZ
1st August 2006, 10:51
He was more worried about a beating from the tough bikers..... Frankly, you'd think twice and where the heck was he gunna park that thing? It wasn't a cage - more like the whole prison.

Bloody stupid bit of riding, bloody stupid vehicle to take on a road like that but ultimately, it was the rider that screwed up.....

Str8 Jacket
1st August 2006, 10:52
And whats with the car? Cage driver doesn't even stop, he/she is in the best position to get out and help first while other bikers are trying to park thier bikes... fucking cagers...

Umm, did you actually listen to the video? They had stopped and they were thinking of lending a hand but they were scared that the riders were gonna smack them which is quite sad as the cage driver was not in the wrong here, the rider was. There were plenty of other riders to help their mate out, its not like they just left the rider in the ditch. This is the attitude that makes cagers dislike us.

1st August 2006, 10:54
Umm, did you actually listen to the video?

No I didn't... for the millionth time I don't have sound on my PC at work

1st August 2006, 10:55
Whoa! The cagers' were worried they were going to get 'beat on', what's with that? Hopefully the rider was ok, looked like it was a soft landing and had scrubbed off a bit of speed, just a matter of getting away from the bike. It'd be a mission to drag the bike out of there.

Str8 Jacket
1st August 2006, 10:56
No I didn't... for the millionth time I don't have sound on my PC at work

Well if you had have been able to listen to the video then you would have heard that they were going to stop.... No need for the stupid cager remark none the less. Even without sound it was quite obvious that is was the stupid motorcycle riders fault.

1st August 2006, 10:56
Well if you had have been able to listen to the video then you would have heard that they were going to stop.... No need for the stupid cager remark none the less. Even without sound it was quite obvious that is was the stupid motorcycle riders fault.

you just can't help it can you? cooties for you

1st August 2006, 10:57
so in the USA, does double yellow lines mean "overtake at any time"?

Yup. Just like here.

Quote: "I never actually crossed the line so you can't do me - I stayed on the other side of it until I got to the end of it":gob: :spudwhat: :weird:

Str8 Jacket
1st August 2006, 10:58
you just can't help it can you? cooties for you

Umm help what? I was pointing out a fact. Duh!

Paul in NZ
1st August 2006, 10:59
No I didn't... for the millionth time I don't have sound on my PC at work

How many billion times have I told you - don't exagerate..... ;-)

Paul in NZ
1st August 2006, 11:01
Whoa! The cagers' were worried they were going to get 'beat on', what's with that? .

By product of riders shopping at 'Outlaws R Us' and a bunch of sad biker movies in the 70's...

Str8 Jacket
1st August 2006, 11:01
How many billion times have I told you - don't exagerate..... ;-)

Well I missed the first 100 000 times and apprently all the other times as well...

1st August 2006, 11:13
Well... Firstly... HD/Crusier riders should (A) know the roads they are riding on and ...

Placidfemme - Do you know every road that you ride on for the first time...?

I have just spent the last 20minutes downloading this video (Damn Dial up)
and yep they passed on a double yellow line and on a bend they couldnt see around.

Yep they are giving all cruisers a bad name... but hell I have seen sportbikes doing that as well.

One or two HD riders did something stupid.... but not all HD riders and other cruiser riders ride stupid... One can only hope that the rider was ok.

1st August 2006, 11:17
Placidfemme - Do you know every road that you ride on for the first time...?

I have just spent the last 20minutes downloading this video (Damn Dial up)
and yep they passed on a double yellow line and on a bend they couldnt see around.

Yep they are giving all cruisers a bad name... but hell I have seen sportbikes doing that as well.

One or two HD riders did something stupid.... but not all HD riders and other cruiser riders ride stupid... One can only hope that the rider was ok.
the rider will most probably be fine, he'll just have the piss taken outta him for a couple of years to come.....

Paul in NZ
1st August 2006, 11:27
Well I missed the first 100 000 times and apprently all the other times as well...

Slow learner? :nya:

Str8 Jacket
1st August 2006, 11:28
Slow learner? :nya:

Even slower than you! :msn-wink:

1st August 2006, 11:29
Firstly I ride a Harley and yes that guy was a dickhead.

While the guy who clearly can't ride is on a Harley, why does that always mean that the sportsbike fraternity here decide to have a crack at Harleys and cruisers??? Since when is it a requirement to know every road you travel on. Where is the fun in that? How would you get to ride on new roads? I do agree though that any new road has to be treated with respect (in fact all roads) and that you should always ride within your abilities..

Are you trying to tell me that the sportsbike riders here have never overtaken on a double yellow line or pulled a wheelie past a car overtaking, filtered through traffic at 100kph+ or an endless list of stuff that one always reads about here? How many sportsbike riders here have had on off on the road through doing something stupid?

Yes there are dickheads who ride Harleys just as there as dickheads who ride sportsbikes..but equally there are some pretty good people who ride Harleys and pretty good people who ride sportsbikes...

I would like to suggest a challenge to all KBs...lets try for a whole week on this site of nobody slagging off each other..after all doesn't everyone here always profess about the brotherhood of motorcyclists? (like that actually exists is another argument entirely anyway).....after all who the f*ck cares what you ride as long as you ride...a dickhead is dickhead on a Harley, a Suzuki, BMW, Honmda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, MV Augusta, Ducati, Hyosung....

Anyway I wonder if the collective here will take up this challenge.................

Paul in NZ
1st August 2006, 11:33
Even slower than you! :msn-wink:

Impossible - I'm not just slow - I'm going backwards as I'm un learning things.

Str8 Jacket
1st August 2006, 11:34
Impossible - I'm not just slow - I'm going backwards as I'm un learning things.

lol, you sure were not related?....

1st August 2006, 11:37
How many billion times have I told you - don't exagerate..... ;-)
Hey... thats my favorite quote...(see below)

Little point in posting unfavorable comment:nya: if ya couldn't hear what was being said though...

Paul in NZ
1st August 2006, 11:39
lol, you sure were not related?....

Could be - I forget...

1st August 2006, 11:40
Always "heard" that HD's were crap at cornering at pace. Now I've "seen" it...

1st August 2006, 11:41
The reason why people started bashing harleys, is because they are tanks that don't stop, and don't corner. Maybe it was just the knob end on the bike only knowing how to use the rear brake that caused it, but even my dad on his tank Honda Valkyrie would have been fine there. Also, there's not a lot of nice feelings towards HD riders as it is very few and far between that they will return your nod, and just their general attitude. However, I do know 2 guys that own the very rare Screamin' Eagle Harleys, and they are both top blokes. I just think that the ratio of wankers on Harleys is higher. Probably because they are ego trippers who are desperate to pay way too much for a bloody name.

With regard to the "brotherhood of motorcyclists". Harley riders generally (not all) like to think they are in a separate class because of the HD name. I would gladly accept any into MY brotherhood, but not if they have the wrong attitude.

P.S. One of the guys with the screamin eagle is thinking of taking it back, cause he said that it felt like it was going to jump off the road as he got close to 200kph, just totally unstable, and he's a bit dissappointed that it's not safe at high speeds.

1st August 2006, 11:42
Hands up all who have never "screwed up" on the road? Most times we get away with it and think PHEW! Bummer this Guy got caught on video - maybe the CAmera operator could do a trace on his plate and post him a complimentary copy = or better still, to his Club!

Paul in NZ
1st August 2006, 11:46
Hands up all who have never "screwed up" on the road? Most times we get away with it and think PHEW! Bummer this Guy got caught on video - maybe the CAmera operator could do a trace on his plate and post him a complimentary copy = or better still, to his Club!

Too right... Got in too deep, lost his nerve, paniced, hit the brakes and screwed up! Happens every day! Sometimes here in NZ as well.

I'll bet every rider has done exactly that at some time or other, most get away with it and whats the chance a video camera will be rolling when we do?

Shit happens.

1st August 2006, 11:53
Do you know whats worse, for me anyway!
I am a Ulysses member and notice at times there have been some unfavourable comments about Ulysses riders on here, like in the BRONZ forums.
Well these guys in the video looked for all the world like a group of Ulysses riders I'm afraid. Damn!
I don't think you can just lay the blame on any one group, that guy and the one behind him are just piss poor riders, I thought it was bloody hilarious. (LMFAO) :yes:

1st August 2006, 11:55
Hmmm... I was quite surprised to see him go off the road...
Probably too fast for the corner/skill level but a counter steer in the right place would have seen him right.

Now forget the bike, how about that road! :blip: fun~!

Lou Girardin
1st August 2006, 11:59
Funniest thing I'v seen for a while. Life's a ditch, then you fall in one.
BTW. Do double yellows mean the same in US?

1st August 2006, 12:00
The reason why people started bashing harleys, is because they are tanks that don't stop, and don't corner.

Wow that lasted a long time !

Nearly a whole hour without someone slagging off HD's !!

1st August 2006, 12:01
that guy and the one behind him are just piss poor riders, I thought it was bloody hilarious. (LMFAO) :yes:

If you all look closely at the video, the second rider was actually following the first riders line and not taking his own line.
Hence them both going off the road. Only one didnt make it (ended up in the ditch).

1st August 2006, 12:01
Funniest thing I'v seen for a while. Life's a ditch, then you fall in one.
BTW. Do double yellows mean the same in US?

Yes, no passing is allowed.

1st August 2006, 12:05
Sure are some naive comments re HD's/Cruisers and their riders...oh and "cagers",but hey that's the KB way innit? One's bad therefore all must be?
Can show you more than a few HD riders that'll out ride many sportsbike riders from this forum and elsewhere while riding their "tanks that can't handle".
BTW....no prob's setting that up...
The guy that crashed obviously was well beyond HIS skill level...I also believe that he could see around that "corner"...look at the angle. Pretty straight forward really,he was a twit!!:yes:

Paul in NZ
1st August 2006, 12:11
probably saw the camera half way through the pass and thought - bugger - I forgot to polish my screaming eagle buckle and drove off the road in shame...

1st August 2006, 12:24
The guy that crashed obviously was well beyond HIS skill level...I also believe that he could see around that "corner"...look at the angle. Pretty straight forward really,he was a twit!![/B]:yes:
What he said. C'mon guys you can all see what happened, he gave it a twist, panicked, and lost it. Could happen to anyone and has happened to a few here.
Pretty funny to watch though! lol They will need a crane to get the bike back out of there!

1st August 2006, 12:31
Oh goody! - a scrap between the Harley and sportsbike riders.....us dual purpose riders will just stand back over here and watch,alway good entertainment.

1st August 2006, 12:32
I have fluid built up in my lungs and can hardly breath, I almost passed out laughing so hard at that video.

Str8 Jacket
1st August 2006, 12:33
I know for a fact that I could manage that on any type of bike. I reckon that its got more to do with the skill of the rider, not the ride. IMO.

1st August 2006, 12:41
so in the USA, does double yellow lines mean "overtake at any time"?
it means "if the next corner is blind, and you're behind a RV, go ahead.. make my day"

Even without sound it was quite obvious that is was the stupid motorcycle riders fault.
notice the HD behind the tree-hugging one, target fixated on the idiot in front, and narrowly missed following him down the bank :D silly 'non-turning HDs'

1st August 2006, 12:44
Placidfemme - Do you know every road that you ride on for the first time...?

I have just spent the last 20minutes downloading this video (Damn Dial up)
and yep they passed on a double yellow line and on a bend they couldnt see around.

Yep they are giving all cruisers a bad name... but hell I have seen sportbikes doing that as well.

One or two HD riders did something stupid.... but not all HD riders and other cruiser riders ride stupid... One can only hope that the rider was ok.
When the video first started, I could see the corner that the HD screwed up on.. he obviously didn't account for the 'suck factor' that all HDs have (as opposed to 'lean factor' that all other bikes come equipped with as factory original) :yes:

Str8 Jacket
1st August 2006, 12:46
notice the HD behind the tree-hugging one, target fixated on the idiot in front, and narrowly missed following him down the bank :D silly 'non-turning HDs'

lol, but in that situation it could be ANY bike. Namely (usually) mine. Target fixation can happen to anyone on any bike anytime... Gotta feel sorry for him though, he's never gonna live that down!

1st August 2006, 12:49
Since some of us can't access the video at work I'll reserve judgement until later.

But watching you ill-informed prejudiced twits have a go at each other is very entertaining :nya:

1st August 2006, 12:50
..How many sportsbike riders here have had on off on the road through doing something stupid?..

not attacking anything you're saying, but here's my thought: I had an off going round a corner (similar to that, but a right hand corner, and went into grass).. however: that was the first weekend on my bike.. a mistake like the HD made was a Learner-style mistake.. one would not think a fully grown man on an expensive HD would do that type of thing..

I would like to suggest a challenge to all KBs...lets try for a whole week on this site of nobody slagging off each other..after all doesn't everyone here always profess about the brotherhood of motorcyclists? (like that actually exists is another argument entirely anyway).....after all who the f*ck cares what you ride as long as you ride...a dickhead is dickhead on a Harley, a Suzuki, BMW, Honmda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, MV Augusta, Ducati, Hyosung....

Anyway I wonder if the collective here will take up this challenge.................

yes, I think that would be a good thing to try do.. *whispers* I know MarkAuckland would appreciate it *whispers* hehehe, ok, I'm done.. starting from NOW!

1st August 2006, 12:50
Funniest thing I'v seen for a while. Life's a ditch, then you fall in one.
BTW. Do double yellows mean the same in US?

See post #12 on this thread for a Kiwi drivers attitude to yellow lines.

1st August 2006, 12:51
...silly 'non-turning HDs'
Well bring your 250cc sports bike up this way and I'll intro you to some of the boys...you will get owned as MANY other naive sportbike riders have been.
And as far as target fixation goes...well I have a 6 day old K6 1000 in peices downstairs...a fellow KBers machine. He's a good rider but succumed to this mistake too...it happens more often tham most admit to.

1st August 2006, 13:01
When the video first started, I could see the corner that the HD screwed up on.. he obviously didn't account for the 'suck factor' that all HDs have (as opposed to 'lean factor' that all other bikes come equipped with as factory original) :yes:

Who care's, a bike is a bike.

Regardless of the bikes attributes, a rider of poor ability will make any bike handle badly.

It is a bit like sex really, doesn't matter how big the penis is or how fat the chicks arse is, how you use what you've got makes the difference.

Str8 Jacket
1st August 2006, 13:02
It is a bit like sex really, doesn't matter how big the penis is or how fat the chicks arse is, how you use what you've got makes the difference.

No, no, no, no, no. No, its all about the size.

Paul in NZ
1st August 2006, 13:03
No, no, no, no, no. No, its all about the size.

Of what? The arse or the .....

1st August 2006, 13:05
Well bring your 250cc sports bike up this way and I'll intro you to some of the boys...you will get owned as MANY other naive sportbike riders have been.
And as far as target fixation goes...well I have a 6 day old K6 1000 in peices downstairs...a fellow KBers machine. He's a good rider but succumed to this mistake too...it happens more often tham most admit to.
Always good to meet new riders :) I'll be up for the Rocktober Ride up north.. and no, I'm not naive.. I know I'm not bulletproof, and I know I still have lots to learn, hence I try my best not to put myself into situations that I can't handle..

..and about the 'pending ownage', like a sensible person, I don't 'race' people on public roads.. I go at my own pace, and I find that works ok for me :)

Str8 Jacket
1st August 2006, 13:05
Of what? The arse or the .....

Duh! Both of course...

1st August 2006, 13:06
however: that was the first weekend on my bike.. a mistake like the HD made was a Learner-style mistake.. one would not think a fully grown man on an expensive HD would do that type of thing..

I hate to break it to you BUT even a fully grown man on an expensive HD can be a learner and noob too

(No 250cc learner thing in most of the USA that I know of)

1st August 2006, 13:07
I'll be up for the Rocktober Ride up north.. and no, I'm not naive.. I know I'm not bulletproof, and I know I still have lots to learn, hence I try my best not to put myself in situations that I can't handle..

..and about the 'pending ownage', like a sensible person, I don't 'race' people on public roads.. I go at my own pace, and I find that works ok for me :)

I'm not suggesting a race mate...I'm offering you a chance to see that you comments about HD's/cruisers are naive,that is all.
Plenty of tight twisties for one's education on said comments :wait:

PS: Onya for riding your own ride...bit like the other blokes eh?

1st August 2006, 13:09
..and about the 'pending ownage', like a sensible person, I don't 'race' people on public roads.. I go at my own pace, and I find that works ok for me :)


I've dug the hole too deep.

I'm a clown.

I only race people who I know are slower than me.

I ride as fast as possible.

I wish I was Rossi.


1st August 2006, 13:11
No, no, no, no, no. No, its all about the size.

So is your arse fat or tight and firm and attractive?

We demand pictures.

1st August 2006, 13:12
We demand pictures.
Oooooooooh I love it when you take charge you handbag rider you :blip:

Str8 Jacket
1st August 2006, 13:15
Good try Swanny, but no its not. And no pictures either.... :p

1st August 2006, 13:17
Good try Swanny, but no its not. And no pictures either.... :p

Bugger, better put the tissues away then ...

So was that, "no its not fat" or "no its not tight, firm and attractive", just to make things clear :nya:

1st August 2006, 13:17

I've dug the hole too deep.

I'm a clown.

I only race people who I know are slower than me.

I ride as fast as possible.

I wish I was Rossi.

or: I may own MarkAuckland's old bike, but I don't ride like him? seriously.. can you find nothing better to do with your time than attempt to diss people on here?

and.. yes: being Rossi would be cool, but I know I'm not, so I won't try powersliding around corners....

Str8 Jacket
1st August 2006, 13:21
Bugger, better put the tissues away then ...

So was that, "no its not fat" or "no its not tight, firm and attractive", just to make things clear :nya:

That was a get farked, none of your business response

Followed closely by a "wanna a punch in the face"? :p

1st August 2006, 13:22
or: I may own MarkAuckland's old bike, but I don't ride like him? seriously.. can you find nothing better to do with your time than attempt to diss people on here?

and.. yes: being Rossi would be cool, but I know I'm not, so I won't try powersliding around corners

Settle down Martha, that was a Piss Take, if I wanted to abuse you I would of been a lot more articulate.

1st August 2006, 13:23
I'm not suggesting a race mate...I'm offering you a chance to see that you comments about HD's/cruisers are naive,that is all.
Plenty of tight twisties for one's education on said comments :wait:

PS: Onya for riding your own ride...bit like the other blokes eh?
Ok, putting it like that, seems fair.. I probably shouldn't be judging all HDs like the ones of seen (I don't think I've dissed cruisers as a whole before, as one of the rides in Hamilton with Road Rash, and Flux, one of the guys had a 800cc cruiser, and he was doing really well <-- way better than me on the Kinetic)

1st August 2006, 13:26
Settle down Martha, that was a Piss Take, if I wanted to abuse you I would of been a lot more articulate.
yeah, I saw the 'p/t' which always tries to claim non-liability for previous comments made, but how are we supposed to attack cages properly, if we keep going on at each other.. if you really want some people to abuse, go join NZHondas (http://nzhondas.com/phpBB2/) and have a go at them for driving ricecakes.. hehe, I'm sure you'd enjoy that more? :)

1st August 2006, 13:27
Oh thats some funny footage lol
im laughing because i presume they rider is ok :innocent:

1st August 2006, 13:36
yeah, I saw the 'p/t' which always tries to claim non-liability for previous comments made, but how are we supposed to attack cages properly, if we keep going on at each other.. if you really want some people to abuse, go join NZHondas (http://nzhondas.com/phpBB2/) and have a go at them for driving ricecakes.. hehe, I'm sure you'd enjoy that more? :)

No claim of non-liability, I am just stating "I am taking the piss".

If you have a problem with my comments red rep me or send me a shitty PM :nya:

Even better, complain to one of the moderators so I get sin-binned !!

:whocares: :doobey:

1st August 2006, 13:40
No claim of non-liability, I am just stating "I am taking the piss".
very well..

If you have a problem with my comments red rep me or send me a shitty PM
I try not to hand out red rep

Even better, complain to one of the moderators so I get sin-binned !!
I refuse to help you beat MarkAucklands sinbin record :D

1st August 2006, 13:44
Haha, good to see you have a sense of humour.

1st August 2006, 13:54
The interesting thing for me was the second rider, who object fixated on the first guy and was on the same line and narrowly avoided following his buddy over the edge, which would have turned a nasty situation into a fatal one.:gob: (I expect)

who said harleys aren't dual purpose (scrap metal/armchair):wait: :wait:

1st August 2006, 14:00
Haha, good to see you have a sense of humour.
yup.. I am human.. you shoulda come to MahaMan's BBQ.. twas quite funny with the PogoHorse(TM) :)

Let these pics give a hint of what you missed
#1: Go Gareth Go..
#2: Um.. TL Rider getting 'spanked' on a Burgman
#3: You know when you coma out from drinking, then get scared awake?
#4: Toilet Paper finds use #893156
#5: When you're not looking, people are attaching more horsepower to your bike, and with the pogo-power on the bottom, bouncing the front would be sure to get it high in the air..

1st August 2006, 14:01
To try and put things into a wee bit of a perspective, I saw this clip and thought "shit, thats pretty bad riding, get it onto KB", after a wee while and reading everyone posts I have come to the conclusion that people do love to take the piss out of HD riders and their beloved machines BUT, out of the thousands of video clips circulating around the web how many are of sports bikes crashing versus cruisers crashing?

I ain't starting up any shit here, but please remember sport rider people, you fuck up too. You can have the best bike in the world and be a shit rider and bin, saying that you can also be the best rider in the world and have a shit bike and bin too. Just remember to look at shit like this from both sides.

At the end of the day we all know that cruisers are better anyway :bleh:

1st August 2006, 14:15
It was a real funny video man!! Hahah!! None of this sportbike vs cruiser stuff... He would've been buying drinks for the rest of his mates for the next year for them to keep it under wraps... till this video appeard on the interweb thingy!


1st August 2006, 14:50
A sports bike would of taken a big handful of front brake and gone down,the typical sportsbike crash.Being a cruiser he's taken a big footful of rear brake - he got crossed up nicely and had the bike pointing in the right direction,a handful of throttle could of got him sorted....but you need a different Harley for that,an XR750.

1st August 2006, 15:15
just gotta say nothing wrong with the choice of area to pass you could clearly see up the road, but man that guy couldnt ride for shit what a twat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol!!!!! lmao!!!! i hope it hurt !!!!!

1st August 2006, 15:17
A sports bike would of taken a big handful of front brake and gone down,the typical sportsbike crash.Being a cruiser he's taken a big footful of rear brake - he got crossed up nicely and had the bike pointing in the right direction,a handful of throttle could of got him sorted....but you need a different Harley for that,an XR750.

any decent bike ment for taking a mild bend like that would have had plenty of ground clearence to make that bend at such a low speed...

1st August 2006, 15:42
the rider will most probably be fine, he'll just have the piss taken outta him for a couple of years to come.....Hmmm I was curious when watching it as to just how deep that ditch went, he just dropped down into the greenery outta sight? Could have been a number of metres?? When the woman inside the campervan/trailer 'screamed' as the biker went off the road she reminded me of the times I've yelled out in my helmet when i've witnessed accidents happening in front of me, which are at least 4 in the last 16 months. I'm guessing the guy who was cursing out "#@*&%# idiot" all the time is a biker himself, and a great twat at that! The *prisoners* should have stopped imo, but for some reason the driver feared the bikers! :chase:

Cheers for the vid!

Paul in NZ
1st August 2006, 15:42
any decent bike ment for taking a mild bend like that would have had plenty of ground clearence to make that bend at such a low speed...

They are all mild bends sitting behind your PC, the sharpen up a bit from behind the bars.

He made a hash of it, we all do from time to time, he got caught on camera...

1st August 2006, 15:50
any decent bike ment for taking a mild bend like that would have had plenty of ground clearence to make that bend at such a low speed...

I don't think he got as far as a ground clearance problem - he paniced and hit the brakes.As I said,the sportsbike will grab a fist full of front brake,the cruiser the rear brake,it's just what they do.

1st August 2006, 15:53
The *prisoners* should have stopped imo, but for some reason the driver feared the bikers! :chase:

Yes, I wouldn't necessary fault them, knowing the rep HD riders have in the US, rightly or wrongly... Enough stories of hitch-hikers turning on their picker-uppers to deter anyone from helping out a bunch of HD riders...

Also, the fact that there were that many of them around means the off-er won't be lying in the ditch bleeding to death or anything like that.

1st August 2006, 16:00
Hmmm... I was quite surprised to see him go off the road...
Probably too fast for the corner/skill level but a counter steer in the right place would have seen him right.

Now forget the bike, how about that road! :blip: fun~!That road is choice, what a shame it's a dubble yella line though! After watching the vid again it looks like a rather easy passing manoeuvre that any biker 'should' have completed having made the attempt, he was either a bad rider or a good rider who had a bad day? :bye:

Paul in NZ
1st August 2006, 16:09
That road is choice, what a shame it's a dubble yella line though! After watching the vid again it looks like a rather easy passing manoeuvre that any biker 'should' have completed having made the attempt, he was either a bad rider or a good rider who had a bad day? :bye:

Could have hit a squirrel?

1st August 2006, 16:46

Round the corner... straight through the ... shit shit shit... I didn't put the knobblies on.... braaaaakkkeeeeee...


1st August 2006, 20:25
A lovely bit of road www.tailofthedragon.com, and a mind-numbingly stupid bit of riding. But not as mind numbingly stupid as the woman on the commentary "Why did he do that?" Sigh.

1st August 2006, 21:33
have a look at it again I reckon he grounded the right pipe and picks it up mid corner and then just plows straight on til morning :gob:

1st August 2006, 21:43
Bwahahaha! That's weird!

Somebody hasn't learnt to look to where they want to go!

1st August 2006, 22:25
just gotta say nothing wrong with the choice of area to pass you could clearly see up the road, but man that guy couldnt ride for shit what a twat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol!!!!! lmao!!!! i hope it hurt !!!!!
Dude, that's a bit harsh...

I've also been in a couple of situations when I found myself involuntary shouting into my helmet "No, nonono, nooooo~" as events leading up to the rider in front biffing his bike have unfolded in front of me.

Luckily on both occasions the rider got up, but I had a horrible sinking feeling of dread when they didn't move straight away.

Take it easy out there.

1st August 2006, 23:11
I've just watched the overtake / bin part over and over again and I still can't figure it out. It was such an easy corner, he set up for it just fine, only after coming off the brakes did he decide to take the scenic route.
A great big WTF???? from me.

1st August 2006, 23:28
Hmm doesn't actually look like they were going that fast.. seems like he just didn't see the edge of the bank at all.. weird.. but completely his own fault! :nono:

1st August 2006, 23:51
I cant believe I read this whole thread from start to ..here.
I think i just had one of those micro-sleep thingies...only..on my pc..and not driving the car

2nd August 2006, 00:02
Luckily on both occasions the rider got up, but I had a horrible sinking feeling of dread when they didn't move straight away.Well described, I felt the same.
Take it easy out there.Not so sure I agree with you here though, I mean, where's the fun in that!? :spudflip:

2nd August 2006, 01:04
have a look at it again I reckon he grounded the right pipe and picks it up mid corner and then just plows straight on til morning :gob:

Yeah, me too. It looked like sparks are flying just before he locked it up?

Lou Girardin
2nd August 2006, 08:24
When the woman inside the campervan/trailer 'screamed' as the biker went off the road

Merkins scream and cry at the drop of a hanky. If they had been Kiwis they'd have laughed their socks off.

3rd August 2006, 20:25
Yeah, Rider 2 had target fixation alright

3rd August 2006, 21:37
Didn't take as long to down load the video, as to read all the posts. Dial up too.
Anyway, Yep, I will put my hand up and say I have had target fixation too. Very easy, and as said before more riders do it than they are willing to admit.

Stuffed up a twisty like that too, ditch wasn't as deep though, but it still gave me the sh1ts.
Point is, we all stuff up from time to time, just this guy was caught on tape.

Yep, take care out there folks.

5th August 2006, 01:06
Merkins scream and cry at the drop of a hanky. If they had been Kiwis they'd have laughed their socks off.

Pffft! And then run as fast as the could to claim for ACC, usual NZ soft cock ' Granny State will pull us out of the shit' attitude.