View Full Version : Police Allert Clevdon to Miranda

4th August 2006, 16:47
Heads Up

I just heard from a little birdy that not only will the usual coppers be out on SH16 but they are planning on having a good number on the road between Clevdon to Miranda apparently last weekend they had a couple of Bike Cops out that way as well ....... lol

Ride safe guys and keep it legal.

4th August 2006, 16:50
Oh my, they must have solved all of the real crimes in south auckland then.

4th August 2006, 18:21
There certainly is alot of them out there tonight. Don't know what is going on but they weren't letting any traffic onto the clevedon/kawakawa bay road.

4th August 2006, 18:23
There certainly is alot of them out there tonight. Don't know what is going on but they weren't letting any traffic onto the clevedon/kawakawa bay road.

Unfortunately there has been a fatal out near Kawakawa Bay. The road will be closed for 2 - 3 hours.

4th August 2006, 18:26
figured it probably was.

4th August 2006, 18:35
Bike or cage?

4th August 2006, 18:39
Bike or cage?

Sorry HR I am not sure as I just read a small piece on the Herald website. Maybe someone else that gets police comms can enlighten us.

4th August 2006, 21:48
Was a car, 10 year old girl killed.
Diversions through a local farm, its slow going.

Oh dear... That is very sad to hear. RIP little one. :weep:

6th August 2006, 01:26
Heads Up

I just heard from a little birdy that not only will the usual coppers be out on SH16 but they are planning on having a good number on the road between Clevdon to Miranda apparently last weekend they had a couple of Bike Cops out that way as well ....... lol

Ride safe guys and keep it legal.

lol wonder where they will hide... :wait:

Brian d marge
6th August 2006, 04:17
Oh dear... That is very sad to hear. RIP little one. :weep:

yes thats terrible to hear... dont really give a toss if its a big hair biker ,,, but when you have kids the news of a little one hits home hard,,,

RIP little one


7th August 2006, 01:04
I went up to AKL and back on Friday and I saw the most Police in the one journey that I have ever seen before. Maybe this is the start of a new operation on the part of Aunty Helen's revenue collectors?

Lou Girardin
7th August 2006, 08:12
Well it didn't work did it?
10 dead this weekend. The cops may as well have stayed home.