View Full Version : Help Required

26th August 2006, 16:58
Hi all.
I hope someone can help me. My son has been taken to hospital in Gisborne after being injured playing rugby up there. For a start he is ok (ish) It appears at this stage that he has a torn abudctor (stomach) muscle - torn off the bone. He is being kept overnight and will assessed in the am. Obviously I want to go straight away, which may be a waste of time. If he is unable to cope with a 7 hour car trip back to Wellington it will be pointless going up there. I have my sister and father (who live up that way) with him so no problems there.
What I want to know is how to find out what will happen in terms of ACC or Southern Cross (we have health insurance). I want to know what's happening and what will happen? Will the hospital or ACC arrange transport (flight)? I can't get ahold of anyone via their 0800 numbers and I haven't (out of all my injuries) needed to be transported anywhere so I don't know what the go is. I am very concerned, as a parent, but realised I can't just drive off half-cocked up country for no reason (if he's going to be flying in the other direction). Anyone been in this situation?

26th August 2006, 17:09
Sorry to hear that Colapop, I can't help you tho, except to say there are spare beds here if you end up doing a road trip and need to break your journey. Good luck finding the info you need.

26th August 2006, 17:28
Bro, was he playing for his school or a club/union? Either way they hopefully will be footing the bills.

26th August 2006, 17:31
Playing for school. Spoke to my sister and she's said that she'll be there as long as she needs to be so that's good. I spoke to him too. He was trying to tell me that he's fine and that he'll come as soon as he can - not bad for a 15 year old! He doesn't seem to remember he's still my little boy.

It's abugger too coz he's been having a good season up to now...

26th August 2006, 17:41
Yeah im way out of the loop buddy, but if he says he's ok then, he's ok. Being a father myself i acknowledge your anguish and can only give you moral support, things will work out Col......:grouphug:

26th August 2006, 17:57
Nothing I can offer Col, but I wish your boy all the best. Hope you sort it out mate.


26th August 2006, 18:43
Hey Cola ,hope you can sort this out would love to help but I don`t know shite about all this sorta stuff,at least he in safe hands and he has family around him , all I can give you is my Best Wishes.

26th August 2006, 19:10
Hi all.
I hope someone can help me. My son has been taken to hospital in Gisborne after being injured playing rugby up there. For a start he is ok (ish) It appears at this stage that he has a torn abudctor (stomach) muscle - torn off the bone. He is being kept overnight and will assessed in the am. Obviously I want to go straight away, which may be a waste of time. If he is unable to cope with a 7 hour car trip back to Wellington it will be pointless going up there. I have my sister and father (who live up that way) with him so no problems there.
What I want to know is how to find out what will happen in terms of ACC or Southern Cross (we have health insurance). I want to know what's happening and what will happen? Will the hospital or ACC arrange transport (flight)? I can't get ahold of anyone via their 0800 numbers and I haven't (out of all my injuries) needed to be transported anywhere so I don't know what the go is. I am very concerned, as a parent, but realised I can't just drive off half-cocked up country for no reason (if he's going to be flying in the other direction). Anyone been in this situation?

Hey there, Sorry to hear about your boy's accident - sounds nasty. Best wishes to him for a speedy recovery. Take heart that the younger you are, the faster you heal :)

As for the transport side of things - as it's an A&E jobbie, you'll probably find that Health Insurance won't cover you. Policies tend to only cover non-emergency stuff. There's generally a public hospital grant attached to most policies which pays a pittance after a few days in hospital, but other than that, you're unlikely to get any joy.

The public system should be able to arrange for transport back home, but it all depends on what's available and you son's fitness to travel. If road's no good for him at the moment, he may have to stay up there til he CAN be transported by ambulance. I don't know if they'd send him home via helicopter. Chances are, if he's in a lot of pain, he'll be so doped up for the journey home that ambulance will be fine. He's probably doped up to the eyeballs tonight too, so there's probably little point racing up there (although I can totally understand your desire to).

How about you try your GP to see if they can get some inside info for you? Some people have a really good relationship with their GP's and have a good guy who's willing to go that extra mile to offer guidance and assistance....just a brain fart.

Whatever happens, look after yourself and your boy and let us know how he's doing.

27th August 2006, 11:51
Just an update. Jeff is doing ok - he had a fairly rough night but the meds helped. He's been up this morning to shower and although still in a lot of pain he says he's fine. Another night in Hospital then released tomorrow. That gives me time to find out from the various agencies etc what the story is with getting him home. We'll probably fly him home as soon as we can get a ticket for him. He will stay with my sister if there is any time delay - so all good. Thanks to all for the concern, and PM's.
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28th August 2006, 14:46
2nd update. I got my boy home today. He flew back this morning. Got a $120 flight so I'm not even going to bother with trying to get ACC involved. He's doing pretty good and moving ok (ish). Torn/separated abductor at hip point (L) so he can't lift his left leg. I've given him his first feeding so he's happy - for now (til I need to feed him again...)

28th August 2006, 14:54
Glad to hear he is back at home and Happy. So how long do they thing he will it take to get better? I guess its now feet up and work on his hand eye co-ord... AKA Xbox!

28th August 2006, 15:01
Owch, did that to my right leg a few years ago, doing moto cross jump landed badly thought I had ripped my self in half :shit: bloody painful, went to Geoff Marr at drury,(phyisio) he does heaps of work for the All Blacks was back at work in 8 days, back on a bike in 6, good luck for your boy..


28th August 2006, 19:37
Glad to hear your young man is doing ok and is home.

28th August 2006, 19:37
Glad to know he's home and doing fine - well he must be, he's eating, isn't he?? Teenage boys who are off their food are REALLY ill. He'll be back to his old tricks in no time..

28th August 2006, 19:57
Best wishes to you and your boy Col. Cheers John.

28th August 2006, 21:05
Hey Colapop

Hope your boy gets well soon! Good to hear you got him home without too much hassle.

Take care.


28th August 2006, 22:37
Hi Cola,
You should have a chance at getting the flight recompensed from your insurance if you can get a Dr to support that driving him home was not an option, medically unwise etc.
Glad to hear you got him home in good order mate, hope he gets better fast.
All the best

29th August 2006, 07:03
Thanks all for your support and advice. Yesterday was about getting him home. Today will be going through the process of Dr, physio, health ins....

29th August 2006, 07:10
Good to hear Col...see I told you they're tough little buggers eh :yes:
I know only too well what it's like having one of your kids in hospital,possibly the worst feeling. Glad the worst is over for you mate.

29th August 2006, 10:09
Now all I have to do is wait on him hand and foot!! Fark he eats alot - ya notice it when ya have to get everything for him...
I left him on the couch today with a stack of food and drink next to him - all he has to do is relax and recover (and get himself to the dunny when he needs it...)