View Full Version : Insurance Quiz

29th August 2006, 19:57
Sorry if this covers an allready will covered topic, but a brief search failed to answer my questions....

I have recently acquired a pair of wheels to get me through the coming summer, in the form of a 1989 GSXR750. Having never insured my previous bikes and always having company vehicles, I have no insurance history. I am slightly under 25, on a full license with no convictions etc. What insurance companies can be recommended? I also need to arrange some contents insurance some time soon, so it would be nice to put them both through the same company, but not essential.

Oh yeah, bike will be in an underground garage accomanied by a very solid chain, around an even more solid concrete pillar.

I will probably go for 3rd party as the bike is only worth 3kish, so the cheapest insurance comany is likely to get my vote....

29th August 2006, 20:41
AMI seem pretty good. They paid me out after writing a bike off too. No questions and a fair offer.

The Pastor
29th August 2006, 20:56
nac is pretty cool for cheap insurance.

National (or is it northern) auto club

30th August 2006, 12:53
Cheers, I have contacted both AMI and NAC for quotes. Its the one downside to always having company vehicles - no insurance record.

30th August 2006, 13:12
Check out Ebike Insurance - the new online company


30th August 2006, 13:20
I found classic cover to be the cheapest recently, but i think you have to be over 30. try star as well check out this thread as well


30th August 2006, 13:22
you might do better to go through a broker as they get better deals. And stay well away from the National Auto Club, they are worse then useless and will make you pay through your arsehole for a shite service.

Crisis management
30th August 2006, 13:32
AMI has always been good for me but I'm "slightly" older.... third party is the way with a bike of low value, it just isn't worth the cost of full cover.
Good luck

30th August 2006, 14:01
Try www.kiwibike.co.nz

30th August 2006, 15:26
I can highly recommend Kiwibike (who are a broker) as per above. I got a really good price through them.

Ebike and Star Ins gave me quotes within $1 of each other, and were at least three times that of Kiwibike.

There is also Protecta www.protecta.co.nz who gave me quite a high quote but less than Ebike and Star Ins.

AMI (who I have all my other vehicles insured with) gave a quote about double that of Kiwibike, but the excess was a lot lower.

AA wont cover a motorcycle unless you already have another policy with them, and I think that is the same for a lot of insurance companies, probably including AMI. You should at least try the company that you have any other insurance with.

Classic Cover www.classiccover.co.nz get rated highly with good premiums, but you have to be over 30 and I think have had full licence for 2 years.

John Baker Ins www.jbinsurance.co.nz seem to have been around for a while but I didn't get a quote from them myself.

It definately pays to shop around. Good luck.

30th August 2006, 15:43
Cheers Maz, I have applied for quotes with a handful of companies. Kiwibike is sounding like a winner at the mo.

30th August 2006, 16:00
Cheers Maz, I have applied for quotes with a handful of companies. Kiwibike is sounding like a winner at the mo.

They never answered my email when I tried them :(

30th August 2006, 16:15
Kiwi bike Ins are good, Dave is a great guy

30th August 2006, 16:31
Kiwi bike Ins are good, Dave is a great guy

but its a long way up those stairs in their NP office......

Always dealt with a lady there and they paid up eventually on my claim, they tried to devaule my bike as I had had it a year before having it stolen , was worth more when it was knicked than when stolen but do you think they would pay out more than the insured value if the market value was higher?

You really need agreed value insurance imho