View Full Version : Tourist Trophy...

30th August 2006, 17:47
just had a go on that game?very impressed,good graphics,sound,and great selection of bikes,the real simulator riding game man, you's gotta have a go.nuf said,:rockon:

2nd October 2006, 09:33
Have to agree... Rented this game out on Saturday (hungover as hell), took me about 30 minutes to figure it out... and its now on my "to buy" list.

Love the bike selection, all the different tracks, the license testing parts, and so forth...

2nd October 2006, 09:35
i agree its a awesome game.Great selection of bikes(even a nc30 :D) and tracks.

2nd October 2006, 09:37
I'm glad is doesn't have damage modelling.

I can crash all the gixxers I want now.

2nd October 2006, 11:05
I'm glad is doesn't have damage modelling.

I can crash all the gixxers I want now.

I tried riding the gixxer (600) but found the R6 was easier to brake with into the corners... the gixxer I'm not too good at... kept running wide...

Couldn't honestly say I've tried most of the other bikes, i like the r6 :)

2nd October 2006, 11:17
For me I would have to say the two smokers rgv,nsr,tz125/250 are the most fun nice and light so you can slam on the picks at the last min.......the other bikes are just ridculiously fast and keep wanting to drive straight ahead (but then again i put that down to me not lifting of the throttle cause the sensation of SPEEEEEEEEEED! is wicked):2thumbsup

2nd October 2006, 11:20
Also learnt in this game that the R6 has a higher top speed than the ZX6-R (only by 6kph). Also the larger bikes (1000cc+) are bitch to get into the corners and none of the tracks (except the speed ring) have long enough straights to even get them up to top speed without crashing head-on into a wall/barrier lol

The smaller bikes are more fun to ride, you can get them into the corners at good speeds cause you can brake later, but if you brake too fast lol you highside... so funny to watch and even better to play!

Edit: And you can get most of the bikes to pull wheelies and massive long stoppies hehe

2nd October 2006, 11:25
Try learning to play it properly.

The big bikes are a ball!

2nd October 2006, 11:29
Try learning to play it properly.

The big bikes are a ball!

We only rented it out, right now they are only doing "overnight", we were hung over as hell and also had 2 movies to watch before returning them... Only got to play it for maybe 3 hours all up.

I did the first 3 license stages, got bronzes in most of them lol, and maybe two silvers... started the first part of the 4th license before stopping to watch movies... then when we played again Sam wanted to play, so we played 2 player mode... and I only rode the R6 lol

*is going to buy it*

2nd October 2006, 11:55
I have Riding spirits 2, so I should get TT, Looks sexy as :D


Mr. Peanut
2nd October 2006, 12:04
I was just playing it now. Post your best times on DEEP FOREST.
No race bikes allowed.


So far - 1:20.04 - Gixxer Thou

2nd October 2006, 13:11
Meh, i found it good for a little while but it lacks the career style game play that hooked me to gran turismo, and the only upgrades are the aftermarket exhaust that you get when you win a bike which is kind of lame, personaly i'll wait for the next one to come out and see if thats any better. :baby:

2nd October 2006, 13:38
Gp500 Rules~!

2nd October 2006, 21:19
I have Riding spirits 2, so I should get TT, Looks sexy as :D


Much more fun than RS2 man.. I highly recommend this game. Most realistic and fun M/C simulator I've ever tried! :2thumbsup

Big Dave
2nd October 2006, 21:26
I really enjoy the camera and photo mode too.

3rd October 2006, 09:39
Ok... well I brought this game last night lol

*has no self control*

Won the R6, Honda 600, ZX6R, Gixxer600 and Gixxer 750 amongst a bunch of other crap little bikes... won all 3 of the 1st races and all 3 of the second races...

Havn't tried my top speed on Deep Forest yet... but will post it once i give it a good effort

3rd October 2006, 13:12
Flogged the game to death. Favourite PS2 game by far.

I would even go as far as saying I'm one of the best in the country at TT!:yes:

Here's some pics after I first started playing:

<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c52/FlangMasterJ/IMG_0001SM.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c52/FlangMasterJ/IMG_0002SM.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c52/FlangMasterJ/IMG_0003SM.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

4th October 2006, 08:13
Good job...

:) I gave Deep Forrest a go last night... my times as follows:

Yamaha R6 (Street Bike): Best Lap: 1,25.8 (After 13 Laps)
Yamaha R1 (Street Bike): Best Lap: 1,25.6 (After 3 Laps)

I'll play with it a bit more on the R1 and see if I can beat 1,20.00

*loves this game*

4th October 2006, 08:42
I own MotoGP3 and found it quite hard and consequently lost interest quickly. The problem being that I have played a lot of Rally sims and am quite happy with drifting through corners sideways...Im guessing Im going to find the same thing with TT if I ever get it.

4th October 2006, 08:49
I own MotoGP3 and found it quite hard and consequently lost interest quickly. The problem being that I have played a lot of Rally sims and am quite happy with drifting through corners sideways...Im guessing Im going to find the same thing with TT if I ever get it.

I know what you mean... but seriously... rent this game out and give it a go... I usually only play car racing games, and I brought Riding Spirits 2, and hated it. But this one is way better.

The graphics are good, great actually and the corners arn't too bad, just a matter of braking into them... I'm sure if you ride one of those motard bikes (dunno, buts its the 1st and 3rd picture of FlangMaster's post) They can drift a little around the corners lol

4th October 2006, 08:53
she rights skel, and if a girl can play it then i'm sure you can!

it takes a few goes to get a feel for the bike and I find the rider view by far the most realistic, it gets rid of some of the fucked up yawing movements and makes you feel like you ARE on the bike.

and I can do wheelies on it so it must be good.

4th October 2006, 09:00
Yeah was wondering about the motard thing (ie sliding sideways)...

4th October 2006, 12:14
Yamaha R6 (Street Bike): Best Lap: 1,25.8 (After 13 Laps)
Yamaha R1 (Street Bike): Best Lap: 1,25.6 (After 3 Laps)

I'll give Deep Forest a crack tonight. Question, is this on Arcade Mode or Tourist trophy mode?

Have you given the Nurburgring a crack? Quickest I've gone is around 7,35 which I thought was pretty respectable until I read on some U.S forum that these kids were clocking under 7 mins. I'm guessing they were using some mod or cheat because that seems impossible.

5th October 2006, 19:00
1st attempt: 8'18.375:GSXR600 RM 05. ( mind you i crashed 3 times).Down the back straight...182mph,2nd attempt:7'55.003(only killed myself once,this time)Back straight,182mph

Mr. Peanut
5th October 2006, 20:34
Whaddya think of these? :cool: My time was using tourist trophy mode.

Yes, that is a gixxer in the last photo....

Read the sign ^_^

5th October 2006, 21:13
Why is the front wheel turning to the right in a right hand corner in the 2nd pic? Please tell me they got the concept of countersteering in this game right, if not through the controls at least in the replay.

Mr. Peanut
5th October 2006, 21:44
Because im about to go left, see the biker beginning to shift his weight?

Big Dave
5th October 2006, 22:14
Why is the front wheel turning to the right in a right hand corner in the 2nd pic? Please tell me they got the concept of countersteering in this game right, if not through the controls at least in the replay.

You can set rider movements and posture through certain parameters and choose from one of 3 riding styles. you can also define how tall you are. Well almost - I'm a few cm off their radar 193 is max.

Back Fire
5th October 2006, 22:27
managed a 1:20.9 on deep forest with the GSXR 1000... with a broken arm and a pin holding my wrist together :p heheh... soon as this cast is gone, bring on the 1:19 :D

Mr. Peanut
5th October 2006, 22:35
Yeah 1:20 should be pretty easy to beat. I reckon a 1:16 would be impressive.

Back Fire
5th October 2006, 22:38
the funny thing is... I also tried it with the yoshi GSXR 1000 endurance bike and got a 1:22 flat...

5th October 2006, 23:00
Might just have to bring the ps2 out of retirement fore this title afterall, so many of you rave about it.

Back Fire
6th October 2006, 01:13
Have you given the Nurburgring a crack? Quickest I've gone is around 7,35 which I thought was pretty respectable until I read on some U.S forum that these kids were clocking under 7 mins. I'm guessing they were using some mod or cheat because that seems impossible.

I just got a 7:23.118 on my second go round the ring and I crashed once... baring in mind only just started again and its my second time round the ring for the last 2 months... I reckon sub 7 is totally do-able

6th October 2006, 05:57
Might just have to bring the ps2 out of retirement fore this title afterall, so many of you rave about it.

I thnk its good for the first little bit and then it just stops being interesting. I havent played TT in a few months now

6th October 2006, 08:38
I thnk its good for the first little bit and then it just stops being interesting. I havent played TT in a few months now

I hope so. My other half BusaJim has been playing it way into the wee hours. Not so bad but he has the playstation plugged into the bedroom TV, and all I can hear is the whine of bikes as I fall asleep. Bad enough when he plays PC games way into the night, but at least that was in another room!

6th October 2006, 08:43
Yeah 1:20 should be pretty easy to beat. I reckon a 1:16 would be impressive.

I managed 1'19.8 the other night riding the CBR1000RM in arcade mode since someone is borrowing my memory card. I hope to go under 1'18 when I get my card back. The bikes seem to act differently in arcade mode.

I hope they bring out a Tourist Trophy 2 for either PS2 or the PS3. Also I would like to see a supermoto game. The customisation could be limitless.

Mr. Peanut
6th October 2006, 18:41
Oh, I meant only using road bikes. No RMs. Gonna go for another crack at my time now. Perhaps spank could set up a score chart ^_^

9th October 2006, 09:03
Has anyone got all Gold in the license tests?

I'm trying on the Novice one... and so Far I have 7 golds and 3 silvers... keep missing the other 3 golds by .002 of a second... really pissed me off...

Mr. Peanut
9th October 2006, 09:05
I think I've got gold for the first three. Going for gold really improves your virtual riding ^_^
That one with the triumph trophy is a bitch.

11th December 2006, 09:33
Ok well.. Here are my stats so far:

Honda = 16/22
Kawasaki = 6/14
Suzuki = 7/15
Yamaha = 15/25
BMW = 3/5
Triumph = 3/3
Aprilla = 2/3
Ducati = 1/2
MV = 2/2
Buell = 2/2

Game Progress = 55.4%
Bike Total = 81
Bikes Awarded = 80
Acquired riding Gear = 133

Licence Trophies

Gold = 10
Silver = 21
Bronze = 5

Special Bikes

Trick Star (9)
Motul Tiger Racing (12)
7 Honda (22)

What are your stats?

11th December 2006, 14:08
The game is still $100 lol.

I'm still waiting for it to lower in price, might be a while lol


Mr. Peanut
11th December 2006, 14:13
1:19.362 on deep forest.

Gixxer Thou ;) (not RM)

Post a time on your favourite track and we'll try to beat it.


Production bikes only, and must be done in Tourist Trophy mode.

11th December 2006, 14:17
I've completed all the races, just winning up bikes really.. I've gone back to GT4 for a little while, but recently bought WRC too, so TT can have a wee break for a while

bloody good game tho. Got the 5 special bikes, and most of the decent 600s and thous.. BMWs don't wheelie either..

11th December 2006, 14:26
The game is still $100 lol.

I'm still waiting for it to lower in price, might be a while lol


I bought mine off trademe brand new for about $50.

11th December 2006, 14:40
not a bad idea, but I have a few games atm to work on, like Godfather and Motogp 4


12th December 2006, 11:12
The game is still $100 lol.

I'm still waiting for it to lower in price, might be a while lol


Tourist Trophy brand new for $60....


From the same guy I got mine from.