View Full Version : Men pay high price to watch strippers...

6th September 2006, 09:06
Thieves in Russia made off with dozens of luxury cars after their owners abandoned their vehicles to watch three women strip naked on a beach.

The trio took off their clothes and started washing each other at the man-made Balashikh beach on the Moscow River in the capital.

But as passing businessmen stopped and left their cars to watch the free strip show a gang of thieves made off with their luxury cars.

Once the cars had been stolen the girls picked up their clothes and escaped in a waiting van.

Police, who are now searching for the gang, said the thieves had made off with a string of BMWs and Mercedes.

Just for the mods...
Was going to post this in Biker NEWS, but it isn't about bikes.

6th September 2006, 10:11
Ha ha, that's brilliant! Wouldn't work with bikes though, they'd just sit on them and watch, or ride right down to the water's edge! :scooter:

6th September 2006, 10:27
Ha ha, that's brilliant! Wouldn't work with bikes though, they'd just sit on them and watch, or ride right down to the water's edge! :scooter:
Yep. I rode the old CBR across a riverbed. That was fun :D

6th September 2006, 10:36
haha how do they explain that to thier wives?

Str8 Jacket
6th September 2006, 11:05
Hmmm, Ive just had an absolutely brilliant idea..... :innocent:

"D" FZ1
6th September 2006, 11:13
Classic :D

6th September 2006, 11:35
Would you not take the keys outta your car??? LOL...:doh:

*thinks*.... :nono: :shutup:

6th September 2006, 11:38
Pwn3d like a n00b. lol


6th September 2006, 11:58
Hmmm, Ive just had an absolutely brilliant idea..... :innocent:

Let us know when and where then...?

6th September 2006, 12:04
Let us know when and where then...?

haha remember... you'll have to get off your bike... leave your keys in the ignition and stand a fair distance away... preferably wear loose clothing... the tent effect while running back to your bike will hinder your progress

6th September 2006, 12:23
haha remember... you'll have to get off your bike... leave your keys in the ignition and stand a fair distance away... preferably wear loose clothing... the tent effect while running back to your bike will hinder your progress

Nah.. thought I would turn up in the Lada... if someone can give us a push... again... It is the luxury model though, heated rear window...