View Full Version : Woof,woof - Motu in the doghouse.

22nd June 2004, 09:29
It's my wife's birthday today - and for maybe the 3rd time in 27yrs I've remembered it unaided....what have I got for her present?....nothing.....

:mad: I get real pissed off to be put under pressure like this - oh,it's the thought that counts - ah,crap - ''oh,that's nice,thank you very much ''what the hell did he get me this for,he knows I don't like red MX boots at the same time I think ''well,I was in the warehouse 5 mins before closing and grabbed the first thing I saw''

I get beligerent and dig my heels in,I hate being forced to do things 'just because' grumpy little shit I am I just dig a bigger hole for myself - and don't tell me to give some flowers,I've never given her plant genatilia in my life.not looking forward to going home tonight.

Ms Piggy
22nd June 2004, 09:35
Ummmmmm....well I'm no expert but I am a woman and I like to get pressies & if it's something thoughtful even better - you shall be rewarded greatly for a thoughtful & generous act.

Did you think about taking her out for a meal at least?

22nd June 2004, 09:41
The secret is, Motu, it has to be something personal. NO tools, gadgets, or anything remotely associated with work. Clothes, perfume, flowers, jewellery, are all good. If you really want to climb out of the hole, dinner AND one of the above would be good. The more extravagant the better - even though it sets a precendent you'll have to live up to on future birthdays :laugh:

22nd June 2004, 09:45
...Did you think about taking her out for a meal at least?

yeah motu, you could at least stop at the fish-n-chip shop on the way home & to top it off get the big 2.25 litre coke. slip into your best overalls & put some seductive uriah heap on the stereo. who says romance is dead eh?

22nd June 2004, 09:48
don't tell me to give some flowers,I've never given her plant genatilia in my life


ROFL! I have heard some cynical definitions in my time, but this way of referring to flowers must be up there with the best!

Ms Piggy
22nd June 2004, 09:52
yeah motu, you could at least stop at the fish-n-chip shop on the way home & to top it off get the big 2.25 litre coke. slip into your best overalls & put some seductive uriah heap on the stereo. who says romance is dead eh?

Hmmmmm...not quite what I had in mind actually :bleh:

22nd June 2004, 09:56
What about something useful? Like an iron or a frying pan?? :Pokey:

22nd June 2004, 10:00
best ya buy her stuff that when its thrown at ya doesn't hurt.
I bought my ex an iron one christmas -it was wrapped in a fancy skirt and top though.

22nd June 2004, 10:04
Some sex toys?

22nd June 2004, 10:27
I'm stuck at work all day - it has to be something I can get delivered by Repco - what about an oil pack and filter? or maybe a set of metric ring and open enders to replace the ones of hers I've borrowed.Chicks are weird eh?

Ms Piggy
22nd June 2004, 10:30
I'm stuck at work all day - it has to be something I can get delivered by Repco - what about an oil pack and filter? or maybe a set of metric ring and open enders to replace the ones of hers I've borrowed.Chicks are weird eh?
Get thee to the internet & do some surfing!

We're weird?? I find men totally confusing. :wacko:

22nd June 2004, 11:27
Mrs H loved the throw-over panniers I got for her birthday last year. This year it's heated hand grips...

I know better than to try something like a new iron or a weedeater...

22nd June 2004, 12:39
I'm stuck at work all day - it has to be something I can get delivered by Repco - what about an oil pack and filter? or maybe a set of metric ring and open enders to replace the ones of hers I've borrowed.Chicks are weird eh?

They are a funny sort of bloke alright.

The sooner you learn that as a man, you will NEVER win, the better off you will be mate.

Ms Piggy
22nd June 2004, 13:58
They are a funny sort of bloke alright.

The sooner you learn that as a man, you will NEVER win, the better off you will be mate.

:argh: Is this really what men think about women? :rolleyes:

I mean I think you're being a little tounge & cheek here maybe Deano but, I'd really like to know. Or is it a man secret? I heard a guy at the pub the other night commenting that his partner was a real grump and I wondered why you would bother staying with a grump? I certainly wouldn't stay with a shit head.

That's why I started the thread about "not being allowed to ride" b/c I 'd like to know what people think. I mean are the female population really a bunch of nagging bitches that have unrealistic expectations of what our man should (want to) do for us? Or are men just spineless whimps who always wanna blame their other half for being slack arses?

Anyway Motu :Offtopic: now sorry.

22nd June 2004, 14:06
Or is it a man secret? I heard a guy at the pub the other night commenting that his partner was a real grump and I wondered why you would bother staying with a grump? I certainly wouldn't stay with a shit head.

He stays with the grump because otherwise he would have to go through the whole mating dance ritual with someone else who might just turn out to be *another* grump, and either way it would take bloody MONTHS before he got any regular sex again.

I mean are the female population really a bunch of nagging bitches that have unrealistic expectations of what our man should (want to) do for us?


Or are men just spineless whimps who always wanna blame their other half for being slack arses?


Ms Piggy
22nd June 2004, 14:11
He stays with the grump because otherwise he would have to go through the whole mating dance ritual with someone else who might just turn out to be *another* grump, and either way it would take bloody MONTHS before he got any regular sex again.


Sweet. Thanks for clearing that up for me ;)

Dr Bob
22nd June 2004, 14:44
How about you cook dinner, stop off at the supermarket deli and buy sixteen things you can't pronounce and then attempt to assemble them on a plate with some baked goods (not a custard slice). And don't forget the wine.

Unless of course you can cook, in which case I would offer you different advice.

22nd June 2004, 15:05
I'm the cook in our house,always have been - I enjoy it....selecting cans,tearing the tops off sachets,stirring....aahhh,the stirring,I'm a master at stirring.

Posh Tourer :P
22nd June 2004, 15:34
:argh: Is this really what men think about women? :rolleyes:

I mean I think you're being a little tounge & cheek here maybe Deano but, I'd really like to know. Or is it a man secret? I heard a guy at the pub the other night commenting that his partner was a real grump and I wondered why you would bother staying with a grump? I certainly wouldn't stay with a shit head.

That's why I started the thread about "not being allowed to ride" b/c I 'd like to know what people think. I mean are the female population really a bunch of nagging bitches that have unrealistic expectations of what our man should (want to) do for us? Or are men just spineless whimps who always wanna blame their other half for being slack arses?

Anyway Motu :Offtopic: now sorry.

I agree with jrandom for most of that....

But. Why do women get very offended at things that guys dont care about? And why do they expect guys to know things that havent been said. Guys grow up in a different world. Guys dont talk about perfect social situations with other guys, so dont get to know what they should be doing when the other half gets offended at something.

Also females tend to show affection (at times)in bursts of about 2 seconds. It doesnt help the process, as the male gets interested and suddenly she's off chatting to someone on the phone again. Its teasing and its not fair. It makes you all look fickle....

Mmm more uninformed ignorance bought to you by PT....

Ms Piggy
22nd June 2004, 17:06
I agree with jrandom for most of that....

But. Why do women get very offended at things that guys dont care about? And why do they expect guys to know things that havent been said. Guys grow up in a different world. Guys dont talk about perfect social situations with other guys, so dont get to know what they should be doing when the other half gets offended at something.

Also females tend to show affection (at times)in bursts of about 2 seconds. It doesnt help the process, as the male gets interested and suddenly she's off chatting to someone on the phone again. Its teasing and its not fair. It makes you all look fickle....

Mmm more uninformed ignorance bought to you by PT....

Well thanks PT but it's not how I operate, although I get a bit peeved if my b'day was forgotten - not b/c I'm a woman but b/c I've grown up in a household where b'days are important.

I guess there are differences between the male & female population & I kinda assume (incorrectly it seems) that a relationship was about partnership not power.

I just wonder sometimes why some people bother be in a relationship at all, I mean if it's just about sex wouldn't it be cheaper & less stressful to hire someone or just take care of it yourself? :yes:

22nd June 2004, 19:31
....aahhh,the stirring,I'm a master at stirring.
Heh heh...

And in the immortal words of Herman Munster:
"Oooh, golly. There could be trouble over this."

If you don't post tomorrow, we will know what went down. :2guns: :2guns:

22nd June 2004, 20:14
It's cool at the moment,she's making her own birthday dinner - I'm on fetch and carry.I have a plan for later - I found something in the bottom of a draw that I don't use anymore because it doesn't work,should keep her busy till she figures it out.

I think you nailed it Sea Lily - she comes from a large family that makes a big thing of birthdays,my mother remembered my birthday....but I might find a present on my bed in the morning when I woke up after she had gone to work.We had birthdays,but they were low key.

22nd June 2004, 20:54
I found something in the bottom of a draw that I don't use anymore because it doesn't work,should keep her busy till she figures it out.

:killingme :killingme :killingme :drinknsin

22nd June 2004, 21:15
It's cool at the moment,she's making her own birthday dinner - I'm on fetch and carry.I have a plan for later - I found something in the bottom of a draw that I don't use anymore because it doesn't work,should keep her busy till she figures it out.

You must be enjoying this thread immensely, Motu. Keep stirring.

Posh Tourer :P
22nd June 2004, 21:37
Well thanks PT but it's not how I operate, although I get a bit peeved if my b'day was forgotten - not b/c I'm a woman but b/c I've grown up in a household where b'days are important.

I guess there are differences between the male & female population & I kinda assume (incorrectly it seems) that a relationship was about partnership not power.

I just wonder sometimes why some people bother be in a relationship at all, I mean if it's just about sex wouldn't it be cheaper & less stressful to hire someone or just take care of it yourself? :yes:

Yep I'm another of those where bdays arent really that important at all...

Relationships? People cant get a hold of themselves and look at what the relationship ought to be about, it is often about power instead. Unfortunately (?) it is taught from the get-go that competition and self-interest are the way to get ahead (Dont let others see your exam paper, winning is the best way to go, and then theres the entire economic model not to mention the career structure and social pressures regarding money). No wonder its hard to suddenly think partnership when anyone enters a relationship.

Hiring is expensive though, and taking care of it yourself is boring... All physical and no emotion, as well as all controlled by yourself. Also, from a slightly dodgy perspective, its no fun conquering yourself.... There's no challenge....

22nd June 2004, 22:52
It's cool at the moment,she's making her own birthday dinner - I'm on fetch and carry.I have a plan for later - I found something in the bottom of a draw that I don't use anymore because it doesn't work,should keep her busy till she figures it out.

maybe it needs new batteries :msn-wink:

23rd June 2004, 06:04
Well Motu, it's Friday morning, 6.15am, so you're either alive (things went well last night) or you're dead (they didn't).

I am too late to give you any pearls of wisdom, which is just as well because I don't have any! :msn-wink:

I'm with CSL - birthdays are important, and I like mine to be remembered. Doesn't have to be anything expensive. This year I have a list a mile long from the Ducati Monster carbon fibre/titanium catalogue. I have subtly yellow-stickied the pages where there's stuff that interests me, and left the catalogue on his side of the bed. There's no prices in the catalogue so he won't have the heart attack till he rings up to find the price. (though he's not stupid, he'll know the cost will be outrageous, and that there'll be a six week shipping delay)

I'm also with CSL in that I wouldn't stay with a shit-head. My marriage vows (this time around) were that we'd stay together as long as we loved each other.

Anyway Motu, hope you're still alive and that the thing from the bottom of the drawer did the trick.

Please let us know.

23rd June 2004, 08:04
Well I pm'd Moto with what I thought was a helpful suggestion
to get him out of the shit. But he either hasn't got the PM or
my PM has been ignored.

I must've scared him off :laugh:

White trash
23rd June 2004, 08:06
I heard a guy at the pub the other night commenting that his partner was a real grump and I wondered why you would bother staying with a grump?

Wasn't me was it?

Ms Piggy
23rd June 2004, 09:04
Wasn't me was it?
No but it was someone on the same night :shifty:

23rd June 2004, 09:26
[QUOTE=Celtic_Sea_lily]:argh: Is this really what men think about women? :rolleyes:

:lol: Nah, just kidding mostly. However, "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus". Trying to use rational and logical arguments just don't seem to work with the missus sometimes, hence you can't win :brick: I love her just the same :love2: :Oops: Bit mushy for this forum....

Ms Piggy
23rd June 2004, 15:13
[QUOTE=Celtic_Sea_lily]:argh: Is this really what men think about women? :rolleyes:

:lol: Nah, just kidding mostly. However, "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus". Trying to use rational and logical arguments just don't seem to work with the missus sometimes, hence you can't win :brick: I love her just the same :love2: :Oops: Bit mushy for this forum....

Awwwwwwwww, aint lurve grand :third:

23rd June 2004, 15:22
Awwwwwwwww, aint lurve grand :third:

Lol, finally the bronze cup got some use.

23rd June 2004, 15:25
Bit mushy for this forum....

Yes, dammit! The hairy-chested biker contingent will kick down your door and piss in your perfectly-chilled chardonnay if you persist in this wanton warm fuzziness.

23rd June 2004, 16:03
:Offtopic: Never mind all that nonsense!
Whatever was the outcome of "Motu in the Doghouse"?
Was Mrs Motu subjected to a perfectly acceptable birthday?
Did Motu survive, or does he now speak in a voice that is several octaves higher?

Nosey Bastids (tm) want to know, dammit!

Ms Piggy
23rd June 2004, 16:36
Lol, finally the bronze cup got some use.

Arrrggghhhhh....actually MR I used the wrong one! It was spose to be :D

Ms Piggy
23rd June 2004, 16:38
:Offtopic: Never mind all that nonsense!
Whatever was the outcome of "Motu in the Doghouse"?
Was Mrs Motu subjected to a perfectly acceptable birthday?
Did Motu survive, or does he now speak in a voice that is several octaves higher?

Nosey Bastids (tm) want to know, dammit!
Yes please tell us Mr Motu...if you still have the use of your arms that is! :eek5:

23rd June 2004, 17:10
..... He might be getting buried in the back yard as we speak....

23rd June 2004, 17:19
Come in Motu!!!!

What happened??????

Note: I've even logged in at work to check out what happened!!!

23rd June 2004, 18:05
I've got all arms and legs functional and we had a happy time last night,at least she said so.Like attracts like they say,and after 27 yrs we must have smoothed off the rough edges - she knows what to expect from me,I dissapoint her,but she's used to it.We come from opposite sides of the tracks as it were,and when we first got together my lack of education was glaringly obvious.Knowing what her IQ was I said I was surprised that she wanted me around - her reply was ''you don't think I'd hang around with someone who wasn't my intelectual equal'',that made me feel a bit better.I think there are a lot of partnerships like that.

She's not your normal girl,and for many years she shunned ''girly'' things,so I've learnt not to go there,thank goodness,but thanks for the suggestions.But over the years she has mellowed and looks and smells quite presentable these days.

I gave her my old Sony CD walkman,well,it's not even a year old yet,but it won't do what I bought it for,which was to play MP3s.She needs one more than me,as her car radio no longer gets FM.She sings in womans barbershop and needs to listen to and practice songs,using her free time in the car.Instead of transfering to tape,she can use CDs instead.

I wish someone had written down ''the rules of life'' for me when I was younger,I've been floundering the whole way.

23rd June 2004, 18:06
the most important thing is to remember the birthday and let her know you are glad to be there to celebrate it, Pete can't even remember the date of mine after 20 years!!!!, still I'm used to it I'm not overly interested in flowers and chocolates or jewellry, I do like oysters, a good book and to be thought of, I hate it if he goes and buys some shitty last minute thing that we couldn't afford and didn't need anyway. The point is after 27 years you should have some idea of her likes and dislikes and you should have thought about this earlier!! It's a bit like forgetting to replace the loo paper :Pokey:

Ms Piggy
23rd June 2004, 18:08
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! :2thumbsup A HAPPY ending! How romantic! :love2: *SIGH* ;)

23rd June 2004, 18:09
I see you have just written in Motu, glad you're still alive, and alls well in the camp!
Mother's day has to be my particular day for being grumpy, all of the kids seem to be particularly loathesome on mothers day for some reason. and I usually feel sour and sorry for myself all day LOL

24th June 2004, 05:54
i'm pleased to hear all is well Motu.

Just think of the mistakes we wouldn't have made if we had been given "the rules of life" when we were young - some of them (the mistakes) I could have done without, but most of them have made me into who I am today.